Flutter Investigation of 60 Degree to 80 Degree Delta-Planform Surfaces at a Mach Number of 7.0
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The flutter characteristics of a series of half-span delta surfaces which had leading-edge sweep angles ranging from 60 degrees to 80 degrees were investigated in helium flaw at a Mach number of 7.0 in the Langley hypersonic aeroelasticity tunnel. For each value of sweep angle both wedge and double-wedge airfoil sections were tested at two pitch-axis positions, The models were mounted so that a rigid-body flapping-pitching type of flutter was encountered. Analysis of the results and comparison with theory show that the wedge models are more stable than the corresponding double-wedge models; the pitch-axis location at or near the center of gravity is more stable than the more forward location; the effects of leading-edge sweep angle on the flutter characteristics appear to be small; and an uncoupled-mode piston-theory analysis gave the best agreement with the experimental results