40 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Motivasi Dan Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Sosial Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kota Tarakan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of leadership and organizational culture on the motivation and performance of employees at the Department of Social and Community Empowerment of Tarakan City, either directly or indirectly. This study uses a quantitative method with a "survey" approach to obtain data and information related to research variables at the Department of Social and Community Empowerment of Tarakan City. All employees of the Tarakan City Social and Community Empowerment Service, amounting to 49 people as the population as well as the research sample. The types and sources of data needed in this study are in the form of primary data and secondary data, while to obtain these data by distributing questionnaires and literature studies. To test and prove the hypothesis is done statistically by path analysis (path analysis). Based on the results of research and data analysis found that leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee work motivation, the better the leadership, the more motivating employees' work. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee work motivation, the better the organizational culture is carried out, the more motivating employees work. Work motivation has a (negative) and insignificant effect on employee performance. Leadership does not have a significant positive effect on employee performance. Organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the better the organizational culture is carried out, the more employee performance will be. There is a simultaneous positive and significant influence of leadership, organizational culture and motivation on employee performance. Motivation does not mediate the influence of leadership and organizational culture on employee performance


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    The rationale of this study was to analyze and prove the training effect on the performance of the Civil Service through job satisfaction variables. Type of research is included in explanatory research. The population is all employees of Transmigration and Manpower Office of Bulungan Regency about 55 persons. The number of samples in this study were 55 respondents. The sampling technique performed by using total sampling technique. Data analysis technique used a path analysis approach. The findings showed that training has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. Training has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. In step 1, training is proven to have a significant effect on employee performance. In step 2 when training and job satisfaction are regressed together to predict employee performance, training remains significant. Thus job satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of training on employee performance

    Effect of Reward, Work Environment, and Motivation towards Performance of the Millennial Generation in the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province

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    A success of a work organization is strongly influenced by employee performance. To achieve this success requires a strong foundation from its employees, including the motivation that can be supported from the work environment and awards given by the organization. For the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Province of East Kalimantan, this is a challenge to achieve higher work performance and compete with other districts / cities in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the influence of the work environment and appreciation of motivation and the effect of motivation on performance on Millennial Generation within the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province. The population in this study were all employees of the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province. Whereas the sample are employees of the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province with age constraints of 25-40 years (129 samples). The data was collected using an electronic questionnaire to the respondents. To answer the problems in research and testing of research hypotheses, it uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis by using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that (1) award influences motivation on Millennial Generation in the environment of Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province (2) work environment influences motivation on Millennial Generation in the environment of Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province (3) motivation influences performance on Millennial Generation in the environment of Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province (4) awards, work environment, and motivation affect the performance of the Millennial Generation in the environment of Central Bureau of Statistics of East Kalimantan Province


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    Universitas Terbuka (UT) as an open and distance higher education institution needs to have data on the student reasons why they enrolling at UT and why they choose their study programs. The data can be obtained from alumni who recently graduated, for that UT has developed an exit survey applications. There are two programs that are managed by UT, the Regular Program or Non-Pendas and Basic Education Program (Pendas). In this study respondents of the exit survey consist of 3,190 Regular Program alumni and 34,856 Program Pendas alumni, which is a graduate of UT during 2009.2 to 2010.2 semesters. The results of exit survey data processing shows that there are some differences regarding the reasons for the UT enrollment and reasons for choosing study program, among the Regular and Pendas Program alumni. The main reason for the Regular and Pendas Program alumni enrolled at UT is "Knowledge Improvement". While the main reason for choosing study program for the Regular Programme alumni is "Supporting the Job", while alumni from Pendas Program is "Knowledge Improvement". In the future the data obtained from exit survey can be used for dissemination and promotion, increasing the number of students, as well as reducing the number of non-active students.   Universitas Terbuka (UT) sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi terbuka jarak jauh perlu memiliki data mengenai apa alasan mahasiswa masuk UT dan apa alasan mereka memilih program studi. Data tersebut dapat diperoleh dari alumni yang baru saja lulus, untuk itu UT telah mengembangkan aplikasi exit survey. Ada dua program yang dikelola oleh UT, yaitu Program Reguler atau Non-Pendas dan Program Pendidikan Dasar (Pendas). Dalam penelitian ini responden exit survey dari Program Reguler sebanyak 3.190 dan Program Pendas berjumlah 34.856, yang merupakan lulusan UT pada masa yudisium 2009.2 sampai dengan 2010.2. Hasil pengolahan data exit survey memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat beberapa perbedaan mengenai alasan masuk UT dan alasan memilih program studi, antara alumni Program Reguler dan Pendas. Alasan utama masuk UT bagi alumni Program Reguler maupun Pendas adalah Menambah Pengetahuan. Sedangkan alasan utama memilih program studi bagi alumni Program Reguler adalah Menunjang Pekerjaan, sementara alumni Program Pendas adalah Menambah Pengetahuan. Di masa yang akan datang data yang diperoleh dari exit survey dapat digunakan untuk sosialisasi dan promosi, meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa, serta menurunkan jumlah mahasiswa non-aktif

    Pengaruh kepribadian guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terhadap perilaku Keagamaan Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi

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    Kepribadian guru PAI yang berada di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi memiliki keteladanan yang baik bagi siswanya dan berkepribadian. demikian juga halnya dengan guru yang lain dimana peneliti melihat guru bidang studi diluar guru PAI tidak merasa ikut bertanggung jawab ataupun membina perilaku siswa dan menganggap bahwa hal yang berhubungan dengan aspek kehidupan siswa adalah semua tanggung jawab guru PAI, sedangkan guru PAI juga sangat antusias membina akhlak siswa dan meningkatkan etika yang baik di sekolah. Hal ini sangat mempengaruhi terhadap perilaku keagamaan siswa. Kepribadian keguruan yang unik artinya tidak ada dua guru yang memiliki pribadi keguruan yang sama, untuk itu peneliti tetarik meneliti: “pengarauh kepribadian guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terhadap perilaku keagamaan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepribadian guru PAI di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi, bagaimana perilaku keagamaan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Murasipongi dan apakah ada pengaruh kepribadian guru Pendidikan agama Islam (PAI) terhadap perilaku keagamaan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan rumus prodact moment dengan menarik sample 15 % x 380 (populasi) = 57 (sample) orang Siswa Hasil penelitian ini adalah Ha diterima dengan nilai 0,308 dan Ho ditolak dengan nilai 0,226, jadi ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara kepribadian guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) terhadap Perilaku Keagamaan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Muarasipongi, untuk itu guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) hendaknya menjadi panutan yang baik di sekolah untuk dicontoh oleh anak didiknya karena sangat mempengaruhi perilaku keagamaan siswa

    Kompetensi, Disiplin Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai RSUD Tarakan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of competence, work discipline and work environment on employee performance at Tarakan Hospital, North Kalimantan Province. The type of research that will be used in this research is to use quantitative research, namely the survey method. The theories used as references in this research are competency theory (Maulana, A, 2020), work discipline (Rivai, V, 2014), work environment (Sedarmayanti, 2017) and performance theory (Gomes, 2010). To get a representative sample, according to Hair et al (2006), the question items are multiplied by 5, so the number of respondents used is 135 respondents. The method used is descriptive statistics, coefficient of determination, multiple linear regression coefficients and hypothesis testing. Research Results 1) Competence has a significant influence on performance, meaning that competence contributes to performance, the better competence, the better performance; 2) Work discipline has a positive and insignificant effect on performance, meaning that work discipline contributes to performance, 3) the work environment has a significant influence on performance, then the work environment contributes to performance, the better the work environment, and will improve performance

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penyelenggaraan Program Wajib Pendidikan Dasar Sembilan Tahun di Kota Serang Provinsi Banten

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimanakah implementasi kebijakan wajib pendidikan dasar 9 tahun di Kota Serang tahun 2014-2016 dilihat dari dimensi dan determinan implementasi kebijakan publik. Teori yang dijadikan acuan utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori tentang implementasi kebijakan yang menampilkan dua hal utama yaitu dimensi dan determinan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu desain penelitian kualitatif (studi kasus). Penentuan informan, peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive dan snowball. Tehnik pengumpul data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan teknik dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian: 1) implementasi kebijakan wajib pendidikan dasar 9 tahun di Kota Serang tahun 2014-2016 belum berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan kebijakannya, yang tampak terlihat berupa hambatan: a) Dimensi kinerja implementasi kebijakan yaitu sosialisasi target program dan kerjasama antar organisasi masih rendah sehingga APK dan APM belum mencapai target. b) Dimensi linearitas yaitu masalah ketersediaan dan kelengkapan SOP yang berpihak pada kebutuhan masyarakat tidak tersedia lengkap. c) Dimensi efisiensi yaitu ketersediaan sumber daya di bawah standar. 2) determinan yang mempengaruhi ketidakkeberhasilan dari implementasi kebijakan wajib pendidikan dasar 9 tahun di Kota Serang Tahun 2014-2016: a) faktor substansi kebijakan: tidak ada kejelasan tentang ukuran-ukuran dasar dan tujuan-tujuan kebijakan wajib pendidikan dasar 9 tahun di Kota Serang dan belum ada Peraturan Walikota yang mengatur lebih lanjut tentang pendidikan dasar. b) faktor perilaku tugas pelaksana kebijakan : komitmen, tingkat kinerja, kompetensi, dan ketaatan petugas pelaksana terhadap SOP masih rendah. c) faktor interaksi jejaring kerja antar organisasi pelaksana: komunikasi dan interaksi jejaring kerja antar organisasi pelaksana belum memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi di bidang media sosial. d) faktor partisipasi kelompok sasaran: partisipasi masyarakat sasaran dan stake holders masih rendah (jumlah angka putus sekolah masih cukup tinggi). e) faktor ketersediaan dana, pelaksana, peralatan, informasi dan teknologi belum cukup baik dari sisi kuantitas maupun kualitasnya. Adapun kontribusi keilmuan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu menghasilkan model baru implementasi kebijakan yaitu Model Kinerja Implementasi Kebijakan (KIK)

    Inovasi Pencalonan dan Pemilihan Pemimpin Daerah yang Dapat Mensejahterakan Rakyat (Sebuah Alternatif Pemikiran)

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    Seorang pemimpin merupakan faktor penting dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Di saat suatu daerah/kota dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang bersahaja, jujur, cerdas dan amanah, maka insya Allah rakyatnya akan aman, makmur dan sejahtera. Namun sebaliknya, daerah/kota yang dipimpin oleh pemimpin yang korup, tidak jujur, zalim terhadap rakyatnya, niscaya rakyat akan sengsara.Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa hasil pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) secara langsung dan pemilihan anggota DPRD melalui Pemilu masih jauh dari harapan. Sedikit sekali daerah yang mampu memilih kepala daerah dan anggota DPRD yang memiliki kinerja bagus misalnya: Jembrana, Sragen dan Surakarta. Akan tetapi banyak kinerja kepala daerah dan anggota DPRDhasilpemilihan menunjukkan rapor merah, tidak memiliki program kerja yang jelas, bersifat arogan, serta banyak yang korupsi sehingga berujung dipenjara. Pengalaman tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sistem pencalonan dan pemilihan kepala daerah dan anggota DPRD yang selama ini diterapkan perlu dibenahi (diinovasi). Makalah ini akan mendeskripsikan inovasi pencalonan (mulai dari persyaratan sampai pada tata cara pencalonan) dan inovasi cara pemilihan kepala daerah dan anggota DPRD berdasarkan berbagai teori kepemimpinan dan teori otonomi daerah yang relevan dalam menghasilkan pemimpin daerah yang dapat mensejahterakan rakyat


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    The quality of educational institutions is important to note as a place to create thenation's generation. Its quality is determined by how well the performance of theteachers. The position of the teacher becomes very important because not onlyteaches knowledge but also build student character. Meanwhile, there are severalfactors that can affect the performance. This study aims to analyze the effect ofemotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and work motivation on theperformance of Muhammadiyah school teachers in Tarakan City.The researchsample amounted to 92 teachers based on sample calculations using the Isaac andMichael formula with sampling technique simple random. The instrument used is aquestionnaire. The research data was processed using multiple linear analyses andtabulated with the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. The results showed thatemotional intelligence and work motivation had an effect on performance, whilespiritual intelligence had no effect on performance

    Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Alat Hemodialisa : Studi Kasus RSUD Tarakan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the investment feasibility of hemodialysis equipment and the factors that influence the placement of hemodialysis equipment procurement in Tarakan Hospital, North Kalimantan Province. The informants of this research are Deputy Director General and Finance, General & Finance Division, general & equipment sub-section and employees who are considered capable of representing data of interest and will be used in this study. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The method used is Unit Cost to calculate the procurement of hemodialysis equipment by finding the procurement of hemodialysis equipment. Research Results 1) Investment Feasibility Analysis, namely: a) Based on the calculation of Net Present Value (NPV), the result is Rp. 10.112.890.205 (positive): NPV > 0. This means that the investment offer for the procurement of hemodialysis equipment according to the NPV is profitable. Procurement of hemodialysis equipment at Tarakan Hospital, North Kalimantan Province based on NPV calculations is acceptable/feasible to implement. b) Based on the calculation of the Payback Period (PP), a positive result is obtained, namely the Cumulative PV of Rp. This 7,597,778,675 shows that the closest time is 8 years. Based on the value of the Payback Period (PP), the investment in the procurement of hemodialysis equipment is feasible because the age of 8 years is less than the economics of hemodialysis equipment, which is 10 years. c) The results of the calculation of BEP from 2020 to 2030 for the value of services, the procurement of hemodialysis equipment is feasible. 2) Factors related to the anxiety level of hemodialysis Patients with internal causes and the age of adult patients tend to experience kidney failure. In this case it often occurs in men. Multiple adjustments to deal with multiple patient anxieties with multiple levels of medication. External factors from experience will also affect anxiety and support from the closest people, especially the level of knowledge that makes patients accept the treatment experience