464 research outputs found

    Studio preliminare della geometria per l'accoppiamento SiPM-scintillatore per il progetto PolarQuEEEst

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    Il progetto PolarQuEEEst consiste nella costruzione di un rivelatore di piccole dimensioni per lo studio dei raggi cosmici da imbarcare su una barca a vela che circumnavigherà le isole Svalbard. In questa spedizione scientifica sarà fondamentale la costruzione di altri due rivelatori gemelli posti rispettivamente in Italia e in Norvegia con lo scopo di misurare il flusso di raggi cosmici a differenti latitudini. Lo scopo del lavoro di tesi è lo studio dell'accoppiamento diretto SiPM-scintillatore per definire la geometria migliore per il rivelatore

    Lattice dynamics of dense lithium.

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    We report low-frequency high-resolution Raman spectroscopy and ab-initio calculations on dense lithium from 40 to 200 GPa at low temperatures. Our experimental results reveal rich first-order Raman activity in the metallic and semiconducting phases of lithium. The computed Raman frequencies are in excellent agreement with the measurements. Free energy calculations provide a quantitative description and physical explanation of the experimental phase diagram only when vibrational effect are correctly treated. The study underlines the importance of zero-point energy in determining the phase stability of compressed lithium

    Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography for radiological assessment beyond dento-maxillofacial imaging: a review of the clinical applications in other anatomical districts

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    Background: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) represents the optimal imaging solution for the evaluation of the maxillofacial and dental area when quantitative geometric and volumetric accuracy is necessary (e.g., in implantology and orthodontics). Moreover, in recent years, this technique has given excellent results for the imaging of lower and upper extremities. Therefore, significant interest has been increased in using CBCT to investigate larger and non-traditional anatomical districts. Objective: The purpose of this work is to review the scientific literature in Pubmed and Scopus on CBCT application beyond head districts by paying attention to image quality and radiological doses. Method: The search for keywords was conducted in Pubmed and Scopus databases with no back-date restriction. Papers on applications of CBCT to head were excluded from the present work. From each considered paper, parameters related to image quality and radiological dose were extracted. An overall qualitative evaluation of the results extracted from each issue was done by comparing the conclusive remarks of each author regarding doses and image quality. PRISMA statements were followed during this process. Results: The review retrieved 97 issues from 83 extracted papers; 46 issues presented a comparison between CBCT and Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT), and 51 reviewed only CBCT. The radiological doses given to the patient with CBCT were considered acceptable in 91% of cases, and the final image quality was found in 99%. Conclusion: CBCT represents a promising technology not only for imaging of the head and upper and lower extremities but for all the orthopedic districts. Moreover, the application of CBCT derived from C-arms (without the possibility of a 360 ° rotation range) during invasive investigations demonstrates the feasibility of this technique for non-standard anatomical areas, from soft tissues to vascular beds, despite the limits due to the incomplete rotation of the tube

    Mediterranean diet and inflammaging within the hormesis paradigm

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    A coherent set of epidemiological data shows that the Mediterranean diet has beneficial effects capable of preventing a variety of age-related diseases in which low-grade, chronic inflammation/inflammaging plays a major role, but the underpinning mechanism(s) is/are still unclear. It is suggested here that the Mediterranean diet can be conceptualized as a form of chronic hormetic stress, similar to what has been proposed regarding calorie restriction, the most thoroughly studied nutritional intervention. Data on the presence in key Mediterranean foods of a variety of compounds capable of exerting hormetic effects are summarized, and the mechanistic role of the nuclear factor erythroid 2 pathway is highlighted. Within this conceptual framework, particular attention has been devoted to the neurohormetic and neuroprotective properties of the Mediterranean diet, as well as to its ability to maintain an optimal balance between pro- and anti-inflammaging. Finally, the European Commission-funded project NU-AGE is discussed because it addresses a number of variables not commonly taken into consideration, such as age, sex, and ethnicity/ genetics, that can modulate the hormetic effect of the Mediterranean diet

    Recent Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy: Where We Are and Beyond

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    In recent decades, artificial intelligence (AI) tools have been applied in many medical fields, opening the possibility of finding novel solutions for managing very complex and multifactorial problems, such as those commonly encountered in radiotherapy (RT). We conducted a PubMed and Scopus search to identify the AI application field in RT limited to the last four years. In total, 1824 original papers were identified, and 921 were analyzed by considering the phase of the RT workflow according to the applied AI approaches. AI permits the processing of large quantities of information, data, and images stored in RT oncology information systems, a process that is not manageable for individuals or groups. AI allows the iterative application of complex tasks in large datasets (e.g., delineating normal tissues or finding optimal planning solutions) and might support the entire community working in the various sectors of RT, as summarized in this overview. AI-based tools are now on the roadmap for RT and have been applied to the entire workflow, mainly for segmentation, the generation of synthetic images, and outcome prediction. Several concerns were raised, including the need for harmonization while overcoming ethical, legal, and skill barriers

    Comparison of primary human gingival fibroblasts from an older and a young donor on the evaluation of cytotoxicity of denture adhesives

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    Denture adhesives (DA) improve the retention and stability of ill-fitting dentures, especially for older adults. These materials should be biocompatible, i.e., they cannot cause undesired biological responses and be non-cytotoxic to oral tissues. However, in vitro testing of DA biocompatibility employing primary cell culture may possibly be affected by other factors, such as the donor age. Objective To compare the cytotoxicity of three different denture adhesives when assessed in primary gingival fibroblasts from a young donor or from an older donor, as well as the release of the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and the inflammatory response marker interleukin-6 (IL-6). Material and Methods Gingival fibroblasts isolated from a 30- and a 62-year-old donor were assayed for proliferation (1-7 days) and sensitivity to latex (positive control). Fibroblasts were indirectly exposed to Corega Ultra (cream), Corega powder and Fixodent Original for a 24 h period and assayed by XTT and Crystal Violet tests. The release of IL-6 and bFGF by exposed cells was determined by ELISA. Results While cells from the young donor presented higher cell growth after 7 days, the sensitivity to increasing concentrations of latex extracts was very similar between young and older cells. Both XTT and CVDE detected no difference between the DA and the control group. All materials induced higher levels of IL-6 and bFGF compared to control. Cells from the older donor exposed to Corega Ultra released lower levels of cytokine and growth factor. Conclusions All materials were considered non-cytotoxic, but affected cytokine and growth factor release. The biological differences found between fibroblasts from both donors could be due to individual or age-related factors. The authors suggest the use of cells from older donors on studies of dental products aimed at older patients, to better simulate their physiological response

    Cross-sectional analysis of the correlation between daily nutrient intake assessed by 7-day food records and biomarkers of dietary intake among participants of the NU-AGE study

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    Methods for measuring diet composition and quantifying nutrient intake with sufficient validity are essential to study the association between nutrition and health outcomes and risk of diseases. 7-day food records provides a quantification of food actually and currently consumed and is interesting for its use in intervention studies to monitor diet in a short-term period and to guide participants toward changing their intakes. The objective of this study is to analyze the correlation/association between the daily intake of selected nutrients (collected by a 7-day food records plus a mineral/vitamin supplementation questionnaire) and estimates of energy expenditure as well as blood and urine biomarkers of dietary intakes in 1,140 healthy elderly subjects (65–79 years) at baseline of the NU-AGE intervention study (NCT01754012, clinicaltrials.gov). The results show that: the daily intake of energy correlated significantly with predicted total energy expenditure (pTEE) (ρ = 0.459, p < 0.001, and q < 0.001); protein intake correlated significantly with the ratio of 24 h urinary urea to creatinine excretion (ρ = 0.143 for total protein intake, ρ = 0.296 for animal protein intake, and ρ = 0.359 for protein intake/body weight, p < 0.001 and q < 0.001 for each correlation); vitamin B12 and folate intakes correlated significantly with their serum concentrations (ρ = 0.151 and ρ = 0.363, respectively; p < 0.001 and q < 0.001 for each correlation); sodium and potassium intakes correlated significantly with their 24 h urinary excretion (ρ = 0.298 and ρ = 0.123, respectively; p < 0.001 and q < 0.001 for each correlation); vitamin B12 and folate intakes were negatively associated with plasma homocysteine measure (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively); stratifying subjects by gender, the correlations between energy intake and pTEE and between potassium intake and its 24 h urinary excretion lost their significance in women. Even if the plasma and urinary levels of these nutrients depend on several factors, the significant correlations between daily reported intake of nutrients (protein, vitamin B12, folate, and sodium) and their blood/urinary markers confirmed that the 7-day food records (plus a supplementation questionnaire) provides reliable data to evaluate short-term current dietary intake in European elderly subjects and it can be exploited to guide and monitor NU-AGE participants through the shift of their diet according NU-AGE recommendations

    Mitochondrial DNA involvement in human longevity

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    AbstractThe main message of this review can be summarized as follows: aging and longevity, as complex traits having a significant genetic component, likely depend on a number of nuclear gene variants interacting with mtDNA variability both inherited and somatic. We reviewed the data available in the literature with particular attention to human longevity, and argued that what we hypothesize for aging and longevity could have a more general relevance and be extended to other age-related complex traits such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The genetics which emerges for complex traits, including aging and longevity, is thus even more complicated than previously thought, as epistatic interactions between nuclear gene polymorphisms and mtDNA variability (both somatic and inherited) as well as between mtDNA somatic mutations (tissue specific) and mtDNA inherited variants (haplogroups and sub-haplogroups) must be considered as additional players capable of explaining a part of the aging and longevity phenotype. To test this hypothesis is one of the main challenge in the genetics of aging and longevity in the next future

    Improving total body irradiation with a dedicated couch and 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks: A feasibility study

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    Introduction: Total body irradiation (TBI) is an important component of the conditioning regimen in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplants. TBI is used in very few patients and therefore it is generally delivered with standard linear accelerators (LINACs) and not with dedicated devices. Severe pulmonary toxicity is the most common adverse effect after TBI, and patient-specific lead blocks are used to reduce mean lung dose. In this context, online treatment setup is crucial to achieve precise positioning of the lung blocks. Therefore, in this study we aim to report our experience at generating 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks and coupling a dedicated couch (with an integrated onboard image device) with a modern LINAC for TBI treatment. Material and methods: TBI was planned and delivered (2Gy/fraction given twice a day, over 3 days) to 15 patients. Online images, to be compared with planned digitally reconstructed radiographies, were acquired with the couch-dedicated Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) panel and imported in the iView software using a homemade Graphical User Interface (GUI). In vivo dosimetry, using Metal-Oxide Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), was used to assess the setup reproducibility in both supine and prone positions. Results: 3D printing of lung blocks was feasible for all planned patients using a stereolithography 3D printer with a build volume of 14.5×14.5×17.5 cm3. The number of required pre-TBI EPID-images generally decreases after the first fraction. In patient-specific quality assurance, the difference between measured and calculated dose was generally&lt;2%. The MOSFET measurements reproducibility along each treatment and patient was 2.7%, in average. Conclusion: The TBI technique was successfully implemented, demonstrating that our approach is feasible, flexible, and cost-effective. The use of 3D-printed patient-specific lung blocks have the potential to personalize TBI treatment and to refine the shape of the blocks before delivery, making them extremely versatile