173 research outputs found

    Efekti lasero-terapije na intrakanalni dentin i cementno tkivo apeksa korena zuba

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    Laser irradiation during root canal treatment is efficient but in order to prevent irreversible thermal damage to dentine, cementum and other periapical structures continuous water cooling is required. The aim of this study was to ultrastructurally analyze the surface of intracanal dentine and cementum at the root apex after Er:YAG laser irradiation with and without sterile saline solution irrigation. The study involved 70 intact maxillary and mandibular single-rooted and tworooted human teeth, divided into two experimental groups and one control group. In all teeth access cavity was created. For root canal irradiation, Er:YAG laser with the wavelength of 2940 nm, energy output of 140 mJ per pulse, pulse duration of 125-160 ms, pulse repetition rate of 10 Hz and power of 15 W was used. Total irradiation time for each root canal was 10 seconds. The ultrastructural analysis of intracanal dentine and the cementum of the root apex was done by using scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5300 Tokyo Japan). Intracanal Er:YAG laser irradiation without water cooling showed melted circumpulpal dentine with large cracks in it, whereas cementum at the root apex was thermally modified in the form of plates and cracks. Intracanal Er:YAG laser irradiation with continuous water cooling resulted in clean intracanal dentine surface without morphological changes of the cementum. The canal system irradiation is acceptable and possible only when using constant water cooling; otherwise, irreversible thermal damage to intracanal dentine and cementum at the root apex occur.Obrada kanala korena zuba laserom je efikasna, ali zahteva obavezno hlađenje vodom kako bi se sprečila ireverzibilna termička oštećenja dentina, cementa i ostalih periapeksnih struktura. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ultrastrukturno analizira površina intrakanalnog dentina i cementnog tkiva na apeksu korena zuba posle obrade kanala Er:YAG laserom bez irigacije i sa irigacijom sterilnim fiziološkim rastvorom. Korišćeno je 70 intaktnih maksilarnih i mandibularnih jednokorenih i dvokorenih humanih zuba, podeljenih u dve eksperimentalne i jednu kontrolnu grupu. Kod svih zuba je formiran pristupni kavitet. Za obradu kanala korišćen je Er:YAG laser talasne dužine 2940 nm, izlazne energije za impuls 140 mJ; u pulsnom režimu 125-160ms, stopom pulsne repeticije od 10 Hz i energijom od 15 W. Vreme obrade svakog kanala laserom iznosilo je 10 sekundi. Ultrastrukturna analiza intrakanalnog dentina i cementnog tkiva na apeksnom delu korena zuba urađena je na skening elektronskom mikroskopu (JEOL JSM -5300 Tokyo Japan). Intrakanalna obrada Er:YAG laserom bez vodenog hlađenja pokazuje stopljen cirkumpulparni dentin sa velikim pukotinama u dentinu, a cementno tkivo na apeksu je termički modifikovano u vidu ploča i pukotina. Intrakanalna obrada Er:YAG laserom uz kontinuirano vodeno hlađenje daje čistu intrakanalnu dentinsku površinu bez morfoloških promena cementnog tkiva. Obrada kanalnog sistema zuba je opravdana i moguća samo u uslovima stalnog hlađenja vodom, u protivnom nastaju ireverzibilna termička oštećenja intrakanalnog dentina i cementa na apeksu korena zuba

    Reports of Venetian emissaries in Costantinople between 15th and 18th century (historical, cultural and literary aspects) Отчеты венецианских делегатов в Стамбул с 15. по 18. век (исторические, культурологические и литературные виды)

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    Tema diplomatskih odnosa između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva oduvek je privlačila mnoge savremene istoričare, posebno krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Evropljani su doživljavali Osmanlije kao narod koji se razlikovao po kulturi, tradiciji i načinu života, a takođe, prema većini orijentalista, smatrali su da su osmanske političke, društvene i kulturne norme bile u potpunosti različite od evropskih. Međutim, uprkos razlikama, moramo govoriti i o sličnostima između ove dve tradicije. Nakon pada Carigrada, 1453. godine, kada ga je sultan Mehmed Osvajač osvojio, ovaj grad postaje spona između Evrope i Azije, te u 15. veku diplomatske i trgovinske veze između Mletačke republike i Osmanskog carstva postaju sve učestalije, zbog čega su Mlečani slali svoje predstavnike u prestonicu Osmanskog carstva. Uloga mletačkog izaslanika, koji se nazivao bailo, postaje sve značajnija u 16. i 17. veku, a i kasnije u 18. veku kada 1797. godine dolazi do pada Mletačke republike. Iz izveštaja mletačkih izaslanika u Carigradu saznajemo o uzajamnim diplomatskim, kulturnim i književnim vezama između Mlečana i Osmanlija. Izveštaji mletačkih izaslanika pisani u formi zvaničnih pisama (it. dispacci e relazioni), nezvaničnih pisama (it. lettere familiari) i putopisa (it. diari e relazioni dei viaggi) predstavljaju veoma plodnu građu ne samo kada je reč o proučavanju političkih i ekonomskih prilika već su isto tako značajni izvori u proučavanju književno-istorijskih i kulturnoistorijskih veza. Iz tog razloga oni nisu samo istorijski izvori već i književno-istorijski. Bilo da je reč o epistolama ili o putopisima, odlike pomenutih izveštaja su se menjale kroz epohe počev od poznog srednjeg veka preko humanizma i renesanse do baroka i prosvetiteljstva.The topic of diplomatic relations between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire has always attracted many contemporary historians, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Europeans perceived the Ottomans as a people that differed in culture, tradition and way of life, and also, according to most Orientalists, considered that Ottoman political, social and cultural norms were completely different from European ones. However, despite the differences, we must also talk about the similarities between the two traditions. After the fall of Costantinople, in 1453, when Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror conquered it, this city became a link between Europe and Asia, and in the 15th century diplomatic and trade ties between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire became more frequent, which is why the Venetians sent their representatives to the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The role of the Venetian envoy, called bailo, became increasingly important in the 16th and 17th centuries, and later in the 18th century when the fall of the Venetian Republic came in 1797. From the reports of the Venetian emissaries in Costantinople, we learn about the mutual diplomatic, cultural and literary links between the Venetians and the Ottomans. The reports of Venetian envoys written in the form of official letters (dispacci e relazioni), unofficial letters (lettere familiari) and travelogues (diari e relazioni dei viaggi) are very fruitful material not only when it comes to studying political and economic opportunities but are also significant sources in the study of literary-historical and cultural-historical connections. From that reason, they are not only historical sources but also literary-historical ones. Whether epistols or travelogues, the characteristics of these reports have varied through epochs from the late Middle Ages through Humanism and the Renaissance to the Baroque and the Enlightenment

    Vaskularna flora Tribunja i obližnjih otočića Logoruna i Lukovnika (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)

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    In this work a total of 507 taxa of vascular flora of the settlement of Tribunj and the nearby uninhabited islets of Logorun and Lukovnik were recorded, according to literature data and our filed research. The flora of Tribunj comprises 413 taxa, the flora of Lukovnik 197 taxa, and the flora of Logorun contains 163 vascular taxa. The most common families are Asteraceae s.l. (11.84%), Fabaceae (10. 06%) and Poaceae (10.06%). Therophytes are the predominant life form (44.97%), and according to chorological type Mediterranean plants prevail (42.21%). Over the whole of the research area 16 endemic, 14 threatened and 77 protected plants were recorded. Mediterranean plants are more frequent in the flora of the islets of Logorun (63.19%) and Lukovnik (55.33%) than in the flora of Tribunj (37.53%). In contrast, therophytes, cultivated and adventive plants as well as widespread plants are more frequent in the flora of Tribunj than in the flora of the researched islets. In the settlement of Tribunj 45 neophytes (10.9% of the settlement’s flora) were registered, of which only the species Opuntia vulgaris was found on the islet of Lukovnik. On the islet of Logorun none of the taxa found were neophytes.Prema literaturnim podacima i provedenom terenskom istraživanju, u radu se navodi ukupno 507 svojti vaskularne flore za naselje Tribunj i obližnje nenaseljene otočiće Logorun i Lukovnik. Flora Tribunja obuhvaća 413, flora Lukovnika 197, a Logoruna 163 svojte. Brojem svojti najzastupljenije porodice su Asteraceae s.l. (11.84%), Fabaceae (10. 06%) i Poaceae (10.06%). Terofiti su najzastupljeniji životni oblik (44.97%), a među flornim elementima najzastupljenije su biljke mediteranskog rasprostranjenja (42.21%). Zabilježeno je 16 endema, 14 ugroženih te 77 zaštićenih biljaka. Biljke mediteranskog flornog elementa su zastupljenije u flori otočića Logoruna (63.19%) i Lukovnika (55.33%) u odnosu na floru Tribunja (37.53%). Obrnuto, terofiti, kultivirane i adventivne biljke te biljke široke rasprostranjenosti su zastupljenije u flori Tribunja nego u flori otočića. Zabilježeno je 45 neofita na području naselja Tribunj (10,9% flore naselja) od kojih je samo vrsta Opuntia vulgaris pronađena na Lukovniku. Na Logorunu nije pronađena ni jedna svojta iz skupine neofita

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

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    Četvrta revizija Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih (WAIS-IV) je klinički instrument koji se zadaje individualno i koji je konstruisan za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti adolescenata i odraslih. WAIS-IV se sastoji od 15 suptestova (10 sržnih i 5 dopunskih) koji procenjuju kognitivno funkcionisanje u četiri domena - verbalno razumevanje (eng. verbal comprehension - VCI), perceptivno rezonovanje (eng. perceptual reasoning - PRI), radna memorija (eng. working memory - WMI) i brzina procesiranja (eng. processing speed - PSI), kao i opštu intelektualnu sposobnost (eng. Full-Scale IQ - FSIQ). WAIS-IV je zadat uzorku od 262 ispitanika: 104 ispitanika iz uzorka koji je reprezentativan za širu oblast Beograda, 62 ispitanika sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, 63 sa dijagnozom depresije i 33 ispitanika sa intelektualnim teškoćama. Psihometrijske karakteristike WAIS-IV suptestova su analizirane u okvirima teorije stavskog odgovora (eng. IRT) i klasične testne teorije (eng. CTT). Rezultati su pokazali da se IRT pouzdanost kreće od .86 (Razumevanje i Dopune) do .95 (Precrtavanje), dok je IRT pouzdanost FSIQ bila .94. Sveukupno, svi suptestovi dobro diskriminišu ispitanike duž celog kontinuuma intelektualnih sposobnosti. WAIS-IV omogućava visoko pouzdanu procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti na srpskoj populaciji.The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents - specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population

    Aflatoksini u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima

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    Pljesnivost hrane i hraniva je česta pojava, ali se ovoj pojavi nije poklanjala potrebna pažnja, jer se smatralo da plijesni nisu opasne po zdravlje, već samo dovode do organoleptičkih promjena proizvoda. Međutim, posljednjih godina je ustanovljeno da veliki broj plijesni sintetizira u procesu metabolizma oralno toksične metabolite - mikotoksine, koji izazivaju oboljenja ljudi i životinja

    Mikrobiološki pokazatelji održivosti bijelog sira za brzu potrošnju

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    Djelovanjem tehnološko-tehničkih, ekonomskih i komercijalnih faktora došlo je do naglog uspona proizvodnje i potrošnje sitnog sira. Kod nas se svezi kravlji punomasni sitan sir proizvodi na području Vojvodine, gdje se konzumira ne samo neposredno, nego i u kombinacijama sa raznim povrćem, suhim grožđem, a naročito služi za pripremanje kolača

    Association of functional variants of phase I and II genes with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Serbian population

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    Uvod: Hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (HOBP) jeste složeno oboljenje koje karakteriše povišen oksidativni stres. Funkcionalne varijante gena faze I i II ksenobiotičkog metabolizma mogu uticati na ravnotežu oksidanti-antioksidanti i mogu dovesti do razvoja HOBP. Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje uloge funkcionalnih genskih varijanti u genima za citohrom P450 (CYP), glutation S-transferazu (GST) i mikrozomalnu epoksidnu hidrolazu (mEH) u patogenezi HOBP u srpskoj populaciji. Metode: U ovoj studiji analizirane su genske varijante CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, CYP2E1 *1A/*5B, GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null, GSTP1 Ile105Val, mEH Tyr113His i mEH His139Arg u grupi obolelih od HOBP koja je obuhvatala 122 ispitanika i kontrolnoj grupi koja je obuhvatala 100 ispitanika sa normalnom funkcijom pluća. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je GSTM1 null varijanta statistički značajno povišena u grupi obolelih od HOBP u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (61,5% i 47,0%; or = 1,80; p = 0,042). Takođe, uočena je značajna razlika u zastupljenosti kombinacije genotipova GSTM1 null i GSTP1 105Val/(Val) (38,5% i 24,0%; or = 1,98; p = 0,029), kao i kombinacije CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, GSTM1 null i mEH 113H is/(H is) (7,4% i 1,0% ; or = 7 ,88; p = 0,025). Zaključak: Ovo su prvi podaci o ulozi genskih varijanti gena faze I i II u patogenezi HOBP u srpskoj populaciji. Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj studiji otvaraju mogućnost za detaljniju analizu uloge genetičkih faktora u HOBP na većim grupama ispitanika. Pored toga, podaci dobijeni u našoj studiji potvrđuju važnost genetičkih determinanti povezanih sa HOBP u prethodnim studijama, ali takođe otkrivaju nove genetičke faktore, koji nisu objavljeni do sada.Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disorder characterized by increased oxidative stress. Functional genetic variants of phase I and II genes are implicated in oxidants-antioxidants imbalance and may be involved in COPD development. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of cytochrome P450 (CYP), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) functional variants in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Methods: The genotypes of l2 2 COPD patients and 100 controls with normal lung function were determined for CYP1A1 *1A /*2A , CYP2E1 *1 A /*5B , GSTM1 null, GSTT1 null GSTP1 Ile105Val, mEH Tyr113His and mEH His139Arg gene variants. Results: Results obtained showed that GSTM1 null variant was significantly more represented in COPD patients than in controls (61.5% vs. 47.0%; or = 1.80; p = 0.042). Also, a significant difference was observed for combinations of GSTM1 null and GSTP1 105Val/(Val) (38.5% vs. 24.0%; or = 1.98; p = 0.029), as well as for CYP1A1 *1A/*2A, GSTM1 null and mEH 113His/(His) genotypes (7.4% vs. 1.0%; or = 7.88; p = 0.025). Conclusions: These are the first data concerning the analysis of the variants of phase I and II genes in the pathogenesis of COPD in a Serbian population. Results obtained in this study open up the possibility for thorough analyses of the role of genetic factors in COPD on larger cohorts. Also, they implicate the importance of previously described genetic associations with COPD in our population, as well as reveal a new one, not reported so far

    Interaction of biomaterial containing calcium hydroxyapatite/poly-l-lactide with simulated body fluid

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    The purpose of biomaterials is to replace a part or a function of the body in a safe, physiologically and economically acceptable way. The process of the reconstruction of bone defects has always been a big problem in orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery. Since hydroxyapatite (HAp) was detected as a component, the predominant constituent and the integral element of Mammalian bones, the development of the phospate ceramics as potential materials for implantation was enabled. This study investigated whether and in which way biomaterial calcium hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide (HAp/PLLA) interacts with the ionic composition of the human plasma. The simulated body fluid (SBF) is an artificial fluid that has the ionic composition and ionic concentration similar to the human blood plasma. HAp/PLLA was incubated for 1, 2, 3 and 5 weeks in SBF. The surfaces of both treated and untreated materials were analyzed on a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and were also exposed to the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), while SBF was submitted to the measuring of pH and electrical conductivity. However, our results indicate that the degradational changes of the material HAp/PLLA in SBF start from the surface of the treated material and that observed changes are the consequence of dissolution of its polymer component and the precipitation of the material similar to hydroxyapatite on its surface. This material shows good characteristics that place it among good candidates for the application in orthopedics and maxillofacial surgery

    Ultrastrukturna analiza neinstrumentisanih površina u kanalu korena posle različitih irigacionih protokola

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    Introduction During endodontic treatment smaller or larger areas of root canal wall remain non-instrumented. This can affect prognosis of endodontic treatment as some bacteria may be left behind. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphology of non-instrumented areas of the root canal wall using scanning-electron-microscopy (SEM) after completed instrumentation and various irrigation regiments. Materials and Methods Eighteen single-rooted extracted teeth were divided into the six groups. One tooth in each group represented a control sample. In all samples only one half of the canal was instrumented using ISO 40 hand files. Control samples were subjected to an irrigation protocols without instrumentation. Irrigants used were physiological saline, 3% sodium hypochlorite and 15% of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate. Irrigation protocol included using each of these irrigants alone, or a combination of NaOCl and EDTA, as well as their combination with final irrigation using NaOCl or chlorhexidine. Then after, roots were sectioned longitudinally and prepared for SEM. Results Saline irrigation left pulpal debris on uninstrumented areas of the canal wall. Irrigation with 3% NaOCl left behind canal wall with different forms of calcospherites. However, after EDTA irrigation dentin appeared as an undulating surface with open tubules without a smear layer. The combination of NaOCl and EDTA showed remnants of calcospherites and open slightly widened dentinal tubules. Final irrigation with NaOCl on the uninstrumented areas showed enlarged dentinal tubules along with dentinal erosion, while after final irrigation with CHX clean dentin and open dentinal tubules without smear layer were noted. Conclusion From the morphological point of view, the most favorable effect of irrigation on both uninstrumented and uninstrumented canal walls was achieved after irrigation with NaOCl and EDTA or NaOCl, EDTA and chlorhexidine as the final irrigant.Uvod Tokom endodontske terapije manje ili veće površine kanala korena zuba ostaju neinstrumentisane i mogu sadržavati bakterije, što može dovesti do neuspešnog ishoda. Cilj rada je bio da se skening-elekron-mikroskopskom (SEM) analizom proceni morfologija neistrumentisanih delova zidova kanala posle instrumentacije i primene različitih irigacionih protokola. Materijal i metode rada Osamnaest jednokorenih ekstrahovanih zuba je podeljeno u šest grupa. Jedan zub iz svake grupe je predstavljao kontrolni uzorak. Eksperimentalni uzorci su preparisani do instrumenta veličine ISO40. Kod svakog zuba je instrumentisana samo jedna polovina kanala. Kontrolni uzorci su podvrgnuti samo irigacionim protokolima bez preparacije. Osim fiziološkog rastvora, 3% natrijum-hipohlorita i 15% etilen-diamin-tetra-acetata, koji su primenjeni samostalno, eksperimentalni uzorci su irigirani i sa kombinacijom NaOCl i EDTA, kao i sa kombinacijom istih iriganasa, pri čemu je kao završni irigans korišćen ili NaOCl ili hlorheksidin. Korenovi su uzdužno presečeni i pripremljeni za SEM. Rezultati Posle irigacije sa fiziološkim rastvorom u neinstrumentisanim delovima kanala uočen je dentin pokriven debrisom, posle irigacije sa NaOCl dentin sa različitim oblicima kalcisferita. Posle irigacije sa EDTA uočena je talasasta površina dentinskog zida sa otvorenim tubulima bez razmaznog sloja. Irigacija kombinacijom NaOCl i EDTA je pokazala ostatke kalcisferita i otvorene, blago proširene dentinske tubule. Završno ispiranje sa NaOCl na neinstrumentisanim delovima dentina pokazuje proširene dentinske tubule i eroziju dentina, a završno ispiranje sa CHX čist dentin i otvorene dentinske tubule bez razmaznog sloja. Zaključak Sa morfološkog aspekta, najpovoljniji efekat irigacije (i kod instrumentisanih i kod neinstrumentisanih delova kanala) ustanovljen je posle irigacionih protokola sa: NaOCl i EDTA i NaOCl, EDTA i hlorheksidinom kao završnim irigansom

    Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency in Serbian Adults with Lung Diseases

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    Aim: Alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) is the main inhibitor of neutrophil elastase, and severe alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (A1ATD) is a genetic risk factor for early-onset emphysema. Despite the relatively high prevalence of A1ATD, this condition is frequently underdiagnosed. Our aim was to determine the distribution of the A1ATD phenotypes/alleles in patients with lung diseases as well as in the Serbian population. Methods: The study included the adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (n = 348), asthma (n = 71), and bronchiectasis (n = 35); the control was 1435 healthy blood donors. The A1ATD variants were identified by isoelectric focusing or polymerase chain reaction-mediated site-directed mutagenesis. Results: PiMZ heterozygotes, PiZZ homozygotes, and Z allele carriers are associated with significantly higher risk of developing COPD than healthy individuals (odds ratios 3.43, 42.42, and 5.49 respectively). The calculated prevalence of PiZZ, PiMZ, and PiSZ was higher in patients with COPD (1:202, 1:8, and 1:1243) than in the Serbian population (1: 5519, 1: 38, and 1:5519). Conclusion: The high prevalence of A1ATD phenotypes/allele in our population has confirmed the necessity of screening for A1ATD in patients with COPD. On the other hand, on the basis of the estimated number of those with A1ATD among the COPD patients, it is possible to assess the diagnostic efficiency of A1ATD in the Serbian population