247,982 research outputs found

    Religious Studies Graduate Program Pamphlets

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    A collection of pamphlets for several Andrews University graduate programs in the Religion department, including the following: Religious Education MA Religion MA Divinity MDiv Youth And Young Adult Ministry MAYYAM Religious Education PhD Doctor of Ministry, Concentration in Pastoral Ministry (Español) Doctor of Ministry, Concentration in Organizational Leadership Doctor of Ministry, Concentration in Leading for Growth and Church Multiplication Doctor of Ministry, Concentration in Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry Doctor of Ministry, Millennial Church Doctor of Ministry, Discipleship and Biblical Spirituality Doctor of Ministry, Concentration in Leadershiphttps://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pda/1039/thumbnail.jp

    Urgensi Upaya Menjaga Mutu Pembelajaran di Tengah Pandemi Covid 19

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    This study aims to get a description of efforts to maintain the quality of learning in the midst of the covid pandemic 19. The research method used is literature study with analytical techniques in the form of content analysis. The results of this study are that the government has done to maintain the quality of learning by promoting the concept of independent learning proclaimed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, then strengthened with a joint decree covering the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning guidelines for organizing learning in the year new academic teachings during the pandemic corona virus disease (Covid-19), and in its realization strengthened by the issuance of covid 19 emergency curriculum guidelines by the Directorate General of Islamic Education the Ministry of Religion published curriculum guidelines during Covid-19 emergencies for Madrasah. This guide is listed in the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religion. The guide actually provides an open space for learning managers to be able to accurately determine learning targets. The three efforts are expected to maintain the quality of learning even if they are not able to run optimally


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    This research aims to determine the extent of efforts to increase the competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the Ministry of Religion of North Sumatra Province, especially for Islamic Religious Education teachers who teach in public schools. This is qualitative research, researchers conducted interviews directly with stakeholders involved in efforts to improve teacher competency in the North Sumatra provincial ministry of religion offices, they were Head of Office, Head of the section on Islamic religious education, Head of education and training centers and teachers directly involved in every activity to improve competence. The results of this study have found the following; 1) Increasing teacher competence has become a top priority in the section on Islamic religious education through planning activities such as workshops, training, seminars and direct assistance to teachers. Costs in these activities have been budgeted in the DIPA of the Ministry of Religion of North Sumatra Province each year. 2) The Workshop Implementers and various trainings are the Office of Religious Education and Training of the Province of North Sumatra which specifically has the task of conducting training. 3) Participants involved in the training are all PAI Teachers who teach in public schools. The implementation of these activities is periodically arranged according to needs. Thus, increasing the competence of Islamic Education teachers in the Office of the Ministry of Religion of North Sumatra Province has been programmed and carried out according to the need

    Implementasi Renstra Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Banten Bidang Madrasah Tahun 2020-2024 Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru

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    The teacher is the spearhead of educational progress, if the teacher has good competence, it is certain that the output produced will also be good. But in reality this is not always the case, the problem of student delinquency which is still a scourge in the world of education suggests that the role of the teacher so far has only been limited to teaching material in class, moreover the teacher is considered weak because he has not been able to transform the essential values ​​of education as a whole. in the learning process. In order for the implementation of education to be more focused, a policy is needed which is the basic reference as well as a legal umbrella to overcome problems in the world of education. The policies that have been set are expected to be able to improve the quality of existing education. The formulation of the problem of this thesis is how is the policy of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province in improving the quality of teachers, how is the implementation of the strategic plan of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province in increasing teacher competence, how is the monitoring and evaluation system of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province in improving teacher quality, what is only the obstacles that impede the improvement of teacher quality in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province. This research is a qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the Head of the Madrasah Education Section of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province and the Madrasa Supervisors. The place of research was conducted at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province. The method of collecting data using interview techniques, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that: the policy of the Banten Province Ministry of Religion in improving teacher competence is to refer to Law no. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers whose main focus is related to the teacher certification program which includes four competencies, namely pedagogic competence, social competence, professional competence and personality competence. Implementation of the strategic plan of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province in improving teacher quality in collaboration with the Madrasah Head, Subject Teacher Consultation (MGMP), Teacher Performance Group (KKG) is used as a medium to socialize programs that will be and are being implemented and involve teachers in training, training and seminar. The supervision and evaluation system of the Ministry of Religion of Banten Province in improving teacher competence is by implementing a monitoring and evaluation system that is formative, summative and progress carried out monthly, semiannually and annually. There are two main obstacles faced in implementing existing policies, first, the problem of inadequate budget funds. Second, related to the lack of motivation and internal awareness of teachers to continue to develop their competence

    Reposition of Historical Pesantren, Madrasah and Integrated Islamic School

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    The aim of this study is describing history and development Islamic boarding schools, madrasa and integrated Islamic school. This research is descriptive-analytic literature research. Research concludes that Islam can be developing and be accepted by Indonesian society through existence an institution that pioneered by the scholars and character education that has spirit religion, development institution education experience install it recede in his journey. Proven by existence effort positive for developing institution Islamic education and shade Ministry of Education and Culture. Since the madrasa was developed together with the emergence of the Islamic reform movement in Indonesia, the madrasa curriculum has always been done the renovation. Initially, the madrasa curriculum only consisted of religious knowledge than experience innovation corresponding with demands the times. Effort massive do by the Ministry of Religion in developing Islamic education institutions. so as Ministry Education and Culture give away opportunity for Integrated Islamic School for designing curriculum education for meet National Education Standards

    Hubungan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan dengan Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Seluma

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    Wagini; TheRelationshipof Educationand Training Toward EmployeePerformance in Religion Ministry in Seluma District. Purpose of this study is todetermine the relationship ofeducationandtrainingon employee performancein religion ministry in Seluma Regency. The populationin this study is all existing employeewithin the office of Religion Ministry inSeluma District. The sampling technique used in this study isa purposive sampling method. Based on the criteria set of samples so the sample is taken from 50 people. The result shows a good indicator of education and training as well as the performance obtained good grades,means by getting employees follow the training will be followed by increasing in performance, because in general training followed by civil servantsat the Religion Ministry in Seluma Districtisa training to in crease knowled geandinsight about jobs and regulations relating to the dutiesand functions of each principal

    Tantangan Pendidikan dan Implikasinya Terhadap Perubahan Kebijakan Pendidikan Islam

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    Globalization is the interrelation and dependence between nations and between people throughout the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction so that the borders of the country become faster. to discuss the science of religion with the secret teaching of the education system at that time religious education was equally not taught in schools they considered religious education to be responsible for parents at home. Dutch government policy towards education in Indonesia is very discriminatory in terms of social, racial, budgetary, and religious affiliation. Since the colonial era, religious education went beyond docotomy even to the era of independence and post-independence. After the independence of Indonesia was established the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia on January 3, 1946. One of the tasks of the Ministry of Religion was the management of religious education institutions. While the tasks of the ministries of education and agriculture manage public schools. The establishment of the religious department is expected to be a breath of fresh air towards the establishment of Islamic educatio

    Percepatan Penuntasan Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun di Kabupaten Kepahiang

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the acceleration program compulsory 9 years in the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang. This research uses descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques taking interviews, observation and documentation. Subjects were Head of Youth and Sports Kepahiang District, head of basic education, Head of Basic Education Curriculum, Staff Planning Education Association, Member of Parliament Kepahiang District Education Commission, Office of the Chief District ministry of religion Kepahiang. While the data analysis was done with descriptive analysis, inductive and deductive. Research results show that the vision and mission the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang Kepahing has implemented two programs form. Coordination between the Department of Education Youth and Sports District Kepahiang and dynamically interwoven Kepahiang ministry of religion Office in accordance with the duties of each agency.Achievement of the program have a breakthrough both categories

    Pendidikan Islam Sebagai Subsistem Pendidikan Nasional

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    This study was conducted to determine the subsystem of Islamic education in National Education, with the aim of looking at the existence and the basis of education for the implementation and recognition of Islamic education as a sub-system of national education which is assumed to be a product of dichotomy and discrimination. This type of research is a literature study with a qualitative description by analyzing and interpreting the data. Islamic education has the right to gain legitimacy to develop in meeting the educational needs of Muslims who are the majority in Indonesia and the State's appreciation of Islamic education that has been going on since the birth of Islam such as kuttab, halaqah, suffah, and madrasah, through Law No. 2 of 1989 and Law No. 20 of 2003, namely for the first time Islamic education became a national education subsystem and as a solution in responding to the challenges of the times and answering the problem of discrimination and the dichotomy between education under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture although until now Islamic education is still feeling it, such as the refusal of ASN to PGMI Alumni at the Ministry of Education and Culture while PGSD Alumni can walk under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion.                    &nbsp
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