242 research outputs found

    Suomen poronhoitoalueen lumiolosuhteet ja niiden vaikutukset poronhoitoon.

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    Re-humanizing the platform : Content moderators and the logic of care

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    With the goal of re-humanizing discussion platform operations, this study explores the knowledge and aims of commercial content moderators by reframing their work-related ideals through the notion of the “logic of care.” In seeking to expand their professional realm by realigning users, moderators, and technical tools, moderators of discussion forums have turned to machines, ideally freeing up resources for real-time interaction between moderators and those who post. By focusing on care, the study calls for technical innovation that integrates moderators’ aims with artificial intelligence systems. Rather than acknowledging human skills and resources in terms of moderation tools and discussion culture, the current platform logic forces moderators to operate like machines. Their discontent becomes understandable within a logic that diminishes their skills and vision. The moderator is left with assessing separate posts, rather than offering a meta-perspective to the discussion, overseeing and nurturing it.Peer reviewe

    Poron ravinto ja talvinen lisÀruokinta muuttuvassa ilmastossa

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    Past and Present Winter Feeding of Reindeer in Finland: Herders’ Adaptive Learning of Feeding Practices

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    The research examines reindeer feeding practices and herders’ learning of them in three herding co-operatives in Finland: Kuukas in the south, Oraniemi in the central area, and Hammastunturi in the north. In the southern and central co-operatives, from the late 19th century until the Second World War (1939 – 45), trees rich in lichens were cut to provide emergency forage. Harvesting lichens from trees and feeding associated with “tether calving” and “fence calving” have been common in the central and northern co-operatives. In the 1960s and 1970s, poor digging conditions resulted in reindeer losses, and pressure to feed reindeer increased further as forestry practices and overgrazing caused pastures to decline. Large-scale feeding entered daily practice in Kuukas and Oraniemi in the late 1980s and mid-1990s. The increased interaction between humans and reindeer brought about by regular feeding has made the animals tamer. In fact, they have adopted the permanent feeding areas as part of their pasture rotation. In Hammastunturi, herders entice reindeer from one pasture to another by providing supplementary forage. Knowledge about feeding developed in close concert with agriculture, and was transferred from south to north in the1980s and 1990s. We argue that feeding practices draw on traditional ecological knowledge, which includes old ways of herding cattle. Herders’ personal working practices and training are knowledge that is difficult to describe in words and must be learned by experience. Learning to feed reindeer requires not only familiarity with herding in practice (which implies profound knowledge about the animals, their nutrition, digestion, behavior, and handling), but also familiarity with the herding district and co-operation across generations.Cette Ă©tude porte sur les pratiques alimentaires du renne et sur l’apprentissage qu’en font les bergers au sein de trois coopĂ©ratives de la Finlande : Kuukas dans le sud, Oraniemi dans la rĂ©gion du centre et Hammastunturi dans le nord. Dans les coopĂ©ratives du sud et du centre, de la fin du XIXe siĂšcle jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939– 1945), on coupait des arbres riches en lichen pour servir de fourrage d’urgence. La rĂ©colte du lichen des arbres et l’affouragement liĂ© au «vĂȘlage en laisse» et au «vĂȘlage en enclos» sont courants dans les coopĂ©ratives du centre et du nord. Dans les annĂ©es 1960 et 1970, les mauvaises conditions de creusage se sont traduites par la perte de rennes, et la pression exercĂ©e pour faire manger les rennes a augmentĂ© au fur et Ă  mesure que les pratiques d’exploitation forestiĂšre et le surpĂąturage ont rĂ©duit la taille des pĂąturages. L’affouragement Ă  grande Ă©chelle est devenu monnaie courante au quotidien dans les coopĂ©ratives de Kuukas et d’Oraniemi vers la fin des annĂ©es 1980 et le milieu des annĂ©es 1990. L’interaction accrue entre l’ĂȘtre humain et le renne dĂ©coulant de l’affouragement rĂ©gulier a rendu les animaux moins sauvages. Ils ont en fait adoptĂ© les aires d’affouragement permanentes dans leur rotation des pĂąturages. À Hammastunturi, les bergers incitent les rennes Ă  passer d’un pĂąturage Ă  un autre en leur donnant du fourrage supplĂ©mentaire. Les connaissances en matiĂšre d’affouragement se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©es en contact Ă©troit avec l’agriculture, et elles ont Ă©tĂ© transfĂ©rĂ©es du sud au nord dans les annĂ©es 1980 et 1990. Nous soutenons que les pratiques d’affouragement s’appuient sur les connaissances Ă©cologiques traditionnelles, dont les anciennes mĂ©thodes de garde des troupeaux. Les mĂ©thodes de travail personnelles des bergers et leur formation sont des connaissances difficiles Ă  dĂ©crire avec des mots, car elles doivent plutĂŽt s’acquĂ©rir par le biais de l’expĂ©rience. Apprendre Ă  nourrir les rennes exige non seulement de se familiariser avec la garde des troupeaux en pratique (qui implique des connaissances poussĂ©es des animaux, de leur alimentation, de leur digestion, de leur comportement et de leur manutention), mais aussi de se familiariser avec le territoire de garde et la coopĂ©ration au fil des gĂ©nĂ©rations

    Fysikaalisen hahmon ohjaaminen: vertailu erilaisten kÀyttöliittymien vÀlillÀ

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    Increase in computational power in gaming has led to increased use of physical simulation to produce animated content for games. Physically based animation is still however, rarely used for animating characters under player's direct control, mostly due to difficulty of control. The aim of this thesis was to find out whether the issues related to physics-based character control are related to the unintuitive control interfaces or if controlling them is complex in general. In awkward physics games, controlling a physically based animated character is part of the core gameplay. Finding out what factors make the control interface playable and engaging could provide insight to building interfaces for physically based character control. To study this, a clone of QWOP game with keyboard, gamepad and motion control interfaces was developed for this study. The objective was to find out how choice of control interface can affect the controllability, playability and engagement of the game. The test was carried out with 18 participants in the Aalto university campus area. Each participant played 5 minutes with each interface and a questionnaire between and after the play sessions was carried out to provide data about the player experience. The results suggest that controlling physically based characters is mentally demanding and the interface can hinder playability, engagement and controllability if implemented poorly. Users seemed to prefer clear and deterministic mapping between the inputs and interfaces where the characters were easier to keep stable, allowing the user to learn how to proceed in the game. Motion controllers combined with inverse kinematics control scheme seemed to be a promising way to manage the complexity of control. Special care should be put to designing the interface to ensure the intuitiveness of use. The study provides also insight to the techniques, issues and sources of engagement related to controlling physically based characters.Pelilaitteiden laskentateho on lisÀÀntynyt ja fysikaalista simulaatiota hyödynnetÀÀn animoinnissa yhÀ enemmÀn. Fysikaalista simulaatiota on kuitenkin kÀytetty varsin harvoin suoraan pelaajien ohjaamien dynaamisten hahmojen animointiin menetelmÀÀn liittyvien ohjaushaasteiden vuoksi. TÀssÀ diplomityössÀ tutkittiin, liittyvÀtkö dynaamisen hahmon ohjattavuusongelmat hahmojen ohjaukseen kehitettyjen kÀyttöliittymien epÀintuitiivisuuteen vai onko hahmojen suora ohjaaminen itsessÀÀn haastavaa. Fysikaalisesti mallinnetuissa rÀsynukkepeleissÀ hahmon suora ohjaaminen on tÀrkeÀ osa pelin peruspelimekaniikkaa. Tutkimalla nÀiden pelien pelattavuuteen ja kiehtovuuteen liittyviÀ tekijöitÀ, voisi selventÀÀ mitÀ asioita tulisi huomioida kehitettÀessÀ kÀyttöliittymiÀ suoraan ohjattaville hahmoille. Tarkempaa tarkastelua varten työssÀ kehitettiin kopio QWOP-pelistÀ, johon toteutettiin kÀyttöliittymÀt nÀppÀimistölle, peliohjaimelle ja liikeohjaimelle. Pelin avulla pyrittiin selvittÀmÀÀn, miten ohjaintyyppi vaikuttaa pelin ohjattavuuteen, pelattavuuteen ja kiehtovuuteen. Testi jÀrjestettiin Aalto-yliopistossa ja testiin osallistui 18 koe-henkilöÀ. Pelaajat pelasivat viisi minuuttia kutakin kÀyttöliittymÀversiota ja sessioiden vÀlissÀ kerÀttiin pelikokemukseen liittyvÀÀ dataa kyselyiden avulla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ hahmon suora ohjaaminen on kognitiivisesti haastavaa ja ohjauskÀyttöliittymÀn puutteellinen toteutus voi haitata ohjattavuutta, pelattavuutta ja pelin kiehtovuutta. Tutkimuksessa kÀyttÀjÀt suosivat ohjaustapoja, joissa pelaajan teon ja hahmon liikkeen vÀlinen yhteys oli helppo hahmottaa, ja joissa hahmon tasapainon yllÀpitÀminen ja pelissÀ eteneminen oli helpompaa. Ohjauslaitteesta riippumatta ohjaustavan intuitiivisuuteen tulisi kiinnittÀÀ erityistÀ huomiota. Liikeohjain yhdistettynÀ kÀÀnteiskinematiikkaan vaikuttaisi lupaavalta tavalta hallita ohjaamisen kompleksisuutta. Tutkimus tuo esille myös dynaamisen hahmon ohjaukseen liittyviÀ tekniikoita, ongelmia sekÀ pelin kiehtovuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ

    Ammatti-identiteetin vaikutus varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konflikteihin

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀn kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata ammatti-identiteetin vaikutusta varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konflikteihin varhaiskasvatus alalla tapahtuvien jatkuvien muutosten keskellÀ. Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielmassa perehdytÀÀn varhaiskasvatuksen historian kautta suurimpiin lakimuutoksiin sekÀ muutoksiin koulutuksissa, jotka ovat muovanneet varhaiskasvatuksen kenttÀÀ sellaiseksi kuin se on tÀnÀ pÀivÀnÀ. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen kuvataan millaisena varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konfliktit nÀyttÀytyvÀt tutkimuskirjallisuuden valossa. Lopuksi tarkastellaan ammatti-identiteetti kÀsitettÀ muutoksessa sekÀ ammatti-identiteetin muotoutumista. Tutkimuksen lÀhteinÀ on kÀytetty vÀitöskirjoja, kotimaisia ja kansainvÀlisiÀ artikkeleja, varhaiskasvatuslakia, varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteita sekÀ tutkimusraportteja. Kirjallisuuskatsaus osoittaa varhaiskasvatuksen tiimityön konfliktien syiksi hoivan ja pedagogiikan vastakkainasettelun, alan jatkuvat muutokset, koulutusten jÀnnittyneisyyden sekÀ epÀselvÀn työjaon ja työkulttuurin. Tutkimustuloksena voidaan todeta, ettÀ ammatti-identiteetti vaikuttaa konflikteihin, kuten myös muutokset. Muutoksilla ja konflikteilla on vaikutus ammatti-identiteettiin ja sitÀ kautta uusien konfliktien syntymiseen

    The Importance of Reindeer in Northern Finland during World War II (1939–45) and the Post-War Reconstruction

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    We studied the consequences of World War II (WWII, 1939–45) for reindeer herding in northern Finland, evaluated the significance of the livelihood for the population during and after the war, and identified the factors that made successful reconstruction of the livelihood possible. The study is based on qualitative content analysis of articles published in the professional journal Poromies (‘Reindeer Herder’) during the period 1931–67. Reindeer were an important source of food, transport, clothing, footwear, and skins for soldiers during the war. Approximately 220 000 reindeer were slaughtered to provide food, averting the compulsory slaughter of 88 000 cows. Herders’ skills were highly valued during the war. The herds and herders figured in the reconstruction of northern Finland and contributed to the war reparations owed the Soviet Union. During the period 1939–45 the number of reindeer fell dramatically, and the cession of Finnish territories to the Soviet Union and destruction of fences made herding difficult. In addition, the area of pastureland available to reindeer decreased. The combined effects of military operations, a labour shortage, an increased number of predators, and difficult weather and snow conditions led to losses of reindeer. The recovery of the livelihood to its pre-war level took 10 years. We argue that in addition to improved post-war pasture conditions—a result of decreased reindeer densities and favourable weather—the rapid recovery of reindeer herding can be attributed to the high motivation, diligence, and experiential knowledge of herders and the herding administration gained in rebuilding the livelihood after WWI (1914–18). Both groups understood that in northern Finland it would be economically wiser to invest in reindeer husbandry rather than cattle farming since reindeer are better adapted than cattle to the harsh climate and to forage grown in low-productive soils. Reindeer herding was based on natural pastures and labour, whereas cattle farming relied on crop cultivation, as well as expensive buildings, machinery, and fertilizers.Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les consĂ©quences de la DeuxiĂšme Guerre mondiale (1939–1945) sur l’élevage des rennes dans le nord de la Finlande, Ă©valuĂ© l’importance des moyens de subsistance de la population pendant et aprĂšs la guerre et dĂ©terminĂ© les facteurs permettant la reconstruction rĂ©ussie des moyens de subsistance. L’étude est basĂ©e sur une analyse du contenu qualitatif d’articles publiĂ©s dans la revue professionnelle Poromies (« Ă©leveur de rennes ») entre 1931 et 1967. Les rennes Ă©taient une source importante de nourriture, de transport, de vĂȘtements, de chaussures et de peaux pour les soldats durant la guerre. Environ 220 000 rennes se sont fait abattre pour fournir de la nourriture, Ă©vitant l’abattage obligatoire de 88 000 vaches. Les compĂ©tences des Ă©leveurs Ă©taient trĂšs recherchĂ©es pendant la guerre. Les troupeaux et les Ă©leveurs ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle dans la reconstruction du nord de la Finlande et contribuĂ© aux rĂ©parations de guerre pour dommages causĂ©s Ă  l’Union soviĂ©tique. De 1939 Ă  1945, on a assistĂ© Ă  un dĂ©clin trĂšs important de la population de rennes; la cession des territoires finlandais Ă  l’Union soviĂ©tique et la destruction de clĂŽtures ont rendu l’élevage difficile. De plus, les zones de pĂąturage des rennes ont diminuĂ©. Les effets des opĂ©rations militaires alliĂ©s Ă  la pĂ©nurie de main-d’oeuvre, Ă  l’augmentation du nombre de prĂ©dateurs, aux conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques difficiles et aux conditions de la neige ont entraĂźnĂ© la perte de rennes. Le rĂ©tablissement des moyens de subsistance Ă  leur niveau d’avant-guerre a pris dix ans. Nous soutenons qu’en plus de l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de pĂąturage d’aprĂšs-guerre (le rĂ©sultat du dĂ©clin de la densitĂ© de population de rennes et de conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques favorables), le rĂ©tablissement rapide de l’élevage de rennes peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ© au niveau de motivation Ă©levĂ©, Ă  la diligence et aux connaissances acquises par l’expĂ©rience des Ă©leveurs ainsi qu’à l’administration des troupeaux dĂ©coulant de la reconstruction des moyens de subsistance aprĂšs la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale (1914–1918). Les deux groupes ont compris que pour le nord de la Finlande, il coĂ»terait moins cher d’investir dans les activitĂ©s d’élevage de rennes plutĂŽt que dans les activitĂ©s d’élevage des bovins, car les rennes s’adaptent mieux que les bovins au climat rigoureux et au fourrage qui pousse dans les sols moins productifs. L’élevage de rennes reposait sur les pĂąturages naturels et le travail, tandis que l’élevage des bovins reposait sur la culture des plantes, sans compter les bĂątiments, la machinerie et les engrais coĂ»teux
