260 research outputs found

    Molekulare Signatur immunsuppressiver Vγ9Vδ2 T-Zellen

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    Die immunregulatorischen Wirkungen von γδ Treg-Zellen sind in ihrer Komplexität erst wenig verstanden. Für klinische Anwendungen in Form von T-Zelltherapien ist dieses Wissen jedoch wichtig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Verhalten von über den TZR stimulierten γδ T-Zellen gegenüber aktivierten autologen αβ T-Zellen näher untersucht. Bei über 10 Tage mit IL-2/IL-15/IPP sowie IL-2/IL-15/IPP/TGF-ß stimulierten γδ T-Zellen konnten wir ein starkes immunsuppressives Potenzial gegenüber aktivierten autologen αβ T-Zellen beobachten (Erzeugung von γδ Treg-Zellen). Die Erzeugung von γδ Treg-Zellen durch die Stimulationskombination IL-2/IL-15/IPP lässt vermuten, dass nicht wie von Casetti et al. beschrieben die Stimulation mit IL-15/IPP/TGF-ß, sondern alleinig der TZR Stimulus mit IL-15 essenziell für die Induktion von γδ Treg-Zellen ist. Bei zusätzlicher Anwesenheit von IL-12 wurden dagegen keine γδ Treg-Zellen generiert. Die Beobachtung von Peters et al., dass es keinen Zusammenhang zwischen der von γδ Treg-Zellen ausgehenden Immunsuppression und der Expression des Transkriptionsfaktors FoxP3 gibt, konnten wir bestätigen. Vielmehr muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass FoxP3 als Aktivierungsmarker analog der Expression von FoxP3 bei aktivierten T-Helferzellen exprimiert wird. Darüber hinaus beobachteten wir einen Apoptose-induzierenden Effekt von IL-2/IL-15/IPP sowie IL-2/IL-15/IPP/IL-12 stimulierten γδ T-Zellen auf aktivierte autologe αβ T-Zellen. Dieser war mit ca. 9 % Apoptoserate schwach ausgeprägt, er verdeutlicht aber die feinjustierende Rolle der γδ Treg-Zellen in der Regulation der Immunantworten. Als Apoptose-induzierende Mechanismen untersuchten wir die Expressionen der Ras GTPase Gimap4 und der zytolytischen Proteine Perforin/Granzyme B. Deren mRNA Expressionen korrelierten jedoch nicht mit den beobachteten Apoptoseraten von aktivierten autologen αβ T-Zellen und können die Apoptose-induzierende Wirkung von über ihren TZR stimulierten γδ T-Zellen nicht erklären. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit weisen damit erstmals darauf hin, dass allein über eine Stimulation mit IL-2/IL-15/IPP γδ Treg-Zellen generiert werden können, die neben einem starken, FoxP3 unabhängigen immunsuppressiven Potenzial auch Apoptose in aktivierten autologen αβ T-Zellen induzieren

    Seasonal deposition processes and chronology of a varved Holocene lake sediment record from Lake Chatyr Kol (Kyrgyz Republic)

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    A finely laminated lake sediment record with a basal age of 11,619 ± 603 years BP was retrieved from Lake Chatyr Kol (Kyrgyz Republic). Microfacies analysis reveals the presence of seasonal laminae (varves) from the sediment basis to ~ 360 ± 40 years BP. The Chatvd19 floating varve chronology covers the time span from 360 ± 40 years BP to the base and relies on replicate varve counts on overlapping petrographic thin sections with an uncertainty of ± 5 %. The uppermost non-varved interval was chronologically constrained by 210Pb and 137Cs γ-spectrometry and interpolation based on varve thickness measurements of adjacent varved intervals with an assumed uncertainty of 10 %. Six varve types were distinguished, are described in detail and show a changing predominance of clastic-organic, clastic-calcitic or -aragonitic, calcitic-clastic, organic-clastic and clastic-diatom varves throughout the Holocene. Variations in varve thickness and the number and composition of seasonal sublayers are attributed to 1) changes in the amount of summer or winter/spring precipitation affecting local runoff and erosion and/or to 2) evaporative conditions during summer. Radiocarbon dating of bulk organic matter, daphnia remains, aquatic plant remains and Ruppia maritima seeds reveal reservoir ages with a clear decreasing trend up core from ~ 6,150 years in the early Holocene, to ~ 3,000 years in the mid-Holocene, to ~ 1,000 years and less in the late Holocene and modern times. In contrast, two radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plant remains are in good agreement with the varve-based chronology

    A palaeoecological study investigating the impacts of multiple tephra depositions on a lacustrine ecosystem in Northeast China, using diatoms as environmental indicators

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    Tephra layers are common in lake sediments and although they have often been used as chronological controls, few studies have investigated the impacts of past tephra depositions on lake ecosystems (Tephropalaeoecology). For the first time we systematically assess how different types of tephra layers vary in their ecological impact on the same lacustrine system. We use a diatom-based tephropalaeoecological approach to infer the impacts of five tephra deposits on Lake Sihailongwan, a well-studied volcanic lake in Northeast China, over the past 30,000 years. The five tephra layers (including two micro-tephras) have varying thicknesses and were deposited in time periods with different climatic conditions. Changes in diatom communities and chrysophyte-cyst concentrations between pre- and post-tephra samples were used to infer changes in lake conditions and highlight the importance of lake background conditions in mediating the impact of tephra. While the two micro-tephra layers did not cause observable changes, the three thicker tephras induced pronounced changes in lake conditions and thus diatom communities. The two thick tephras deposited in more eutrophic and warmer lake conditions caused larger responses from diatoms. We argue that water-column phosphorus decreased due to reduced sediment–water-phosphorus loading as thick tephra layers formed an impermeable layer at the lake bottom. This is supported by a decrease in total diatom concentration and a decline in high phosphorus-requiring taxa such as Discostella stelligeroides and Stephanodiscus minutulus as well as modern limnological observations which showed that groundwater influxes from the lake bottom are the main source of nutrients to the lake. By contrast, the thick tephra deposited in more oligotrophic and colder lake conditions caused less conspicuous changes. When the lake was already low in phosphorus, diatoms did not respond to a further decline in phosphorus but rather responded to the minor increase in silica from the dissolution of tephra particles in the water column. This was inferred from the slight increases in overall diatom concentration and opportunistic taxa such as Pantocsekiella comensis f. minima. Diatom analysis of the post-tephra sediments above the three thick tephras showed that the aquatic ecosystem did not completely recover, indicating the long-lasting effects of these thick tephras and shifts to new lake-ecosystem equilibria

    The Reservoir Age Effect Varies With the Mobilization of Pre-Aged Organic Carbon in a High-Altitude Central Asian Catchment

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    Lake sediments provide excellent archives to study past environmental and hydrological changes at high temporal resolution. However, their utility is often restricted by chronological uncertainties due to the “ reservoir age effect ” (RAE), a phenomenon that results in anomalously old radiocarbon ages of total organic carbon (TOC) samples that is mainly attributed to the contribution of pre-aged carbon from aquatic organisms. Although the RAE is a well-known problem especially in high altitude lakes, detailed studies analyzing the temporal variations in the contribution of terrestrial and aquatic organic carbon (OC) on the RAE are scarce. This is partially due to the complexity of isolating individual compounds for subsequent compound-speci fi c radiocarbon analysis (CSRA). We developed a rapid method for isolating individual short-chain (C 16 and C 18 ) and long-chain ( > C 24 ) saturated fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Our method introduces only minor contaminations (0.50 ± 0.22 µg dead carbon on average) and requires only few injections ( ≤ 10), therefore offering clear advantages over traditional preparative gas chromatography (prep-GC). Here we show that radiocarbon values ( Δ 14C) of long-chain FAs, which originate from terrestrial higher plant waxes, re fl ect carbon from a substantially pre-aged OC reservoir, whereas the Δ 14C of short-chain FAs that originate from aquatic sources were generally less pre-aged. 14 C ages obtained from the long-chain FAs are in closer agreement with 14 C ages of the corresponding bulk TOC fraction, indicating a high control of pre-aged terrestrial OC input from the catchment on TOC-derived 14 C ages. Variations in the age offset between terrestrial and aquatic biomarkers are related to changes in bulk sediment log(Ti/K) that re fl ect variations in detrital input from the catchment. Our results indicate that the chronological offset between terrestrial and aquatic OC in this high-altitude catchment is mainly driven by temporal variations in the mobilization of pre-aged OC from the catchment. In conclusion, to obtain accurate and process-speci fi c lake sediment chronologies, attention must be given to the temporal dynamics of the RAE. Variations in the apparent ages of aquatic and terrestrial contributions to the sediment and their mass balance can substantially alter the reservoir age effect

    Biomolecular Evidence of Early Human Occupation of a High-Altitude Site in Western Central Asia During the Holocene

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    Reconstructions of early human occupation of high-altitude sites in Central Asia and possible migration routes during the Holocene are limited due to restricted archeological sample material. Consequently, there is a growing interest in alternative approaches to investigate past anthropogenic activity in this area. In this study, fecal biomarkers preserved in lake sediments from Lake Chatyr Kol (Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan) were analyzed to reconstruct the local presence of humans and pastoral animals in this low-human-impact area in the past. Spanning the last ∼11,700 years, this high-altitude site (∼3,500 m above sea level) provides a continuous record of human occupancy in Western Central Asia. An early increase of human presence in the area during the mid-Holocene is marked by a sharp peak of the human fecal sterol coprostanol and its epimer epicoprostanol in the sediments. An associated increase in 5β-stigmastanol, a fecal biomarker deriving from herbivores indicates a human occupancy that most probably largely depended upon livestock. However, sterol profiles show that grazing animals had already occupied the catchment area of Lake Chatyr Kol before and also after a significant presence of humans. The biomarker evidence in this study demonstrates an early presence of humans in a high-altitude site in Central Asia at ∼5,900–4,000 a BP. Dry environmental conditions during this period likely made high altitude regions more accessible. Moreover, our results help to understand human migration in Western Central Asia during the early and mid-Holocene as part of a prehistoric Silk Road territory

    VARDA (VARved sediments DAtabase) – providing and connecting proxy data from annually laminated lake sediments

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    Varved lake sediments provide long climatic records with high temporal resolution and low associated age uncertainty. Robust and detailed comparison of well-dated and annually laminated sediment records is crucial for reconstructing abrupt and regionally time-transgressive changes as well as validation of spatial and temporal trajectories of past climatic changes. The VARved sediments DAtabase (VARDA) presented here is the first data compilation for varve chronologies and associated palaeoclimatic proxy records. The current version 1.0 allows detailed comparison of published varve records from 95 lakes. VARDA is freely accessible and was created to assess outputs from climate models with high-resolution terrestrial palaeoclimatic proxies. VARDA additionally provides a technical environment that enables to explore the database of varved lake sediments using a connected data-model and can generate a state-of-the-art graphic representation of multi-site comparison. This allows to reassess existing chronologies and tephra events to synchronize and compare even distant varved lake records. Furthermore, the present version of VARDA permits to explore varve thickness data. In this paper, we report in detail on the data mining and compilation strategies for the identification of varved lakes and assimilation of high-resolution chronologies as well as the technical infrastructure of the database. Additional paleoclimate proxy data will be provided in forthcoming updates. The VARDA graph-database and user interface can be accessed online at https://varve.gfz-potsdam.de, all datasets of version 1.0 are available at http://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.4.3.2019.003 (Ramisch et al., 2019)

    Influence of the ratio of planktonic to benthic diatoms on lacustrine organic matter δ13C from Erlongwan maar lake, northeast China

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    Carbon isotope ratio (δ13Corg) values of organic matter in lake sediments are commonly used to reconstruct environmental change, but the factors which influence change are varied and complex. Here we report δ13C values for sediments from Erlongwan maar lake in northeast China. In this record, changes in δ13C cannot be explained by simple changes in aquatic productivity. Instead, values were likely influenced by differences in the ratio between planktonic and benthic algae, as indicated by the remains of diatoms. This is because the variation of δ13Corg in algae from different habitats is controlled by the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer, which is dependent on the turbulence of the water. Compared with benthic algae, which grow in relatively still water, pelagic algae are exposed to greater water movement. This is known to dramatically reduce the thickness of the boundary layer and was found to cause even more severe δ13C depletion. In Erlongwan maar lake, low values were linked to the dominance of planktonic diatoms during the period commonly known as the Medieval Warm Period. Values gradually increased with the onset of the Little Ice Age, which we interpret as being driven by an increase in the proportion of benthic taxa, due to effect of the colder climate. The increase in planktonic diatoms at the end of the Little Ice Age, linked to higher temperature and a reduction in ice cover, resulted in a further decline in δ13Corg

    Nitrogen geochemistry of subducting sediments: new results from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana margin and insights regarding global nitrogen subduction

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    [1] Toward understanding of the subduction mass balance in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) convergent margin, we present an inventory of N and C concentrations and isotopic compositions in sediments obtained on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 129 and 185. Samples from Sites 1149, 800, 801, and 802 contain 5 to 661 ppm total N (organic, inorganic combined) with δ15NAir of −0.2 to +8.2‰ (all δ15N values <+2.5‰ from Site 800). At Site 1149, N content is higher in clay-rich layers and lower in chert and carbonate layers, and δ15N shows a distinct down-section decrease from 0 to 120 mbsf (near +8.0 at shallow levels to near +4.0‰). Reduced-C concentration ranges from 0.02 to 0.5 wt.%, with δ13CVPDB of −28.1 to −21.7‰. The down-section decreases in δ15N and N concentration (and variations in concentrations and δ13C of reduced C, and Creduced/N) at Site 1149 could help reconcile differences between δ15N values of modern deep-sea sediments from near the sediment-water interface and values for forearc metasedimentary rocks. At Site 1149, negative shifts in δ15N, from marine organic values (up to ∼+8‰) toward lower values approaching those for the metasedimentary rocks (+1 to +3‰), are most likely caused by complex diagenetic processes, conceivably with minor effects of changes in productivity and differing proportions of marine and terrestrial organic matter. However, the forearc metamorphic suites (e.g., Franciscan Complex) are known to have been deposited nearer continents, and their lower δ15N at least partly reflects larger proportions of lower-δ15N terrestrial organic matter. Subduction at the Izu-Bonin (IB) margin, of a sediment section like that at Site 1149, would deliver an approximate annual subduction flux of 2.5 × 106 g of N and 1.4 × 107 g of reduced C per linear kilometer of trench, with average δ15N of +5.0‰ and δ13C of −24‰. Incorporating the larger C flux of 9.2 × 108 g/yr/linear-km in carbonate-rich layers of 1149B (average δ13C = +2.3‰) provides a total C flux of 9.3 × 108 g/yr/linear-km (δ13C = +1.9‰). Once subducted, sediments are shifted to higher δ15N by N loss during devolatilization, with magnitudes of the shifts depending on the thermal evolution of the margin