15 research outputs found

    Composite bosons in bilayer nu = 1 system: An application of the Murthy-Shankar formalism

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    We calculate the dispersion of the out-of-phase mode characteristic for the bilayer nu = 1 quantum Hall system applying the version of Chern-Simons theory of Murthy and Shankar that cures the unwanted bare electron mass dependence in the low-energy description of quantum Hall systems. The obtained value for the mode when d, distance between the layers, is zero is in a good agreement with the existing pseudospin picture of the system. For d nonzero but small we find that the mode is linearly dispersing and its velocity to a good approximation depends linearly on d. This is in agreement with the Hartree-Fock calculations of the pseudospin picture that predicts a linear dependance on d, and contrary to the naive Hartree predictions with dependence on the square-root of d. We set up a formalism that enables one to consider fluctuations around the found stationary point values. In addition we address the case of imbalanced layers in the Murthy-Shankar formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    International conference Kosta P. Manojlović and the Idea of Slavic and Balkan Cultural Unification (1918-1941)

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    This conference is organised within the project Serbian musical identities within local and global frameworks: traditions, changes, challenges (No. 177004) financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. It is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia as well as the Department of Fine Arts and Music SASA

    Ability of selenium absorption and biological activity of mycelial extracts of selected Basidiomycotina species

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    Lekovita svojstva gljiva baziraju se na prisustu velikog broja bioaktivnih jedinjenja kao što su polТsaСarТНТ, tОrpОnoТНТ, ОsОnМТУalnО amТno kТsОlТnО, nuklОotТНТ, nuklОТnskО kТsОlТnО, stОrolТ, nОгasТćОnО masnО kТsОlТnО Т НrugТ, kao Т гnačaУnog saНržaУa makro- i mikroelemenata i vitamina. Imaju sposobnost usvajanja neorganskog selena, njegove transformacije u organske, bolje iskoristljive, forme i akumulacije. CТlУОvТ ТstražТvanУa su bТlТ: (1) praćenje prinosa biomase micelije 8 vrsta makromiceta i efikasnosti apsorbcije selena pri kultivaciji u selenitom obogaćenom medijumu, (2) proučavanje efekta visokih koncentracija selena na produkciju micelije, morfologiju i ultrastrukturu hifa, kao i na kapacitet apsorpcije i akumulacije kod Pleurotus ostreatus i (γ) oНrОđТvanУО antioksidativnog, antifungalnog i citostatičkog potencijala ekstrakata nОobogaćОnО Т sОlОnom obogaćОnО micelije odabranih vrsta. NaУvТšТ prТnos bТomasО гabОlОžОn УО u mОНТУumu bОг sОlОna, Нok УО u nУОgovom prТsustvu Т sa povОćanУОm konМОntraМТУО uočОn lТnОarnТ paН proНukМТУО. Ganoderma applanatum УО Тmala naТvТšТ prТnos (27.8 g/L), dok je najmanja produkcija izmerena kod Lenzites betulinus (5.2 g/L). Vrednosti apsorbovanog selena su se kretale u opsegu od 1.4 μg/g (Pleurotus eryngii) do 20.3 μg/g (P. ostreatus). Produkcija biomase P. ostreatus УО bТla naУvОća u oНsustvu sОlОna (11.8 g/L), koncentracije od 5.0, 10.0 i 20.0 mg/L nТsu ТmalО ОПОkat na rast mТМОlТУО, vТšО konМОntraМТУО su гnačaУno ТnСТbТralО prТnos biomase, a koncentracija od 1000.0 mg/L je bila MIC. KolТčТna apsorbovanog sОlОna sО kretala u opsegu od 251.2 μg/g (pri koncentraciji u medijumu od 5.0 mg/L) do 938.9 μg/g (20.0 mg/L), a procenat usvajanja od 3.6% (100.0 mg/L) do 53.3% (5.0 mg/L). Pri koncentracijama od 100.0 mg/L i 500.0 mg/L uočОna УО poУava МТgla-crvenkaste boje micelije sa гnačaУnТm morПološkТm Т ultrastrukturnТm promОnama u porОđОnУu sa kontrolom: manУa gustТna СТПa, tanak ćОlТУskТ гТН sa ТгražОnТm ОkstraМОlularnТm matrТksom, učОstalТУa sОptТranost a rОđО grananУО СТПa Т poУava klamp-vОгa. CТtološkom analТгom УО utvrđОno Нa УО sОlОn akumulТran naУvОćТm НОlom u ćОlТУskoУ mОmbranТ Т vakuolama, Нok su promОnО na ćОlТУskom гТНu bТlО nОгnatnО. Antioksidativni kapacitet nОobogaćОnТС Т sОlОnom obogaćОnТС Оtanolnih ekstrakata micelije testiranih vrsta zavisio je od vrste i koncentracije ekstrakta. Na osnovu EC50 vrednosti ekstrakata antioksidativna aktivnost je opadala slОНОćТm rОНoslОНom: L. betulinus > G. lucidum > G. applanatum > P. pulmonarius > P. ostreatus > P. eryngii > T. hirsuta > F. velutipes...Medicinal properties of mushrooms are based on presence of numerous bioactive compounds, such as polysaccharides, terpenoids, essential amino acids, nucleotids, necleic acids, sterols, unsaturated fatty acids etc., as well as on significant content of micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Mushrooms have ability to absorb inorganic selenium, to transform it to organic and better bio-available forms and to accumulate it. The aims of the researche: (1) study of mycelial biomass production and efficiency of selenium absorption during cultivation in selenite-enriched medium, (2) study of effect of high selenium concentration on mycelium production, morphology and ultrastructure of hyphae, as well as capacity of its absorption and acumulation in Pleurotus ostreatus and (3) determination of antioxidant, antifungal and cytotoxic potential of non-amended and selenium-amended mycelia of selected species. The highest biomass yield was noted in the non-amended medium, while in the selenium presence and with increase of its concentration linear decrease of production was observed. Ganoderma applanatum was characterized by the best yield (27.8 g/L), while the lowest production was measured in Lenzites betulinus (5.2 g/L). Values of absorbОН sОlОnТum аОrО rangОН bОtаООn 1.4 μg/g (Pleurotus eryngii) anН β0.γ μg/g (P. ostreatus). Biomass production in P. ostreatus was the highest in selenium absence (11.8 g/L), concentrations of 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/L had no any effect on mycelium growth, higher concentrations significantly inhibited yield, and concentration of 1000.0 mg/L was MIC. Amount of absorbed selenium was in range from β51.β μg/g (at medium concentration of 5.0 mg/L) to 938.9 μg/g (20.0 mg/L), and percentage of absorption from 3.6% (100.0 mg/L) to 53.3% (5.0 mg/L). Appearance of mycelium of brick-red colour with significant morphological and ultrastructural changes in comparison with the control was observed at the concentrations of 100.0 mg/L and 500.0 mg/L. Hyphal density was lower, the cell wall was thick with more expressed extracellular matrix, septa were abundant, and branch frequency and occurrence of clamp-connections were rare. Cytological analysis demonstrated that majority of selenium was accumulated in cell membrane and vacuoles, while changes at cell wall was insignificant. Antioxidant capacity of non-amended and selenium amended mycelium extract of tested species depended on species and extract concentration. Based on extract EC50 value, antioxidant activity decreased in the following order: L. betulinus > G. lucidum > G. applanatum > P. pulmonarius > P. ostreatus > P. eryngii > T. hirsuta > F. velutipes..

    Ability of selenium absorption and biological activity of mycelial extracts of selected Basidiomycotina species

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    Lekovita svojstva gljiva baziraju se na prisustu velikog broja bioaktivnih jedinjenja kao što su polТsaСarТНТ, tОrpОnoТНТ, ОsОnМТУalnО amТno kТsОlТnО, nuklОotТНТ, nuklОТnskО kТsОlТnО, stОrolТ, nОгasТćОnО masnО kТsОlТnО Т НrugТ, kao Т гnačaУnog saНržaУa makro- i mikroelemenata i vitamina. Imaju sposobnost usvajanja neorganskog selena, njegove transformacije u organske, bolje iskoristljive, forme i akumulacije. CТlУОvТ ТstražТvanУa su bТlТ: (1) praćenje prinosa biomase micelije 8 vrsta makromiceta i efikasnosti apsorbcije selena pri kultivaciji u selenitom obogaćenom medijumu, (2) proučavanje efekta visokih koncentracija selena na produkciju micelije, morfologiju i ultrastrukturu hifa, kao i na kapacitet apsorpcije i akumulacije kod Pleurotus ostreatus i (γ) oНrОđТvanУО antioksidativnog, antifungalnog i citostatičkog potencijala ekstrakata nОobogaćОnО Т sОlОnom obogaćОnО micelije odabranih vrsta. NaУvТšТ prТnos bТomasО гabОlОžОn УО u mОНТУumu bОг sОlОna, Нok УО u nУОgovom prТsustvu Т sa povОćanУОm konМОntraМТУО uočОn lТnОarnТ paН proНukМТУО. Ganoderma applanatum УО Тmala naТvТšТ prТnos (27.8 g/L), dok je najmanja produkcija izmerena kod Lenzites betulinus (5.2 g/L). Vrednosti apsorbovanog selena su se kretale u opsegu od 1.4 μg/g (Pleurotus eryngii) do 20.3 μg/g (P. ostreatus). Produkcija biomase P. ostreatus УО bТla naУvОća u oНsustvu sОlОna (11.8 g/L), koncentracije od 5.0, 10.0 i 20.0 mg/L nТsu ТmalО ОПОkat na rast mТМОlТУО, vТšО konМОntraМТУО su гnačaУno ТnСТbТralО prТnos biomase, a koncentracija od 1000.0 mg/L je bila MIC. KolТčТna apsorbovanog sОlОna sО kretala u opsegu od 251.2 μg/g (pri koncentraciji u medijumu od 5.0 mg/L) do 938.9 μg/g (20.0 mg/L), a procenat usvajanja od 3.6% (100.0 mg/L) do 53.3% (5.0 mg/L). Pri koncentracijama od 100.0 mg/L i 500.0 mg/L uočОna УО poУava МТgla-crvenkaste boje micelije sa гnačaУnТm morПološkТm Т ultrastrukturnТm promОnama u porОđОnУu sa kontrolom: manУa gustТna СТПa, tanak ćОlТУskТ гТН sa ТгražОnТm ОkstraМОlularnТm matrТksom, učОstalТУa sОptТranost a rОđО grananУО СТПa Т poУava klamp-vОгa. CТtološkom analТгom УО utvrđОno Нa УО sОlОn akumulТran naУvОćТm НОlom u ćОlТУskoУ mОmbranТ Т vakuolama, Нok su promОnО na ćОlТУskom гТНu bТlО nОгnatnО. Antioksidativni kapacitet nОobogaćОnТС Т sОlОnom obogaćОnТС Оtanolnih ekstrakata micelije testiranih vrsta zavisio je od vrste i koncentracije ekstrakta. Na osnovu EC50 vrednosti ekstrakata antioksidativna aktivnost je opadala slОНОćТm rОНoslОНom: L. betulinus > G. lucidum > G. applanatum > P. pulmonarius > P. ostreatus > P. eryngii > T. hirsuta > F. velutipes...Medicinal properties of mushrooms are based on presence of numerous bioactive compounds, such as polysaccharides, terpenoids, essential amino acids, nucleotids, necleic acids, sterols, unsaturated fatty acids etc., as well as on significant content of micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Mushrooms have ability to absorb inorganic selenium, to transform it to organic and better bio-available forms and to accumulate it. The aims of the researche: (1) study of mycelial biomass production and efficiency of selenium absorption during cultivation in selenite-enriched medium, (2) study of effect of high selenium concentration on mycelium production, morphology and ultrastructure of hyphae, as well as capacity of its absorption and acumulation in Pleurotus ostreatus and (3) determination of antioxidant, antifungal and cytotoxic potential of non-amended and selenium-amended mycelia of selected species. The highest biomass yield was noted in the non-amended medium, while in the selenium presence and with increase of its concentration linear decrease of production was observed. Ganoderma applanatum was characterized by the best yield (27.8 g/L), while the lowest production was measured in Lenzites betulinus (5.2 g/L). Values of absorbОН sОlОnТum аОrО rangОН bОtаООn 1.4 μg/g (Pleurotus eryngii) anН β0.γ μg/g (P. ostreatus). Biomass production in P. ostreatus was the highest in selenium absence (11.8 g/L), concentrations of 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/L had no any effect on mycelium growth, higher concentrations significantly inhibited yield, and concentration of 1000.0 mg/L was MIC. Amount of absorbed selenium was in range from β51.β μg/g (at medium concentration of 5.0 mg/L) to 938.9 μg/g (20.0 mg/L), and percentage of absorption from 3.6% (100.0 mg/L) to 53.3% (5.0 mg/L). Appearance of mycelium of brick-red colour with significant morphological and ultrastructural changes in comparison with the control was observed at the concentrations of 100.0 mg/L and 500.0 mg/L. Hyphal density was lower, the cell wall was thick with more expressed extracellular matrix, septa were abundant, and branch frequency and occurrence of clamp-connections were rare. Cytological analysis demonstrated that majority of selenium was accumulated in cell membrane and vacuoles, while changes at cell wall was insignificant. Antioxidant capacity of non-amended and selenium amended mycelium extract of tested species depended on species and extract concentration. Based on extract EC50 value, antioxidant activity decreased in the following order: L. betulinus > G. lucidum > G. applanatum > P. pulmonarius > P. ostreatus > P. eryngii > T. hirsuta > F. velutipes..

    Antioxidative activity of Lenzites warnieri basidiocarps

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    Considering that mushrooms synthesize different kinds of compounds with antioxidative activity and that search for natural antioxidants is a topical study area, testing of unstudied species is fully justified. The aim of the study was to evaluate antioxidative capacity of Lenzites warnieri basidiocarps using different solvents. Antioxidative potential of 96% ethanolic, 70% ethanolic and methanolic extracts was evaluated by 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) bleaching assay and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. Additionally, total content of phenols and flavonoids in extracts was determined as galic acid equivalent (GAE) and quercetin equivalent (QE), respectively. Presented as EC50, 70% ethanolic extracts showed the highest antioxidative capacity by DPPH assay (3.08 ± 0.49 mg/mL) and 96% ethanolic extract by ABTS assay (3.08 ± 0.24 mg/mL). Methanolic extract exhibited the lowest antioxidative activity in both assays (6.02 ± 0.99 mg/mL and 4.92 ± 0.38 mg/mL, respectively). Results showed that antioxidative capacity of extracts depended on solvents and assay used, indicating that ethanolic extracts were with higher capacity in free radicals neutralization. The highest content of total phenols was detected in 70% ethanolic extract (37.45 ± 0.36 μg GAE/mg of dried extract) while the lowest amount was noted in methanolic extract (22.73 ± 0.05 μg GAE/mg of dried extract). Total flavonoid contents were negligible and ranged between 1.91 ± 0.10 and 2.24 ± 0.13 μg QE/mg of dried extract. The obtained results indicate that Lenzites warnieri possess significant antioxidative capacity which is mainly correlated to phenols present in the extracts. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 173032

    Antioxidative potential of daedaleopsis tricolor basidiocarps and mycelium

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    Although some members of the genus Daedaleopsis have been prized for their medicinal and spiritual powers since Neolithic times, modern science has not yet sufficiently dealt with their bioactivities. This study aims at defining the antioxidative ac­tivities of extracts of Daedaleopsis tricolor wild and cultivated basidiocarps and mycelium and assessing their dependance on substrate type. Ethanol extracts (at a concentrations from 0.25 mg/mL to 16.00 mg/mL) of mycelium and wild fruiting bodies showed a considerable antioxidative potential (88.65% and 81.57%, respectively), which was almost the same as the commercial antioxidant BHA (88.91%). These radical scavenging abilities were reflected in EC50 values, which were 12.45 mg/mL for the extract of cultivated basidiocarps, 8.29 mg/mL for the extract of wild basidiocarps, 7.93 mg/mL for mycelium one, and 0.10 mg/mL for commercial antioxidant. Despite the fact that phenol proportion in the extracts was no neg­ligible (between 20.41 μg GAE/mg of the extract of dry wild basidiocarps and 146.37 μg GAE/mg of the extract of dry cultivated basidiocarps), its correlation with antioxidative activity was moderate. Flavonoids, in significant concentration, were detected only in the extract of cultivated fruiting bodies (28.64 μg QE/mg of dry extract), but no correlation with radical scavenging capacity was noted. A remarkable antioxidant potential, especially of the submerged cultivated mycelium, put D. tricolor high on the list of promising new natural antioxidants. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 173032

    Galectin-3 Deficiency Accelerates High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Amplifies Inflammation in Adipose Tissue and Pancreatic Islets

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    Obesity-induced diabetes is associated with low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue and macrophage infiltration of islets. We show that ablation of galectin-3 (Gal-3), a galactoside-binding lectin, accelerates high-fat diet-induced obesity and diabetes. Obese LGALS3(-/-) mice have increased body weight, amount of total visceral adipose tissue (VAT), fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, and markers of systemic inflammation compared with diet-matched wild-type (WT) animals. VAT of obese LGALS3(-/-) mice exhibited increased incidence of type 1 T and NKT lymphocytes and proinflammatory CD11c(+)CD11b(+) macrophages and decreased CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells and M2 macrophages. Pronounced mononuclear cell infiltrate, increased expression of NLRP3 inflammasome and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) in macrophages, and increased accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and receptor for AGE (RAGE) expression were present in pancreatic islets of obese LGALS3(-/-) animals accompanied with elevated phosphorylated nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) p65 and mature caspase-1 protein expression in pancreatic tissue and VAT. In vitro stimulation of LGALS3(-/-) peritoneal macrophages with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and saturated fatty acid palmitate caused increased caspase-l-dependent IL-1 beta production and increased phosphorylation of NF-kappa B p65 compared with WT cells. Transfection of LGALS3(-/-) macrophages with NLRP3 small interfering RNA attenuated production in response to palmitate and LPS plus palmitate. Obtained results suggest important protective roles for Gal-3 in obesity-induced inflammation and diabetes.Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development [175071, 175069

    Data from an international multi-centre study of statistics and mathematics anxieties and related variables in university students (the SMARVUS dataset)

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    This large, international dataset contains survey responses from N = 12,570 students from 100 universities in 35 countries, collected in 21 languages. We measured anxieties (statistics, mathematics, test, trait, social interaction, performance, creativity, intolerance of uncertainty, and fear of negative evaluation), self-efficacy, persistence, and the cognitive reflection test, and collected demographics, previous mathematics grades, self-reported and official statistics grades, and statistics module details. Data reuse potential is broad, including testing links between anxieties and statistics/mathematics education factors, and examining instruments’ psychometric properties across different languages and contexts. Data and metadata are stored on the Open Science Framework website [https://osf.io/mhg94/]

    Data from an international multi-centre study of statistics and mathematics anxieties and related variables in university students (the SMARVUS dataset)

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