196 research outputs found

    Personalidad, sexo y comunicación mediada por ordenador a través de Internet

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    Previous research about computer-mediated communication (CMC) focused on variables as gender. There is little information about differences in CMC related to personality, most are speculations based on the assumption that introvertive traits are specially appropriate for CMC. Results of this study are consistent with this predictions, because introverted participants sent as messages to the Internet forums analysed as extroverted, and their messages contained more information. In relation with gender, it was found that men sent longer messages that women, but there was not more information in them.La investigación sobre diferencias individuales en  comunicación mediada por ordenador (CMO) se ha ocupado, hasta el momento, de variables personales como el sexo, y no hay practicamente información empírica relacionada con la personalidad. Sí que existen algunas especulaciones basadas en la presuposición de una buena adaptación de los rasgos propios de la personalidad introvertida a las características propias de la CMO. Los resultados de esta investigación coinciden en gran rnedida con las predicciones formuladas a partir de esas especulaciones. Las personas introvertidas encuentran en la CMO un entorno apropiado para la interacción social. En cuanto a diferencias entre los sexos, se encuentra, coincidiendo parcialmente con la literatura previa, una mayor extensión de los rnensajes de los varones, pero no una mayor cantidad de información en los misrnos

    Estudio de envejecimiento de Mataró: Factores hormonales y genéticos que influyen en el envejecimiento

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    [spa] Antecedentes del tema: El envejecimiento es un proceso heterogéneo caracterizado por el deterioro de la capacidad funcional y la mayor susceptibilidad a desarrollar síndrome metabólico (SM) y otras enfermedades que puede llevar a una situación de fragilidad o a una senectud robusta. Hipótesis: Determinada condición hormonal y la combinación de ciertas variantes alélicas del gen de ghrelina, IGF-I y del receptor de glucocorticoides (R-GC), se asocian a mayor prevalencia de SM y menor capacidad funcional en ancianos. Objetivos: 1) Determinar el posible papel de los ejes somatotropo, gonadal y adrenal en la capacidad funcional y el desarrollo de fragilidad en nuestra población de estudio. 2) Determinar la frecuencia de los 6 polimorfismos más frecuentes para el gen de ghrelina, la variante alélica de 192 pb del promotor del gen de IGF-I y del polimorfismo ER22/23EK del gen del R-GC. 3) Evaluar la potencial asociación entre las mencionadas variantes alélicas y la fuerza muscular, capacidad funcional, estado mental y nutricional, y la presencia de los distintos componentes del SM. 4) Estudiar el papel de la obestatina en el estado nutricional, hambre, riesgo de SM y deterioro funcional en la muestra poblacional. 5) Determinar si alguno de los marcadores metabólicos y hormonales se asocia a una mayor supervivencia en el estudio longitudinal. Metodología: estudio longitudinal observacional, de base poblacional iniciado en 2001, con los sujetos participantes en el Estudio de Envejecimiento de Mataró (EEM) y con seguimiento a 3 y 10 años (2004-2005 y 2011-2012). En dichas fases se incluyeron 310 sujetos (160M/150H) de 70a no institucionalizados. Se recogieron datos sobre criterios de SM, capacidad funcional mediante Barthel, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA), criterios de fragilidad por Fried y variables antropométicas en cada corte. Se determinaron hormonas sexuales, adrenales, IGF-I, ghrelina y obestatina totales y marcadores genéticos. Resultados y conclusiones: 1) Los ejes somatotropo, gonadal y adrenal juegan un papel en el estado de salud, el envejecimiento y el desarrollo de fragilidad, especialmente el eje adrenal en las mujeres y los ejes somatotropo y gonadal en los varones. a. El estradiol en relación al MNA, la testosterona con el índice Barthel y el MMSE, y la DHEA en relación al MMSE. b. El desarrollo de fragilidad se asocia con niveles inferiores de testosterona, pero sólo en varones. 2) La prevalencia de los distintos polimorfismos es parecido al descrito en otras poblaciones, salvo en el caso del polimorfismo ER22/23EK del gen del R-GC, que es algo inferior en nuestra muestra. 3) Existe una asociación entre las distintas variantes alélicas de los distintos genes estudiados y los componentes del SM, así como con la capacidad funcional: a. Los homocigotos para el 192 pb del promotor del gen de IGF-I tienen una mejor condición de envejecimiento, con menor prevalencia en alteraciones metabólicas y un mejor estado mental, nutricional y funcional. b. Los portadores de ER22/23EK presentan una menor prevalencia de HTA. c. Los polimorfismos de la ghrelina, especialmente -604GA, -501AC y M72L, se asocian con ciertos componentes del SM, especialmente con la obesidad central, el IMC y el perfil lipídico. d. El polimorfismo L90G se asocia a la función cognitiva. 4) La obestatina está elevada en las mujeres ancianas con el SM y: a. Parece estar asociada a cambios en el perímetro de cintura, lo que apunta a un papel de la obestatina en la obesidad. b. Se asocia a menor fuerza muscular, peor capacidad funcional y estado cognitivo. 5) En relación a la supervivencia: a. El perímetro de cintura se asocia con la supervivencia en forma de U. b. Los factores hormonales (esteroides adrenales y eje somatotropo) influyen en la supervivencia en los participantes en el EEM.[eng] Hypothesis: Certain hormonal condition and the combination of certain allelic variants of the ghrelin gene, IGF-I and glucocorticoid receptor (R-GC), are associated with higher prevalence of MS and less functional capacity in the elderly. Goals: 1) To determine the possible role of the somatotropic, gonadal and adrenal axes in functional capacity and the development of frailty in our study population. 2) To determine the frequency of the 6 most ghrelin gene polymorphisms, IGF-I gene promoter polymorphism 192bp and ER22 /23EK gene polymorphism in R-GC. 3) To evaluate the potential association between allelic variants and muscle strength, functional capacity, mental and nutritional status, and the presence of the various components of MS. 4) To study the role of obestatin in nutritional status, hunger, SM risk and functional impairment in the population sample. 5) To determine if any of the metabolic and hormonal markers is associated with a higher survival rate in the longitudinal study. Methodology: a population-based started in 2001 in which participated 310 non-institutionalized subjects (160W / 150M) of 70y from Mataro Aging Study (MAS) with a follow-up at 3 and 10 years. MS criteria data, functional capacity, hormones and genetic markers were determined. Results and conclusions: 1) The somatotropic, gonadal and adrenal axes play a role in health, aging and the development of frailty, especially the adrenal axis in women and somatotropic and gonadal axis in men. The development of frailty is associated with lower levels of testosterone in males. 2) The prevalence of different polymorphisms is similar to that described in other populations, except in the case of the ER22 / 23EK gene polymorphism in R-GC, which is somewhat lower in our sample. 3) There is an association between different allelic variants of different genes studied and MS components as well as functional capacity: a. Homozygous for the 192 by have a better condition of aging. b. The carriers of ER22 / 23EK had a lower prevalence of hypertension. c. The polymorphisms of ghrelin, especially -604GA, -501AC and M72L are associated with certain components of MS. L9OG is associated with cognitive function. 4) The obestatin is higher in elderly women with MS and it seems to be associated with changes in waist circumference and with reduced muscle strength, poor functional capacity and cognitive status. 5) Waist circumference is associated with survival in a U shape pattern. Hormonal factors (adrenal steroids and somatotropic axis) influence survival in participants in the MAS

    Personalidad, sexo y comunicación mediada por ordenador

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    Previous research about computer-mediated communication (CMC) focused on variables as gender. There is little information about differences in CMC related to personality, most are speculations based on the assumption that introvertive traits are specially appropriate for CMC. Results of this study are consistent with this predictions, because introverted participants sent as messages to the Internet forums analysed as extroverted, and their messages contained more information. In relation with gender, it was found that men sent longer messages that women, but there was not more information in the

    Objective Analysis of Movement in Subjects with ADHD. Multidisciplinary Control Tool for Students in the Classroom

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    The term Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has a long history of problems behind it. The origin of all these problems lies in the lack of agreement in the assessment procedures and evaluation instruments. The diagnosis is clinical and is determined by the observation and information provided by parents and teachers. So, this is highly subjective and leads to disparate results. Therefore, on the one hand the inaccuracy of the diagnosis of ADHD, which has been based on subjective criteria, together with the fact that hyperactivity is one of the main symptoms of this disorder, implies that several studies (with limitations) have been carried out to record objective measures of movement in subjects in at least the last ten years. In order to solve some of this derived problems and limitations of previous studies, a computer program has been developed to objectively record the amount of movement of subjects. The main objective of this study is threefold: first to register the amount of movement of both experimental group and control group, then to compare them with the movement registered by observers and finally to determine the validity of the software developed as a tool to support the diagnosis of ADHD. Results show that there are significant differences in the amount of objective movement between a clinical group of subjects with ADHD and a control group, obtaining a higher average of movement the experimental group. In addition, results also demonstrate that the developed software is a valid tool for the evaluation of movement that solves the limitations of previous studies. The proposed tool is developed from different aspects to give it a multidisciplinary character.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), project RTI2018-096219-B-I00. Project cofinanced with FEDER funds

    Dialysis and column chromatography for biomass pyrolysis liquids separation

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABIn the current study, a novel approach for separating value-added chemicals from pine wood residues' pyrolysis liquids (bio-oil) was effectively carried out. It combined two separation techniques used for the first time in this field: dialysis with water, methanol and acetone, and column chromatography with Amberlite™ XAD7 resin. This strategy made it possible to separate bio-oil into four fractions: (1) pyrolytic lignin, which can be utilized in the synthesis of resins, foams, electrodes, asphalt, etc. (2) acid-rich fraction, with particular relevance to the chemical industry, (3) antioxidant fraction, containing phenolic compounds, with a lot of interest for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry, and (4) a final fraction containing the most non-polar chemicals from bio-oil. Thus, it was possible to develop a process that allows the obtention of bioproducts from woody biomass, a residue obtained in significant quantities in the management of non-profitable forests, making a step forward within the context of circular economy and bioeconomy

    Production and separation of value-added compounds from pine wood using pyrolysis and biorefinery techniques

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABAltres ajuts: LIFE Programme of the European Union for the project LIFE BIOREFFORMED (LIFE 19 ENV/ES/000544)Value-added compounds were obtained from pine wood bio-oil, converting it into a renewable source for several chemicals: acids (acetic acid), sugars (levoglucosan), furan derivatives (furfural) and phenolics (catechol, phenol, 4-propylguaiacol, vanillin). To achieve this, firstly a comparison of a direct pyrolysis at 500 °C versus a two-staged pyrolysis (300 °C and 500 °C) was made. It was determined that a two-staged pyrolysis ensue in the obtainment of less complex liquid fractions since it concentrates families of compounds in different phases of bio-oil, facilitating their subsequent separation. Secondly, two methodologies (A and B) were designed to establish a procedure for separating the various chemical groups present in bio-oil. Methodology A consisted of a first vacuum distillation followed by an extraction process that combined an alkaline extraction and a simple extraction with ethyl acetate. Methodology B consisted of a first extraction with trioctylamine and ethyl acetate followed by a vacuum distillation and an extraction with hot water. The results showed that methodology A was better for the separation of chemical compounds from bio-oil, obtaining one fraction with the carboxylic acid content and furan derivatives, a second fraction containing the phenolic compounds and a third fraction enriched with the sugar content

    Inflammatory markers and bone mass in children with overweight/obesity: the role of muscular fitness

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    Objectives To examine which inflammatory markers are associated with bone mass and whether this association varies according to muscular fitness in children with overweight/obesity. Methods Plasma interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF), and C-reactive protein were analyzed in 55 children aged 8–11 years. A muscular fitness score was computed. Bone mineral content (BMC) of the total body-less head (TBLH) and lumbar spine (LS) were assessed using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Results IL-6 (β = −0.136) and VEGF (β = −0.099) were associated with TBLH BMC, while TNF-α (β = −0.345) and IL-1β (β = 0.212) were associated with LS BMC (P < 0.05). The interaction effect of muscular fitness showed a trend in the association of VEGF with TBLH BMC (P = 0.122) and TNF-α with LS BMC (P = 0.057). Stratified analyses by muscular fitness levels showed an inverse association of VEGF with TBLH BMC (β = −0.152) and TNF-α with LS BMC (β = −0.491) in the low-fitness group, while no association was found in the high-fitness group. Conclusion IL-6, VEGF, TNF-α, and IL-1β are significantly associated with bone mass. Higher muscular fitness may attenuate the adverse effect of high VEGF and TNF-α on bone mass

    Influence of organization and demographic characteristics of primary care practices on continuity of care: analysis of a retrospective cohort from 287 primary care practices covering about 6 million people in Catalonia

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    Background: There is evidence that an ongoing patient-physician relationship is associated with improved health outcomes and more efficient health systems. The main objective of this study is to describe the continuity of care in primary healthcare in Catalonia (Spain) and to analyze whether the organization of primary care practices (PCP) or their patients' sociodemographic characteristics play a role in its continuity of care. Methods: Four indices were used to measure continuity of care: Usual Provider Index (UPC), Modified Modified Continuity Index (MMCI), Continuity of Care Index (COC), and Sequential Continuity Index (SECON). The study was conducted on 287 PCP of the Catalan Institute of Health (Institut Català de la Salut-ICS). Each continuity of care index was calculated at the patient level (3.2 million patients and 35.5 million visits) and then aggregated at the PCP level. We adjusted linear regression models for each continuity index studied, considering the result of the index as an independent variable and demographic and organizational characteristics of the PCP as explanatory variables. Pearson correlation tests were used to compare the four continuity of care indices. Results: Indices' results were: UPC: 70,5%; MMCI: 73%; COC: 53,7%; SECON: 60,5%. The continuity of care indices had the highest bivariate correlation with the percentage of appointments booked with an assigned health provider (VISUBA variable: the lower the value, the higher the visits without an assigned health provider, and thus an organization favoring immediate consultation). Its R2 ranged between 56 and 63%, depending on the index. The multivariate model which explained better the variability of continuity of care indices (from 49 to 56%) included the variables VISUBA and rurality with a direct relationship; while the variables primary care physician leave days and training practices showed an inverse relationship. Conclusion: Study results suggest that an organization of primary care favoring immediate consultation is related to a lower continuity of patient care