107 research outputs found

    Restless Legs Syndrome

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    Being of the most frequent causes of insomnia, which in the end leads to chronic fatigue, inadequate performance of daily activities, and serious disruption of quality of living, restless legs syndrome (RLS) is nowadays not only a serious medical problem but a socio-economical one as well. Prevalence of the disorder in general population is estimated at 5 to 15%. Family history is positive in over 50% of idiopathic RLS patients which points to genetic basis of the disorder. The characteristics of the secondary or acquired form of RLS are symptoms that start later in life as well as a rapid progression of the disease. On the other hand, idiopathic RLS more often starts at a younger age and the prognoses are better. Over twenty disorders and conditions are brought in connection with secondary RLS. Although the cause of primary RLS is still unknown, there is a strong connection between central metabolism of iron as well as dopamine levels and RLS manifestation. A differential diagnosis of RLS includes a wide specter of motor and sensory disorders. Diagnosis is based on clinical features and the history of disease. To correctly diagnose idiopathic RLS one must first eliminate secondary causes of RLS and then also exclude any disorders with clinical features that mimic those of RLS. It has been estimated that some 20 to 25% of patients need pharmacological therapy. Best initial therapy is the application of nonergot dopamine agonists. Anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and opioides can be given to patients who are refractory to dopaminergic therapy, those suffering from RLS with emphasized painful sensory component and those with RLS connected with insomnia

    Restless Legs Syndrome

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    Being of the most frequent causes of insomnia, which in the end leads to chronic fatigue, inadequate performance of daily activities, and serious disruption of quality of living, restless legs syndrome (RLS) is nowadays not only a serious medical problem but a socio-economical one as well. Prevalence of the disorder in general population is estimated at 5 to 15%. Family history is positive in over 50% of idiopathic RLS patients which points to genetic basis of the disorder. The characteristics of the secondary or acquired form of RLS are symptoms that start later in life as well as a rapid progression of the disease. On the other hand, idiopathic RLS more often starts at a younger age and the prognoses are better. Over twenty disorders and conditions are brought in connection with secondary RLS. Although the cause of primary RLS is still unknown, there is a strong connection between central metabolism of iron as well as dopamine levels and RLS manifestation. A differential diagnosis of RLS includes a wide specter of motor and sensory disorders. Diagnosis is based on clinical features and the history of disease. To correctly diagnose idiopathic RLS one must first eliminate secondary causes of RLS and then also exclude any disorders with clinical features that mimic those of RLS. It has been estimated that some 20 to 25% of patients need pharmacological therapy. Best initial therapy is the application of nonergot dopamine agonists. Anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and opioides can be given to patients who are refractory to dopaminergic therapy, those suffering from RLS with emphasized painful sensory component and those with RLS connected with insomnia

    Role of family physicians in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

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    Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) su prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije vodeći uzrok smrtnosti u suvremenom svijetu pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. U Hrvatskoj su KVB uzrok smrti s udjelom od 48.3% u ukupnom mortalitetu u 2012. godini. Većina KVB je uzrokovana čimbenicima rizika kao Å”to je arterijska hipertenzija, Å”ećerna bolest tipa II, dislipidemije, puÅ”enje i pretilost. Općenito znanje o čimbenicima rizika za KVB u pučanstvu je preslabo Å”to izravno pridonosi velikom morbiditetu i mortalitetu od ovih bolesti u naÅ”oj drÅ£avi. U europskim zemljama opadaju stope smrtnosti KVB, ali raste prevalencija istih, Å”to je rezultat preventivnih i terapijskih postupaka. 2012. godine ESC objavilo je Europske smjernice za kardiovaskularnu prevenciju za primjenu u dnevnoj praksi obiteljskog liječnika. Primjena SCORE tablica omogućuje liječniku obiteljske medicine brzu procjenu ukupnog rizika za nastanak KVB. Prema smjernicama ESC iz 2012, preporučuje se probir cjelokupne odrasle populacije na kardiovaskularne rizike tijekom dvije godine. U multidisciplinarnom procesu zbrinjavanja bolesnika s KVB, liječnik obiteljske medicine ima centralnu ulogu u prevenciji i liječenju osoba s KV rizikom i KVB.Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), according to the World Health Organization, are the leading cause of death in the modern world, and so the same situation is in Croatia. In Croatia, CVD are cause of death accounting for 48.3% of total mortality in 2012. The most CVD have been caused by the risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, smoking and obesity. General knowledge of citizens about risk factors for CVD is too bad which leads to high morbidity and mortality from these diseases in our country. In european countries, rate of CVD mortality is decreasing, but prevalence is increasing, which is the result of preventive and therapeutic procedures. In 2012. ESC have been published European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention for primary practice using. Easy using of SCORE risk charts allows family physician fast assessment of total risk for CVD occurrence. According ESC guidelines from 2012., the screening is recommended for whole adult population during the time od two years. In multidisciplinary process of caring patients with CVD, family physician has a central role in prevention CVD risk factors and treatment of CVD

    Production indicators of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lamarck, 1819.) grown in conditions of integrated farming with fish

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    Integrirana akvakultura predstavlja kohabitaciju različitih akvatičnih organizama na različitim trofičkim razinama. Ovakav vid uzgoja akvatičnih organizama postupno se upoznava te Å”iri diljem svijeta kao i na Mediteranu. Provođenjem niza manjih istraživanja doÅ”lo je do spoznaje da se integriranom akvakulturom postižu bolji rezultati u ukupnoj proizvodnji u marikulturi, kao i smanjenje negativnog utjecaja na morski okoliÅ” koji monokulturom biva stvoren. Ovim radom prikazana je mogućnost provođenja integriranog uzgoja različitih akvatičnih organizama na različitim trofičkim razinama, te utjecaj organskih tvari unesenih kaveznim uzgojem ribe na indeks kondicije i prirast mediteranske dagnje (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Linnaeus, 1758). Također su u radu prikazani rezultati dobiveni tijekom petomjesečnog istraživanja koje je započelo u listopadu 2015. te zavrÅ”ilo u veljači 2016. godine u akvatoriju otoka Vrgade u blizini uzgajaliÅ”ta bijele ribe.Integrated aquaculture presents cohabitation of the different aquatic organism on the different trophic levels. That form of aquatic organism farming is progressively spread all over the world, as well as on Mediterranean. Following a number of smaller research, conclusion is that integrated aquaculture achieves better results in overall production, as well as reduction of negative influence on maritime environment comparing to the monoculture, This study showed possibility of integrated farming different aquatic organism on different trophic level and the influence of organic materials brought by cage farming of the fish on index of condition and growth the Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Linnaeus, 1758). Also in the study are shown the results obtained by five month research that began in October 2015. and was finished in February 2016. The research took place in the aquatorium of the island Vrgada, close to the one white fish farm

    Role of family physicians in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

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    Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) su prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije vodeći uzrok smrtnosti u suvremenom svijetu pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. U Hrvatskoj su KVB uzrok smrti s udjelom od 48.3% u ukupnom mortalitetu u 2012. godini. Većina KVB je uzrokovana čimbenicima rizika kao Å”to je arterijska hipertenzija, Å”ećerna bolest tipa II, dislipidemije, puÅ”enje i pretilost. Općenito znanje o čimbenicima rizika za KVB u pučanstvu je preslabo Å”to izravno pridonosi velikom morbiditetu i mortalitetu od ovih bolesti u naÅ”oj drÅ£avi. U europskim zemljama opadaju stope smrtnosti KVB, ali raste prevalencija istih, Å”to je rezultat preventivnih i terapijskih postupaka. 2012. godine ESC objavilo je Europske smjernice za kardiovaskularnu prevenciju za primjenu u dnevnoj praksi obiteljskog liječnika. Primjena SCORE tablica omogućuje liječniku obiteljske medicine brzu procjenu ukupnog rizika za nastanak KVB. Prema smjernicama ESC iz 2012, preporučuje se probir cjelokupne odrasle populacije na kardiovaskularne rizike tijekom dvije godine. U multidisciplinarnom procesu zbrinjavanja bolesnika s KVB, liječnik obiteljske medicine ima centralnu ulogu u prevenciji i liječenju osoba s KV rizikom i KVB.Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), according to the World Health Organization, are the leading cause of death in the modern world, and so the same situation is in Croatia. In Croatia, CVD are cause of death accounting for 48.3% of total mortality in 2012. The most CVD have been caused by the risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, smoking and obesity. General knowledge of citizens about risk factors for CVD is too bad which leads to high morbidity and mortality from these diseases in our country. In european countries, rate of CVD mortality is decreasing, but prevalence is increasing, which is the result of preventive and therapeutic procedures. In 2012. ESC have been published European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention for primary practice using. Easy using of SCORE risk charts allows family physician fast assessment of total risk for CVD occurrence. According ESC guidelines from 2012., the screening is recommended for whole adult population during the time od two years. In multidisciplinary process of caring patients with CVD, family physician has a central role in prevention CVD risk factors and treatment of CVD

    Obrada vodenim mlazom

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    Postupak obrade materijala vodenim mlazom spada među mehaničke postupke obrade, kao i obrada abrazivnim vodenim mlazom, pri kojem čestice abraziva velikom brzinom napuÅ”taju mlaznicu u reznoj glavi i udaraju u obradak. Obrada čistim vodenim i abrazivnim vodenim mlazom idealna je za rezanje različitih materijala, tako da sve viÅ”e zamjenjuje obrade plazmom i laserom, s tim da ima Å”iru primjenu, jer se sa vodenim abrazivnim mlazom mogu obrađivati gotovo svi metalni i nemetalni materijali, male i velike tvrdoće.The method of processing materials waterjet is among the mechanical processing operations as well as processing abrasive waterjet in which abrasive particles rapidly leave the nozzle in the cutting head and hitting the workpiece. Waterjet cutting with pure water and the abrassive waterjet system is an ideal machine for the cutting of various materials and is extremely versatile compared to alternative machinery such as lasers and plasmas, because with abrasive waterjet you can cut steel and non-steel materials

    Effects of non-thermal atmospheric plasma in vitro on bacteria and mesenchymal stem cells

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    Poslednjih godina se intenzivno istražuje mogućnost primene različitih izvora niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme za in vivo dezinfekciju i antimikrobnu terapiju u oblasti medicine i stomatologije. U ovom istraživanju kao izvor niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme koriŔćena je modifikovana plazma igla razvijena u naÅ”oj zemlji i izvrÅ”eno je definisanje uslova pod kojima plazma stvorena ovim izvorom ispoljava baktericidni efekat, ali uz istovremeno očuvanje zdravog tkiva. Pokazano je da niskotemperaturna atmosferska plazma stvorena plazma iglom deluje snažno baktericidno na bakterije u suspenzijama različitih koncentracija, pri čemu je ovaj efekat u direktnoj zavisnosti od snage plazme, vremena izlaganja i početne koncentracije ispitivanih suspenzija bakterija. Utvrđeno je da su na dejstvo plazme bile osetljivije ispitivane Gram-negativne bakterije, Pseudomonas aeruginosa i Escherichia coli od Gram pozitivnih, Enterococcus faecalis i Staphylococcus aureus. Ispitivanjem uticaja niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme na biofilm bakterija meticilin rezistentni Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus mutans pokazano je da plazma deluje inhibitorno na rast bakterija u biofilmu, dok ne utiče značajno na već formiran biofilm. Citotoksičnost niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme ispitivana je na kulturi humanih mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija poreklom iz periferne krvi. Utvrđeno je da primenjena pod uslovima pod kojim ispoljava snažno antimikrobno dejstvo, plazma ne utiče značajno na vijabilnost ovih ćelija niti dovodi do njihovog odlepljivanja od podloge. Prema podacima koji su dostupni u literaturi, do sada nije ispitivan uticaj niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme na parodontalno tkivo. Stoga je u ovom radu po prvi put ispitivan uticaj niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme na različite ćelijske funkcije humanih mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija iz periodoncijuma. Humane mezenhimalne matične ćelije su uspeÅ”no izolovane i uspostavljena je njihova dugotrajna kultivacija. Ove ćelije su pokazale tipične karakteristike mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija. Za ispitivanje uticaja niskotemperaturne atmosferske plazme na ćelijske funkcije humanih mezenhimalnih matičnih ćelija iz periodoncijuma odabrani su eksperimentalni uslovi pod kojima plazma ispoljava snažno antibakterijsko dejstvo na suspenzije bakterija i biofilm...In recent years, there has been intensive research about the possibility of the application of low-temperature atmospheric plasma for in vivo desinfection and antimicrobial therapy in medicine and stomatology. In this study, as a source of non-thermal atmospheric plasma, a plasma needle device developed in our country was used and an investigation was carried out to define the conditions under which plasma generated by this source manifests bactericidal effect, while simultaneously preserving the healthy tissue. It was demonstrated that low-temperature atmospheric plasma generated by a plasma needle had a strong bactericidal effect on bacteria in suspensions of various concentrations, this effect being directly dependant on the plasma power, time of exposure and initial concentration of the examined suspensions. It was found that the examined Gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, were more sensitive to plasma influence than the Gram-positive, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. By examining the effect of low-temperature atmospheric plasma on the bacteria biofilm of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans, it was demonstrated that it had an inhibitory effect on biofilm formation, however without significantly affecting the already formed biofilm. Cytotoxicity of lowtemperature atmospheric plasma was examined on the culture of human mesenchymal stem cells from peripheral blood. It was determined that, applied under the conditions under which it manifests strong antimicrobial effects, plasma did not have significant influence on the viability of these cells, nor caused detachment from the substrate. According to available literature data, the possibility of low-temperature atmospheric plasma application in parodontal therapy has not yet been examined. Therefore in this paper, the effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma on different cell functions of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from human periodontal ligament was examined for the first time. Human mesenchymal stem cells were successfully isolated and their long-term cultivation was established. These cells showed typical human mesenchymal stem cell characteristics. To evaluate the influence of non-thermal atmospheric plasma on different cell functions of human periodontal-ligament derived mesenchymal stem cells, experimental conditions under which plasma expresses strong antibacterial effect on the bacteria suspensions and biofilm were applied..

    Parkinsonian syndrome and ataxia as a presenting finding of acquired hepatocerebral degeneration

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