8,796 research outputs found

    Geometric Quantization of real polarizations via sheaves

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    In this article we develop tools to compute the Geometric Quantization of a symplectic manifold with respect to a regular Lagrangian foliation via sheaf cohomology and obtain important new applications in the case of real polarizations. The starting point is the definition of representation spaces due to Kostant. Besides the classical examples of Gelfand-Cetlin systems due to Guillemin and Sternberg very few examples of explicit computations of real polarizations are known. The computation of Geometric Quantization for Gelfand-Cetlin systems is based on a theorem due to \'Sniatycki for fibrations which identifies the representation space with the set of Bohr-Sommerfeld leaves determined by the integral action coordinates. In this article we check that the associated sheaf cohomology apparatus of Geometric Quantization satisfies Mayer-Vietoris and K\"unneth formulae. As a consequence, a new short proof of this classical result for fibrations due to \'Sniatycki is obtained. We also compute Geometric Quantization with respect to any generic regular Lagrangian foliation on a 2-torus and the case of the irrational flow. In the way, we recover some classical results in the computation of foliated cohomology of these polarizations.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    Run-up, toeholds, and agency effects in mergers and acquisitions: evidence from an emerging market

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    This paper analyses some particular characteristics of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions in an emerging market (Portugal) using a sample of 52 M&A targets between 1989 and 2001. Our evidence shows that the run-up effect in the Portuguese market is of a significantly larger magnitude (as a proportion of total abnormal returns for targets) than the one shown in studies for well developed capital markets (UK and US). In fact, the cumulative run-up target stock price abnormal increase in this emerging market is on average 13% in the 40 days before the M&A announcement, which corresponds to almost sixty percent of the entire cumulative abnormal return of 23% enjoyed by target shareholders around the announcement date (-40,+40). The presence of acquirers’ toeholds in targets is positively related to the relative magnitude of such run-up effect, while hostility and the presence of large shareholders in the target have a negative impact. Evidence is also presented that abnormal returns for both bidders and targets are substantially lower in bearish markets as compared to bullish markets, with acquirers experiencing sizeable negative abnormal returns in bear markets but significantly positive ones in bull periods. Overall, our results caution for the existence of particularities of M&A transactions in emerging markets in comparison to well developed markets, and point to a number of research directions that are relevant both to emerging and developed markets.mergers and acquisitions, run-up, agency theory, emerging markets

    Sentido e indeterminaciĂłn en la cinta blanca, de Michael Haneke

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    _La cinta blanca narra una serie de acontecimientos inconexos e inexplicables, actos terribles que van generando una impresión de sinsentido, hechos violentos perpetrados contra víctimas inocentes o miembros "positivos". El anålisi cinematogråfico de esta película revela la importancia de la exclusión social de los niños en la sociedad austriaca de entreguerras como elemento que logra despejar el enigma del filme

    Oficio de escritor. Al compĂĄs de la rueda, Juan Ignacio Colil. Santiago: Das Kapital Ediciones, 2010.

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    Tengo cuatro opciones, por lo menos, para abordar este libro. Como profesor de castellano, como crĂ­tico literario, como lector o como escritor. Puesto que, como dice el relato, “el viejo se desangraba en el baño, pero por lo menos permanecĂ­a callado”, dejarĂ© de lado al profesor que mehabita

    El poder desde abajo: los comités de enlace y la unidad sindical durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939)

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    This paper is aimed at studying the different joint committees between the UGT (General Union of Workers) and the CNT (National Confederation of Labour) organized during the Spanish Civil War in Republican territory, especially after 1939, the less-studied period so far. By the beginning of 1938, UGT and CNT encouraged syndical unions through the establishment of intelligence bases which, one month later (on the 18th of March), configured the formation of the UGT-CNT National Joint Committee. This implied a reinforcement of popular power in a moment of maximum difficulty for the government of the Socialist leader Juan NegrĂ­n. The President expected to lift the morale of the population both in the front and in the rearguard with an action from below in order to be able to continue his policy of staunch resistance against the Republican parties and wide sectors of his own party and labour union who considered that, given the negative evolution of the war, it was time to propose surrender. The committee tried to spread throughout all the territories and productive sectors, but in many cases these committees finished in the hands of Izquierda Socialista (Socialist Left) or cabal eristas, the most important critical sector within the PSOE, led by the labour unionist of the UGT and ex-President Francisco Largo Caballero. This forced Negrin to distance from this 'power from bellow'. The communists, his main allies, had no interest in creating a working- class power where the PCE was not represented at all. The FAI did not make things easier to their anarchist colleagues in the CNT.Este artĂ­culo tiene como objetivo el estudio de los distintos comitĂ©s de enlace entre la UniĂłn General de Trabajadores (UGT) y la ConfederaciĂłn Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) que se organizaron durante la Guerra Civil Española en el territorio republicano, especialmente a partir de 1938, el perĂ­odo hasta ahora menos estudiado. Los sindicatos UGT y CNT impulsaron la unidad sindical a principios de 1938 con el establecimiento de unas "Bases de inteligencia" que un mes despuĂ©s, concretamente el 18 de marzo, fueron las que configuraron la formaciĂłn del ComitĂ© Nacional de Enlace UGT-CNT. Supusieron un relanzamiento del poder popular en un momento de mĂĄximas dificultades para el gobierno del lĂ­der socialista Juan Ne- grĂ­n. El presidente pretendĂ­a una acciĂłn desde abajo para intentar relanzar la moral tanto en el frente como en la retaguardia, necesaria para seguir su polĂ­tica de resistencia a ultranza frente a los partidos republicanos y amplios sectores de su partido y sindicato que pensaban que por la negativa evoluciĂłn de la guerra habĂ­a llegado el momento de plantearse la rendiciĂłn. El comitĂ© intentĂł extenderse por todos los territorios y sectores productivos, pero en muchos casos estos comitĂ©s acabaron en manos de Izquierda Socialista o los caballeristas, el sector crĂ­tico del PSOE mĂĄs importante, encabezado por el lĂ­der sindical de la UGT y ex presidente Francisco Largo Caballero. Ello motivĂł que NegrĂ­n fuera desmarcĂĄndose de este "poder desde abajo". Los comunistas, sus mĂĄs fieles aliados, tampoco tenĂ­an ningĂșn interĂ©s por un poder obrero donde el PCE no tenĂ­a ningĂșn tipo de representaciĂłn. La FAI tampoco facilitĂł las cosas a sus compañeros anarquistas de la CNT

    Actions en justice par responsabilité médicale au Chili. Analyse de montants, condamnation et durée

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    El artículo realiza una revisión de una muestra de sentencias en casos de responsabilidad civil médica, que se ingresaron y resolvieron por la Corte Suprema, entre los años 2002 y 2011, seleccionando 137. Se determina qué porcentaje de las acciones judiciales iniciadas tienen como sujeto pasivo a prestadores públicos y privados; cuáles son los montos pretendidos en acciones judiciales, entre los diversos tipos de daños; cuál es la correlación de dichos montos pretendidos con los montos concedidos a los demandantes en sentencias definitivas firmes o ejecutoriadas.The article reviews a selection of 137 cases on medical liability decided by the Supreme Court between 2002 and 2011. It establishes which percentage of the claims are brought against public and private healthcare providers. It also determines how much victims sue in these claims including all heads of damages, and how these sums correlate with the sums awarded by the court’s final judgements.Cette chronique fait une Ă©tude des arrĂȘts concernant la rĂ©sponsabilitĂ© civile mĂ©dicale, qui ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©solus par la Cour SuprĂȘme, parmis les annĂ©es 2002 et 2011, dont on a choisi 137 pour l’analyse. On a Ă©tudiĂ© quelle porcentage des actions judiciares sont du domaine de prestataires publics ou privĂ©s; quels sont les montants prĂ©tendus par les diffĂ©rents types de dommages; quelle est la rĂ©lation des montants du dommage avec les indemnisations octroyĂ©es par les arrĂȘts

    Automatic construction of rules fuzzy for modelling and prediction of the central nervous system

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    The main goal of this work is to study the performance of CARFIR (Automatic Construction of Rules in Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning) methodology for the modelling and prediction of the human central nervous system (CNS). The CNS controls the hemodynamical system by generating the regulating signals for the blood vessels and the heart. The main idea behind CARFIR is to expand the capacity of the FIR methodology allowing it to work with classical fuzzy rules. CARFIR is able to automatically construct fuzzy rules starting from a set of pattern rules obtained by FIR. The new methodology preserves as much as possible the knowledge of the pattern rules in a compact fuzzy rule base. The prediction results obtained by the fuzzy prediction process of CARFIR methodology are compared with those of other inductive methodologies, i.e. FIR, NARMAX and neural networksPostprint (published version

    Preface of the “4th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering”

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    The 4th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering was held in the 16th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2018), Rhodes, Greece, 13-18 September 2018.publishe

    Marx: The Historical Necessity of Slavery & Agriculture

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    According to a Marxist code of evaluation, slavery seems to be an institution existing as an outdated anachronism, an economic remnant from a past phase in the historical development of man, as yet still present in modern economics as a defect.  Upon further readings, Karl Marx clearly articulates that slavery is an integral part of the existent economic model, i.e. capitalism, both in industry and in agriculture.  The separation of town and country according to a Marxist conception of history however leads to two distinct types of labor being present in capitalism; in agriculture slavery is blatant and honest in appearance, while in industry slavery is now disguised as ‘free’ labor.  More importantly, by looking at Marx’s criticism of direct slavery we are better able to understand his criticisms of free labor, indirect slavery. The primary question of Marxism then becomes: What material condition precipitates the transition of direct slavery to that of indirect ‘metaphorical’ slavery or free labor?  Why did chattel slavery as an economic institution end, and what were the material historical conditions that necessitated the transition from Wall Street to Wall Street? I want to know the fundamental relationship between slavery and capital. This paper then is more fundamentally an exploratory examination on whether or not Marx gives a compelling account for the material end of slavery as well as slavery’s relation to capital.  I thus examined how and why the division of town/country and industry/agriculture marked the differences between these kinds of slavery, and how this material condition then led to direct slavery’s ending as an economic model in agriculture. By navigating the implications of slavery upon agriculture and the development of capital a much deeper analysis begins with questioning the ‘necessity’ of historical developments and the creation of ‘historical necessity’.  In the interstices of history, cause and effect, agricultural slavery and capitalism, are much cloudier then Marx would have us believe

    Affective Polarization: Does Political Affiliation Affect An Applicant's Hireability?

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    The present study seeks to examine the role that political affective polarization (A.P.) may play in an employment setting: specifically perceptions of a job candidate, hiring decisions, and expectations for that potential new employee. Participants were randomly assigned to read one of three comparable resumes: one signaling Democrat partisanship, a second signaling Republican partisanship, and a third neutral resume that did not signal any partisanship. Participants were asked about their perceptions of the job applicant and the standards they would set if the fabricated job applicant were hired. A statistically significant relationship was found between A.P. and the performance standards set for the job applicant. The theoretical and practical implications of this result are discussed. In addition, the present study highlights the need to study A.P. outside of voting behaviors, and instead, look at other domains of life
