201 research outputs found

    Prevalence, Reasons, and Perceived Effects of Khat Chewing Among Students of a College in Gondar Town, Northwestern Ethiopia: A Cross‑sectional Study

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    Background: The estimate of the number of people chewing Khat globally ranges from 5 to 10 million people. Its use may result in a variety of effects due to the different compounds in it with effects on the gastro‑intestinal system and nervous system being the principal ones. Aim: To assess the prevalence, factors, and effects of Khat chewing among students of a college in Gondar town, northwestern Ethiopia. Subjects and Methods: An institution‑based cross‑sectional study was conducted from 15th to 20th of April 2009 on a total sample of 424 students who were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected by three of the principal investigators using a structured pretested data collection instrument and analyzed by Epi Info version 3.5.2. Results: The lifetime and current prevalence of Khat chewing among the respondents were 42% (168/400) and 32.5% (130/400), respectively. Sex (P < 0.01), religion (P < 0.001), and income (P < 0.01) showed statistically significant variation in Khat chewing. The commonest frequency of Khat chewing was once a day 33.1% (43/130) while alcohol (40.8% [53/130]) and cigarette (40.0% [52/130]) were the mostly used substances with Khat. More than half of the chewers (53.85% [70/130]) reported spending 1–4 h for one Khat chewing ceremony. Financially majority of the chewers reported spending up to 10 Ethiopian Birr (ETB) (1.13 United States Dollar) on Khat ( 54.6% [71/130]) and other substances (64.6% [84/130]). Nearly two‑thirds (62.3% [81/130]) of the chewers mentioned seeking concentration during study as their main reason for chewing. Among chewers, 83.1% (108/130) reported they faced problem associated to sleep disturbance, 82.3% (107/130) loss of appetite, and 80.8% (105/130) constipation. Conclusion: The prevalence of Khat chewing was fairly high among the students and the majority among them used other substances together with Khat. Spending of a significant amount of money and facing health problems were reported to be consequences of the habit. The college should take steps to make students aware of the ills of Khat chewing and associated habits.Keywords: College, Effects, Gondar, Khat, Prevalence, Reason

    De-identification of primary care electronic medical records free-text data in Ontario, Canada

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Electronic medical records (EMRs) represent a potentially rich source of health information for research but the free-text in EMRs often contains identifying information. While de-identification tools have been developed for free-text, none have been developed or tested for the full range of primary care EMR data</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used <it>deid </it>open source de-identification software and modified it for an Ontario context for use on primary care EMR data. We developed the modified program on a training set of 1000 free-text records from one group practice and then tested it on two validation sets from a random sample of 700 free-text EMR records from 17 different physicians from 7 different practices in 5 different cities and 500 free-text records from a group practice that was in a different city than the group practice that was used for the training set. We measured the sensitivity/recall, precision, specificity, accuracy and F-measure of the modified tool against manually tagged free-text records to remove patient and physician names, locations, addresses, medical record, health card and telephone numbers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the modified training program performed with a sensitivity of 88.3%, specificity of 91.4%, precision of 91.3%, accuracy of 89.9% and F-measure of 0.90. The validations sets had sensitivities of 86.7% and 80.2%, specificities of 91.4% and 87.7%, precisions of 91.1% and 87.4%, accuracies of 89.0% and 83.8% and F-measures of 0.89 and 0.84 for the first and second validation sets respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>deid </it>program can be modified to reasonably accurately de-identify free-text primary care EMR records while preserving clinical content.</p

    Integrated human-animal sero-surveillance of Brucellosis in the pastoral Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is widespread in Ethiopia with variable reported prevalence depending on the geographical area, husbandry practices and animal species. However, there is limited information on the disease prevalence amongst pastoral communities, whose life is intricately linked with their livestock. METHODOLOGY: We conducted an integrated human-animal brucellosis sero-surveillance study in two adjacent pastoral regions, Afar and Somali region (SRS). This cross-sectional study included 13 woredas (districts) and 650 households. Blood samples were collected from people and livestock species (cattle, camel, goats and sheep). Sera were analyzed with C-ELISA for camels and shoats (sheep and goats), with I-ELISA for cattle and IgG ELISA for humans. Descriptive and inferential statistics analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 5469 sera were tested by ELISA. Prevalence of livestock was 9.0% in Afar and 8.6% in SRS (ranging from 0.6 to 20.2% at woreda level). In humans, prevalence was 48.3% in Afar and 34.9% in SRS (ranging from 0.0 to 74.5% at woreda level). 68.4% of all households in Afar and 57.5% of households in SRS had at least one animal reactor. Overall, 4.1% of animals had a history of abortion. The proportion of animals with abortion history was higher in seropositive animals than in seronegative animals. Risk factor analysis showed that female animals were significantly at higher risk of being reactors (p = 0.013). Among the species, cattle had the least risk of being reactors (p = 0.014). In humans, there was a clear regional association of disease prevalence (p = 0.002). The older the people, the highest the odds of being seropositive. CONCLUSION: Brucellosis is widespread in humans and animals in pastoral communities of Afar and SRS with the existence of geographical hotspots. No clear association was seen between human and particular livestock species prevalence, hence there was no indication as whether B. abortus or B. melitensis are circulating in these areas, which warrants further molecular research prior to embarking on a national control programs. Such programs will need to be tailored to the pastoral context

    Tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan dalam perspektif hukum Islam: studi kasus di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Skripsi dengan judul “Tradisi Panangat Pra Nikah Oleh Wali Perempuan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimana tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan dalam di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep? 2. Bagaimana analisis hukum Islam terhadap tradisi panangat pra nikah oleh wali perempuan di Desa Sadulang Kecamatan Sapeken Kabupaten Sumenep? Jenis penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan, yaitu sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan secara langsung terhadap peristiwa data-data ada di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah wawancara. Setelah data terkumpul, maka penulis melakukan analisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Dari data-data yang telah diperoleh, pemberian panangat ini telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Sadulang sudah menjadi turun-temurun sejak dahulu sampai sekarang. Pemberian panangat di Desa Sadulang merupakan sebagai syarat wajibnya sebelum melaksanakan perkawinan. Adapun tujuannya adalah untuk menghormati atau menghargai wanita yang ingin dinikahi. Proses penentuan panangat tersebut dilakukan dengan cara musyawarah antara pihak laki-laki dengan pihak perempuan, sehingga setelah ada kata sepakat maka perkawinan akan dilangsungkan. Menurut analisis hukum Islam, adat tentang pemberian panangat ada dua yaitu: 1. Di bolehkan selama permintaan panangat tidak memberatkan. 2. Tidak boleh jika permintaan panangat mempersulit atau memberatkan, karena hal itu sangat bertentangan dengan syariat Islam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas hendaknya pemberian panangat di Desa Sadulang yang diminta oleh pihak perempuan tidak memberatkan pihak lika-laki, sehingga bagi pemuda yang ingin menyempurnakan separuh agamanya yaitu menikah bisa melangsungkannya, jangan sampai gara-gara permintaan panangat yang terlalu tinggi bisa menghalangi niat baik seseorang yang ingin menikah. Kepada para tokoh agama, tokoh masyarakat hendaknya memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat Desa Sadulang tentang pelaksanaan panangat yang tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam, karena pada dasarnya masyarakat Desa Sadulang 100% (seratus persen) beragama Islam. Sehingga adat yang berlaku harus sesuai dengan ajaran Islam

    Costs and resource needs for primary health care in Ethiopia: evidence to inform planning and budgeting for universal health coverage

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    IntroductionThe Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has made significant progress in expanding access to primary health care (PHC) over the past 15 years. However, achieving national PHC targets for universal health coverage will require a significant increase in PHC financing. The purpose of this study was to generate cost evidence and provide recommendations to improve PHC efficiency.MethodsWe used the open access Primary Health Care Costing, Analysis, and Planning (PHC-CAP) Tool to estimate actual and normative recurrent PHC costs in nine Ethiopian regions. The findings on actual costs were based on primary data collected in 2018/19 from a sample of 20 health posts, 25 health centers, and eight primary hospitals. Three different extrapolation methods were used to estimate actual costs in the nine sampled regions. Normative costs were calculated based on standard treatment protocols (STPs), the population in need of the PHC services included in the Essential Health Services Package (EHSP) as per the targets outlined in the Health Sector Transformation Plan II (HSTP II), and the associated costs. PHC resource gaps were estimated by comparing actual cost estimates to normative costs.ResultsOn average, the total cost of PHC in the sampled facilities was US11,532(range:US 11,532 (range: US 934–40,746) in health posts, US254,340(range:US 254,340 (range: US 68,860–832,647) in health centers, and US634,354(range:US 634,354 (range: US 505,208–970,720) in primary hospitals. The average actual PHC cost per capita in the nine sampled regions was US4.7,US 4.7, US 15.0, or US20.2dependingontheestimationmethodused.WhencomparedtothenormativecostofUS 20.2 depending on the estimation method used. When compared to the normative cost of US 38.5 per capita, all these estimates of actual PHC expenditures were significantly lower, indicating a shortfall in the funding required to deliver an expanded package of high-quality services to a larger population in line with GoE targets.DiscussionThe study findings underscore the need for increased mobilization of PHC resources and identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of PHC services to meet the GoE’s PHC targets. The data from this study can be a critical input for ongoing PHC financing reforms undertaken by the GoE including transitioning woreda-level planning from input-based to program-based budgeting, revising community-based health insurance (CBHI) packages, reviewing exempted services, and implementing strategic purchasing approaches such as capitation and performance-based financing
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