104 research outputs found

    Cytotoxic effects of selected gold(III) complexes on the murine BCL-1 B lineage leukaemia cell line

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    In recent years, gold(III) complexes have attracted great interest because of their cytotoxicity to cancer cells. We investigated the cytotoxic effects of three newly synthesised gold(III) complexes, [Au(en)Cl 2] + (dichloride (ethylendiamine) aurate(III)-ion), [Au(dach)Cl 2] (dichloride (1,2- diaminocyclohexane) aurate(III)-ion) and [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + (dichloride (2,2'-bipyridyl) aurate(III)-ion), on the murine BCL-1 B lineage leukaemia cell line. The cytotoxicity of these gold(III) complexes was evaluated by cytotoxic assay (MTT test). The results showed that all of the tested gold(III) complexes displayed a cytotoxic effect on BCL-1 cells. The concentration decrease was followed by a marked increase in BCL-1 cell viability. At a concentration of 125 μM, which we suppose could be used in vivo, the [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + complex showed the greatest cytotoxic effects among the tested gold(III) complexes and similar cytotoxicity asto the cisplatinum that we used as control. Among the tested gold(III) complexes, [Au(en)Cl 2] +was the least cytotoxic to BCL-1 cells. In line with the obtained results, we suggest that the [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + complex should be tested in vivo in experimental models of B cell leukaemia

    The Role of University in a Policy Making Process: Introducing Integrated Urban Projects for Effective Urban Governance in Serbia

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    This chapter suggests a new view on the arrangement of urban governance for Serbia, where an Integrated Urban Project (IUP) is examined as an instrument for achieving sustainable development. Policy-making in Serbia’s urban development is faced with the challenge of transition from a traditional, bureaucratic, and autocratic system towards a new, efficient, effective, communicative, and flexible one. The process of searching for new instruments for its realisation was initiated due to the existing model’s inability to deal with complex problems brought about by the post-socialist economic and social transition, as well as global influences related to Serbia’s planned accession to the European Union (EU). The first part of the chapter briefly outlines the concept of a new urban governance model. The second section defines the characteristics of an IUP as an instrument intended to create and implement sustainable public policies in the field of urban development. The third part presents curricula of master’s theses and master’s projects for three generations of students of the Integrated Urbanism master’s programme at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade: (i) IUPs for Inner City Development, (ii) IUPs for Disaster Risk Management, and (iii) IUPs for Municipal Development. Regardless of the differences in topics and locations, the students’ assignments were to work with specific local institutions to devise IUPs in response to identified problems of the ‘real’ context and indicate how these might be put into practice. This section details the results achieved by the latest generation of students: (i) the IUPs as urban governance instruments, focusing on their integration potential; and (ii) the IUPs development process, showing the types and techniques of communication and knowledge dissemination amongst students, as well as between students and mentors, and with the local community and the broader professional and academic public. Besides aiming to contribute to a comprehensive innovation of the curriculum in the local context of a post-socialist country, the purpose of this chapter is to point out the options and opportunities for collaboration between academic institutions and local communities in the introduction of new topics, ideas, concepts, and instruments for effective urban governance in Serbia.Book series: Reviews of Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment for Education, Research and Desig

    Ubiranje soje kombajnom Claas Lexion 430 -ekploatacioni parametri

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    Soya (Glycine) is one of the most important crop plant. It produces products for human and domestic animals and processing industry. It is an important protein and oil plant. The soybean seeds contain more proteins (35-50%) and fats (17-24%) and fewer carbohydrates than others leguminous plants. Research of the Claas Lexion 430 combine harvester in a mercantile soybeans harvest shown that losses in uncut pods were in all measurements above tolerant 2% and ranged from 2.46% to 2.94%. Losses on the thresher in the free grain were ranged from 0.18% to 0.34% on average to 0.26%, which is satisfactory in relation to the given 0.3%. The average losses in the unthreshedpods are 0.35%, which is more than the projected level, but for the conditions of harvesting it can be accepted as satisfactory, due to the large percentage of weeds in the field.Soja (Glycine) je jedna od najvažnijih ratarskih kultura, od koje se dobijaju proizvodi važni u ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja i za preradu u industriji. Soja je važan izvor belančevina i ulja. Seme soje sadrži više proteina (35- 50%) i masti (17- 24%), a manje ugljenih hidrata od ostalih mahunastih biljaka. Kombajn Claas Lexion 430 posle eksploatacionih istraživanja imao je u žetvi merkantilne soje gubitke u neodrezanim mahunama u svim merenjima iznad tolerantnih 2%. Ovi gubici su bili u intervalu od 2,46 % do 2,94 %. Kombajn Claas Lexion 430 na vršalici ima gubitke u slobodnom zrnu koji su varirali od 0,18% do 0,34 % (proseku 0,26%), što je zadovoljavajuće u odnosu na zadatih 0,3 %. Prosečni gubici u neovršenim mahunama su 0,35 %, što je više od projektovanog nivoa, ali se za uslove ubiranja mogu prihvatiti kao zadovoljavajući, iz razloga značajne zakorovljenosti parcele

    Remodelling Urban Planning Education for Sustainable Development: The case of Serbia

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    Purpose – The paper aims to present a pedagogical model tailored to the development of key competences in the urban planning profession in post-socialist transitional countries that is based on the creation of an integrated platform for dialogue and the development of professional competences as part of the process, whereby students produce their final projects. Design/methodology/approach – The pedagogical model is based on the principles of education for sustainable development and focuses on the establishment of a repeatable platform for dialogue between students and mentors, members of the mentoring team, the local community, external members of the consulting team of experts and foreign master’s degree programmes, in the process of producing students’ projects. The proposed method addresses several dimensions, including: the education of students, teachers, professionals and local experts, the establishment of a network for cooperation and collaboration and the delivery of practical and usable results. Findings – The paper provides a comparative overview of the pedagogical model’s application in producing the final master’s degree projects of three generations of students, as well as its alignment with the needs of redefining the role and reach of the profession of urban planner in an environment of post-socialist transition. The model was improved, enhanced and optimised through this process and then corroborated with its practical implementation. Originality/value – The innovative pedagogical model comprises an instrument to enhance the professional capacities of all participants in the production of final master’s projects: academics, practitioners and future professionals/students, through discussions of topical issues, innovative modes of work and new professional responses grounded in the local context and tested by a broad range of stakeholders. It is of particular importance for countries in transition experiencing a shift in the paradigm of professional action, especially as the proposed pedagogical model establishes a problem-solving platform that surpasses academia

    Galectin-3 Deficiency Facilitates TNF-α-Dependent Hepatocyte Death and Liver Inflammation in MCMV Infection

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    Galectin-3 (Gal-3) has a role in multiple inflammatory pathways. Various, opposite roles of Gal-3 in liver diseases have been described but there are no data about the role of Gal-3 in development of hepatitis induced with cytomegalovirus infection. In this study we aimed to clarify the role of Gal-3 in murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV)-induced hepatitis by using Gal-3-deficient (Gal-3 KO) mice. Here we provide the evidence that Gal-3 has the protective role in MCMV-induced hepatitis. Enhanced hepatitis manifested by more inflammatory and necrotic foci and serum level of ALT, enhanced apoptosis and necroptosis of hepatocytes and enhanced viral replication were detected in MCMV-infected Gal-3 deficient mice. NK cells does not contribute to more severe liver damage in MCMV-infected Gal-3 KO mice. Enhanced expression of TNF-α in the hepatocytes of Gal-3 KO mice after MCMV infection, abrogated hepatocyte death, and attenuated inflammation in the livers of Gal-3 KO mice after TNF-α blockade suggest that TNF-α plays the role in enhanced disease in Gal-3 deficient animals. Treatment with recombinant Gal-3 reduces inflammation and especially necrosis of hepatocytes in the livers of MCMV-infected Gal-3 KO mice. Our data highlight the protective role of Gal-3 in MCMV-induced hepatitis by attenuation of TNF-α-mediated death of hepatocytes

    Izolovanje i karakterizacija 68 kD alergena iz ekstrakta kućnih grinja

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    House dust mites (HDM) represent a major source of allergens, contributing to the increasing incidence of type I hypersensitivity disease worldwide. Over 30 different IgE-binding proteins from the HDM extract were detected. Although group 1 and 2 have been identified as major allergens, due to the safety and efficacy of allergy diagnosis and immunotherapy, there is a need to carefully evaluate the clinical relevance of other allergens present in the HDM extract. In regard to this, a high molecular mass allergen of about 68 kD was purified from the HDM extract using a combination of gel permeation chromatography and reversed-phase chromatography. The IgG and IgE reactivity of the purified protein were preserved during the purification process, as confirmed by Western blot analysis with polyclonal rabbit antibodies and dot blot analysis with a pool of sera from subjects with house dust mite allergy, respectively. In addition, the IgE reactivity was confirmed using ELISA testing with nine patient sera. The biological potency of the 68 kD allergen was confirmed by skin prick testing in five allergic subjects, suggesting that the high molecular mass allergen is a good candidate for component-resolved diagnosis of house dust mite allergy and eventual therapeutic treatment.Grinje iz kućne prašine predstavljaju jedan od glavnih izvora alergena koji su u značajnoj meri doprineli porastu prvog tipa preosetljivosti. Preko 30 IgE-vezujućih proteina iz kućne prašine je detektovano do danas. Alergeni grupe 1 i 2 označeni su kao glavni alergeni kućne prašine. Međutim, da bi se poboljšala sigurnost i efikasnost dijagnoze i terapije alergijskih oboljenja izazvanih grinjama iz kućne prašine, neophodno je odrediti klinički značaj svih alergena iz ovog alergenskog izvora. U ovom radu izolovan je alergen visoke molekulske mase od 68 kD iz ekstrakta kućne prašine kombinovanjem gel-permeacione hromatografije i reversno-fazne hromatografije. IgG i IgE reaktivnost prečišćenog proteina je proverena u 'Western blot'-u i 'dot blot'-u sa poliklonskim zečijim antitelima na ekstrakt kućne prašine i 'pool'-om seruma osoba alergičnih na kućnu prašinu, redom. 64 % pacijenata je pokazalo IgE reaktivnost na prečišćeni protein u ELISA testu. Biološka reaktivnost prečišćenog alergena je potvrđena u kožnim probama na pet pacijenata, ukazujući da je prečišćen alergen dobar kandidat za dijagnozu alergije na kućnu prašinu pojedinačnim komponentama i eventualni terapeutski tretman

    Zuclopenthixol decanoate in pregnancy: Successful outcomes in two consecutive off springs of the same mother

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    Introduction. Almost all individual antipsychotics are classified into the intermediate pregnancy risk category as no or limited data exist about human pregnancy outcomes. We presented the case of zuclopenthixol decanoate using in two successive pregnancies of the same woman, which had not been published in the available peer-reviewed literature. Case report. A middle-age female subject who suffered from schizophrenia received zuclopenthixol decanoate injection during her two consecutive pregnancies. About four and a half months before diagnosis of the first pregnancy (~3.5 years after psychosis emergence), zuclopenthixol decanoate (400 mg every other week, im injection) was introduced to the treatment protocol (due to previous non-compliance with halo-peridol and risperidone). A significant clinical improvement was achieved and the dose during pregnancy was reduced to 200 mg once monthly and maintained to date. In both pregnancies the women gave birth to healthy girls who have been developing normally until now, at their ages of 6 months and of 3.5 years. During pregnancy and after giving birth to children the mothers' psychiatric status and her social functioning were significantly improved and are still stable. Close monitoring of the mother's health, a multidisciplinary approach to both her treatment and the monitoring of pregnancies as well as the complete compliance with the prescribed drug protocol were likely to be crucial for the therapeutic success. Conclusion. A favorable outcome of the present case suggests that the zuclopenthixol decanoate is a rational therapeutic option for pregnant women suffering from psychosis when the expected benefit exceed the potential risk, but a definitive evidence for its safety requires large, controlled studies


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    Chlamydial infection affects young, sexually active persons. As the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the world, Chlamydia can lead to severe consequences in reproductive system, including chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and tubal factor infertility. On the other hand, although in large number of women the immune response is capable of removing the pathogen, infection can ascendently spread to the upper reproductive tract where can develop into persistent infection. Diagnostic procedures for detecting chlamydial infection include direct and indirect methods. Localized acute infections are detected by direct pathogen detection using cell culture, tests for qualitative detection of antigens, hybridization tests and nucleic acid amplification tests. When the infection has passed on the upper genital tract, especially in the case of a developed persistent infection, the diagnosis is usually made by indirect methods - the detection of antibodies to chlamydial antigens. Direct pathogen detection in patient material is necessary for the diagnosis of an acute chlamydial infection. Of all direct diagnostic tests, nucleic acid amplification tests are the only tests recommended by European and American Center for Disease Control and Prevention which can be used for the diagnosis of an acute chlamydial infection. These tests are recommended for their high sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic speed. Indirect serological tests which detect immune response or antibodies specific to chlamydial antigens are recommended for the detection of persistent chlamydial infection. Serum samples are relatively easy to collect, while tissue samples from the place of persistent infection are often hard to reach or unavailable.Publishe

    BLOCK 45 - Unblocking A Sustainable Future for New Belgrade [30th International urban planners' exhibition]

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    У оквиру ЕРАСМУС+ пројекта сарадње између Архитектонског факултета Универзитета у Београду и Факултета за архитектуру и урбано планирање Универзитета у Штутгарту, 2019/2020 је спроведен заједнички студио за планирање урбаног развоја: ,,Блок 45-одрживи урбани развој Новог Беоrрада". Овај вид наставе је омогућио интензивну размену студената и наставника о изазовима локализације глобалних политика и очувања јединственог наслеђа овог подручја, нудећи простор за контролисану денсификацију, одрживи развој и обнову постојећих изграђених и природних вредности. Процесно оријентисано планирање укључује идеје о томе како развијати капацитете за искоракуправе ка партиципативним и одрживим урбаним трансформацијама. Публикација приказује прелиминарне стратегије које су студенти развили током заједничке рэдионице и интервенцijе, које су даље разрађене током зимског семестра 2019/2020 на сваком од матичних факултета. Поређење свих пројеката показало је да су имали различите тематске акценте: 1. Градитељска баштина као катализатор, 2. Јачање партиципације и развијање капацитета, З. Еколошке мере, 4. Културни и економски развој, 5. Образовне активности, 6. Пројекти урбаног дизајна.Within ERASMUS+ cooperation project between the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade and the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart, the joint urban design studio "Block 45-UbЫocking а sustainable future for New Belgrade" took place in 2019/2020. It facilitated an intensive exchange between students and staff on the challenges of localizing global policies and preserving the unique heritage of the area while offering space for a controlled densification and а sustainable development and renewal of existing built and natural structures. The process-oriented design includes ideas how to build organizational capacities enabling governance transition towards more participatory and collaborative sustainable urban transformations. This publication shows the preliminary strategies jointly developed by the students during the common workshop and the interventions elaborated further on during the winter term 2019/2020 back at each home university. А comparison of all projects showed, that they had different thematic emphases: 1. Heritage as а catalyst, 2. Enhancing participation & Capacity development, З. Environmental measures, 4. Cultural & economic development, 5. Educational activities, 6. Urban design projects.Категорија: Публикације / Category: Publication

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    Ausgehend von der Fragestellung, wie sich der Kurzfilm seit der Etablierung von Kurzfilmfestivals inhaltlich und formal verändert hat, was die Erwartungen und Anforderungen an Kurzfilmfestivals sind als auch wie ein Kurzfilmprogramm zusammengestellt wird, analysiert diese Arbeit verschiedene Kategorien von Kurzfilmen und versucht eine Möglichkeit für eine Definition der einzelnen Formen zu erstellen. Schlüsselmomente in der Geschichte des Kurzfilms sollen Einblick in dessen Entwicklung ermöglichen. Hauptaugenmerk wird dabei auf politische und gesellschaftliche Aspekte, so wie der rapide fortschreitenden technischen Möglichkeiten gelegt. Bei dem Versuch einer Definition von Kurzfilm werden Thesen von Film- und Medientheoretiker/innen aufgegriffen und diskutiert. Die am häufigsten auftretenden Formen von Kurzfilm sind Kurzspiel- und Dokumentarfilm, Animation und Experimentalfilm. Infolge eines theoretischen Diskurses werden praktische Beispiele für die einzelnen Formen analysiert. Die Frage nach dem Stellenwert und den Aufgaben von Kurzfilmfestivals, als Beispiele dafür ausgewählt sind die Kurzfilmfestivals VIS Vienna Independent Shorts, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen und das Internationale Kurzfilmfestival Clermont-Ferrand, bilden den Rahmen für den Analyseteil. Untersucht wird das kuratierte Programm Trips & Trance – Ideen eines subkutanen Kinos zum Schwerpunktthema Radical von VIS 2014. Als Einstieg dazu wird die Arbeit von Kurator/innen im Kurzfilmbereich näher betrachtet und Überlegungen zum Begriff Radikalität im Kulturbereich, mit Fokus auf Film und Körper, diskutiert. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen die massiven inhaltlichen und formalen Veränderungen von Kurzfilm. Die intensivierte Kollaboration mit anderen Künsten und die fortschreitenden technischen Begebenheiten lassen keine Definition oder Kategorisierung der kurzen Form zu