2,134 research outputs found

    The Caregiver as the Agent of Change in Children with Autism

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    Flutter Investigation of 60 Degree to 80 Degree Delta-Planform Surfaces at a Mach Number of 7.0

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    The flutter characteristics of a series of half-span delta surfaces which had leading-edge sweep angles ranging from 60 degrees to 80 degrees were investigated in helium flaw at a Mach number of 7.0 in the Langley hypersonic aeroelasticity tunnel. For each value of sweep angle both wedge and double-wedge airfoil sections were tested at two pitch-axis positions, The models were mounted so that a rigid-body flapping-pitching type of flutter was encountered. Analysis of the results and comparison with theory show that the wedge models are more stable than the corresponding double-wedge models; the pitch-axis location at or near the center of gravity is more stable than the more forward location; the effects of leading-edge sweep angle on the flutter characteristics appear to be small; and an uncoupled-mode piston-theory analysis gave the best agreement with the experimental results

    Examining Differences in Adult Attachment Across Varying Family Dynamics

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    Recent research suggests that attachment in adulthood impacts many aspects of an individual’s life, including experiences with romantic partners, emotional regulation, and overall life satisfaction. Research attributes this to the levels of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance individuals experience due to relationship experiences with their caregivers in childhood. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between specific family dynamics and the presence of attachment anxiety and avoidance in adulthood. The present study recruited 185 adults to participate in an anonymous survey about the family dynamics they experienced in childhood, including the relationship between their parents or guardians (married/partnered, divorced, separated), the presence of biological, adoptive, foster, or extended family members in the home, and their self-reported family type (e.g., traditional, two-parent nuclear family, blended family, single-parent family). Multivariate analyses suggest that the relationship between caregivers in childhood influences attachment anxiety and avoidance in adulthood. Implications for further research and social work practice are discussed

    Contributing to the Field of Dam Removal Science: Analyzing Sediment Characteristics in Mill Pond and Sawyer Mill

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    Dams have served a vital role in American industry, providing flood control, irrigation, navigation, and hydropower. However, many of these dams no longer serve their initial purpose or are potentially hazardous to downstream communities because of aging infrastructure. Dam removals are becoming increasingly popular methods of reducing the risk of dam failure, restoring river ecological function, and eliminating long-term costs associated with maintenance and repairs. Dams do more than just store water; as water approaches the impoundment area, its velocity is reduced, which allows suspended sediment to settle and accumulate in the impoundment area. Removing a dam allows some fraction of this sediment and any associated contaminants such as heavy metals, organochlorines, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons to mobilize downstream. To protect aquatic life and river health, an analysis of the quantity and quality of impounded sediment is required before dam removal. My research characterized the grain size, organic matter fraction, and mercury content of sediment impounded at Mill Pond and Sawyer Mill. Understanding the relationships between these variables and their spatial distribution throughout an impoundment could reduce the number of samples required to characterize an impoundment before dam removal, as potential hot-spot areas can be identified and targeted for sampling efforts. Though my results displayed no statistically significant relationships between variables, discovering mercury content levels of close to 4,000 parts per billion in fine-grained sediments at Mill Pond displays the need for such research

    Application of Pork Checkoff We Care Sustainability Principles To Pork Production: Water, Nutrition, and Biosecurity

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    The Pork Checkoff program was founded in 1986 as a means to strengthen U.S. pork in the market place (Pork Checkoff). Under this program all U.S. pork producers and importers pay 0.40forevery0.40 for every 100 worth of pigs is sold (Pork Checkoff). Funds are then used for pork promotion, research, and education for producers and consumers (Pork Checkoff). The Pork Checkoff program uses the We Care ethical principles as a means to address “continuous improvement in the pork industry’s production practices and promote a strong record of responsible farming to those outside of the industry” (National Pork Board, 2018a). The six pillars of the We Care principles are food safety, animal wellbeing, public health, environment, people, and community. Under each of the main pillars are many overlapping subtopics. These include water, animal nutrition, manure management, disease prevention, along with many others. The We Care principles, under environmental stewardship, have the goal to improve water usuage. The current goal is to improve reporting and measuring of in-barn water usage (We Care, 2021). Under the environmental stewardship and animal care pillars are objectives for animal nutrition which include providing balanced and age appropriate diets which contribute to efficient growth (We Care). Proper management for both water and nutrition lead to improved manure management, with the goal to reduce manure output as well improving manure quality through the reduction in nutrient and ammonia output of the manure (We Care). The We Care principles also outline objectives for disease prevention under the pillar of food safety. Part of normal practice in swine facilities is the use of biosecurity and sanitation to reduce the risk of disease. Foreign animal diseases are considered a threat to food safety and security. As a means of preparedness the Pork Checkoff has encouraged swine producers to create site-specific enhanced biosecurity plans which help maintain business continuity in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak (We Care). Due to the relevance of sustainability, animal care, and food safety the following topics of water use, nutrient requirements, and enhanced biosecurity are further analyzed

    News Clipping- Nov 12 1964 - The Charlotte Observer

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    Articles about Baptist meetings. Meeting between the Baptist State Convention and the General Baptist Convention

    Examining Differences in Adult Attachment Across Varying Family Dynamics

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    Recent research suggests that attachment in adulthood impacts many aspects of an individual’s life, including experiences with romantic partners, emotional regulation, and overall life satisfaction. Research attributes this to the levels of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance individuals experience due to relationship experiences with their caregivers in childhood. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between specific family dynamics and the presence of attachment anxiety and avoidance in adulthood. The present study recruited 185 adults to participate in an anonymous survey about the family dynamics they experienced in childhood, including the relationship between their parents or guardians (married/partnered, divorced, separated), the presence of biological, adoptive, foster, or extended family members in the home, and their self-reported family type (e.g., traditional, two-parent nuclear family, blended family, single-parent family). Multivariate analyses suggest that the relationship between caregivers in childhood influences attachment anxiety and avoidance in adulthood. Implications for further research and social work practice are discussed
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