58 research outputs found

    Cruise report: SICILY09

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    In this report we present all activities realised during the oceanographic cruise named SICILY09, carried out from October 30th November 23rd 2009, on board the R/V URANIA in the central and western Mediterranean basins. CTD, SADCP, LADCP, marine microbic microbiology and baxo corers have been carried on for the following objectives: 1. Water masses characteristics and biological structures from the definition of the main paths of the circulation and the physicalchemical-biological properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, primary production, etc) of the water upper, intermediate and deep central (Sicily Strait) and western (Tyrrhenian sea, Sardinia Channel) Mediterranean water masses. Check of the diffusion of the new deep waters found during a cruise in 2005 in the same areas; 2. Validation of numerical models by measurements used to validate four numerical circulation models implemented at IAMC-CNR in Oristano (SCRM32, SCRM48, WMRM, BONIFACIO/LA MADDALENA) and at ISMAR-CNR in La Spezia (box model); 3. Methodological developments • Measurements of velocity profiles by Lowered ADCP; • Periodical maintenance of currentmeters moored in the Sicily Strait and Corsica Channel; • Comparison of different methods for the quantification of Chlorophyll and calibration of the fluorometer coupled with the multiparametric probe through several photochemical techniques

    Desde microorganismos a la macrofauna: un estudio comparativo de las comunidades bentónicas profundas y su respuesta a las variables ambientales a lo largo del talud de Malta (mar Jónico)

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    A comparative study for abundance, biomass and diversity was carried out for the prokaryote, meiofauna and macrofauna communities at three depth stations (1200, 1800 and 2100 m) along the Malta Escarpment (Mediterranean Sea). Our investigation showed a two-fold increase with depth in prokaryote abundance; the contribution of prokaryote biomass to the total benthic biomass was predominant at all depths. Bacteria were the dominant prokaryote component and Archaea formed a considerable fraction (20%-30%) of the prokaryote assemblages. The meio- and macrofauna abundances and meiofauna biomass did not decrease significantly with depth but macrofauna biomass did. The α diversity did not follow a clear bathymetric trend for both nematode and macrofauna species. Probably because of the large number of eurybathic nematode genera, nor did the turnover diversity in nematode composition change down the depth gradient. Conversely, for the macrofauna there was a perceptible change in community composition between the shallowest station and the two deeper stations. Food availability affected only the macrobenthic component. The increase in the prokaryote organisms with depth and the dominance of nematodes and macrofauna deposit feeders suggest active grazing by the two benthic components on microbes. This would transfer energy to the higher trophic levels through the microbial compartment.Se llevó a cabo un estudio comparativo de las comunidades de procariotas, meiofauna y macrofauna sobre la abundancia, biomasa y diversidad. Fue realizado en tres estaciones en varias profundidades (1200, 1800 y 2100 m) a lo largo del talud de Malta (mar Mediterráneo). Nuestra investigación muestra que, aumentando la profundidad, la abundancia de procariotas se duplica. La contribución de la biomasa procariota al total de la biomasa bentónica predominó en todas las profundidades. Las bacterias eran la fracción procariota dominante y junto con los Archaea representaban al 20-30% del total de procariotas. Por otra parte la abundancia de la meiofauna y macrofauna y la biomasa de la meiofauna no disminuían significativamente con la profundidad, mientras que la biomasa de la macrofauna sí lo hacía. La diversidad α no siguió una tendencia batimétrica muy clara para las especies de los nematodos y macrofauna. Probablemente debido a la gran abundancia de géneros de nematodos eurybatiales, la tasa derenovación de la diversidad en la composición de nematodos tampoco cambió por el gradiente de profundidad. En cambio, para la macrofauna hubo un cambio apreciable en la composición de la comunidad entre la estación más superficial y las dos estaciones más profundas. La disponibilidad de alimentos afectó sólo al componente macrobentónico. El aumento con la profundidad de los organismos procariotas, el dominio de los nematodos y la macrofauna que se alimenta de los materiales depositados sugieren un medio activo para los dos componentes bentónicos microbianos. Esto daría lugar a una transferencia de energía a niveles tróficos superiores a través del compartimento microbiano

    Study of the origin and correction of compass measurement errors in Doppler current meters

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    Surface and subsurface currents are two of the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) defined by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). In situ current measurements can be made by Eulerian methods with instruments on moorings fixed in space. These methods require the determination of two metrological quantities: the speed and the direction of the motion. Their measurement and calibration require the determination of reference velocities and the measure of the angular movement of seawater in relation to the measuring device, as well as of the measuring device in relation to a reference direction given by the magnetic North. This reference direction is determined by electronic compasses integrated into current meters and current profilers. Compasses are sensitive to their magnetic environment, and, therefore, to the objects and instruments that surround them. This publication describes experiments conducted with current meters and current profilers to measure the influence of different devices on the accuracy of their compass measurements. It gives some explanations about the origin of measurement errors and proposes solutions to correct or attenuate the defaults in direction measurements and the measured deviations. Correction formulas are given that can be applied to measured data. They allow the reduction of errors of several tens of degrees for data to be within the instrument’s specifications

    Assessment of Quality and Reliability of Measurements with XBT Sippican T5 and T5/20

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    AbstractThe T5 expendable bathythermographs reach the greatest depth within the current XBT family. Since the early 1970s, in several areas they have been providing a significant part of available temperature profiles below 1000 m and therefore represent an important resource for ocean climate study. In this paper we present new results from laboratory tests of Sippican T5 and T5/20 probes and analyses of more than 350 XBT–CTD matched pairs from our own field trials and the World Ocean Database (WOD), and we propose an improved fall rate equation (coefficients: A = 6.720 ± 0.025 m s−1, B = 0.001 60 ± 0.000 15 m s−2, Offset = 1.00 ± 0.65 m). Possible influences of probe physical characteristics and initial launch conditions on the probe motion have also been investigated with launching height and probe weight being identified as important factors. Analyses also confirm that fall speed and pure temperature error increase with water temperature, as previously reported for other XBT types. The uncertainties in depth and temperature measurements are then calculated. Finally, a new correction for a global T5 dataset is proposed, with an update of the currently available schemes

    Late Pleistocene pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean

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    Pteropods and heteropods (holoplanktonic gastropods) are an important component of the modern oceans; however, detailed information on their distribution in the fossil record is often based on poorly preserved specimens. This study presents the micropaleontological analysis of three exceptionally well-preserved Late Pleistocenemarine sediment cores from the eastern Caribbean Sea, westernMediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. This study presents the first stratigraphical record of heteropods in the Caribbean Sea and extends the known zonation of pteropods in the Mediterranean Sea. Distributions of pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera are presented with abundance and species richness data, as well as stratigraphical dates inferred from the oxygen isotope stratigraphy, argon-argon dating and biostratigraphy. The findings of this study greatly improve our understanding of holoplanktonic gastropod stratigraphy and ecology. Results reveal that the geographical range of heteropods, thought to be restricted to sub-tropical warm waters,may be much greater, including waters of sub-polar temperature. Heteropods were also found to be surprisingly abundant, potentially representing a more important part of the ocean food web than previously thought. Analysis revealed two species of holoplanktonic gastropod that are previously undescribed and indicate that the pteropod Heliconoides mermuysi (Cahuzac and Janssen 2010), known exclusively from the Moulin de Cabanes (Miocene),may have lived in theCaribbean Sea and Indian Ocean as recently as 4 kyr ago. These findings highlight the urgent need for increased research on holoplanktonic gastropods. The threat that current climate change and ocean acidification poses, particularly to the delicately shelled forms, means that some species may become extinct before they have even been fully ‘discovered’

    Along-Path Evolution of Biogeochemical and Carbonate System Properties in the Intermediate Water of the Western Mediterranean

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    A basin-scale oceanographic cruise (OCEANCERTAIN2015) was carried out in the Western Mediterranean (WMED) in summer 2015 to study the evolution of hydrological and biogeochemical properties of the most ubiquitous water mass of the Mediterranean Sea, the Intermediate Water (IW). IW is a relatively warm water mass, formed in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMED) and identified by a salinity maximum all over the basin. While it flows westward, toward and across the WMED, it gradually loses its characteristics. This study describes the along-path changes of thermohaline and biogeochemical properties of the IW in the WMED, trying to discriminate changes induced by mixing and changes induced by interior biogeochemical processes. In the first part of the path (from the Sicily Channel to the Tyrrhenian Sea), respiration in the IW interior was found to have a dominant role in determining its biogeochemical evolution. Afterward, when IW crosses regions of enhanced vertical dynamics (Ligurian Sea, Gulf of Lion and Catalan Sea), mixing with surrounding water masses becomes the primary process. In the final part of the investigated IW path (the Menorca-Mallorca region), the role of respiration is further masked by the effects of a complex circulation of IW, indicating that short-term sub-regional hydrological processes are important to define IW characteristics in the westernmost part of the investigated area. A pronounced along-path acidification was detected in IW, mainly due to remineralization of organic matter. This induced a shift of the carbonate equilibrium toward more acidic species and makes this water mass increasingly less adequate for an optimal growth of calcifying organisms. The carbonate buffering capacity also decreases as IW flows through the WMED, making it more exposed to the adverse effects of a decreasing pH. The present analysis indicates that IW evolution in the sub-basins of the WMED is currently driven by complex hydrological and biogeochemical processes, which could be differently impacted by coming climate changes, in particular considering expected increases of extreme meteorological events, mainly due to the warming of the Mediterranean basin

    Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients in the Western Mediterranean Sea (2004-2017)

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    Abstract. Long-term time-series are a fundamental prerequisite to understand and detect climate shifts and trends. Understanding the complex interplay of changing ocean variables and the biological implication for marine ecosystems requires extensive data collection for monitoring and hypothesis testing and validation of modelling products. In marginal seas, such as Mediterranean Sea, there are still monitoring gaps, both in time and in space. To contribute filling these gaps, an extensive dataset of dissolved inorganic nutrients profiles (nitrate, NO3; phosphate, PO4 ; and silicate, SiO2) have been collected between 2004 and 2017 in the Western Mediterranean Sea and subjected to quality control techniques to provide to the scientific community a publicly available, long-term, quality controlled, internally consistent biogeochemical data product. The database includes 27 870 stations of dissolved inorganic nutrients sampled during 24 cruises, including temperature and salinity. Details of the quality control (primary and secondary quality control) applied are reported. The data are available in PANGAEA (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.904172, Belgacem et al. 2019) Keywords: Mediterranean Sea, Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient, biogeochemistr
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