662 research outputs found

    Essays on Household and Public Finance

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    Programa de Doctorado en EconomĂ­a por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Miguel Almunia Candela.- Secretaria: Nuarpear Lekfuangfu.- Vocal: Effrosyni Adamopoulo

    Animacions i simulacions per a l'ensenyament de la Biologia a secundĂ ria

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    A la societat actual cada cop depenem més de les noves tecnologies en la vida diària. Els centres educatius i els docents que en formem part no podem quedar al marge d'aquesta revolució tecnològica. Aquest article se centra en un tipus de recursos TIC multimèdia: les animacions i simulacions, aplicades a l'ensenyament de la biologia a secundària. A l'article se'n resumeixen les característiques, se'n comenten les estratègies d'utilització a l'aula i es valoren els seus avantatges envers d'altres recursos

    IntroducciĂłn a la parasitofauna de peces ciprĂ­nidos de la cuenca media del rio Llobregat

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    Consultable des del TDXDescripciĂł del recurs: el 2 octubre 2008TĂ­tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaPenden

    “Le da la mano y le sonríe”: a plática on creating queer Chicanx children’s literature

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    In this conversation between Karleen Pendleton Jiménez and Isabel Millán, they reflect on their experiences as authors and their relationship spanning over a decade. As queer Chicanx authors and scholars, they share many of the same academic spaces and communities, such as MALCS and NACCS1 . In 2022, Millán published her first children’s picture book (“Chabelita’s Heart/El corazón de Chabelita”), whereas Pendleton Jiménez has been creating children’s literature since 19992 . Her latest book for children is a middle-grade chapter book published in 2021 (“The Street Belongs to Us”). In what follows, they offer us a curated collection of their personal reflections and dialogues regarding their lives, their children’s books, and their visions for the future

    Motivation strategies in the teaching-learning process in EFL Secondary Education

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    The main purpose of this dissertation is to encompass and critically reflect on the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the Master's Degree regarding learners’ motivation. The aim is to determine whether this Master’s has provided students with the necessary knowledge and abilities to motivate Secondary Education ESL students in the future

    Macromolecular ab initio phasing enforcing secondary and tertiary structure.

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    Ab initio phasing of macromolecular structures, from the native intensities alone with no experimental phase information or previous particular structural knowledge, has been the object of a long quest, limited by two main barriers: structure size and resolution of the data. Current approaches to extend the scope of ab initio phasing include use of the Patterson function, density modification and data extrapolation. The authors' approach relies on the combination of locating model fragments such as polyalanine α-helices with the program PHASER and density modification with the program SHELXE. Given the difficulties in discriminating correct small substructures, many putative groups of fragments have to be tested in parallel; thus calculations are performed in a grid or supercomputer. The method has been named after the Italian painter Arcimboldo, who used to compose portraits out of fruit and vegetables. With ARCIMBOLDO, most collections of fragments remain a 'still-life', but some are correct enough for density modification and main-chain tracing to reveal the protein's true portrait. Beyond α-helices, other fragments can be exploited in an analogous way: libraries of helices with modelled side chains, β-strands, predictable fragments such as DNA-binding folds or fragments selected from distant homologues up to libraries of small local folds that are used to enforce nonspecific tertiary structure; thus restoring the ab initio nature of the method. Using these methods, a number of unknown macromolecules with a few thousand atoms and resolutions around 2 Å have been solved. In the 2014 release, use of the program has been simplified. The software mediates the use of massive computing to automate the grid access required in difficult cases but may also run on a single multicore workstation (http://chango.ibmb.csic.es/ARCIMBOLDO_LITE) to solve straightforward cases

    Cotxets de joguina : una eina estimulant per estudiar el moviment

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    Sovint és difícil trobar material senzill i assequible amb què poder fer pràctiques de cinemàtica a primer cicle de l'ESO. Aquest article descriu l'experiència realitzada amb alumnes de 2n d'ESO per estudiar el moviment rectilini i uniforme fent servir un recurs tan a l'abast com és un cotxet de joguina. D'aquesta manera la recollida de les dades necessàries per calcular les velocitats i construir les gràfiques corresponents es realitza d'una forma molt engrescadora per als alumnes

    Cartografia d'arbres : iniciaciĂł a la botĂ nica per a alumnes de primer d'ESO

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    Es pretén despertar en els alumnes l'interès per l'estudi dels vegetals a partir de l'observació i classificació dels arbres que hi ha als patis i jardins de l'Institut. Es presenten activitats d'estudi morfològic de fulles, d'elaboració de dibuixos científics, d'utilització de claus dicotòmiques, d'interpretació de plànols, d'establiment de simbologies per representar espècies vegetals, d'elaboració de fitxes per a les diferents espècies, de confecció d'un mapa cartogràfic d'arbres, i d'altres, integrades dins del treball

    Community identity, life satisfaction, empowerment and health: suggesting a model for the immigrant population

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    The academic literature shows that studies in the fields of Community Psychology and Group Psychology have reached the same conclusion: belonging to and identifying with a group has an impact on health. However, when the studies are reviewed, there seems to be little communication between those engaged in these two lines of work, as contributions made from the perspective of Community are not compared with those made from that of Social Identity. Therefore, this study opts for an integrative perspective that makes possible progress towards a political/social viewpoint. Specifically, it is sought to understand the relationship between identification with the neighbourhood in which one lives (what has been called "community identity") and the mental health of Malaga's immigrant population, a model being proposed in which the relationship between health and identity is mediated by empowerment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Government of Spain's Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, reference: PSI2013-40508-

    NACCS 2021 Proceedings Complete

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