12 research outputs found

    Changes to southern Appalachian water yield and stormflow after loss of a foundation species

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    ABSTRACT Few studies have examined how insect outbreaks affect landscape-level hydrologic processes. We report the hydrologic effects of the invasive, exotic hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) in a headwater catchment in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The study watershed experienced complete mortality of an evergreen tree species, Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. (eastern hemlock), after infestation was first detected in 2003. Hemlock mortality resulted in a~6% reduction in basal area in the watershed, and this loss was primarily concentrated in riparian zones. We used a paired-watershed approach to quantify changes in water yield and peak stormflow using streamflow data from the infested watershed and a nearby watershed with significantly lower hemlock basal area. We hypothesized that yield would increase shortly after hemlock infestation but decrease over the longer-term. We found that annual yield did not increase significantly in any year after infestation but decreased significantly by 12·0 cm (~8%) in 2010. Monthly yield also decreased after infestation, but changes were limited to the dormant season. The decline in yield is likely to persist as hemlock is replaced by species with higher transpiration rates. Peakflow increased significantly after infestation during the two largest flow events in the post-infestation period. Changes in stormflow during extreme events may have been temporary as another evergreen, Rhododendron maximum, may have mitigated some of the changes after hemlock loss. Thus, streams draining watersheds where eastern hemlock has been lost due to HWA infestation demonstrate permanent reductions in yield and transient increases in peakflow during large-flow events. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA

    Time lags: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network

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    Ecosystems across the United States are changing in complex ways that are difficult to predict. Coordinated long-term research and analysis are required to assess how these changes will affect a diverse array of ecosystem services. This paper is part of a series that is a product of a synthesis effort of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. This effort revealed that each LTER site had at least one compelling scientific case study about “what their site would look like” in 50 or 100 yr. As the site results were prepared, themes emerged, and the case studies were grouped into separate papers along five themes: state change, connectivity, resilience, time lags, and cascading effects and compiled into this special issue. This paper addresses the time lags theme with five examples from diverse biomes including tundra (Arctic), coastal upwelling (California Current Ecosystem), montane forests (Coweeta), and Everglades freshwater and coastal wetlands (Florida Coastal Everglades) LTER sites. Its objective is to demonstrate the importance of different types of time lags, in different kinds of ecosystems, as drivers of ecosystem structure and function and how these can effectively be addressed with long-term studies. The concept that slow, interactive, compounded changes can have dramatic effects on ecosystem structure, function, services, and future scenarios is apparent in many systems, but they are difficult to quantify and predict. The case studies presented here illustrate the expanding scope of thinking about time lags within the LTER network and beyond. Specifically, they examine what variables are best indicators of lagged changes in arctic tundra, how progressive ocean warming can have profound effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton in waters off the California coast, how a series of species changes over many decades can affect Eastern deciduous forests, and how infrequent, extreme cold spells and storms can have enduring effects on fish populations and wetland vegetation along the Southeast coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The case studies highlight the need for a diverse set of LTER (and other research networks) sites to sort out the multiple components of time lag effects in ecosystems

    Inter-basin surface water transfers database for public water supplies in conterminous United States, 1986–2015

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    Abstract The manipulation of water resources is a common human solution to water-related problems. Of particular interest because of impacts on both source and destination is the anthropogenic movement of water from one basin to another, or inter-basin transfers (IBTs). In the United States, IBTs occur widely in both wet and dry regions, but IBT data are not collated and served in a coordinated way. Thus researchers wishing to account for transfers between basins have faced difficulty in doing so. Here we present the outcome of a systematic investigation into inter-basin surface water transfers connected with public water supplies in the conterminous United States (CONUS), 1986 to 2015. The present open-access geodatabase includes transfer volumes collected, evaluated, and compiled from disparate sources. We provide an updated snapshot of CONUS IBTs at a higher spatial resolution of points of withdrawal and delivery than previous datasets. This paper puts the national inter-basin transfer data in context, and shows how we acquired, structured, and validated the locations and volumes of surface water transfers in public water systems

    Future climate and fire interactions in the southeastern region of the United States. Forest Ecol

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    a b s t r a c t Fire has a profound, though paradoxical influence on landscapes of the southeastern U.S.; it simultaneously maintains native biodiversity and ecosystem processes but also threatens silvicultural resources and human landscapes. Furthermore, since the majority of the southern landscape is heavily influenced by human activities, contemporary fire regimes are human managed disturbances within extant firedependent ecosystems. Though there is considerable uncertainty in climate projections for the southeastern U.S., climate change will likely impact both prescribed fire and wildfire. In this review, we synthesize climate change-fire interactions, discuss the impacts of uncertainty in a human-dominated landscape, and illuminate how both climate change projections and their uncertainties might impact our ability to manage forests in the Southeast. We define the Southeast region as consisting of the Gulf Coastal Plain, Lower Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont and southern Appalachians and associated subregions. This region has the greatest area burned by prescribed fire, the highest number of wildfires in the continental U.S. and contains globally significant hotspots of biodiversity, much of which is dependent on frequent fire. The use of prescribed fire as a management tool depends on a suite of weather and fuel conditions which are affected by climate. Over the next five decades, general circulation models (GCMs) consistently predict air temperature to increase by 1.5-3°C in the Southeast. Precipitation forecasts are more uncertain with respect to the mean; but, most models predict an increase in precipitation variability. Increases in the likelihood of severe droughts may increase wildfire occurrence while simultaneously limiting the implementation of prescribed burning by restricting the number of days within current prescription guidelines. While the Southeast has among the highest potential for C storage and sequestration, a reduction in C sequestration capacity due to increasing disturbances such as drought, insect infestations, hurricanes and fire, is possible. The potential for long-term shifts in forest composition from climate-altered fire regimes if coupled with an increased potential for wildfire occurrence could reduce quality and quantity of water released from forests at times when demand for high quality water will intensify for human use. Furthermore, any reduction in prescribed burning is likely to result in decreased biological diversity, particularly in the Coastal Plain, a global hotspot of biodiversity. Lastly, more future area burned by wildfire rather than prescribed fire has the potential to negatively influence regional air quality. Mitigating the negative effects of climate change-fire interactions would require actively exploiting favorable seasonal and inter-annual climate windows. Monitoring the type conversions of agricultural and fiber production forest will be critical for long-term projections of fire risk and watershed impacts of altered fire regimes. Published by Elsevier B.V


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    The rapid loss of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in the southern Appalachian Mountains due to hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation has resulted in substantial changes to ecosystem structure and function. Several restoration strategies have been proposed, including silvicultural treatments that increase incident light in forest understories. We conducted a four-year manipulative field experiment on surviving midstory hemlock trees to investigate the effects of release from light limitation on hemlock woolly adelgid infestation and physiological parameters, expecting that higher light levels would improve tree carbon balance. Mixed hardwood forest sites were either previously uninfested with hemlock woolly adelgid, infested with hemlock woolly adelgid, or infested with hemlock woolly adelgid and had a history of predatory beetle releases for biological control. At each site, we identified ten eastern hemlock trees in the mid-story and cut ~15 m radius canopy gaps around half of them while leaving the canopy intact over the other half. We compared short- and long-term indices of carbon gain and stress: leaf net photosynthesis; leaf fluorescence; leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration; new shoot growth; hemlock woolly adelgid density; and basal area growth. We found that trees experienced greater leaf-level stress in gaps and when hemlock woolly adelgid was actively feeding. Despite being more stressed, trees in gaps fixed two times more carbon than those in reference conditions. High net leaf photosynthesis in the spring translated into high leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration in the spring, coinciding with when hemlock woolly adelgid was actively feeding. Although infested and uninfested trees had similar leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration maxima, infestation prevented trees from allocating this carbon to shoot and basal area growth; this was particularly true for reference trees. Greater shoot growth in gap trees translated to greater annual basal area growth—by the end of the study, trees in gaps were growing nine times more than trees in reference conditions, and this was generally regardless of infestation status. In terms of growth and carbon balance, eastern hemlock consistently benefitted from the increased light and soil moisture found in gaps; there was inconsistent and rather weak evidence that predator beetles conferred an additional advantage. Our results indicate that silvicultural treatments may improve long-term health and survival of infested trees and that integration of such treatments with existing strategies is worthy of continued exploration

    Time lags: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network

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    Abstract Ecosystems across the United States are changing in complex ways that are difficult to predict. Coordinated long‐term research and analysis are required to assess how these changes will affect a diverse array of ecosystem services. This paper is part of a series that is a product of a synthesis effort of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. This effort revealed that each LTER site had at least one compelling scientific case study about “what their site would look like” in 50 or 100 yr. As the site results were prepared, themes emerged, and the case studies were grouped into separate papers along five themes: state change, connectivity, resilience, time lags, and cascading effects and compiled into this special issue. This paper addresses the time lags theme with five examples from diverse biomes including tundra (Arctic), coastal upwelling (California Current Ecosystem), montane forests (Coweeta), and Everglades freshwater and coastal wetlands (Florida Coastal Everglades) LTER sites. Its objective is to demonstrate the importance of different types of time lags, in different kinds of ecosystems, as drivers of ecosystem structure and function and how these can effectively be addressed with long‐term studies. The concept that slow, interactive, compounded changes can have dramatic effects on ecosystem structure, function, services, and future scenarios is apparent in many systems, but they are difficult to quantify and predict. The case studies presented here illustrate the expanding scope of thinking about time lags within the LTER network and beyond. Specifically, they examine what variables are best indicators of lagged changes in arctic tundra, how progressive ocean warming can have profound effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton in waters off the California coast, how a series of species changes over many decades can affect Eastern deciduous forests, and how infrequent, extreme cold spells and storms can have enduring effects on fish populations and wetland vegetation along the Southeast coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The case studies highlight the need for a diverse set of LTER (and other research networks) sites to sort out the multiple components of time lag effects in ecosystems

    Time lags: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network

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    Abstract Ecosystems across the United States are changing in complex ways that are difficult to predict. Coordinated long‐term research and analysis are required to assess how these changes will affect a diverse array of ecosystem services. This paper is part of a series that is a product of a synthesis effort of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network. This effort revealed that each LTER site had at least one compelling scientific case study about “what their site would look like” in 50 or 100 yr. As the site results were prepared, themes emerged, and the case studies were grouped into separate papers along five themes: state change, connectivity, resilience, time lags, and cascading effects and compiled into this special issue. This paper addresses the time lags theme with five examples from diverse biomes including tundra (Arctic), coastal upwelling (California Current Ecosystem), montane forests (Coweeta), and Everglades freshwater and coastal wetlands (Florida Coastal Everglades) LTER sites. Its objective is to demonstrate the importance of different types of time lags, in different kinds of ecosystems, as drivers of ecosystem structure and function and how these can effectively be addressed with long‐term studies. The concept that slow, interactive, compounded changes can have dramatic effects on ecosystem structure, function, services, and future scenarios is apparent in many systems, but they are difficult to quantify and predict. The case studies presented here illustrate the expanding scope of thinking about time lags within the LTER network and beyond. Specifically, they examine what variables are best indicators of lagged changes in arctic tundra, how progressive ocean warming can have profound effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton in waters off the California coast, how a series of species changes over many decades can affect Eastern deciduous forests, and how infrequent, extreme cold spells and storms can have enduring effects on fish populations and wetland vegetation along the Southeast coast and the Gulf of Mexico. The case studies highlight the need for a diverse set of LTER (and other research networks) sites to sort out the multiple components of time lag effects in ecosystems