108 research outputs found

    Hispanoamerikanische Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts

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    Seit der griechisch-lateinischen und jüdisch-christlichen Antike und in immer erneuten Rückgriffen auf diese beiden Traditionen haben die Völker Europas einen großen Schatz von Gedichten geschaffen, die die Epochen ihrer Geschichte zum Ausdruck gebracht und selbst mit geformt haben. Während Mythos, Epos und Roman die großen Geschichten der Welt und der Götter, der Völker und Helden erzählt haben, hat das Gedicht schon früh die Ich-sagende Stimme geschaffen und ihr so ermöglicht, sich in den großen und kleinen Ereignissen der Zeit zu Gehör und Geltung zu bringen; Gefühle, Haltungen, Werte auszuprobieren und so neue Mentalitäten vorzubereiten. Diese Arbeitsteilung zwischen Gedicht und Erzählung bleibt in den Vorlesungen dieses Buches immer im Blick, weil sie die inzwischen entwickelten Zugriffsweisen der Erzählforschung, der Narratologie, nutzen, um die besonderen Möglichkeiten der Lyrik zu entdecken. So sieht man klarer, welche Rolle Gedichte und Lieder spielen in der Subjektivierung der Religion und der Liebe seit den Reformationen, wie sie die Freisetzung des Individuums in der Aufklärung fördern und eine neue Natur- und Kunstreligion einüben, den Nationalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts stimulieren und mit gewagten Experimenten neue Haltungen im Prozess der modernen Zivilisation einzunehmen. Die Fachdisziplinen haben diesen gemeinsamen Schatz untereinander verteilt und damit fast aus den Augen verloren. Die öffentliche Vorlesung aber hat ihn den Beteiligten wieder sichtbar gemacht, immer am Beispiel und in einer allen zugänglichen Sprache, die in diesem Buch erhalten geblieben ist.Since ancient Greek-Latin and Judeo-Christian antiquity and also in a constant return to these two traditions the people of Europe have created a great treasure trove of poems. These poems have expressed and shaped the eras of their history. While myth, epic and novel have told the great stories of the world and of the gods, peoples and heroes, the poem created the ego-telling voice at an early age and thus enabled her to make herself heard and accentuated in the great and small events of the time; to try out feelings, attitudes, values and thus to prepare new mentalities. This division of labour between poem and narrative is always kept in view in the lectures of this book, because they use the now developed approaches of narrative research, narratology, to discover the special possibilities of poetry. Thus, one can see more clearly what role poems and songs play in the subjectivization of religion and love since the Reformation, how they promote the liberation of the individual in the Enlightenment, how they promote a new religion of nature and art, how they stimulate the nationalism of the 19th century and how to adopt new attitudes in the process of modern civilization with daring experiments. The specialist disciplines have distributed this common treasure among themselves and thus almost lost sight of it. The public lecture, however, has made it visible to those involved, always using the example and in a language accessible to all, which has been preserved in this book

    Zur Entstehung, Konzeption und Wirkung des "Don Quijote" in der europäischen Literatur

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    Wie kein zweiter Roman zieht der "Don Quijote" von Miguel de Cervantes seit nunmehr vier Jahrhunderten Generationen von Lesern immer wieder neu in seinen Bann. Abgefasst im Spanien des frühen 17. Jahrhunderts, das zu jener Zeit die Geschicke Europas wesentlich mitbestimmte, wurde der Roman bald zum Inbegriff der spanischen Literatur und Kultur. Von Madrid aus hat er auf den Rest Europas ausgestrahlt und Denker, Dichter, Künstler, Komponisten und später auch Filmemacher zur Auseinandersetzung mit ihm angeregt. Die acht Beiträge des Bandes erkunden zentrale Aspekte des cervantinischen Romans und gehen seiner Rezeption und Verarbeitung in Literatur, Kunst, Film und Musik im europäischen Kontext nach.Like no other novel, the "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes has fascinated readers time and again for four centuries. Written in Spain in the early 17th century, which at that time played a major role in shaping the destiny of Europe, the novel soon became the epitome of Spanish literature and culture. From Madrid he started affecting the rest of Europe and inspired thinkers, poets, artists, composers and later also filmmakers. The volume\u27s eight contributions explore central aspects of the Cervantine novel and explore its reception and processing in literature, art, film and music in the European context

    Estudo em grupo para contrabaixo na área do jazz

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    Mestrado em Ensino de MúsicaO presente trabalho procura averiguar o desenvolvimento de competências individuais e coletivas em diversas vertentes em formato de aulas de conjunto de contrabaixo na área do jazz. Foram analisadas obras de autores fundamentais para o estudo do contrabaixo na área do jazz como Ed Friedland, Jim Stinnet e Mick Richmond, para a fundamentação teórica do projeto, assim como autores da área da improvisação no jazz, tais como Hal Crook e Mark Levine. Posteriormente foram criados estudos a diversas vozes, utilizando conceitos desses mesmos autores, procurando garantir a sua aplicação, ainda que implementada a várias vozes. Foram desenvolvidos questionários direcionados aos alunos participantes e também a professores da área do jazz, com o intuito de validar o projeto educativo e assim poder propor a professores e alunos uma nova ferramenta pedagógica para o desenvolvimento técnico-musical do estudante de contrabaixo na área do jazz.The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the development of individual and collective skills in double bass group classes in the area of jazz, throughout different angles. Works of fundamental authors in the area of the double bass in jazz like Ed Friedland, Jim Stinnet and Mick Richmond where analyzed and followed as theoretical fundamentals, as well as authors in the area of jazz improvisation such as Hal Crook or Mark Levine. Furthermore, studies implying different voices where developed where these fundamentals where applied, although to various voices. Surveys where created to be answered by the participant students and also by teachers in the area of jazz, in order to validate the project, making it possible to be used by teachers and students as an educational tool for the development of technical and musical skills of the jazz double bass student

    Determinantes da maturidade da dívida : análise setorial aplicada ao Índice CDAX

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    O âmbito deste trabalho consiste na análise empírica dos determinantes da estrutura da maturidade da dívida ao nível setorial de 336 empresas representadas no índice alemão CDAX. Considerando a literatura relevante, aqui revista, testamos a influência das variáveis relacionadas com as caraterísticas das empresas (oportunidades de crescimento, dimensão, impostos, qualidade da empresa e endividamento) e as variáveis macroeconómicas (estrutura temporal da taxas de juro e taxa de inflação). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, os setores não aparentam ser influenciados pelas características das empresas da mesma maneira na escolha da maturidade da dívida. Verificamos a existência de uma relação negativa das oportunidades de investimento e uma relação positiva da dimensão da empresa e do endividamento com a maturidade da dívida para todos os setores. A relação entre a maturidade da dívida com os indicadores da qualidade e dos impostos, apesar do resultado de muitos setores não serem estatisticamente relevantes, demonstra que alguns setores contrariam o esperado pela literatura. Os resultados obtidos no impacto das variáveis macroeconómicas, a estrutura temporal das taxas de juro e a taxa de inflação, na maturidade da dívida não foram estatisticamente relevantes.The purpose of this empirical work is to examine the determinants of corporate debt maturity structure with a sector analysis of 336 companies represented in the German index CDAX. Considering the relevant literature, revised here, we tested the influence of variables related to the characteristics of companies (growth opportunities, size, taxes, company's quality and debt) and macroeconomic variables (term structure of interest rates and inflation rate). According to the results, the choice of debt maturity by sector do not appear to be influenced by the characteristics of companies in the same way. We note the existence of a negative correlation of investment opportunities and a positive correlation of firm size and debt with debt maturity for all sectors. The relation between debt maturity with the indicators of quality and taxes, despite the result of many sectors not been statistically significant, it shows that some sectors oppose the expected from the literature. The results on the impact of macroeconomic variables, the term structure of interest rates and the inflation rate, in the debt maturity were not statistically significant

    Context, enablers and results : a performance measurement framework for service sectors

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma nova framework específica para a avaliação do desempenho de setores de serviços que permita avaliar a evolução do desempenho do setor bem como comparar o desempenho das empresas, não só face à performance média do setor, mas também a outras empresas a operar no mesmo setor. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura existente sobre avaliação de desempenho e da análise de 14 frameworks, e de cada dimensão abordada em cada um, foram identificadas as dimensões comuns de avaliação de desempenho. Como resultado, a Context, Enablers and Results framework é apresentada como novo modelo para a avaliação de desempenho para os setores de serviços.The main objective of this work is to develop a new specific framework for the performance measurement of service sectors which allows the assessment of the sector performance as well as to enable companies’ comparison, not only against the average sector performance, but also to other companies operating in the same sector. A review of the performance measurement existing literature was made and from the analysis of 14 frameworks and each dimension addressed on each, common performance measurement dimensions were identified. As a result, the Context, Enablers and Results frameworks is proposed as a new model for the performance measurement for service sectors