342 research outputs found

    Srbi u Sloveniji. Manjinske organizacije

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    V članku so predstavljeni ustanavljanje in razvoj manjšinskih organizacij Srbov v Sloveniji in njihova vloga v življenju skupnosti, vpliv na oblikovanje, ohranjanje in izražanje etnične identitete pripadnikov različnih generacij v sinhroni in diahroni perspektivi. *** This article discusses the establishment and development of Serbian minority organizations in Slovenia. It assesses their potential role in the community’s everyday life and their influence on shaping, maintaining, and expressing the ethnic identity of members of different generations through synchronic and diachronic perspectives

    Prilog rešenju problema minimizacije Jensenovog funkcionala

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    Dissertation is written in 60 pages and is divided into next parts: 1. Preface (pages 2-7) 2. Introduction (pages 8-29) 3. Concentration polynomial in low degrees (pages 30-56) 4. References (pages 57-60) which is consisted of 52 items Chapter 2 is divided into 9, and chapter 3 into 2 sections. In preface a short historical review of polynomials and their importance and position in mathematics are given. Especially interesting parts in preface are about number of zeros of polynomials in diferent sections of complex plane. In section 2:1 there are well known characteristic of Mobijus' transformation which will be used further in dissertation. Section 2:2 of same chapter is consisted of relations of diferent norms which are being introduced to vector spaces of all polynomials with complex coeficients. In section 2:3 Hurwitz polynomials are explained. This class of polynomials which was being examined at the end of 19th century has found its real position in subject which is being examined in this dissertation. Jensen's formula (which also appeared at the end of 19th century) is described in section 4 from more aspects. In sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 the relation among Jensen's formula, Hardy's spaces of p degree, generalized Jensen's formula and Mahler's measure is given. In section 9 in dissertation the story about lower and upper boundaries of Jensen's functional is given (definition, motivation, some well known results and some new results of the author). The chapter 3 is consisted of results of the author which are related to lower boundaries of Jensen's functional for polynomials which satisfy the condition (1:2) of dissertation. In that case extreme functions are being determined. the main purpose of author is making intervals [-2k;-2klog 2] whose ends presents asymptotically lower and upper boundary of best lower boundary of Jensen's functional determined. The part of those results is published in "Computers and Mathematics with Applications"

    Abstract metric spaces and Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems

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    AbstractRecently, Raja and Vaezpour [P. Raja and S.M. Vaezpour, Some extensions of Banach’s contraction principle in complete cone metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2008, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/768294. Article ID 768294] proved some results for Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems in the framework of abstract (cone) metric spaces over a normal solid cone. The purpose of this paper is to present this in the framework of symmetric spaces which are associated with abstract (cone) metric spaces introduced by Radenović and Kadelburg [S. Radenović, Z. Kadelburg, Quasi-contractions on symmetric and cone symmetric spaces, ISI J. BJMA (electronic) (in press)]. Our results extend and generalize Sehgal–Guseman-type theorems from metric and abstract metric spaces to some symmetric spaces. Examples are given to illustrate the results

    More on “Connected (n, m)-graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth-order general Randić index”

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    AbstractLet G be a graph and d(u) denote the degree of a vertex u in G. The zeroth-order general Randić index 0Rα(G) of the graph G is defined as ∑u∈V(G)d(u)α, where the summation goes over all vertices of G and α is an arbitrary real number. In this paper we correct the proof of the main Theorem 3.5 of the paper by Hu et al. [Y. Hu, X. Li, Y. Shi, T. Xu, Connected (n,m)-graphs with minimum and maximum zeroth-order general Randić index, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (8) (2007) 1044–1054] and give a more general Theorem. We finally characterize 11Note added in proof: We have learned in the meantime that correction of the main error and proof for α∈(−1,0) have been obtained in ”(n,m)- Graphs with maximum zeroth-order general Randić index for α∈(−1,0)” by X. Li, Y. Shi, MATCH, 62 (1) (2009). for α<0 the connected G(n,m)-graphs with maximum value 0Rα(G(n,m)), where G(n,m) is a simple connected graph with n vertices and m edges

    Abstract metric spaces and Sehgal-Guseman-type theorems

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    Recently, Raja and Vaezpour [P. Raja and S.M. Vaezpour, Some extensions of Banach's contraction principle in complete cone metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2008, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/768294. Article ID 768294] proved some results for Sehgal-Guseman-type theorems in the framework of abstract (cone) metric spaces over a normal solid cone. The purpose of this paper is to present this in the framework of symmetric spaces which are associated with abstract (cone) metric spaces introduced by Radenovie and Kadelburg [S. Radenovie, Z. Kadelburg, Quasi-contractions on symmetric and cone symmetric spaces, ISI J. BJMA (electronic) (in press)]. Our results extend and generalize Sehgal-Guseman-type theorems from metric and abstract metric spaces to some symmetric spaces. Examples are given to illustrate the results

    Mijalgični encefalomijelitis - enigma na raskršću medicine

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a complex, multisystem disease with chronic course significantly affecting patients' quality of life. Physical and mental exertion intolerability, muscle pain, and sleep problems are the main features accompanied often with cognitive inefficacy and vegetative symptoms. Prevalence is 7-3000 per 100,000 adults. It is estimated that 90% of the patients are misdiagnosed. Pathogenesis is still only speculative but current research points to disturbances in the immunological system, inflammatory pathways, autonomic and central nervous system, muscle and mitochondria, as well as alterations of gut microbiota and gut permeability. The onset is typically acute, following an infectious disease. Exertional intolerance lasting for more than six months is an important diagnostic factor. The core features must be moderate to severe and present at least 50% of the time. Diagnostic criteria should be fulfilled and differential diagnosis should be made to exclude other potential pathological conditions or to diagnose comorbidities. Brain magnetic resonance imaging morphometry has shown gray matter atrophy in occipital lobes bilaterally, right angular gyrus, and the posterior division of the left parahippocampal gyrus, consistent with memory problems and potentially with impairment of visual processing. Treatment is still symptomatic and of partial benefit. Symptomatic treatment can include medications for controlling pain and sleep problems, graded exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy. Larger controlled trials are needed to shed more light on this challenging condition.Mijalgični encefalomijelitis je složeno, multisistemsko oboljenje sa hroničnim tokom koje značajno utiče na kvalitet života bolesnika. Slaba tolerancija na fizički i mentalni napor, bolovi u mišićima i problemi sa spavanjem glavne su odlike i često su praćene kognitivnom neefikasnošću i vegetativnim simptomima. Prevalencija je 7-3000 na 100.000 odraslih. Procenjuje se da je 90% ovih bolesnika pogrešno dijagnostikovano. Patogeneza je i dalje samo spekulativna, ali trenutna istraživanja ukazuju na poremećaje u imunološkom sistemu, inflamatornom odgovoru, autonomnom i centralnom nervnom sistemu, mišićima i mitohondrijama, kao i promene mikrobiote i propustljivosti creva. Početak bolesti je tipično akutan i prati infektivnu bolest. Netolerancija napora koja traje duže od šest meseci važan je dijagnostički kriterijum. Osnovne karakteristike moraju biti umerene do teške i prisutne najmanje 50% vremena. Isključivanje drugih mogućih patoloških stanja ili komorbiditetnih dijagnoza zahteva zadovoljavanje dijagnostičkih kriterijuma i diferencijalno dijagnostičko sagledavanje. Morfometrijska snimanja mozga magnetnom rezonancom pokazala su atrofiju sive mase u okcipitalnim režnjevima bilateralno, desnom angularnom girusu i posteriornom levom parahipokampalnom girusu, što može dovesti do problema sa pamćenjem i oštećenja vizuelne obrade informacija. Lečenje je i dalje simptomatsko i samo delimično uspešno. Simptomatski tretman može da uključuje lekove za kontrolu bola i problema sa spavanjem, doziranu fizičku aktivnost i kognitivno-bihevioralnu terapiju. Potrebne su veće studije da bi se razjasnilo ovo medicinsko stanje

    Imovinske krivičnopravne mere

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    Property criminal law measures are measures which state, or society use to fight against crime. They are: fine, confiscation of property, dispossession of object, confiscation and seizure of assets derived from criminal act. Comprehensive scientific study concept, characteristics, content, type, elements, legal nature, the basis, methods and limits of prescribing, imposition and enforcement of property criminal law measures are of great importance. The historical development of these measures are shown througt analysis of the most important historical monuments of legal and analysis property criminal law measures in the written legal documents of the Republic of Serbia. Fine and confiscation of property existed in Egipt law and in Mesopotamia law. Other property criminal law measures appeаred later. Comparative analysis indicate the existence of property criminal law measures in many European countries. Defining property criminal law measures in criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia are the most similar to the determination of these measures in the Criminal codes of the states of the former Yugoslavia. Comparative analysis of legal decisions indicate variability in the implementation of various property criminal law measures in modern criminal law. Use of property criminal law measures in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia today is analyzed in the third chapter of the doctoral dissertation. Criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia knows the following property criminal law measures: fine, dispossession of object, confiscation and seizure of assets derived from criminal act. At this point are analyzed solutions of the Criminal Code and the Law on seizure of property acquired through crime. Except in criminal law, property criminal law measures are applied in other branches of criminal law: misdemeanor law, economic offence and international criminal law. And finally, the author analyzed the criminal policy of the courts in the application of property criminal law measures in the fifth chapter of the doctoral dissertation

    HER2 pozitivni karcinom dojke u starijih bolesnica: biologija tumora i specifičnosti sistemskog liječenja

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females and it is primarily disease of ageing with highest incidence in women older than 65 years. There are statistically signifi cant diff erences in breast cancer histology considering patients age and older patients are usually diagnosed with larger, hormone sensitive tumors. Approximately 15-25% of all women diagnosed with early breast cancer have tumor overexpressing HER2/neu receptor. A golden standard for early and metastatic HER2 positive breast cancer treatment is trastuzumab. Studies in adjuvant sett ing showed that one year of trastuzumab therapy reduces the risk of death by one-third. Important side eff ect of trastuzumab treatment is cardiotoxicity, whose precise mechasnisms are not clear yet. The aim of our study was to determine diff erences in biological characteristics of tumor, treatment options and cardiac side eff ects in elderly patients with HER2 positive early breast cancer. Research included patients with early, histologically confi rmed, HER2 positive breast cancer who underwent prior breast surgery and axillary node dissection. Patients were divided into two groups considering age: group I ≤ 65 years of age and group II > 65 years of age. Patients received adjuvant anthracycline or non-antracycline based chemotherapy followed by one year of trastuzumab monotherapy. Cardiac function was monitored with echocardiography by measuring left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) in patients before starting trastuzumab, 3 months and 8 months after trastuzumab was introduced. Incidence of trastuzumab induced cardiac dysfunction showed no signifi cant difference between younger and older patients except in group of older patients with cardiovascular risk who had signifi cantly higher incidence of cardiac dysfunction.Karcinom dojke je najčešći karcinom u žena i primarno je bolest starenja s najvećom incidencijom u žena dobi iznad 65 godina. Postoje statistički značajne razlike u histologiji karcinoma dojke obzirom na dob bolesnice i starije bolesnice obično imaju veći, hormonski ovisan tumor. 15-25% svih žena kojima se dijagnosticira rani karcinom dojke imaju tumor koji pretjerano eksprimira HER2/neu receptor. Zlatni standard za liječenje ranog i uznapredovalog HER2 pozitivnog karcinoma dojke je trastuzumab. Studije u adjuvantnom liječenju su pokazale da jednogodišnje terapija trastuzumabom smanjuje rizik od smrti za jednu trećinu. Važna nuspojava liječenja trastuzumabom je kardiotoksičnost, čiji mehanizmi nastanka još nisu potpuno razjašnjeni. Cilj našeg istraživanja je bio utvrditi razlike u biološkim karakteristikama tumora, terapijskim opcijama i kardijalnim nuspojavama u starijih bolesnica s ranim HER2 pozitivnim tumorom dojke. U istraživanje smo uključili bolesnice s ranim, histološki potvrđenim, HER2 pozitivnim karcinomom dojke koje su ranije liječene kiruški, operacijom dojke i odstranjenjem aksilarnih limfnih čvorova. Bolesnice su podijeljene u dvije skupine obzirom na dob: grupa I – mlađe od 65 godina i grupa II – starije od 65 godina. Bolesnice su primile adjuvantnu kemoterapiju na bazi antraciklina ili protokolom bez antraciklinskog preparata nakon čega je slijedilo liječenje trastuzumabom u monoterapiji kroz godinu dana. Srčana funkcija je praćena uz pomoć ehokardiografije, mjerenjem ejekcijske frakcije lijevog ventrikla prije početka terapije trastuzumabom te 3 i 8 mjeseci nakon početka terapije trastuzumabom. Incidencija trastuzumabom inducirane kardiotoksičnosti nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku između mlađih i starijih bolesnica, osim u grupi starijih bolesnica sa kardiovaskularnim rizikom, koje su imale značajno veću incidenciju srčanog popuštanja


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    Sve vrste maziva smatraju se zagađivačima okoliša. Otpadna maziva svrstana su među opasne, toksične i kancerogene otpadne materijale, zagađivače zemljišta, vode i atmosfere. Nositelji toksičnosti i kancerogenosti su, prije svega, produkti oksidacijske i termičke razgradnje maziva. Procesi oksidacije maziva odvijaju se konstantno, ne samo tijekom eksploatacije, već i tijekom skladištenja, pri čemu nastaju kiseli produkti, smole i asfalteni. Pod utjecajem visokih temperatura, uz katalitičko djelovanje vrućih metalnih površina klipova i cilindara, nastaju štetni produkti koji sadrže policikličke aromate (PCA) različitih potencijala kancerogenosti. U nekim otpadnim uljima otkrivena je prisutnost polikloriranih bifenila (PCB), vrlo toksičnog i kancerogenog djelovanja, koji razara imunološki sustav organizma. Osim toga, otpadna ulja sadrže dušikove i sumporne okside, kao produkte izgaranja goriva s kojima dolaze u dodir. Nekontrolirano razlijevanje otpadnih ulja opasno ugrožava okoliš narušavajući prirodnu ravnotežu. Posljedice zagađenja okoliša su danas očigledne: globalno zagrijavanje našeg planeta je uzrok učestalih uragana, poplava, tsunamija, suša itd. Uvođenje precizno definirane zakonske regulative u oblasti upravljanja otpadnim mazivima i jačanje ekološke svijesti pomaže spoznaji da je zaštita okoliša, ma kako se činila skupom, još uvijek jeftinija od cijene sanacija nastalih šteta. Osim toga, planet Zemlja nije dat samo nama na korištenje i zato imamo obvezu sačuvati ga i za buduće generacije, naše potomke

    Problematična upotreba mobilnih telefona kod adolescentata sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću

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    This study was conducted with the aim to determine the frequency and predictors of problematic mobile phone use in adolescents with mild intellectual disability (MID) and typically developing adolescents (TDA). The sample included 623 TDA and 67 adolescents with MID. The Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale, Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Scale, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used as primary outcome measures. The percentage of MID and TDA participants with problematic mobile phone use was 11.9% and 9.8% respectively, but there were twice as many participants who belong to the risk group among the participants with MID (20.9%) than among TDA ones (10.2%). Problematic use of mobile phones was related to the number of years of mobile phone usage, more frequent use, female gender, younger age, as well as with a lower level of self-esteem, and a higher level of loneliness. This study showed that almost every third adolescent with MID is having problematic or risky mobile phone use.Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju utvrđivanja učestalosti i prediktora problematične upotrebe mobilnih telefona kod adolescenata sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO) i adolescenata tipičnog razvoja (TR). Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 623 adolecenata TR i 67 adolescenata sa LIO. U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći instrumenti procene: Skala za pocenu problematične upotrebe mobilnih telefona, Skala za procenu usamljenosti i socijalnog nezadovoljstva, kao i Rozenbergova skala samopoštovanja. Problematična upotreba mobilnih telefona utvrđena je kod 11,9% ispitanika sa LIO i 9,8% ispitanika TR, ali je u grupi ispitanika sa rizičnom upotrebom mobilnih telefona bilo dvostruko više onih sa LIO (20,9%), nego ispitanika TR (10,2%). Problematična upotreba mobilnih telefona je povezana sa dužinom i učestalošču njihovog korišćenja, ženskim polom, mlađim uzrastom, nižim nivoom samopoštovanja i višim nivoom usamljenosti. U ovom istraživanju je pokazano da su adolescenti sa LIO skloniji problematičnoj upotrebi mobilnih telefona budući da gotovo trećina ispitanika iz ovog poduzorka pripada grupi problematičnih ili rizičnih korisnika ovih uređaja