1,159 research outputs found

    Fat mass limits lower-extremity relative strength and maximal walking performance in older women

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if excess fat negatively affects relative strength and walking gait performance in overweight, older women. Twenty five older women (65 – 80 yr) were separated into normal weight (BMI \u3c 25 kg m−2 , n=11) and overweight groups (BMI ≥ 25 kg m−2 , n=14). Strength and rate of torque development (RTD) of the knee extensors and flexors, ankle plantarflexors and dorsiflexors were measured. Participants walked at standard and maximal speeds during which muscle activation, spatiotemporal and kinetic gait variables were measured. Relative to mass, overweight older women had 24% lower maximal torque and 38% lower RTD than normal weight women. Maximal walking speed was slower in overweight (1.25 ± 0.22 m s−1 vs. 1.54 ± 0.25 m s−1 , P = 0.004) and was correlated to strength (r = 0.53, P \u3c 0.01) and fat mass (r = −0.65, P = 0.001). At maximal speed, overweight had 11% lower vertical ground reaction force relative to mass, 8% slower stride rate, 12% shorter strides, 13% longer foot-ground contact times, 21% longer double-limb support times, 65% greater knee extensor and 78% greater plantarflexor activation (P \u3c 0.05). Overweight, older women demonstrated altered gait and reduced walking performance related to poor relative strength and rate of torque development of lower-extremity muscles

    Rifting and Mafic Magmatism in the Hebridean Basins

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    Acknowledgements and Funding Research in the BPIP was supported by NERC grant GR9/1581, and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. H. Rollinson and E. Gazel are thanked for helpful and constructive criticisms, particularly of the modelling aspects of the paper, and T. Rooney is thanked for invaluable scientific and editorial assistance.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A study of the entanglement in systems with periodic boundary conditions

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    We define the local periodic linking number, LK, between two oriented closed or open chains in a system with three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. The properties of LK indicate that it is an appropriate measure of entanglement between a collection of chains in a periodic system. Using this measure of linking to assess the extent of entanglement in a polymer melt we study the effect of CReTA algorithm on the entanglement of polyethylene chains. Our numerical results show that the statistics of the local periodic linking number observed for polymer melts before and after the application of CReTA are the same.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Frontier exploration and the North Atlantic Igneous Province : new insights from a 2.6 km offshore volcanic sequence in the NE Faroe–Shetland Basin

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    Acknowledgements and Funding This work was funded by Chevron. The authors would like to acknowledge the Chevron West of Shetlands team along with the Joint Venture partners OMV, Faroe Petroleum and Indemitsu for access to data along with permission to publish this study. PGS is thanked for access to the Corona Ridge Regional Geostreamer (CRRG) data and permission to publish the seismic line. The paper was improved thanks to insightful reviews by S. M. Jones and A. Saunders, which substantially improved an earlier draft. J. Still and F. Thompson gave invaluable technical support at the University of Aberdeen, and K. Wall helped with real-time cuttings analysis.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Prevalence and correlates of achieving recommended physical activity levels among children living in rural South Asia—A multi-centre study

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    Background: We report the prevalence of recommended physical activity levels (RPALs) and examine the correlates of achieving RPALs in rural South Asian children and analyse its association with anthropometric outcomes. Methods: This analysis on rural South Asian children aged 5–14 years (n = 564) is a part of the Chronic Disease Risk Factor study conducted at three sites in India (Chennai n = 146; Goa n = 218) and Bangladesh (Matlab; n = 200). Data on socio-demographic and lifestyle factors (physical activity (PA); diet) were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaires, along with objective anthropometric measurements. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine whether RPALs (active travel to school (yes/no); leisure-time PA ≥ 1 h/day; sedentary-activity ≤ 2 h/day) were associated with socio-demographic factors, diet and other forms of PA. Multivariate linear regression models were used to investigate associations between RPALs and anthropometrics (BMI- and waist z-scores). Results: The majority of children (71.8 %) belonged to households where a parent had at least a secondary education. Two-thirds (66.7 %) actively travelled to school; 74.6 % reported ≥1 h/day of leisure-time PA and 55.7 % had ≤2 h/day of sedentary-activity; 25.2 % of children reported RPALs in all three dimensions. Older (10–14 years, OR = 2.0; 95 % CI: 1.3, 3.0) and female (OR = 1.7; 95 % CI: 1.1, 2.5) children were more likely to travel actively to school. Leisure-time PA ≥ 1 h/day was more common among boys (OR = 2.5; 95 % CI: 1.5, 4.0), children in Matlab, Bangladesh (OR = 3.0; 95 % CI: 1.6, 5.5), and those with higher processed-food consumption (OR = 2.3; 95 % CI: 1.2, 4.1). Sedentary activity ≤ 2 h/day was associated with younger children (5–9 years, OR = 1.6; 95 % CI: 1.1, 2. 4), children of Goa (OR = 3.5; 95 % CI: 2.1, 6.1) and Chennai (OR = 2.5; 95 % CI: 1.5, 4.3) and low household education (OR = 2.1; 95 % CI: 1.1, 4.1). In multivariate analyses, sedentary activity ≤ 2 h/day was associated with lower BMI-z-scores (β = −0.3; 95 % CI: −0.5, −0.08) and lower waist-z-scores (β = −1.1; 95 % CI: −2.2, −0.07). Conclusion: Only one quarter of children in these rural areas achieved RPAL in active travel, leisure and sedentary activity. Improved understanding of RPAL in rural South Asian children is important due to rapid socio-economic transition

    Are estimates of socioeconomic inequalities in chronic disease artefactually narrowed by self-reported measures of prevalence in low-income and middle-income countries? Findings from the WHO-SAGE survey

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    Background: The use of self-reported measures of chronic disease may substantially underestimate prevalence in low-income and middle-income country settings, especially in groups with lower socioeconomic status (SES). We sought to determine whether socioeconomic inequalities in the prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) differ if estimated by using symptom-based or criterion-based measures compared with self-reported physician diagnoses. Methods: Using population-representative data sets of the WHO Study of Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE), 2007–2010 (n=42 464), we calculated wealth-related and education-related concentration indices of self-reported diagnoses and symptom-based measures of angina, hypertension, asthma/chronic lung disease, visual impairment and depression in three ‘low-income and lower middle-income countries’—China, Ghana and India—and three ‘upper-middle-income countries’—Mexico, Russia and South Africa. Results: SES gradients in NCD prevalence tended to be positive for self-reported diagnoses compared with symptom-based/criterion-based measures. In China, Ghana and India, SES gradients were positive for hypertension, angina, visual impairment and depression when using self-reported diagnoses, but were attenuated or became negative when using symptom-based/criterion-based measures. In Mexico, Russia and South Africa, this distinction was not observed consistently. For example, concentration index of self-reported versus symptom-based angina were: in China: 0.07 vs −0.11, Ghana: 0.04 vs −0.21, India: 0.02 vs −0.16, Mexico: 0.19 vs −0.22, Russia: −0.01 vs −0.02 and South Africa: 0.37 vs 0.02. Conclusions: Socioeconomic inequalities in NCD prevalence tend to be artefactually positive when using self-report compared with symptom-based or criterion-based diagnostic criteria, with greater bias occurring in low-income countries. Using standardised, symptom-based measures would provide more valid estimates of NCD inequalities

    Fluorides, orthodontics and demineralization: a systematic review

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing white spot lesion (WSL) demineralization during orthodontic treatment and compare all modes of fluoride delivery. Data sources: The search strategy for the review was carried out according to the standard Cochrane systematic review methodology. The following databases were searched for RCTs or CCTs: Cochrane Clinical Trials Register, Cochrane Oral Health Group Specialized Trials Register, MEDLINE and EMBASE. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied when considering studies to be included. Authors of trials were contacted for further data. Data selection: The primary outcome of the review was the presence or absence of WSL by patient at the end of treatment. Secondary outcomes included any quantitative assessment of enamel mineral loss or lesion depth. Data extraction: Six reviewers independently, in duplicate, extracted data, including an assessment of the methodological quality of each trial. Data synthesis: Fifteen trials provided data for this review, although none fulfilled all the methodological quality assessment criteria. One study found that a daily NaF mouthrinse reduced the severity of demineralization surrounding an orthodontic appliance (lesion depth difference –70.0 µm; 95% CI –118.2 to –21.8 µm). One study found that use of a glass ionomer cement (GIC) for bracket bonding reduced the prevalence of WSL (Peto OR 0.35; 95% CI 0.15–0.84) compared with a composite resin. None of the studies fulfilled all of the methodological quality assessment criteria. Conclusions: There is some evidence that the use of a daily NaF mouthrinse or a GIC for bonding brackets might reduce the occurrence and severity of WSL during orthodontic treatment. More high quality, clinical research is required into the different modes of delivering fluoride to the orthodontic patient

    The ball mill as a means of investigating the mechanical failure of dental materials

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    Objective: The main purpose of this paper is to present a new method of predicting clinical performance using mechanical loading in a ball mill. Methods: A series of four experiments (two involving a hybrid composite and one each on orthodontic brackets and bands) is described in which the ball mill was used to subject specimens to mechanical fatigue. Results: A reproducibility study using composite beam specimens showed no significant difference between the Mean Survival Time (MST) in all the three experimental runs (P = 0.42). When subjected to thermal cycling, the MST of the cycled group was 155.0 min compared to 247.0 min fur the control group (P < 0.01). The MST of untreated and sandblasted brackets was 7.9 h and 14 h respectively (P < 0.01). There is also a significant difference (P < 0.001) in the MST of sandblasted bands when compared to the untreated bands. Conclusions: The ball mill proved to be a convenient and reproducible means of producing mechanical fatigue and may be useful in predicting the clinical performance of dental materials. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    How topoisomerase IV can efficiently unknot and decatenate negatively supercoiled DNA molecules without causing their torsional relaxation.

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    Freshly replicated DNA molecules initially form multiply interlinked right-handed catenanes. In bacteria, these catenated molecules become supercoiled by DNA gyrase before they undergo a complete decatenation by topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). Topo IV is also involved in the unknotting of supercoiled DNA molecules. Using Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the shapes of supercoiled DNA molecules that are either knotted or catenated. We are especially interested in understanding how Topo IV can unknot right-handed knots and decatenate right-handed catenanes without acting on right-handed plectonemes in negatively supercoiled DNA molecules. To this end, we investigate how the topological consequences of intersegmental passages depend on the geometry of the DNA-DNA juxtapositions at which these passages occur. We observe that there are interesting differences between the geometries of DNA-DNA juxtapositions in the interwound portions and in the knotted or catenated portions of the studied molecules. In particular, in negatively supercoiled, multiply interlinked, right-handed catenanes, we detect specific regions where DNA segments belonging to two freshly replicated sister DNA molecules form left-handed crossings. We propose that, due to its geometrical preference to act on left-handed crossings, Topo IV can specifically unknot supercoiled DNA, as well as decatenate postreplicative catenanes, without causing their torsional relaxation