370 research outputs found

    Kodin mediakeskus

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli toteuttaa mediakeskus yksityiseen talouteen. Työssä valittiin laitteista ja ohjelmistoista koostuva kokoonpano, joilla median käyttäminen kotona tehtiin monipuoliseksi ja miellyttäväksi. Työn tavoite oli saavuttaa monipuolinen ja helppokäyttöinen mediakeskus sekä oppia langattoman tekniikan tuomista mahdollisuuksista. Mediakeskus on erilaisista laitteista ja ohjelmistoista koostuva kokoonpano. Mediakeskuksen käyttötarkoitus on toistaa, jakaa ja varastoida musiikkia, videoita, valokuvia sekä tiedostoja. Työssäni kerron käytettävien laitteistojen ja ohjelmiston ominaisuudet sekä perustelen, miksi päädyin niihin. Käyttömukavuutta voitiin lisätä oheislaitteilla. Lopuksi selostan mediakeskuksen rakennusvaiheet askel askeleelta. Lopputuloksena syntyi toimiva mediakeskus. Mediakeskuksen tavoittena oli saavuttaa helppokäyttöinen ja toimiva kokonaisuus. Nämä tavoitteet saavutettiin osittain. Mediakeskuksen tekniikkaa ja toimivuutta voidaan sanoa onnistuneeksi. Työn tietoperustana olivat alan lehtiartikkelit, kirjat sekä omakohtainen kokemukseni viihdelaitteista. Sain myös kattavan opetuksen verkko- ja tietoliikennetekniikkaan koulun kursseilta. ----- The purpose of this thesis was to carry out a media center for a private household. The work included the selection of the hardware and software configuration with which the use of media at the home was made versatile and comfortable. The goal was to achieve a versatile and easy-to-use media center as well as learn about the opportunities presented by wireless technology. The media center is a configuration consisting of a variety of hardware and software. The purpose of the media center use is to repeat, share and store music, videos, photos, and files. This study discusses the hardware and software features, and explains why they were selected. User convenience could be added by peripherals. Finally, the media center construction is explained step by step. The end result is a functional media center. The media center`s aim was to achieve ease of use, as well as a functional entity. These objectives were partially met. Media center technology and functionality can be said to be successful. The theoretical background of the study is based on newspaper articles, books, and personal experience in the entertainment devices. Moreover, the school courses provided comprehensive education for networking and communications technology

    La música como vehículo para favorecer la inclusión del alumnado de Educación Infantil con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo: un estudio de revisión teórica

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado a través de la modalidad de revisión teórica, centra su estudio en la educación musical como vehículo para favorecer la inclusión en alumnado que presente Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA), analizando así diferentes estudios que prueben su eficiencia en las aulas y den respuesta a los siguientes objetivos planteados como preguntas: ¿Es efectiva la educación musical para trabajar el lenguaje con el alumnado con TEA?; ¿Qué aspectos determinan la efectividad de la educación musical?; ¿Es efectiva la educación musical para trabajar la interacción social en el alumnado con TEA? Y ¿Qué factores determinan la efectividad para favorecer la inclusión del alumnado con TEA en la educación musical? Para ello, se han descrito los criterios de selección y exclusión de documentos, posteriormente, se han seleccionado cinco artículos, se ha realizado un análisis documental y reflejado en una tabla comparativa para proceder a realizar las discusiones y conclusiones de los resultados obtenidos. Además, los estudios reflejan respuestas positivas y efectivas de la educación musical para este alumnado favoreciendo el ámbito social y comunicativo. Poniendo de manifiesto el tipo de metodología a utilizar y la importancia del tiempo de intervención entre 1-12 meses de duración.The present Final Degree Project through the modality of theoretical review, focuses its study on music education as a vehicle to favor inclusion in students who present Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), thus analyzing different studies that prove their efficiency in the classrooms and respond to the following objectives posed as questions: Is music education effective in working on language with students with ASD?; What aspects determine the effectiveness of music education?; Is music education effective in working on social interaction in students with ASD? And what factors determine the effectiveness to favor the inclusion of students with ASD in music education? To this end, the criteria for the selection and exclusion of documents have been described, subsequently, five articles have been selected, a documentary analysis has been carried out and reflected in a comparative table to proceed to carry out the discussions and conclusions of the results obtained. In addition, the studies reflect positive and effective responses of music education for these students favoring the social and communicative field. Highlighting the type of methodology to be used and the importance of the intervention time between 1-12 months of duration

    Dietary Patterns and Their Association with Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Markers in Children and Adolescents: Genobox Cohort

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    Diet is a key factor for obesity development; however, limited data are available on dietary cluster analysis in children with obesity. We aimed to assess the associations between dietary patterns and obesity and several cardiometabolic markers. Anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance, blood pressure and plasma biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial damage were determined in 674 Caucasian children, aged 5–16, with normal or excess weight. Using a food frequency questionnaire and cluster analysis, two consistent dietary patterns were shown, labeled as health conscious (HC) and sweet and processed (SP). The HC pattern included a greater proportion of participants with overweight/obesity than the SP cluster (80.1% vs. 63.8%). However, children with obesity within the HC cluster, showed less abdominal fat, through waist to hip (0.93 vs. 0.94) and waist to height (0.61 vs. 0.63) indexes (p < 0.01). Univariate general models showed several additional di erences in cardiometabolic risk biomarkers in the global and stratified analyses, with a healthier profile being observed mainly in the HC cluster. However, multivariate models questioned these findings and pointed out the need for further studies in this field. Anyhow, our findings support the benefits of a healthy diet and highlight the importance of dietary patterns in the cardiometabolic risk assessment of children with overweight/obesity, beyond weight control.Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I+D+I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Health Research Funding (FONDOS FEDER) PI05/1968 PI11/01425 PI11/02042 PI11/02059 PI16/01301 PI16/01205 PI1600871CIBEROBN Network CB15/00131 CB15/00043Juan de la Cierva-Formacion from the Spanish Government FJCI-2017-34967 FJCI-2014-19795Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spai

    Evaluación de algunos aspectos de la biocompatibilidad de biomateriales in vitro

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    Los biomateriales para uso médico se han ido desarrollando de acuerdo a los avances en los campos de la medicina, bioquímica, farmacia y las ciencias de los materiales. Estos deben ser biocompatibles, por eso es necesario desarrollar un grupo de ensayos biológicos encaminados a este fin. Las pruebas de citotoxicidad in vitro tienen aplicabilidad general y uso extensamente difundido en la evaluación de un amplio rango de materiales. Se ha encontrado cierta relación entre la citotoxicidad no específica del biomaterial in vitro y su efecto irritante in vivo. En nuestro laboratorio se aplicó el método descrito por Stanley HR (1985) para la evaluación toxicológica de biomateriales, habiéndose evaluado hasta la fecha diferentes materiales obtenidos en el Centro de Biomateriales de la Universidad de La Habana, entre ellos: el obturante dental Obtudent Fotocurado (FC), el sellante dental Cubridem Autocurado (AC), el adhesivo tisular Tisuacryl y los cementos óseos Biograft-G y Apafill-G. El Obtudent FC resultó citotóxico, sin embargo su citotoxicidad se encontró en el rango de la de sus análogos comerciales. La citotoxicidad del Cubridem AC y del Tisuacryl no se diferenció significativamente de los niveles encontrados para sus controles comerciales, al igual que el Biograft-G, aunque en este caso el resultado fue ligeramente citotóxico según la clasificación de Stanley. El Apafill-G no resultó citotóxico.Peer Reviewe

    Transmission electron microscopy study of vertical quantum dots molecules grown by droplet epitaxy

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    3 páginas, 3 figuras.-- Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science - SURFINT SREN II.-- PACS codes: 68.37.Lp; 81.05.Ea; 81.15.HiThe compositional distribution of InAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs capped InAs quantum dots has been studied in this work. Upper quantum dots are nucleated preferentially on top of the quantum dots underneath, which have been nucleated by droplet epitaxy. The growth process of these nanostructures, which are usually called as quantum dots molecules, has been explained. In order to understand this growth process, the analysis of the strain has been carried out from a 3D model of the nanostructure built from transmission electron microscopy images sensitive to the composition.This work was supported by the Spanish MCI (TEC2008-06756-C03-02/TEC), CONSOLIDER CSD2009-00013, and the Junta de Andalucia (PAI research groups TEP-120 and TIC-145, project P08-TEP-03516).Peer reviewe

    The Role of a Double Molecular Anchor on the Mobility and Self-Assembly of Thiols on Au(111): The Case of Mercaptobenzoic Acid

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    The dynamics of the self-assembly process of thiol molecules on Au(111) is affected by the interplay between molecule–substrate and molecule–molecule interactions. Therefore, it is interesting to explore the effect of a second anchor to the gold surface, in addition to the S atom, on both the order and the feasibility of phase transitions in self-assembled monolayers. To assess the role of an additional O anchor, we have compared the adsorption of two mercaptobenzoic acid isomers, 2-mercaptobenzoic acid (2-MBA) and 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA), on Au(111). Results from scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electrochemical techniques, and density functional theory calculations show that the additional O anchor in 2-MBA hinders surface mobility, reducing domain size and impeding the molecular reorganization involved in phase transition to denser phases on the Au(111) substrates. This knowledge can help to predict the range order and molecular density of the thiol SAM depending on the chemical structure of the adsorbate.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Numerical models of planetary nebulae with different episodes of mass ejection: the particular case of HuBi 1

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    We have studied the evolution of HuBi 1-like planetary nebulae, considering several stages of mass injection. We have carried out numerical ionization+1D hydrodynamics+atomic/ionic rate models with our code Coral 1D to reproduce planetary nebulae that present multiple shells produced by different ejection events around the ionizing source. Furthermore, we are interested in comparing numerical simulations with Hα\alpha and [NII]λ\lambda6584 emission structures and the position-velocity diagrams observed in HuBi 1. This object also has a phase where it has drastically decreased the injection of ionized photons ejected from the source. The result of these different stages of ejection is a nebula with intense [NII] line emission in the inner part of the planetary nebula and an extended HII recombination line emission around the central zone. The model for HuBi 1 shows the capability of our code to explain the hydrodynamical and photoionization evolution in ionization nebulae. This is our first step with a 1D code to study these two physical phenomena at the same time.Comment: accepte