171 research outputs found

    The Effect of Using Directed Listening Thinking Activity (DLTA) Strategy on Students’ Listening Skills and Vocabulary Mastery in SMP IT Al – Ikhlas Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to find out whether there is a significant effect of using Directed Listening Thinking Activity (DLTA) strategy on students’ listening skills and vocabulary mastery in SMP IT Al Ikhlas Pekanbaru. It is a quasi- experimental design. The research subject is students in grade 8 in the school. Two classes were involved, namely a class as the experimental class and a class as the control class. The sample consisted of 47 students who were taken from 95 students in the population. In collecting the data, a set of tests and observation were used. To analyze the collected data, independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test formulas were used, including the effect size formula. As a result, it is found that the significant values were 0.000 and 0.000. The values are smaller than p value (0.005). It can be inferred that there is a significant effect of using the strategy on the students’ listening skills and vocabulary mastery in the pre- and post-tests in experimental class. Besides, the values of eta square were 0.92 and 0.78. In other words, there is a significant effect of using the strategy on listening skills and vocabulary mastery of descriptive texts and its effect is in middle-effect category. In conclusion, the strategy can be implemented for teaching listening and vocabulary in the school. Keywords: DLTA (Directed Listening Thinking Activity), listening skills, vocabulary master

    Peer Culture of Block Play in an Early Childhood Classroom

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    This is an ethnographic study of peer culture in the block play area of an early childhood classroom. Researchers have continued to position block play as an essential activity in early childhood classrooms. William Corsaro’s (1985, 1990, 1992, 2003, 2020) work on peer culture in young children and theory of interpretive reproduction is the framework that guided the methods and theoretical lens of this study. I was a participant-observer, using an “atypical adult” technique, in the block play area in a 4-5-year-old classroom with 22 children during a full school year. The children navigated how to build and play socially with peers, while also trying to have control over their own structure and ideas. Data collection utilized video and audio recording observation sessions, followed by the creation of field notes synthesized from the recordings. Analytic methods were guided by Emerson et al. (2011) and included a two-phase process to categorize, find themes, and identify patterns. The three main findings of this study were about (a) the strategies and experiences of children joining, or being joined, during play, (b) how children navigated the complexities of trying to build together socially while still having control over their play, and (c) the types of friendships developed and fortified during block play. All of the findings involved identification of cultural routines, which were produced and reproduced by children, and guided behavior and interactions. The physical blocks and structures were found to play a key role in children’s peer culture. Children can make the blocks be anything, and they do. Blocks became ships, pizzas, lasers, and more. Blocks do not on their own turn into objects; children make that happen collectively with each other. Children are taking both the blocks and the pedagogical theories behind them and making it all their own. Children have collective agency to manipulate the world around them

    Chemical and Non-Chemical Control of Potato Pink Rot

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    Pink rot of potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a widespread soilborne disease that causes significant losses in the field and storage. It is caused by Phytophthora erythroseptica (Pethybr.), an oomycete pathogen that produces sexual spores that can survive in soil for years. The management of pink rot mainly relies on chemical control. However, the most effective chemical in pink rot control, mefenoxam, is losing its efficacy owing to the development of mefenoxam resistance in P. erythroseptica. To evaluate alternative fungicides (including chemical and biological fungicides) to mefenoxam in pink rot control, two greenhouse experiments and three field trials were conducted. Crop rotation experiments were performed in the field to investigate the rotation effects of alfalfa, barley-ryegrass, canola, red clover, onion, pumpkin, sweet corn and oats on pink rot of potato. Thirty-four wild-type isolates of P. erythroseptica were collected for fungicide sensitivity assay and fungicide-resistant P. erythroseptica selection, to predict the resistance risk of fluopicolide, an alternative chemical to mefenoxam. Field trials showed that biologicals including Bacillus subtilis (Serenade Soil, Taegro), Bacillus amyloliquifaciens (Double Nickel, MBI-110), and extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis (Regalia) did not significantly reduce pink rot severity in the harvested potato tubers. The sole application of fluopicolide, some combinations of chemical fungicides (mefenoxam and oxathiapiprolin) and some combinations of chemical and biological fungicides (oxathiapiprolin/fluopicolide and Bacillus sp.) significantly reduced pink rot severity in the presence of mefenoxam-resistant P. erythroseptica population. In crop rotation trials, alfalfa, canola and pumpkin significantly increased potato tuber yield. However, the rotation crops had no significant effect on pink rot of potato. The results of the fungicide resistance study suggested a medium risk of P. erythroseptica developing intermediate resistance to fluopicolide, and that there was a trade-off between fluopicolide resistance and biological fitness in P. erythroseptica

    Enhancing Nurse-Physician Communication and Collaboration

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    In healthcare organizations today, creating a culture of safety is critically important. Communication failures among healthcare providers have been linked to 70% of annual sentinel events. Seventy-six percent of individuals experiencing a sentinel event die (Joint Commission, 2009). Lack of good communication behavior between nurses and physicians has been recognized as a cause of preventable harm to patients (Institute of Medicine, 2004; Zwarenstein & Reeves, 2006). In hospital settings, communication failures are linked to increases in length of stay, patient harm, resource utilization, more rapid turnover, and caregiver dissatisfaction (Dingley et al., 2008). Numerous national organizations and commissions have officially mandated interdisciplinary collaboration as strategies for improved healthcare (Marshall, 2011). Yet organizations currently allow a practice environment where nurse-physician communication is ineffective as evidenced in root cause analyses and fact finding (Gurses & Xiao, 2006)

    Senam Ergonomik dan Aerobic Low Impact Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Hipertensi

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    The many changes that occur in the elderly many health problems facing so it is necessary to maintain the health of the attempts both treatments, medication, healthy lifestyle, as well as other efforts such as gymnastics ergonomics and low impact aerobics. The purpose of the study to determine the effectiveness of aerobic exercise ergonomics and little impact on blood pressure levels in the Elderly Hypertension at Wironanggan Village, District Gatak Sukoharjo.The research method used was a quasi-experimental design with the design of non-equivalent control group design. The population was all patients with hypertension of 7 Posyandu Wironanggan. As many as 80 elderlies who suffer from hypertension, taken 44 participants were divided into two experimental groups, namely experimental group 1 were 22 people, and the experimental group 2 to 22 people with a purposive sampling technique. The variable independent variable in this study gymnastics ergonomics and low impact aerobics and the dependent variable is the level of blood pressure by using electric tension instruments — the analysis techniques with simple paired t-test and independent t-test. The results showed there are differences in the effect of exercise ergonomics and low impact aerobics to the pressure level blood systolic and diastolic hypertension in the elderly, and the most effective influence on the ergonomics exercise systolic pressure and low impact aerobic exercise on diastolic blood pressure


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    Technological developments are developing very quickly, so in this digital era, the use of technology as an effort to improve the delivery of information and promotional media at Perjuangan University uses Virtual Reality technology. Because not all students know or even have never visited the library. This study aims to produce a library layout information application based on Virtual Reality. An Android-based application that can provide information about the layout and usability of the library in a virtual form as if it were in a location using the VR Box tool as the media. The tests were carried out using ISO 25010 quality standards, namely the parameters of functional suitability, portability, and usability using a Likert scale measurement. The results of this study obtained a score of 84% in the "Good" category based on user satisfaction when using the application


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    The effect of reading purpose on the reading comprehension was studied at Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau.The aim was to know and identify the effect of reading purpose on the reading comprehension of 12th-grade students 2021 – 2022 Academic Year at Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau . A mixed-method approach and quantitative and qualitative of an ex-post-facto study was applied. The 42 of 12th-grade IPA and IPS students of Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau 2021–2022 academic year were taken as sample by using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument of questionnaire and a test of reading comprehension were used to collect the data. Hypothesis testing (t-test) were used to analyse the collected data. From the analysis result it was found  that the t-value = 277,543 > t-table 1,689 with a sig. value of 0,000 <  0.05,it can be interpreted that reading purpose affected the reading comprehension of Grade XII students 2021 – 2022 Academic Year of Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Ria


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    The effect of reading purpose on the reading comprehension was studied at Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau.The aim was to know and identify the effect of reading purpose on the reading comprehension of 12th-grade students 2021 – 2022 Academic Year at Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau . A mixed-method approach and quantitative and qualitative of an ex-post-facto study was applied. The 42 of 12th-grade IPA and IPS students of Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Riau 2021–2022 academic year were taken as sample by using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument of questionnaire and a test of reading comprehension were used to collect the data. Hypothesis testing (t-test) were used to analyse the collected data. From the analysis result it was found  that the t-value = 277,543 > t-table 1,689 with a sig. value of 0,000 <  0.05,it can be interpreted that reading purpose affected the reading comprehension of Grade XII students 2021 – 2022 Academic Year of Madrasah Alyah Diniyah Ria


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    The information technology field continues to progress rapidly. Technological progress is kept in check with such factors as touch, sight, and sound. Each man with another man has a characteristic difference, one that can be seen is by his voice. The processing of sound is an essential concept to all kinds of systems that require human interaction in its daily activities. One of the techniques used in processing speech is classification, which has a direct effect on speech recognition systems. SimpleRNN and LSTM are models of deep learning that can be used to classify sentiment. It can process data in such a sequence as sound, video, and text. These results provide accuracy 90% of the test data and 95% accuracy to the training data.Bidang teknologi informasi terus menerus terjadi perkembangan yang pesat. Perkembangan teknologi tidak lepas dari beberapa faktor seperti sentuhan, penglihatan maupun suara. Setiap manusia dengan manusia yang lain memiliki perbedaan karakteristik, salah satunya yang dapat dilihat yaitu dari suaranya. Pemrosesan suara adalah konsep yang sangat penting untuk semua jenis sistem yang membutuhkan interaksi manusia dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Adapun  Salah satu teknik yang digunakan dalam pemrosesan ucapan yaitu klasifikasi, yang berdampak langsung pada sistem pengenalan ucapan. SimpleRNN dan LSTM adalah model deep learning yang bisa dipakai untuk mengklasifikasikan sentimen. Metode ini bisa mengolah data dengan berurutan seperti suara, video, dan teks. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan akurasi 90% pada data uji dan akurasi 95% pada data latih
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