241 research outputs found

    Concurrent visuomotor behaviour improves form discrimination in a patient with visual form agnosia

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    It is now well established that the visual brain is divided into two visual streams, the ventral and the dorsal stream. Milner and Goodale have suggested that the ventral stream is dedicated for processing vision for perception and the dorsal stream vision for action [A.D. Milner & M.A. Goodale (1995) The Visual Brain in Action, Oxford University Press, Oxford]. However, it is possible that ongoing processes in the visuomotor stream will nevertheless have an effect on perceptual processes. This possibility was examined in the present study. We have examined the visual form-discrimination performance of the form-agnosic patient D.F. with and without a concurrent visuomotor task, and found that her performance was significantly improved in the former condition. This suggests that the visuomotor behaviour provides cues that enhance her ability to recognize the form of the target object. In control experiments we have ruled out proprioceptive and efferent cues, and therefore propose that D.F. can, to a significant degree, access the object's visuomotor representation in the dorsal stream. Moreover, we show that the grasping-induced perceptual improvement disappears if the target objects only differ with respect to their shape but not their width. This suggests that shape information per se is not used for this grasping task

    A computational group theoretic symmetry reduction package for the SPIN model checker

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    Symmetry reduced model checking is hindered by two problems: how to identify state space symmetry when systems are not fully symmetric, and how to determine equivalence of states during search. We present TopSpin, a fully automatic symmetry reduction package for the Spin model checker. TopSpin uses the Gap computational algebra system to effectively detect state space symmetry from the associated Promela specification, and to choose an efficient symmetry reduction strategy by classifying automorphism groups as a disjoint/wreath product of subgroups. We present encouraging experimental results for a variety of Promela examples

    The role of V5/MT+ in the control of catching movements: an rTMS study

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    Milner and Goodale [Milner, A. D., & Goodale, M. A. (1995). The visual brain in action. Oxford: Oxford University Press] described a model which distinguishes between two visual streams in the brain. It is claimed that the ventral stream serves object recognition (i.e. vision for perception), and the dorsal streams provides visual information for the guidance of action (i.e. vision for action). This model is supported by evidence from the domain of spatial vision, but it remains unclear how motion vision fits into that model. More specifically, it is unclear how the motion complex V5/MT contributes to vision for perception and vision for action. We addressed this question in an earlier study with the V5-lesioned patient LM [Schenk, T., Mai, N., Ditterich, J., & Zihl, J. (2000). Can a motion-blind patient reach for moving objects? European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 3351–3360]. We found that she is not only impaired in perceptual tasks but also in catching, suggesting a role for V5/MT+ in vision for both perception and action. However, LM's lesion goes beyond V5/MT+ into more dorsal regions. It is thus possible, that the catching deficit was not produced by damage to V5/MT+ itself. In this case, one would expect that selective interference with V5/MT+ would have no effect on catching. In the present study we tested this prediction by applying rTMS over V5/MT+ of the left hemisphere while healthy subjects were either performing a catching or a reaching task. We found that V5-TMS reduced the speed of the catching but not the reaching response. These results confirm that V5/MT+ is not only involved in perceptual but also in visuomotor tasks

    Separate channels for processing form, texture, and color: Evidence from fMRI adaptation and visual object agnosia

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    Previous neuroimaging research suggests that although object shape is analyzed in the lateral occipital cortex, surface properties of objects, such as color and texture, are dealt with in more medial areas, close to the collateral sulcus (CoS). The present study sought to determine whether there is a single medial region concerned with surface properties in general or whether instead there are multiple foci independently extracting different surface properties. We used stimuli varying in their shape, texture, or color, and tested healthy participants and 2 object-agnosic patients, in both a discrimination task and a functional MR adaptation paradigm. We found a double dissociation between medial and lateral occipitotemporal cortices in processing surface (texture or color) versus geometric (shape) properties, respectively. In Experiment 2, we found that the medial occipitotemporal cortex houses separate foci for color (within anterior CoS and lingual gyrus) and texture (caudally within posterior CoS). In addition, we found that areas selective for shape, texture, and color individually were quite distinct from those that respond to all of these features together (shape and texture and color). These latter areas appear to correspond to those associated with the perception of complex stimuli such as faces and places

    Patient DF's visual brain in action : visual feedforward control in patient with visual form agnosia

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    Patient DF, who developed visual form agnosia following ventral-stream damage, is unable to discriminate the width of objects, performing at chance, for example, when asked to open her thumb and forefinger a matching amount. Remarkably, however, DF adjusts her hand aperture to accommodate the width of objects when reaching out to pick them up (grip scaling). While this spared ability to grasp objects is presumed to be mediated by visuomotor modules in her relatively intact dorsal stream, it is possible that it may rely abnormally on online visual or haptic feedback. We report here that DF’s grip scaling remained intact when her vision was completely suppressed during grasp movements, and it still dissociated sharply from her poor perceptual estimates of target size. We then tested whether providing trial-by-trial haptic feedback after making such perceptual estimates might improve DF’s performance, but found that they remained significantly impaired. In a final experiment, we re-examined whether DF’s grip scaling depends on receiving veridical haptic feedback during grasping. In one condition, the haptic feedback was identical to the visual targets, while in a second, the feedback was of a constant intermediate width while the visual target varied trial by trial. Despite such false feedback, DF still scaled her grip aperture to the visual widths of the target blocks, showing only normal adaptation to the false haptically-experienced width. Taken together, these results strengthen the view that DF’s spared grasping relies on a normal mode of dorsal-stream functioning, based chiefly on visual feedforward processing

    DF's visual brain in action: the role of tactile cues

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    Patient DF, an extensively-tested woman with visual form agnosia from ventral-stream damage, is able to scale her grip aperture to match a goal object's geometry when reaching out to pick it up, despite being unable to explicitly distinguish amongst objects on the basis of their different geometries. Using evidence from a range of sources, including functional MRI, we have proposed that she does this through a functionally intact visuomotor system housed within the dorsal stream of the posterior parietal lobe. More recently, however, Schenk (2012a). The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(6), 2013–2017; Schenk (2012b). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(5), 258–259. has argued that DF performs well in visually guided grasping, not through spared and functioning visuomotor networks in the dorsal stream, but because haptic feedback about the locations of the edges of the target is available to calibrate her grasps in such tasks, whereas it is not available in standard visual perceptual tasks. We have tested this 'calibration hypothesis' directly, by presenting DF with a grasping task in which the visible width of a target varied from trial to trial while its actual width remained the same. According to the calibration hypothesis, because haptic feedback was completely uninformative, DF should be unable to calibrate her grip aperture in this task. Contrary to this prediction, we found that DF continued to scale her grip aperture to the visual width of the targets and did so well within the range of healthy controls. We also found that DF's inability to distinguish shapes perceptually is not improved by providing haptic feedback. These findings strengthen the notion that DF’s spared visuomotor abilities are driven largely by visual feedforward processing of the geometric properties of the target. Crucially, these findings also indicate that simple tactile contact with an object is needed for the visuomotor dorsal stream to be engaged, and accordingly enables DF to execute visually guided grasping successfully. This need for actions to have a tangible endpoint provides an important new modification of the Two Visual Systems theory

    Stereoscopic vision in the absence of the lateral occipital cortex

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    Both dorsal and ventral cortical visual streams contain neurons sensitive to binocular disparities, but the two streams may underlie different aspects of stereoscopic vision. Here we investigate stereopsis in the neurological patient D.F., whose ventral stream, specifically lateral occipital cortex, has been damaged bilaterally, causing profound visual form agnosia. Despite her severe damage to cortical visual areas, we report that DF's stereo vision is strikingly unimpaired. She is better than many control observers at using binocular disparity to judge whether an isolated object appears near or far, and to resolve ambiguous structure-from-motion. DF is, however, poor at using relative disparity between features at different locations across the visual field. This may stem from a difficulty in identifying the surface boundaries where relative disparity is available. We suggest that the ventral processing stream may play a critical role in enabling healthy observers to extract fine depth information from relative disparities within one surface or between surfaces located in different parts of the visual field

    Behavioural and neuroimaging evidence for a contribution of color and texture information to scene classification in a patient with visual form agnosia.

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    A common notion is that object perception is a necessary precursor to scene perception. Behavioral evidence suggests, however, that scene perception can operate independently of object perception. Further, neuroimaging has revealed a specialized human cortical area for viewing scenes that is anatomically distinct from areas activated by viewing objects. Here we show that an individual with visual form agnosia, D.F., who has a profound deficit in object recognition but spared color and visual texture perception, could still classify scenes and that she was fastest when the scenes were presented in the appropriate color. When scenes were presented as black-and-white images, she made a large number of errors in classification. Functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed selective activation in the parahippocampal place area (PPA) when D.F. viewed scenes. Unlike control observers, D.F. demonstrated higher activation in the PPA for scenes presented in the appropriate color than for black-and-white versions. The results demonstrate that an individual with profound form vision deficits can still use visual texture and color to classify scenes—and that this intact ability is reflected in differential activation of the PPA with colored versions of scenes

    Grasping the past: delay can improve visuomotor performance

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    “Optic ataxia” is caused by damage to the human posterior parietal cortex (PPC). It disrupts all components of a visually guided prehension movement, not only the transport of the hand toward an object's location [1], but also the in-flight finger movements pretailored to the metric properties of the object [2, 3 and 4]. Like previous cases [4 and 5], our patient (I.G.) was quite unable to open her handgrip appropriately when directly reaching out to pick up objects of different sizes. When first tested, she failed to do this even when she had previewed the target object 5 s earlier. Yet despite this deficit in “real” grasping, we found, counterintuitively, that I.G. showed good grip scaling when “pantomiming” a grasp for an object seen earlier but no longer present. We then found that, after practice, I.G. became able to scale her handgrip when grasping a real target object that she had previewed earlier. By interposing catch trials in which a different object was covertly substituted for the original object during the delay between preview and grasp, we found that I.G. was now using memorized visual information to calibrate her real grasping movements. These results provide new evidence that “off-line” visuomotor guidance can be provided by networks independent of the PPC

    The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation

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    We sought to determine the effects of prism adaptation on peripherally cued visual attention shifting in patients with spatial neglect, using a task devised by Egly et al. (J Exp Psychol Gen 123:161–177, 1994) based on the classic Posner paradigm. This task allowed a comparison of “within-object” versus “between-object” attention shifts. A display was presented containing two parallel outline rectangles, and subjects were asked to make rapid responses to a target, which would appear at one end of one of the rectangles. The target location was pre-cued with 75% validity: on invalid trials attention was directed either to the other end of the same rectangle, or to the other rectangle. Healthy subjects and right-hemisphere patients without neglect showed a left-right symmetrical pattern, with a larger validity effect when required to shift attention between rectangles, thus indicating a greater difficulty of attention-shifting between than within the respective shapes. The neglect patients showed the typical leftward “disengage deficit” previously observed in neglect, but only for attention shifts between objects, indicating that the effect is object-based rather than purely spatial. A comparison of vertical and horizontal shift costs showed that this attention-shifting deficit for left-hemifield target stimuli was directional rather than hemifield-based: it was absent for vertical shifts of attention within the left hemifield. Finally, we found that prism adaptation abolished the disengage deficit. We found no effects of prism adaptation in the control subjects. We argue that prism adaptation has a powerful effect on one of the fundamental manifestations of the neglect syndrome