156 research outputs found

    Amigos do Verde, uma escola voltada para a natureza : relato de experiência

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    Este é um Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso de licenciatura em pedagogia que tem como objetivo principal apresentar a Escola Amigos do Verde (EAV), localizada em Porto Alegre, na qual estagiei durante dois anos no início da minha jornada na faculdade de pedagogia. A metodologia adotada é a do relato de experiência a partir de um diário mantido durante o estágio bem como de fontes públicas de materiais sobre a escola. Essa escola foi escolhida por ser pioneira em oferecer uma proposta pedagógica diferenciada em Porto Alegre voltada para a ecologia e educação integral dos alunos. Esta proposta consiste na busca em contribuir para a formação de seres humanos pertencentes a um ecossistema de interdependência de pensamentos, atos e sentimentos, aprofundando sobre seus diferenciais como uma escola transformadora. A partir da minha experiência na escola, acredito que a escola Amigos do Verde tem muito o que nos ensinar, sendo um exemplo de uma escola que deveria ser seguido no Brasil, pois propõe uma educação saudável para os indivíduos e para o ambiente

    Ocellus-bearing Neobythites species (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) from the West Atlantic with description of a new species

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    Open access articleThree species of the ophidiid genus Neobythites containing ocelli in the dorsal fin are known from the West Atlantic: Neobythites gilli Goode and Bean 1885, N. ocellatus Günther 1887 and N. monocellatus Nielsen 1999. In the year 2000, 18 specimens of Neobythites were caught on the upper continental slope off eastern Brazil. This is the first documented record of a Neobythites specimen off Brazil since the holotype of N. ocellatus was caught in 1873. Seventeen of the specimens are referable to N. ocellatus and one to N. monocellatus. Until now the distribution of N. ocellatus was considered to be from off Atlantic Florida, the Caribbean Sea and then a gap of 4500 km to the type locality off Brazil. However, the holotype and the 17 specimens differ from the more northerly recorded specimens in pattern and number of spots and ocelli on the dorsal fin. The 18 Brazilian specimens have two distinct ocelli, one near the origin of the dorsal fin and one above the midpoint of the fish, and further back occasionally a small, black spot, while the northern specimens occasionally have a small, black spot near the origin of the fin, a distinct ocellus above the midpoint and up to three ocelli further posteriorly. Consequently a new species, N. multiocellatus, is described based on 59 specimens from the Caribbean Sea to off Atlantic Florida. The record of the N. monocellatus specimen extends its distribution about 3000 km southwards. A comparison of the four ocellus-bearing species from the West Atlantic is made

    Simulated versus physical bench tests

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    none8Pierpaolo Mincarone; Antonella Bodini; Saverio Sabina; Riccardo Colella; Maria Rosaria Tumolo; Martin Fawdry; Dimitrios I. Fotiadis; Carlo Giacomo LeoMincarone, Pierpaolo; Bodini, Antonella; Sabina, Saverio; Colella, Riccardo; Tumolo, MARIA ROSARIA; Fawdry, Martin; Fotiadis, Dimitrios I.; Giacomo Leo, Carl

    Health Technology Assessment for In Silico Medicine: Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects

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    The application of in silico medicine is constantly growing in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. These technologies allow us to support medical decisions and self- management and reduce, refine, and partially replace real studies of medical technologies. In silico medicine may challenge some key principles: transparency and fairness of data usage; data privacy and protection across platforms and systems; data availability and quality; data integration and interoperability; intellectual property; data sharing; equal accessibility for persons and populations. Several social, ethical, and legal issues may consequently arise from its adoption. In this work, we provide an overview of these issues along with some practical suggestions for their assessment from a health technology assessment perspective. We performed a narrative review with a search on MEDLINE/Pubmed, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The following key aspects emerge as general reflections with an impact on the operational level: cultural resistance, level of expertise of users, degree of patient involvement, infrastructural requirements, risks for health, respect of several patients’ rights, potential discriminations for access and use of the technology, and intellectual property of innovations. Our analysis shows that several challenges still need to be debated to allow in silico medicine to express all its potential in healthcare processes

    Expression and Biological Functions of miRNAs in Chronic Pain: A Review on Human Studies

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    none10noChronic pain is a major public health problem and an economic burden worldwide. However, its underlying pathological mechanisms remain unclear. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression and serve key roles in physiological and pathological processes. This review aims to synthesize the human studies examining miRNA expression in the pathogenesis of chronic primary pain and chronic secondary pain. Additionally, to understand the potential pathophysiological impact of miRNAs in these conditions, an in silico analysis was performed to reveal the target genes and pathways involved in primary and secondary pain and their differential regulation in the different types of chronic pain. The findings, methodological issues and challenges of miRNA research in the pathophysiology of chronic pain are discussed. The available evidence suggests the potential role of miRNA in disease pathogenesis and possibly the pain process, eventually enabling this role to be exploited for pain monitoring and management.Sabina S.; Panico A.; Mincarone P.; Leo C.G.; Garbarino S.; Grassi T.; Bagordo F.; De Donno A.; Scoditti E.; Tumolo M.R.Sabina, S.; Panico, A.; Mincarone, P.; Leo, C. G.; Garbarino, S.; Grassi, T.; Bagordo, F.; De Donno, A.; Scoditti, E.; Tumolo, M. R

    Fish composition (Teleostei) of the estuarine region of the Macaé River, southeastern Brazil

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    The first checklist of fishes of the estuary of the Macaé River (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil) and its adjacent freshwater section is presented. A total of 24,157 specimens belonging to 110 species in 44 families and 21 orders of the Teleostei were collected based on quarterly samplings, between June 2011 and March 2012. The Sciaenidae was the most representative family in species number, whereas the Ariidae, Pristigasteridae, and the invasive Clariidae predominated numerically and/or in terms of biomass. One hundred fifty-seven species of the Teleostei are now recorded in the Macaé River, including 68 species previously reported from its upper and middle portions. More than 100 of them permanently or temporarily inhabit the lower 16 km of the river, suggesting that the estuary is relevant to the maintenance of the fish diversity of the region in spite of several human activities that have significantly altered its natural features

    Predictive added value of selected plasma lipids to a re-estimated minimal risk tool

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    Background: Lipidomics is emerging for biomarker discovery in cardiovascular disease, and circulating lipids are increasingly incorporated in risk models to predict cardiovascular events. Moreover, specific classes of lipids, such as sphingomyelins, ceramides, and triglycerides, have been related to coronary artery disease (CAD) severity and plaque characteristics. To avoid unnecessary testing, it is important to identify individuals at low CAD risk. The only pretest model available so far to rule out the presence of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with chest pain, but normal coronary arteries, is the minimal risk tool (MRT).Aim: Using state-of-the-art statistical methods, we aim to verify the additive predictive value of a set of lipids, derived from targeted plasma lipidomics of suspected CAD patients, to a re-estimated version of the MRT for ruling out the presence of coronary atherosclerosis assessed by coronary CT angiography (CCTA).Methods: Two hundred and fifty-six subjects with suspected stable CAD recruited from five European countries within H2020-SMARTool, undergoing CCTA and blood sampling for clinical biochemistry and lipidomics, were selected. The MRT was validated by regression methods and then re-estimated (reMRT). The reMRT was used as a baseline model in a likelihood ratio test approach to assess the added predictive value of each lipid from 13 among ceramides, triglycerides, and sphingomyelins. Except for one lipid, the analysis was carried out on more than 240 subjects for each lipid. A sensitivity analysis was carried out by considering two alternative models developed on the cohort as baseline models.Results: In 205 subjects, coronary atherosclerosis ranged from minimal lesions to overt obstructive CAD, while in 51 subjects (19.9%) the coronary arteries were intact. Four triglycerides and seven sphingomyelins were significantly (p < 0.05) and differentially expressed in the two groups and, at a lesser extent, one ceramide (p = 0.067). The probability of being at minimal risk was significantly better estimated by adding either Cer(d18:1/16:0) (p = 0.01), SM(40:2) (p = 0.04), or SM(41:1) at a lesser extent (p = 0.052) to reMRT than by applying the reMRT alone. The sensitivity analysis confirmed the relevance of these lipids. Furthermore, the addition of SM(34:1), SM(38:2), SM(41:2), and SM(42:4) improved the predictive performance of at least one of the other baseline models. None of the selected triglycerides was found to provide an added value.Conclusions: Plasma lipidomics can be a promising source of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in cardiovascular disease, exploitable not only to assess the risk of adverse events but also to identify subjects without coronary atherosclerosis, thus reducing unnecessary further testing in normal subjects.Cardiolog