17 research outputs found


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    The aim of the paper is to asses if/how the concept of dynamic capabilities (DC) can be applied to personal level, specifically to people oriented at dynamic career in corporations in Europe. The paper is conceptual in nature, and it is based on, on the one hand, a literature review in relation to dynamic capabilities, and, on the other, results of unstructured interviews conducted with young people enrolled in postgraduate studies in the area of Business English. Our study suggests that personal dynamic capabilities are very important for career in nowadays corporations and they are based on such people attributes as: ability to work hard and learn, strong intrinsic motivation, good knowledge of English, ability to work in teams, flexibility, change and ambiguity tolerance

    Solo-rodzice jako alternatywa tradycyjnych ról rodzicielskich

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    Rodzina z pojedynczym rodzicem jest traktowana niejednorodnie. Jak twierdzą niektórzy badacze zjawiska, może generować zagrożenia dla pełnej realizacji ich funkcji wychowawczej. Współczesne metamorfozy życia rodzinnego przyniosły znaczny wzrost liczby dzieci wychowujących się z jednym rodzicem. Niniejszy artykuł powstał w oparciu o badania jakościowe. Stanowi próbę odpowiedzenia na pytanie o to, jakie czynniki sprawiają, że rodziny z jednym rodzicem wywiązują się z zadań wynikających z funkcji socjalizacyjno-wychowawczej, a jakie mogą zagrażać ich efektywnej realizacji. Tekst opisuje doświadczenia i jakość codziennego życia rodziców samodzielnie wychowujących dzieci. Na podstawie ich narracji dokonano próby opisu czynników warunkujących osiąganie satysfakcji z pełnienia roli matki/ojca i osiąganie statusu rodziny wydolnej, kreatywnej i wychowawczo sprawnej mimo/dzięki własnej monoparentalności

    Debuts as a Mother. On Experiencing First Weeks of Motherhood

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    Post-modernity has radically deformed the traditional ideas connected with entering the role of mother. Old ways of maternal initiation, passed from generation to generation, turned out to be inadequate. The aim of the research was to define socio-cultural factors that change defining and interpreting the key aspects of woman functioning in the first weeks after giving birth to a child. Basing on the gathered narrative interviews there were selected repetitive and subjectively meaning experiences creating the first period motherhood images. The free choice right experience and its psychological consequences, dilemma between natural and medical phenomena interpretation/ pregnancy, delivery, confinement and lactation/, emotional stress determinants or young mothers’ social perception were experience-creating elements of young women experiences. Pedagogical perspective in the analysis and interpretation of aspects connected with entering the role of mother may constitute a contribution in the approach to that present-day women’s life period, as well as in forming a social support for the motherhood.155744Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacj

    Matczyne debiuty. Obrazy doświadczania pierwszych tygodni macierzyństwa

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    Post-modernity has radically deformed the traditional ideas connected with entering the role of mother. Old ways of maternal initiation, passed from generation to generation, turned out to be inadequate. The aim of the research was to define socio-cultural factors that change defining and interpreting the key aspects of woman functioning in the first weeks after giving birth to a child. Basing on the gathered narrative interviews there were selected repetitive and subjectively meaning experiences creating the first period motherhood images. The free choice right experience and its psychological consequences, dilemma between natural and medical phenomena interpretation/ pregnancy, delivery, confinement and lactation/, emotional stress determinants or young mothers’ social perception were experience-creating elements of young women experiences. Pedagogical perspective in the analysis and interpretation of aspects connected with entering the role of mother may constitute a contribution in the approach to that present-day women’s life period, as well as in forming a social support for the motherhood


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    The aim of the paper is to asses if/how the concept of dynamic capabilities (DC) can be applied to personal level, specifically to people oriented at dynamic career in corporations in Europe. The paper is conceptual in nature, and it is based on, on the one hand, a literature review in relation to dynamic capabilities, and, on the other, results of unstructured interviews conducted with young people enrolled in postgraduate studies in the area of Business English. Our study suggests that personal dynamic capabilities are very important for career in nowadays corporations and they are based on such people attributes as: ability to work hard and learn, strong intrinsic motivation, good knowledge of English, ability to work in teams, flexibility, change and ambiguity tolerance

    Two-dimensional versus three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion

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    Background: Real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT3D TEE) enablesbetter visualization of the left atrial appendage (LAA) and may be superior to real-time two-dimensionaltransesophageal echocardiography (RT2D TEE) for LAA occlusion (LAAO). The aim of this study wasto assess inter- and intra-observer variability of RT2D TEE and RT3D TEE measurements of LAA,and to assess the accordance of RT2D TEE and RT3D TEE with appropriate occluder selection.Methods: Transesophageal echocardiography was performed in 40 patients during LAAO. RT2DTEE and RT3D TEE measurements of the ostium and landing zone were performed independently bytwo echocardiographers. The appropriate choice of occluder was confirmed with fluoroscopic criteria.After the procedures, RT2D TEE and RT3D TEE evaluation were repeated separately by the sameechocardiographers.Results: The mean ostium diameters by RT2D TEE obtained by the two observers were 23.6 ± 4.2 vs.24.8 ± 5.2 (p = 0.04), and the mean landing zone diameters were 17.7 ± 4.4 vs. 19.4 ± 3.9 (p < 0.01).In the case of RT3D TEE, the ostium diameters were 29.6 ± 5.3 vs. 29.4 ± 6.4 (p = not significant[NS]) and the landing zone diameters were 21.4 ± 3.8 vs. 21.6 ± 3.9 (p = NS). Intra-observer differenceswere absent in the case of RT3D TEE. The comparison of RT2D TEE vs. RT3D TEE analysesperformed by the same echocardiographer revealed significant differences in the ostium and landingzone measurements (both p < 0.01). Agreement between the suggested device size was better for RT3DTEE (weighted kappa was 0.62 vs. 0.28, respectively).Conclusions: The results obtained with RT3D TEE showed significantly larger dimensions of theostium and the landing zone. RT3D TEE showed lesser inter- and intra-observer variability and betteragreement with the implanted device

    The reconstruction process from the perspective of the experiences of children

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    Stałym elementem współczesnej rzeczywistości rodzinnej jest wzrost liczb rozpadających się związków. Partnerzy przestali traktować małżeństwo jako związek nierozerwalny, którego trwałość potwierdzona jest przysięgą. Realnie związek rodziców trwa tak długo, jak zaspokajają oni swoje potrzeby emocjonalne. Naturalnym następstwem rozpadu i rozwodu jest powrót na rynek matrymonialny i poszukiwanie kolejnego partnera. Biernymi uczestnikami tych procesów są dzieci, towarzyszące rodzicom w zmianach. Rekonstrukcja rodziny jest nie kwestionowanym prawem rodziców, ale bywa niełatwym doświadczeniem dla potomstwa. W momencie zakończenia związku dziecko przechodzi wymagający proces akceptacji rozstania rodziców. Zmiana ta oznacza przeobrażenie się w rodzinę monoparentalną. Pojawienie się kolejnego partnera rodzica jest kolejną zmianą funkcjonowania. Celem opracowania jest ukazanie, jak z perspektywy dzieci jest ona odbierana, jakich trudności i jakich szans doświadczają. Rozumienie zjawisk przeżywanych przez dzieci daje szansę na minimalizowanie zagrożeń w okresie rekonstrukcji rodziny.A growing number of disintegrating marriages is a constant element of modern family reality. Partners have stopped treating the institution of marriage as an inseparable relationship confirmed by an oath. In fact, the relationship between parents lasts as long as they fulfil their mutual emotional needs. A natural consequence of disintegration and divorce is going back onto a marriage market and seeking a new partner. Passive participants of those processes are children accompanying parents in their changes. Reconstructing a family is obviously parents’ unquestionable right, but it often seems to be a difficult experience for offspring. When a relationship falls apart the child passes through a difficult process of acceptance of parents parting. That kind of change leads to a transformation into a mono-parental family, and the appearance of mum’s or dad’s new partner is another change of functioning. The aim of the paper is to show how it is seen from a perspective of children, as well as what difficulties and opportunities they experience. Understanding children’s experiences gives a chance to minimize the threats during the period of family reconstruction

    From post-traditional to post-modern family – contemporary models of family relations

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    Essential problem of the research is an attempt that is to show some selected aspects of changes taking place in modern family. Economical and social ones- last decades' cultural transformations have been democratizing inner lives of families, reorganizing the arrangement of forces which work in them, affecting on development of autonomous individual idea, more and more recreating the ideas which are dominant in both political and social life: democracy, liberalism or individualism. In Polish modern society coexist different family models: post-traditional, modernistic and post-modern one. Basing on the studies with ethnographical character, in free narrations I try to identify the factors of functioning of families that constitute particular family model. An important goal is “careful listening” to the narration in such a special way to find out about the determinants of family chances and risks during the process of accommodation to new reality. The research focused on matters which concerned: organizing a family life, parental relationships, relations between parents and their child and the problem of communication character. Presentation of pictures from family life, experienced successes and difficulties allow to look into the families' present problems and to draw a life panorama of Polish families