37 research outputs found
Euthanasia and moral dilemmas
The permissibility of the practice of voluntarily ending the
life of a seriously ill person, in order to deprive him of further
pain and suffering, is the subject of numerous and heated
debates. The attitudes on this complex issue, to put it mildly, are
not unanimous. While on one hand, the supporters of
euthanasia affirmatively speak about the act in question and
advocate for its legalization, its opponents, presenting it as a
negation of basic human rights and the right to life, tend to
render meaningless any positive effect it could bring. In the
shadow of the relationship between the right to life and the
right to decide on death, there is the controversy about the
justification of euthanasia from the legal standpoint, as well as
the moral segment of this act, which must not be neglected. In
this regard, the question arises whether it is moral to decide on
the end of one's own life, having in mind the fact that no one
participated in making the decision to start it. Another
important issue is the influence of the circumstances of a
specific case, including the type of disease, and the intensity of
pain and suffering to which the person is exposed, on the moral
assessment of making the decision to end a life or executing this
decision. The main task of the theoretical treatment is to get
acquainted with the basic features of the act of euthanasia, its
perception through the prism of moral norms, both from the
point of view of the person who decides to end his own life and
from the point of view of the doctor who implements the
decision. The choice of the subject of this theoretical treatment
is motivated, above all, by its practical significance, as well as
by the need for constant moral re-examination of one's own
actions, especially in the context of the serious crisis of the
value system that characterizes the modern era.Publishe
Journey into the Unknown: The Identity of the Individual and the Landscape in the Works of Cormac McCarthy Путешествие в неизвестное: Идентитет индивида и пространства в произведениях Кормака Маккарти
Svrha ove disertacije je da ukaže na mesto, značaj i ulogu koju u poetici savremenog američkog pisca Kormaka Makartija (Cormac McCarthy) zauzimaju pojedinac, prostor i putovanje kao pripovedne konstante, a potom i na njihovu neospornu uzajamnu zavisnost. U okviru analize biće predstavljeni i oni segmenti autorove poetike koji se posredno nadovezuju na temu rada, i koji će stoga biti na njegovoj periferiji. Ovako kompleksnoj prozi može se pristupiti iz najrazličitijih perspektiva, ali pojedinac i prostor ne samo što nužno čine zajednički imenilac svake od njih, već identitet nepojmljivih predela opisanih u Makartijevim delima u brojnim važnim aspektima ispoljava saobraznost sa podjednako zagonetnim putnicima koji se njima kreću...The first and foremost aim of this thesis is to highlight the position, significance, and status of the individual, landscape and journey in the poetics of the contemporary American writer Cormac McCarthy, as well as to analyze the degree to which they are mutually dependent. The study will also cover those segments of his poetics indirectly related to the theme of this paper, which will, therefore, be placed on its periphery. This thesis reflects the view that one could pore over such a complex prose as McCarthy’s from a variety of perspectives, and not only would the individual and the landscape form a common denominator for each of those, but the identity of unfathomable sceneries described in McCarthy’s works would, in all the important aspects, manifest similarities with the equally enigmatic travellers who wander through them..
Isolation and characterization of Yersinia enterocolitica strains in pigs on the slaughterline
Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je utvrđivanje ukupne prevalencije Y. enterocolitica kod svinja i karakterizacija izolata u odnosu na bioserotip, prisustvo gena virulencije, genetski diverzitet i otpornost na antimikrobne lekove. Proučavani su mogući faktori rizika u proizvodnji svinja povezani sa infekcijom Y. enterocolitica koji nastaju u fazama pre klanja i za vreme klanja. Tokom četiri sezone pregledano je ukupno 960 uzoraka tonzila svinja poreklom sa farmi otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa zaklanih na tri različite klanice. Svinje su bile poreklom sa ukupno 30 različitih farmi raspoređenih u pet regiona u Republici Srbiji. Prilikom svakog uzorkovanja popunjavan je upitnik o uslovima na farmi kao i uslovima u toku transporta i vremenu boravka u depou klanice. Ukupna prevalencija Y. enterocolitica kod svinja iznosila je 10,4%. Najčešći bioserotip Y. enterocolitica bio je BT4/O:3 (81,6%). Patogenost 63 izolata Y. enterocolitica BT4/O:3 (uključujući i BT4 S-/O:3), potvrđena je prisustvom gena virulencije ail i ystA i odsustvom gena ystB (100%). Karakterizacijom 63 potvrđena izolata pomoću PFGE identifikovano je pet različitih genotipova sa zajedničkim identičnim genetskim profilima (100% sličnosti) unutar svakog genotipa. Četiri genotipa potiču sa oba tipa farmi i sa tri različite klanice, što ukazuje na visoku genetsku stabilnost i prostornu cirkulaciju patogenog mikroorganizma. Disk difuzionom metodom utvrđeno je da su svi izolati Y. enterocolitica bili su osetljivi na cefotaksim, ceftazidim, meropenem, gentamicin, trimetroprim i sulfonamide. Izolati koji potiču sa zatvorenog tipa farmi bili su rezistentni samo na ampicilin, dok je rezistencija na ampicilin, nalidiksinsku kiselinu, tetraciklin i hloramfenikol utvrđena na farmama otvorenog tipa. Metodom multivarijantne logističke regresije utvrđeni su faktori rizika koji zajedno doprinose pojavi infekcije svinja sa Y. enterocolitica i uključuju farme otvorenog tipa (odnos verovatnoće, OR=2,31, 95% interval poverenja, CI=1,41-3,79, p<0,001), vreme boravka u depou klanice od 3-6h (OR=1,63, CI=1,04-2,58, p<0,035) i zimsku sezonu (OR=3,85, CI=2,01-7,36, p<0,001). Pored opšte karakterizacije izolata Y. enterocolitica identifikacija glavnih rizika povezanih sa infekcijom omogućava bolju primenu preventivnih mera za smanjenje pojave i distribucije infekcije Y. enterocolitica
There is a growing demand for application of personalized bone implants (endoprostheses or macro-scaffolds, and fixators) which conform the anatomy of patient. Hence the need for a CAD procedure that enables fast and sufficiently accurate digital reconstruction of the traumatized bone geometry. Research presented in this paper addresses digital reconstruction of the femoral neck fracture. The results point out that User-Defined (geometric) Feature (UDF) concept is the most convenient to use in digital reconstruction of numerous variants of the same topology, such as in this kind of bone region. UDF, named FemoNeck, is developed to demonstrate capability of the chosen concept. Its geometry, controlled by a dozen of parameters, can be easily shaped according to anatomy of femoral neck region of the specific patient. That kind of CAD procedure should use minimally required set of geometric (anatomical) parameters, which can be easily captured from X-ray or Computed Tomography (CT) images. For the statistical analysis of geometry and UDF development we used CT scans of proximal femur of 24 Caucasian female and male adults. The validation of the proposed method was done by applying it for remodeling four femoral necks of four different proximal femurs and by comparing the geometrical congruency between the raw polygonal models gained directly from CT scan and reconstructed models
DEM-based GIS algorithms for automatic creation of hydrological models data
In this paper the authors discuss the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based GIS algorithms, applicable for automatic creation of input data needed by hydrological models. The expected source of DEM data are standard digital data sets that a modeler can purchase from the official data sources. The DEM has to be cleared from errors and prepared for standard hydrology usage as the depression less version, or a version of DEM where only small depressions are filled-in, while larger depressions are extracted as separate objects. The slopes and aspects are calculated from such DEM. The flow accumulation image is created using slopes and aspects and using information about large ponds. From flow accumulation image the surface drainage network is extracted with user-specified density. Based on slopes and aspects, the catchment is delineated into subcatchments, the areas drained by each river segment. Finally, the model-specific parameters like length of flow segment along the terrain and along the river to the subcatchment outlet, slope of those segments, subcatchment shape factor, or subcatchments mean or weighted slope are calculated. Paper explains the used algorithms and emphasizes the problems one can encounter during the usage of DEM data using examples from River Drina catchment. Finally, the authors comment on overall usability of presented GIS algorithms, especially if purchased data are of low quality.
Modern approach to neuropsychological assessment as a predictor of computerized cognitive rehabilitation
Neuropsychological tests are specially designed tasks used to assess cognitive function, known to be related to a particular brain structure or pathway. The modern approach in neuropsychological assessment involves the application of the test in a computer application. This approach has many advantages, simple application of other technology and sensors, to get as informative the data. The purpose of this research was to analyze the possibilities for realization of certain neuropsychological tests in the form of computer applications, with the use of an additional sensor and application of the data obtained in rehabilitation. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test - WCST, a card sorting test, was used as an example of the test. The survey included 20 respondents from the regular population, ages 17-29, selected by the random sample method, who voluntarily accepted to participate in the research. Respondents solved the test in a computer application with an additional sensor attached to an Emotiv Epoc Electroencephalograph. The results show that it takes less time to solve the test in a computer application and that errors that the examiner may make are excluded. Moreover, the additional sensor provides accurate data on registered features that can be used in diagnostics as well as in rehabilitation. All this information cannot otherwise be obtained by the usual test method
Yersinia enterocolitica and control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain
Yersiniosis caused by Yersinia enterocolitica is the third most common zoonosis transmitted
from asymptomatic, healthy pigs to humans through raw or insufficiently cooked meat.
The occurrence of Y. enterocolitica on a farm can vary, depending on different risk factors,
including production system and biosecurity level. At the slaughterhouse, the contamination
level of carcasses depends to a great extent on practices during lairage, along with the handling
and processing of the head, tongue, tonsils, and rectum of slaughtered pigs. A comprehensive
approach for further Y. enterocolitica farm/slaughterhouse categorization, improved
hygiene practices, and mandatory surveillance for underestimated pathogens within the food
chain is necessary for maintaining the One Health concept
Failure Analysis of the Stacker Crawler Chain Link
Stacker ARs 2000 presents the final link in the system for continuous overburden removal in the open pit mine "Kostolac" Serbia. Its superstructure leans on three crawlers of the same length, width and height. During the stacker's travel from the erection site to the open pit mine, three crawler chain links fractured, presenting an indication of the problems that were to occur during exploitation. In fact, after only 1000 working hours (about three months), 30 chain links sustained fractures resulting in direct and indirect costs due to the downtime that substantially diminished the effects of the overburden removal system. The goal of the study presented in the paper was to diagnose the cause of chain link breakdown occurrence. Working stresses in the chain link are defined by applying FEM. Experimental investigations define the chemical composition, the tensile properties, the impact toughness and the macro and microhardness. Metallographic examinations are conducted additionally. Based on the results of the numerical-experimental analysis, it can be concluded that chain link breakdown is predominantly caused by (a) substantial deviation of the mechanical properties of the material with respect to those prescribed by the standard and (b) the existence of macro and microcracks in the material structure
Identification of synthetic cannabinoid methyl 2-{[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indol-3-yl] formamido}-3-methylbutanoate using modern mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques
The samples of plant material suspected to contain new psychoactive substances are very often the subject of chemical-toxicological analyses. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-MS, and liquid chromatography-tandem MS were applied with the aim to identify synthetic cannabinoid, methyl 2-{[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indol-3-yl] formamido}-3-methylbutanoate (MMB-CHMICA) without the analytical standard, which is very often the case when a new drug arrives. The structure of compound was also confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and conformational analysis. After identification, methanolic extract of plant material containing MMB-CHMICA was successfully used for developing a multiple reaction monitoring method on liquid chromatography-tandem MS instrument. The optimization procedure is shown in detail. The complete fragmentation pattern and also the optimization of the extraction procedure of MMB-CHMICA from plant material were shown. The obtained data are useful for forensic, toxicological, and clinical purposes
Failure Analysis of the Stacker Crawler Chain Link
Stacker ARs 2000 presents the final link in the system for continuous overburden removal in the open pit mine "Kostolac" Serbia. Its superstructure leans on three crawlers of the same length, width and height. During the stacker's travel from the erection site to the open pit mine, three crawler chain links fractured, presenting an indication of the problems that were to occur during exploitation. In fact, after only 1000 working hours (about three months), 30 chain links sustained fractures resulting in direct and indirect costs due to the downtime that substantially diminished the effects of the overburden removal system. The goal of the study presented in the paper was to diagnose the cause of chain link breakdown occurrence. Working stresses in the chain link are defined by applying FEM. Experimental investigations define the chemical composition, the tensile properties, the impact toughness and the macro and microhardness. Metallographic examinations are conducted additionally. Based on the results of the numerical-experimental analysis, it can be concluded that chain link breakdown is predominantly caused by (a) substantial deviation of the mechanical properties of the material with respect to those prescribed by the standard and (b) the existence of macro and microcracks in the material structure