12,047 research outputs found

    Avaliação de linhagens, materiais comerciais e duas populações de milho para tolerância a alumínio.

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    Neste trabalho realizou-se a avaliacao da tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg.l) de 39 linhagens, 98 materiais comerciais, 167 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Maya e de 466 progenies de uma populacao IAC-Genetica, usando-se a tecnica de solucao nutritiva. Foram usadas na avaliacao as características ICR (indice de crescimento da radicula = comprimento relativo da radicula -CRR (CR+Al.CR-Al)- multiplicado por comprimento relativo da raiz secundaria mais longa - CRRSML (CRSML+Al/CRSML-Al) e CLR (comprimento liquido da radicula = diferenca entre os valores de comprimento da radicula - CR - obtidos no inicio e fim do periodo de crescimento das plantas em presenca de Al). As linhagens e as progenies da populacao IAC-Maya a de milho foram avaliadas através do ICR enquanto que os materiais comerciais e as progenies da populacao IAC-Genetica foram avaliados pelos valores de CLR. Os controles utilizados foram IAC HS1227 (tolerante a Al) e IAC HS7777 (sensivel a Al). O metodo de solucao nutritiva foi eficiente na diferenciacao da tolerancia a Al dentre os materiais testados, evidenciando a ocorrencia de ampla variabilidade genetica para essa caracteristica. As seguintes linhagens e materiais comerciais apresentaram tolerancia a Al (4,5 mg/l): Porto Rico 70. D,2, IP 38-5-3, IP 365-4-I, IA 2992-3-1-2-3, Vic 3-2-3-30-V-6, 490, 519, 532, 536-2 e 820 (linhagens) e AG 82, AG 260, AGROMEM 1022, ASGROW 1255, DINA 03S, DINA 47, IAC Hmd 7974, SS 1243 e UNICAMP 720 (materiais comerciais)

    A stacking-fault based microscopic model for platelets in diamond

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    We propose a new microscopic model for the {001}\{001\} planar defects in diamond commonly called platelets. This model is based on the formation of a metastable stacking fault, which can occur because of the ability of carbon to stabilize in different bonding configurations. In our model the core of the planar defect is basically a double layer of three-fold coordinated sp2sp^2 carbon atoms embedded in the common sp3sp^3 diamond structure. The properties of the model were determined using {\it ab initio} total energy calculations. All significant experimental signatures attributed to the platelets, namely, the lattice displacement along the [001][001] direction, the asymmetry between the [110][110] and the [11ˉ0][1\bar{1}0] directions, the infrared absorption peak BB^\prime, and broad luminescence lines that indicate the introduction of levels in the band gap, are naturally accounted for in our model. The model is also very appealing from the point of view of kinetics, since naturally occurring shearing processes will lead to the formation of the metastable fault.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Submitted for publication on August 2nd, 200

    Fast pyrolysis of halogenated plastics recovered from waste computers

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    The disposal of waste computers is an issue that is gaining increasing interest around the world. In this paper, results from the fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor of three different waste computer monitor casings composed of mainly acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymer and two different waste computer body casings composed of mostly poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) type polymers are presented. Preliminary characterization of the waste plastics was investigated using coupled thermogravimetric analysis-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (TGA-FT-IR). The results showed that the plastics decomposed in two stages. For the ABS-containing monitor casings, aromatic and aliphatic material were released in the first and second stages. The PVC-containing computer body casing samples showed a first-stage evolution of HCl and a second stage evolution of aromatic and aliphatic material and further HCl. In addition, each of the five plastics was fast-pyrolyzed in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactor at 500 °C. The fluidized bed pyrolysis led to the conversion of most of the plastics to pyrolysis oil, although the two PVC computer body cases produced large quantities of HCl. The pyrolysis oils were characterized by GC-MS and it was found that they were chemically very heterogeneous and contained a wide range of aliphatic, aromatic, halogenated, oxygenated, and nitrogenated compounds

    Two-Point Entanglement Near a Quantum Phase Transition

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    In this work, we study the two-point entanglement S(i,j), which measures the entanglement between two separated degrees of freedom (ij) and the rest of system, near a quantum phase transition. Away from the critical point, S(i,j) saturates with a characteristic length scale ξE\xi_E, as the distance |i-j| increases. The entanglement length ξE\xi_E agrees with the correlation length. The universality and finite size scaling of entanglement are demonstrated in a class of exactly solvable one dimensional spin model. By connecting the two-point entanglement to correlation functions in the long range limit, we argue that the prediction power of a two-point entanglement is universal as long as the two involved points are separated far enough.Comment: published versio

    Excited state interactions between flurbiprofen and tryptophan in drug-protein complexes and in model dyads. Fluorescence studies from the femtosecond to the nanosecond time domains

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    International audienceWe report here on the interaction dynamics between flurbiprofen (FBP) and tryptophan (Trp) covalently linked in model dyads and in a complex of FBP with human serum albumin (HSA) probed by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy from the femto- to the nano-second timescales. In the dyads, a rapid (k > 1010 s−1) dynamic quenching of the 1FBP* fluorescence is followed by a slower (k > 109 s−1) quenching of the remaining 1Trp* fluorescence. Both processes display a clear stereoselectivity; the rates are 2-3 times higher for the (R,S)-dyad. In addition, a red-shifted exciplex emission is observed, rising in the range of 100-200 ps. A similar two-step dynamic fluorescence quenching is also observed in the FBP-HSA complex, although the kinetics of the involved processes are slower. The characteristic reorientational times determined for the two enantiomeric forms of FBP in the protein show that the interaction is stronger for the (R)-form. This is, to our knowledge, the first observation of stereo-selective flurbiprofen-tryptophan interaction dynamics with femtosecond time resolution

    Mimicking diffuse supernova antineutrinos with the Sun as a source

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    Measuring the electron antineutrino component of the cosmic diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) is the next ambitious goal for low-energy neutrino astronomy. The largest flux is expected in the lowest accessible energy bin. However, for E < 15 MeV a possible signal can be mimicked by a solar electron antineutrino flux that originates from the usual 8B neutrinos by spin-flavor oscillations. We show that such an interpretation is possible within the allowed range of neutrino electromagnetic transition moments and solar turbulent field strengths and distributions. Therefore, an unambiguous detection of the DSNB requires a significant number of events at E > 15 MeV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Crescimento diamétrico de Blepharocalyx salicifolius em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Aluvial, Paraná.

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    Buscou-se avaliar o incremento diamétrico de Blepharocalyx salicifolius (Kunth) O. Berg (Myrtaceae) a partir de cintas dendrométricas fixadas em 11 indivíduos de um remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Aluvial na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba-PR. Concomitantemente às leituras de incremento, foi avaliado o comportamento fenológico desses indivíduos, durante 24 meses. O incremento diamétrico médio mensal de B. salicifolius variou de 0,36 mm a praticamente nulo nos meses mais frios (de junho a agosto) e até 1,78 mm, durante os meses mais favoráveis (de novembro a março). A taxa média de incremento anual foi de 4,52 mm. O crescimento ainda pouco expressivo nos meses de setembro e outubro pode ser justificado pelo pico de floração e frutificação. A correlação do incremento mensal intraespécie foi alta (r = 0,55), indicando boa sincronia dos dados. A correlação entre o incremento médio, as variáveis meteorológicas e as fenofases apontou que a temperatura média responde por 42% da variação do incremento médio e da frutificação

    The continuity of the inversion and the structure of maximal subgroups in countably compact topological semigroups

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    In this paper we search for conditions on a countably compact (pseudo-compact) topological semigroup under which: (i) each maximal subgroup H(e)H(e) in SS is a (closed) topological subgroup in SS; (ii) the Clifford part H(S)H(S)(i.e. the union of all maximal subgroups) of the semigroup SS is a closed subset in SS; (iii) the inversion inv ⁣:H(S)H(S)\operatorname{inv}\colon H(S)\to H(S) is continuous; and (iv) the projection π ⁣:H(S)E(S)\pi\colon H(S)\to E(S), π ⁣:xxx1\pi\colon x\longmapsto xx^{-1}, onto the subset of idempotents E(S)E(S) of SS, is continuous