84 research outputs found

    Orígenes de la independencia del español de América : Andrés Bello y su aporte a las teorías gramaticales posteriores

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    In this research article, the inquiry by Bello on the naming of tenses to signal its effectiveness and modernity is proposed once again. Much has been written about Bello, so our purpose is to take up with a methodological qualitative perspective some aspects of his reflections to show that the imprint of his work has been and continues to be a source of inspiration for studies on grammar and linguistics in the Spanish language.The breadth and quality of Andrés Bello’s cultural contribution in the various fields of knowledge (philological, grammatical, linguistic, philosophical, juridical, pedagogical...) are now widely recognized; the richness of his studies is unusual, also thanks to the characteristic of versatility, having been one of the most acute interpreters of the culture of his time. His linguistic studies greatly influenced the acceptance and diffusion of the American variant of Spanish, promoting the value and originality of the American variant and contributing to the creation of a universal Spanish. The impact of his proposals concerning the grammatical system in general and the denominations he attributed to the tenses of the verbal system in particular were fundamental for the grammar and linguistics of Spanish

    Análisis de un discurso político: la investidura de Lenín Moreno

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    The purpose of this descriptive research article is to analyze Lenin Moreno’s inaugural speech as President of Ecuador. Abundant literature exists on the analysis of political discourse in Spanish. However, little attention has been paid to the inaugural speech. Political discourse analysis proves to be helpful in better understanding how institutions work and how politicians interpret and conceive social reality. Thus it may be interesting to study the latest Latin American president’s inaugural speech by analyzing not only its content but also its linguistic aspects

    El lenguaje político en Twitter: la comunicación de Pedro Sánchez

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    En este trabajo, se analiza la forma en que se comunica el actual Presidente del Gobierno de España Pedro Sánchez en Twitter, estudiando las estrategias que emplea y los contenidos que propone en su cuenta, para averiguar qué recursos discursivos utiliza para construir su discurso político y cómo desarrolla la argumentación en este medio. El objetivo principal es observar los aspectos lingüísticos y pragmáticos de la comunicación de Pedro Sánchez y analizar si utiliza técnicas específicas, cuál es el contenido de sus tuits y, de soslayo, estudiar también el papel desarrollado por los elementos multimedia