371 research outputs found

    Association of Emotional State and Body Composition with Gait Patterns

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    Department of Human Factors EngineeringWalking is an important element of various daily life activities. Walking can be the simplest indicator that can quantitatively characterize an individual's condition. To predict information about people based on their walk, multiple factors that influence walking have been researched. The factors could be divided into cognitive state and physical state. Therefore, this study selected emotional state and body composition as the main factors affecting walking to determine each of the two influences. In previous studies, the effect of emotional state and body composition was measured using a motion capture analysis or a force plate. However, identifying emotions and body composition through motion capture analysis requires sensors to be attached to a person and cannot be done in a noisy environment. As a result, it is impossible to find out the state of emotions and body composition through motion capture analysis in public places such as streets or shopping malls. Therefore, research into how a pressure platform can predict emotional state and body composition because a pressure platform does not need any sensors attached to the body and can be installed hidden. Forty-seven participants (24 men, mean 21.8 years, SD 2.3 years23 women, mean 22.2 years, SD 3.3 years) were recruited for this study. Before the main experiment, their body composition was measured in the morning by Inbody 570, which uses direct segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis. In the main experiment, the participants performed four walking tasks. One was a natural walking task, and the others were the emotional walking tasks (sadness, neutral, and joy). Two-minute video clip-based stimuli were used to induce emotions. During the tasks, the participants walked barefoot on the 10 m walkway with an installed pressure platform back and forth. While walking, the gait patterns described by spatiotemporal parameters, diagram of the center of pressure (CoP), and force and pressure of foot were measured. After the tasks, the intensity of valence, arousal, and physical activity were measured by the two questionnaires. The analyses were conducted separately into men and women. Repeated ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc analyses was performed to examine the effect of emotions on gait patterns measured during the emotional walking tasks. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to determine the effect of body composition on the gait patterns measured during the natural walking task. According to the intensity of valence, gait patterns were changed. Walking feeling joy increased stride length, cadence, and velocity and decreased step time. With increased walking speed, the percentage of stance phase and double support phase were reduced, and the swing phase was longer during a whole gait cycle. The length of the CoP path during the single support phase was increased. The first peak force and the second peak force during 100% of the gait cycle increased, and time to the first peak reduced. In the only men, less mediolateral displacement of the CoP intersection point was presented. In the men, height and right leg fat-free mass had a commonly positive correlation with stride length, walking speed, and length of the CoP path during the stance phase and the single support phase. They had a negative correlation with the anteroposterior of the CoP intersection point. Weight presented a strong correlation with a maximum force of forefoot and heel and was moderately correlated with midfoot. As the total and segmental fat mass increased, the maximum force of forefoot, midfoot, and heel increased similar to weight. The body mass index (BMI) was correlated with a maximum force of forefoot and midfoot. In the regression prediction model, total and segmental fat mass (right arm, trunk, and right leg fat mass) were indirectly predicted by decrease in two CoP variables, mediolateral displacement of CoP intersection point and length of CoP path during stance phase with a direct effect of increased maximum force of right forefoot and right midfoot. Total and segmental fat-free mass (right arm, trunk, and right leg fat mass) were indirectly predicted by the length of the CoP path during the stance phase and maximum force with the direct effect of decreased contact time of right heel. Contrary to the men, height and total fat-free mass were correlated with weight in the women. Weight was correlated with the maximum force of forefoot and heel. The maximum force of midfoot did not show the correlation with body composition. Weight, BMI, and total and segmental fat mass, which were intercorrelated with each other, were correlated with the contact time of forefoot and midfoot. In the regression prediction model, the direct effect predicted most of the fat mass and fat-free mass. Total and segmental fat mass were predicted by a decrease in length of CoP during the right single support phase and an increase in the maximum force of forefoot, while total and segmental fat-free mass were predicted by an increase in the maximum force of forefoot. This study will help to understand the relationship between emotion and body composition on gait patterns. It will be the basis for developing models to predict an individual's emotional state and body composition using a pressure platform, and further to provide personal information that can be used in marketing.clos

    Educar en positivo

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    El autor pretende rescatar algunas de las ideas ofrecidas en el Libro “Educar en positivo para un mundo en cambio” de Mercedes Muñoz Repiso y de su dedicatoria manuscrita, con la finalidad de beneficial sobre todo a quienes no hayan tenido ocasión de leerlo

    Digitalising the Library Management for Effective Performance in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector

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    Advancement in information and technology in the 21st century has affected the manner and type of information required by library users. To effectively meet the emerging needs of information seekers, libraries need to be digitalised. The aim of this paper is to examine how the digitalising of library management can lead to effective performance in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. This study adopts an analytical research methodology that showed that there is still a huge gap in the delivery of library services in the oil and gas sector due to the lack of full digitalisation of libraries in the sector. Five subtopics were analyzed in order to articulate the aim of the study. The subtopics include; Introduction, Digitalisation of library management and digital libraries, the need for digitalisation of library management in the oil and gas sector, and how the digitisation of library management can lead to effective performance in the oil and gas sector, and challenges to the digitalisation of libraries.  The study concluded that the oil and gas sector is the backbone of the Nigerian economy hence oil and gas professionals need easy and fast access to information for effective performance and safety. As such, libraries need effective service delivery. It also recommended solutions to the challenges of digitalisation of library performance in the oil and gas sector

    Vom Impedanzmessrohr in den Transmissionsprüfstand - Maßgeschneiderte Akustiklösungen

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    Warum „klingt“ ein Schlafzimmer anders als ein Bad und warum kann man sich in manchen Räumen so schlecht unterhalten? Die Antwort ist: Es hängt von den Dämpfungseigenschaften der Materialien in diesen Räumen ab. Die akustische Untersuchung neuer Materialien und die Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Schalldämpfung erfordern viel Technik und Know-how. Dies gilt insbesondere für Leichtbaustrukturen und -systeme, weil deren Masse und Volumen auf ein Minimum reduziert werden müssen. Das unten dargestellte Impedanzmessrohr ist ein etabliertes Hilfsmittel, mit dem sich Materialien akustisch untersuchen lassen. Neue ultraleichte Materialien wie Aerogele können damit schnell und zuverlässig geprüft und mit herkömmlichen Dämmstoffen wie Schäumen oder Mineralwolle verglichen werden. Vielversprechende neue Materialien werden anschließend im Schalltransmissionsprüfstand des Instituts weiteren Tests unterzogen. Diese erfolgen in einem größeren Maßstab und unter realistischeren Randbedingungen. Auf diese Weise entstehen innovative Schallschutzlösungen, die eine hohe Schalldämpfung mit niedrigem Gewicht und Volumen in sich vereinen

    Inorganic nanofillers prepared from LDHS to obtain polymer matrix nanocomposites. Determination of the impact of the preparation method on their properties

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    [ES] El presente trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la obtención de nanorrellenos inorgánicos a partir de Hidróxidos Dobles Laminares (LDHs) que puedan ser de utilidad en la preparación de composites y nanocomposites de matriz polimérica modificando sus propiedades. Las propiedades de este tipo de nanorrellenos están estrechamente ligadas a las condiciones empleadas durante su síntesis; así, parámetros como el pH, medio de reacción, temperatura de síntesis e historial térmico, relación molar de cationes, velocidad de precipitación, etc., repercuten en las propiedades físicas y de superficie de los sólidos finales. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la síntesis de LDHs de Zn y Al en relaciones molares 2:1 y 3:1 mediante el método de coprecipitación empleando aminas de carácter básico más débil que las clásicamente utilizadas. Concretamente, se han empleado aminas con diferente grado de sustitución y longitud de cadena, como agentes precipitantes empleando una metodología de síntesis más sencilla que la empleada en la hidrolisis de la urea. Los sólidos resultantes se han caracterizado atendiendo a sus propiedades morfológicas y estructurales y se ha estudiado su viabilidad para ser utilizados como nanorrellenos en nanocomposites de matriz polimérica. Los nanocomposites se han preparado utilizando polipropileno como matriz polimérica, dispersando LDHs de Zn y Al sintetizados en diferentes condiciones. Finalmente, se estudió la repercusión que supone el uso de estos solidos a modo de nanorrellenos sobre la estabilidad térmica y las propiedades mecánicas de los nanocomposites resultantes. La metodología de síntesis empleando aminas como agentes de precipitación se extendió a la preparación de LDHs de Ni y Al que resultan de gran interés como precursores de catalizadores en la reacción de Sabatier de hidrogenación de CO2 para obtener metano. La síntesis de este tipo de sólidos se llevó a cabo utilizando dimetilamina como agente precipitante, ya que no se observó con esta amina la formación de compuestos de coordinación con el Ni(II) y, además, resultó ser la amina con la que los sólidos de Zn y Al ofrecían las mejores propiedades, en cuanto a grado de cristalinidad y distribución de tamaño de partículas. El estudio de la actividad catalítica de este tipo de solidos se amplió con la síntesis de los catalizadores promovidos por cationes de elementos de tierras raras, como Ce y La. La efectividad de los catalizadores resultantes de Ni-Al2O3, Ni-Ce2O3-Al2O3 y Ni-La2O3-Al2O3 se estudió en la producción de CH4, atendiendo tanto a la conversión como a la selectividad frente a la formación de productos secundarios. El test catalítico se realizó entre 200 y 400 ºC, observándose que a 275 ºC se lograba una conversión superior al 60% y que se mantenía hasta 400 ºC, con una selectividad del 95% en la producción de metano. [EN] The present research work has focused on obtaining inorganic nanofillers from Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) that can be useful in the preparation of polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites with modified properties. The properties of this type of nanofillers are closely linked to their synthesis conditions; so, parameters such as pH, reaction medium, molar ratio of cations, precipitation rate, synthesis temperature and hydrothermal treatments, etc., have an important impact on the physical and surface properties of the final solids. Thus, in the present work, the synthesis of Zn,Al LDHs with molar ratios 2:1 and 3:1 has been carried out by the coprecipitation method using amines, which are softer bases than the classically used bases. Specifically, amines with different substitution degree and chain length have been used as precipitating agents using a simpler synthesis methodology than the hydrolysis of urea. The resulting solids have been characterised in terms of their morphological and structural properties and their feasibility for use as nanofillers in polymer matrix nanocomposites has been studied. Thus, nanocomposites have been prepared using polypropylene as polymeric matrix, dispersing Zn,Al LDHs synthesised under different conditions. Finally, the impact of the use of these solids as nanofillers on the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the resulting nanocomposites was studied. On the other hand, the synthesis methodology using amines as precipitating agents was extended to the preparation of Ni,Al LDHs which are of great interest as catalyst precursors in the Sabatier reaction of CO2 hydrogenation to obtain methane. The synthesis of this type of solids was carried out using dimethylamine as precipitating agent, since the formation of coordination compounds with Ni(II) was not observed and, in addition, it turned out to be the amine with which the Zn,Al LDHs offered the best properties, in terms of crystallinity degree and particle size distribution. The study of the catalytic activity of this type of solids was extended with the synthesis of catalysts promoted by cations of rare earth elements, such as Ce and La. Thus, the effectiveness of the resulting Ni-Al2O3, Ni-Ce2O3-Al2O3 and Ni-La2O3-Al2O3-Al2O3 catalysts was studied in the production of CH4, taking into account both the conversion and the selectivity towards secondary products. The catalytic test was carried out between 200 and 400 ºC, and it was observed that at 275 ºC a conversion larger than 60% was achieved, maintained up to 400 ºC, with a selectivity of 95% in methane production

    Buscadores académicos como herramientas útiles para el aprendizaje de química para estudiantes de ESO y/o bachillerato

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    El desarrollo de Internet en las últimas décadas ha provocado que la cantidad de información de la que se dispone crezca de forma exponencial a cada día que pasa. Este hecho, junto a la incorporación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la sociedad, ha modificado la percepción del aprendizaje y la comunicación. De ahí que el nuevo modelo educativo trate de garantizar la adquisición de competencias digitales en el alumnado, Debido al gran volumen de información que contiene la Red, es necesario el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que permitan encontrar la información deseada; estas herramientas son los motores de búsqueda. Sin embargo, no toda la información mostrada es veraz; por ello, es necesario el uso de buscadores académicos, que están indexados con fuentes de información confiables. No obstante, la obtención de información relevante también depende de las habilidades del usuario a la hora de concretar la estrategia de búsqueda, seleccionar el motor de búsqueda adecuado, la construcción de las palabras clave adecuadas y del conocimiento del mismo para elegir si la información es correcta o no. En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se ha realizado una propuesta metodológica para integrar el uso de los buscadores académicos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y de Bachillerato en el estudio de la Física y la Química. Con esto se pretende que los estudiantes posean herramientas y recursos que les sean de utilidad en la búsqueda de información fiable, ya sea a lo largo de su vida académica, como en la vida laboral e incluso personal. Además, las actividades propuestas les sirven de ayuda en el proceso de aprendizaje de la Química y contribuyen al desarrollo de un pensamiento crítico ante la información.Internet's development over the last decades has led to an exponential increase in the amount of information available with each new day. This fact, together with the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into society, has changed the perception of learning and communication. Hence, the new educational model in Spain tries to guarantee the acquisition of e-learning skills in students. Due to the large volume of information available through the Web, it is necessary to use technological tools to find the desired information; these tools are the search engines. However, not all the information displayed is true; therefore, it is necessary to use academic search engines, which are indexed with reliable sources of information. However, getting relevant information also depends on the user's skills in specifying the search strategy, selecting the right search engine, constructing the right keywords and its knowledge of the search engine to choose if the information is correct or not. In this Master's thesis, a methodological proposal has been made to integrate the use of academic search engines in the teaching-learning process of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria and Bachillerato students in the study of Physics and Chemistry. The aim is to provide the students with tools and resources that will be useful in their search for reliable information, whether in their academic, working or even personal life. In addition, the proposed activities help them in the process of learning chemistry and contribute to the development of their critical thinking about new information.Departamento de Química OrgánicaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    El comportamiento kinésico en el profesorado de educación física

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    El presente TFG es un trabajo de investigación que tiene como finalidad reconocer e identificar los elementos de mi comportamiento kinésico dentro la comunicación no verbal en las clases de educación física que impartiré durante el Practicum II, analizando las frecuencias de las conductas kinésicas más utilizadas, comprobando si existen diferencias en su aplicación dependiendo de las dimensiones corporales que trabajemos y conociendo mi evolución durante este proceso. Con ello, podré analizar la importancia que tiene este aspecto a la hora de favorecer un mayor aprendizaje del alumnado en las clases de EF; así como las carencias y virtudes de mi actividad docente de cara a continuar buscando la manera de cómo mejorarla.Grado en Educación Primari

    Noise reduction results of the ACASIAS Active Lining Panel

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    Advanced concepts for aero-structures with multifunctional capabilities are investigated within the EU-project ACASIAS. In work package 3 of ACASIAS, components of an active noise reduction system are structurally integrated into a curved sandwich panel by means of 3D printed inserts. This so-called smart lining is intended for application in aircraft as a modular and lightweight interior noise treatment in propeller-driven aircraft. The broad application scenario of smart linings ranges from retro-fitting of current regional aircraft such as ATR 42, ATR 72, DHC-8 Q400 to the application in new short-range aircraft with energy efficient counter rotating open rotor (CROR) engines or with distributed electric propellers. A key feature of the smart lining with integrated active components is its modularity, facilitating a flexible application in the aircraft cabin. This requires a fully self-contained sensing mechanism based on structurally integrated accelerometers. Using the normal surface vibration data from the integrated sensors, the smart lining is able to predict the sound field in front of it. The so-called virtual microphone method with remote sensors and observer filter allows to get rid of real microphones and wiring in the aircraft cabin. This makes retro-fitting easier because it reduces wiring effort and costs which is beneficial for future aircraft as well. However, the use of virtual instead of real microphones might deteriorate the performance or even the stability of the active noise reduction system because it relies on accurate plant models. Laboratory experiments in a sound transmission loss facility are conducted to assess the behavior of the smart lining with virtual microphones and compare it to a smart lining with real microphones. The sensitivity of the smart lining to environmental changes and the noise reduction performance and control system stability are investigated in this study