481 research outputs found

    Buscant materials adients per insonoritzar un local per fer-hi música

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    Es presenta un treball de recerca en el qual s'han estudiat diferents materials de construcció per tal d'analitzar quin és el que millor atenua el so. El treball experimental s'ha basat en la construcció d'un conjunt de capses, folrades amb diferents materials que reprodueixen un local on s'assaja amb un instrument musical, i en la mesura del nivell d'intensitat sonora emès per una font sonora tant a l'interior com a l'exterior de les capses

    Realització d'un treball de recerca a partir d'una sèrie televisiva d'èxit

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    En aquest article explicarem com s'ha realitzat un treball de recerca a partir de la sèrie nord-americana "The Big Bang Theory". En el treball s'han buscat les referències a aspec-tes científics que feien els protagonistes i s'ha comprovat si aquestes eren certes i rigoro-ses. També s'ha aprofitat per aprofundir en alguns dels fets relacionats amb la ciència descrits a la sèrie.This work explains how to use the scientific references that can be found in the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory" in the research work at the end of the upper secondary school studies. These gags can also be used to introduce scientific contents to the students

    The use of Twitter on fashion brands. A comparison between luxury and low-cost brands

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    En este artículo se analizó comparativamente la capacidad dialógica de las marcas de moda de lujo frente a las denominadas low-cost en la red social Twitter. Para ello, se recurrió a la metodología cuantitativa y se realizó un análisis de contenido de 1135 tuits publicados por H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren y Hugo Boss. Se observó que no existe consenso entre las organizaciones para dirigirse a sus públicos, y si bien las marcas low-cost son las que hacen un mayor esfuerzo por mantener un diálogo, las firmas de lujo reciben más interacciones.In this paper, we made a comparative analysis about the dialogical capacity of luxury fashion brands and low-cost brands in the social network Twitter. For this, we used a quantitative methodology and conducted a content analysis of 1,135 tweets published by H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss. We observed that there is no consensus among brands to address their audiences, and while low-cost brands make the greatest effort to maintain a dialogue, luxury brands receive more interactions.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Densidad, clase social y apoyo expresivo

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEn el análisis de redes personales, la oposición entre redes bonding y bridging ha estado en el centro de varias de las hipótesis que relacionan la estructura de las redes con el apoyo disponible en ellas. La densidad ha sido uno de los indicadores más recurrentes para medir las redes bonding o close-knit dada su facilidad de operacionalización e interpretación. Con todo, el ajuste de la densidad como medida del carácter bonding o bridging de las redes no ha sido contrastado con una muestra amplia y aleatoria de redes personales con un número de contactos mayor al de las sub-redes de apoyo o de confianza. Usando una muestra de 433 redes personales de 30 Alteri cada una, este artículo explora la correlación entre la densidad, el apoyo expresivo intercambiado y la posición de clase de los Ego en el contexto de la estructura social catalana. Los resultados sugieren que la densidad sería mejor comprendida como una variable dependiente de la estabilidad y las transiciones vitales reflejadas en las redes personales puesto que su relación con el apoyo inscrito en las redes es débil.In personal network analysis, the opposition between bonding and bridging networks has been at the core of most hypotheses relating network structure and support embedded in it. Due to its ease of operationalization and interpretation, density has been one of the most common indicators used for measuring bonding or close-knit networks. Nevertheless, the reliability of density as a measure of bonding networks has never been contrasted against a large and random sample of personal networks containing contacts beyond the support sub-network. Using a large sample of ego-centred networks (n=433) of 30 alteri each, this paper explores the correlation between density, expressive support exchanged, and Ego's class position within the Catalan social structure. Results suggest that density should preferably be used as a dependent variable related to stability and life transitions reflected in personal networks since it's relationship with support embedded in a personal network is weak

    Users' expectations of zarzuela audio description : Results from a focus group

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    Audio description (AD) for the scenic arts is no longer assumed to be an add-on service to the production, detached from its users and the creative team. Following recent user-centred proposals in the field such as participatory accessibility (Di Giovanni 2018) and poietic design (Greco 2019), this article aims to assess users' preferences for zarzuela AD through a two-session focus group. Zarzuela is a lyric theatre genre characterised by the alternation of sung and spoken dialogue, Spanish costumbrist themes, and popular settings. Although zarzuelas are audio described at the Teatro de la Zarzuela and Teatro Real in Madrid, and at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, accessibility is lacking in touring productions. Our focus group has been conducted with older users from Valladolid: experienced theatregoers who have nonetheless never attended an audio described zarzuela. The focus group is divided into two parts: First, participants share their cultural habits, general AD consumption, technological usage, and experience with participatory accessibility. Therein, users make a clear distinction in expectations between pre-recorded/non-social vs. live/social AD and activities, expressing a strong preference for the latter. Second, participants assess different stimuli for zarzuela audio introductions and AD, refusing in-depth scripts in favour of more minimalist assistance. Unlike in opera (Orero et al. 2020), most participants do not see the need for providing audio subtitles for this genre, as the sung numbers can be mostly followed or their lyrics are not that relevant, after all

    Phosphorylation of unique domains of Src family of kinases

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    Members of the Src family of kinases (SFKs) are non-receptor tyrosine kinases involved in numerous signal transduction pathways. The catalytic, SH3 and SH2 domains are attached to the membrane-anchoring SH4 domain through the intrinsically disordered"Unique" domains, which exhibit strong sequence divergence among SFK members. In the last decade, structural and biochemical studies have begun to uncover the crucial role of the Unique domain in the regulation of SFK activity. This mini-review discusses what is known about the phosphorylation events taking place on the SFK Unique domains, and their biological relevance. The modulation by phosphorylation of biologically relevant inter- and intra- molecular interactions of Src, as well as the existence of complex phosphorylation/dephosphorylation patterns observed for the Unique domain of Src, reinforces the important functional role of the Unique domain in the regulation mechanisms of the Src kinases and, in a wider context, of intrinsically disordered regions in cellular processes

    Ab initio, VTST and QCT study of the 1 2A'' potential energy surface of the N(2D) + O2(X3 Σg-) → O(3P) + NO(X2Π) reaction

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    An ab initio study based on the CASSCF ~Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field! and CASPT2 (Second-Order Perturbation Theory on a CASSCF wave function) methods has been carried out on the ground 2A' potential energy surface (PES) involved in the relevant atmospheric reaction between N(2D) and O2 to produce O(3P) and NO. Also, some intersections between PES have been studied. The stationary points have been characterized and a grid of more than 800 points have been fitted to an analytical function. This analytical representation of the PES has been used to obtain kinetic and dynamic properties of the reaction. The rate constant of this reaction has been calculated at different levels of theory [variational transition state theory (VTST) and quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) methods] and has been compared with the experimental values (overall rate constant including physical electronic quenching) obtaining a good agreement. The QCT method has also been employed to study the properties of products from both the abstraction and insertion microscopic mechanisms. The vibrational distribution of NO arising from the reaction at 100 K has also been calculated and compared with the experimental ones. In this case, the agreement between the theoretical and the experimental results is not so good, the experimental vibrational distribution being less excited. Future work is necessary to determine the origin of this differenc

    Ab initio, variational transition state theory and quasiclassical trajectory study on the lowest 2A' potential enegy surface involved in the N(2D) + O2(X3Σg-) → O(3P) + NO(X2Π) atmospheric reaction

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    A CASSCF and CASPT2 ab initio study has been carried out for the lowest 2A′ potential energy surface (2 2A′ PES) that correlates reactants and products of the N(2D)+O2→O(3P)+NO reaction. All the stationary points have been characterized and along with a grid of more than 600 ab initio points have been fitted to an analytical function. Afterwards, this analytical PES has been employed to study the kinetics [variational transition state theory (VTST) and quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) methods] and dynamics (QCT method) of the reaction. Concerning the rate constants, a good agreement with the experimental values corresponding to the global deactivation of N(2D) has been obtained. This suggests that this reaction is responsible of most of the reactivity of the N(2D)+O2 system. NO vibrational distributions have also been calculated. Although there is not a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental values, preliminary results show that they can become quite close by taking into account the contribution of the 1 2A″ PES