750 research outputs found

    Uso de substâncias psicoativas pelos pais e relações com os filhos: revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Objetivo: descrever o impacto da parentalidade de usuários de substâncias psicoativas na saúde mental e no desenvolvimento dos filhos. Método: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura cuja busca ocorreu entre os meses de agosto e outubro de 2020. Foram selecionados estudos cuja temática investigou a influência da parentalidade no desenvolvimento e na saúde mental dos filhos. Os critérios de exclusão foram artigos que abordaram o tema de forma tangencial, como o comportamento dos pais frente ao uso de substâncias pelos filhos. Resultados: foram selecionados cinco artigos que abordaram elementos da parentalidade que influenciam o desenvolvimento de transtornos mentais em crianças. O estilo parental negligente esteve relacionado a consequências negativas na vida dos filhos, sobretudo por estar associado, na maioria das vezes, com o uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas. Conclusão: constatou-se que o estilo parental pode influenciar diretamente a vida dos filhos, acarretando um problema na saúde mental e no desenvolvimento, sobretudo pela falta de cuidado, abandono pelos pais e diminuição do rendimento escolar.Objective: to describe the impact of parenthood of psychoactive substances on the mental health and development of children. Method: this is an integrative review of the literature whose search took place between the months of August and October 2020. Studies were selected whose theme investigated the influence of parenting on the development and mental health of children. The exclusion criteria were articles that approached the theme in a tangential way, such as the parents’ behavior regarding the use of substances by their children. Results: five articles were selected that addressed elements of parenting that influence the development of mental disorders in children. The negligent parental style was related to negative consequences in the children’s lives, mainly because it is associated most often with the abuse of psychoactive substances. Conclusion: it was found that the parenting style can directly influence the lives of children, causing a problem in mental health and development, especially due to lack of care, abandonment by parents and decreased school performance.Objetivo: describir el impacto de la paternidad de los usuarios de usuarios de sustancias psicoactivas en la salud mental y el desarrollo de los niños. Método: se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura cuya búsqueda se realizó entre los meses de agosto y octubre de 2020. Se seleccionaron estudios cuyo tema investigó la influencia de la crianza de los hijos en el desarrollo y la salud mental de los niños. Los criterios de exclusión fueron artículos que abordan el tema de manera tangencial, como el comportamiento de los padres frente al uso de sustancias por parte de sus hijos. Resultados: se seleccionaron cinco artículos que abordaron elementos de la paternidad que influyen en el desarrollo de trastornos mentales en los niños. El estilo de crianza negligente se relacionó con consecuencias negativas en la vida de los niños, principalmente porque se asocia con mayor frecuencia al abuso de sustancias psicoactivas. Conclusión: se encontró que el estilo de crianza puede influir directamente en la vida de los niños, provocando daños en la salud mental y el desarrollo de los niños, especialmente por falta de cuidados, abandono de los padres, disminución del rendimiento escolar

    Proposal of a virtual collaborative news environment: an interdisciplinary study

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    The main objective of this work is to demonstrate the advances made by the CATI research group with regard to the proposal to create a virtual collaborative news environment (AVNC) , to be initially implemented at the Northern Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro State University(UENF) through the Postgraduate Program in Cognition and Language. This interdisciplinary environment involves concepts from the area of communication, administration and information technology and seeks to meet the demands of generation, storage, retrieval, processing and transmission of information in this digital age. The AVNC involves three research fronts: rethinking the logic of news production, structuring a platform that is collaborative and defining what a business and management model should be that can give sustainability to this environment. In today\u27s world, it is important to consider the reader\u27s increasingly active participation in journalism, through information and communication technologies, thanks to the social changes that come with them. In times of cyberspace and cyberculture, it is necessary to rethink the dynamics of journalistic production. For this, authors like Pierre Lévy, Lúcia Santaella, Henry Jenkins, Caio Túlio Costa, among others were searched. In an era in which forms of collaborative ownership prevail, the platform being considered in this research follows the 3C collaboration model, according to Michalsky, Mamani, and Gerosa. A global platform where individuals interact, communicate, collaborate and gather information requires a business model and management that assists in managing the collaborative virtual news environment. For this, we used authors such as Alex Osterwalder, Eric Flamholtz, Siqueira and Crispim, Campos, among others. With this, an increasingly intelligent and collaborative environment is expected, with the active participation of all the agents involved. That is, what is proposed is the total interaction of the Internet user-reader

    Shorter delay to treatment by integrated diagnostic services and NGO-provided support among breast cancer patients in two Brazilian referral centres

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    Background: The diagnosis of breast cancer requires a complicated series of diagnostic exams. The present study addressed the delay of patients who used publicly and privately financed diagnostic services. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) donated diagnostic mammograms and biopsies.Design and Methods: Data from 304 patients were obtained from two Brazilian referral centres. In one referral centre (FAP), diagnostic mammography, clinic-histopathological exam and immunohistochemistry were outsourced, whereas in the other centre (HNL), these services were integrated. Cox regression, Kaplan-Meier analysis and non-parametric tests were used to compare variables and time intervals.Results: If diagnostic mammography was financed privately and covered by private health insurance, the likelihood of a delay of >90 days between the first medical visit and the initiation of treatment decreased 2.15-fold (95%CI: 1.06- 4.36; p=0.033) and 4.44-fold (95%CI: 1.58-12.46; p=0.004), respectively. If the clinic-histopathological exam was outsourced (FAP) and publicly or privately financed, the median time between diagnostic mammography and the diagnostic result was 53 and 65 days in the integrated (HNL) and outsourced public system, compared to 29 days in the outsourced private system (p<0.050). The median time between the first medical visit and the diagnostic results of patients who were supported by NGOs, who financed their diagnostic services privately, and who used exclusively public diagnostic services was, respectively, 28.0, 48.5 and 77.5 days (p<0.050).Conclusion: Patients who used privately financed health services had shorter delays. Compared to outsourcing, the integration of the publicly financed clinic- histopathological exam diminished the delay. The support of patients by NGOs accelerated patient flow

    Técnicas do Rastramento Ocular no Diagnóstico do Transtorno Depressivo: uma revisão sistemática

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    This systematic review aimed to verify the empirical evidence of the application of the eye tracking technique in depressive disorder. The PubMed, PsyInfo and Web of Science databases were used, using the following descriptors: ((Depression OR "Affective Disorders") AND ("Eye Tracking" OR Eye-Tracking OR "Eye Movements" OR "Eye Tracker" OR "Eye Gaze")). According to the eligibility criteria, sixteen relevant studies were identified and its methods, results and their main limitations were verified. The results suggest an increase in latency and reaction time to detect complex stimuli, e.g. the recognition of emotional facial expressions. In addition, greater numbers of fixations in stimuli of negative emotional content were observed. The findings demonstrate that changes in eye movement measurements in depressive disorder are associated with an attentional bias mechanism. It is concluded that Eye Tracking is a useful tool for psychophysiological assessment of depressive disorder.Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo verificar as evidências empíricas da aplicação da técnica de rastreamento ocular no transtorno depressivo. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados PubMed, PsyInfo e Web of Science, utilizando os seguintes descritores: ((Depression OR "Affective Disorders") AND ("Eye Tracking" OR Eye-Tracking OR "Eye Movements" OR "Eye Tracker" OR "Eye Gaze")). De acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade, foram identificados cinco estudos relevantes e verificados seus métodos, resultados e suas principais limitações. Os resultados sugerem um aumento na latência e no tempo de reação para detectar estímulos complexos, por ex. o reconhecimento de expressões faciais emocionais. Além disso, observou-se um maior número de fixações em estímulos de conteúdo emocional negativo. Os resultados demonstram que as alterações nas medidas dos movimentos oculares no transtorno depressivo estão associadas a um mecanismo de viés de atenção. Conclui-se que o rastreamento ocular é uma ferramenta útil para avaliação psicofisiológica do transtorno depressivo


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    Objetivo: refletir sobre o elevado risco de complicações da COVID-19 em pessoas portadoras de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, bem como os possíveis desdobramentos para aqueles acometidos pela doença. Método: revisão narrativa, desenvolvida com base em artigos publicados em periódicos e documentos de órgãos oficiais nacionais. Resultados: o estudo permitiu a reflexão acerca da vulnerabilidade das pessoas com doenças crônicas no contexto de pandemia pelo novo coronavírus, bem como os impactos para esse público. Esse cenário impacta substancialmente nos serviços de saúde, e sinaliza para a necessidade de uma atenção diferenciada no que tange as medidas de prevenção. Conclusão: o atual cenário apresenta-se com muitos desafios para a população, o que requer ações de autocuidado e atendimento às medidas de prevenção que visem o resguardo individual e coletivo.Descritores: Covid-19. Pandemia. Doença Crônica

    Inguinal Gravid Hysterocele in Feline

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    Background: Hysterocele is an inheritance rare in feline, characterized by the protrusion of the uterus by the inguinal channel, a situation related with the congenital abnormality of the inguinal ring, allowing the protrusion of abdominal contents for the subcutaneous space. As differential diagnosis of hysterocele are the breast cancer, abscesses and bruises and image exams such as radiography and ultrasonography have large relevance for identifying the disease and, additionally, clarify the hernia content. The purpose of this study was to describe one case report of the inguinal gravid hysterocele in a cat.Case: A 1-year-old female feline, without history of trauma of increase of volume in the inguinal region was referred for clinical evaluation. Due to the presence of three gestational vesicles, the decision by following-up the fetal development was taken, by means of periodical ultrasound evaluations, for performing operative procedure. At 56 days of gestation, when intestinal peristaltic movements of the three kittens were observed, cesarean was indicated. The procedure began by an oblique incision in the left retro-umbilical region, however, due to adhesions, there was no proper uterine exposition for hysterotomy. Retro-umbilical celiotomy, adhesiolise and return of the uterus for the abdominal cavity were performed in order to execute the cesarean followed by ovariohysterectomy. The hernial ring was debrided and sutured in order to keep patent the inguinal ring. No post-operatory complications were noted indicating that the established conduct allowed the survival of the parturient and its kittens.Discussion: In a casuistic study where data from 1988 until 2007 were collected, from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from the University of São Paulo, a higher occurrence of inguinal hernias was observed in female dogs, when compared with male dogs and, until that period, the inguinal hernia was not reported in the feline species. It is known that the inguinal ring may dilate with the obesity and increase of the intra-abdominal pressure, linked with the weakening of the adjacent structures. Besides, the appearance of hysterocele in females is also related with the estrus or gestation, caused by the hormonal imbalance, leading to the weakening of the conjunctive tissue, resulting in the enlargement of the inguinal rings, which is according to what was observed in this report where the animal was pregnant. Additionally, the application of contraceptive (progestin’s) could have accentuated the muscle fragility, favoring the projection of the uterus by the inguinal ring. In most of the cases described in literature, animals have no discomfort to the handling of the herniated content however, for some authors, the prolongation of surgical resolution may aggravate the clinical condition, predisposing the formation of adherences that may cause discomfort or pain, particularly when the bladder or intestinal loops are involved, resulting in difficulty urinating and defecating, respectively. Care must be taken during the reduction of the inguinal ring, in order to avoid compromising the external pudendal artery and vein, and of the genito-femoral nerve, which emerge from the tail-medial aspect of the ring. In this study, it was tried to perform the hernia suture in a way that the inguinal ring remained patent. On the same way that was performed in this study recommend the execution of ovariohysterectomy in order to avoid relapse and because it is an hereditary condition. The inguinal gravid hysterocele in feline may be adequately manage until the ideal moment for cesarean without prejudice to the parturient and to its products


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    Problema: Quando o Homem (gênero) busca os serviços de saúde para atendimento, apresenta um determinado grau de gravidade e complexidade que dificulta ou interfere na terapêutica. Objetivo: identificar em qual momento o homem: gênero masculino busca os serviços de saúde. Metodologia: Pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem descritiva, tendo variantes do estudo o homem (gênero masculino) atendido em uma unidade de saúde publica; Foi utilizado para coleta de dados um questionário composto por questões abertas e fechadas, utilizou como cenário a unidade hospitalar do município de Nova Iguaçu. Resultados: Foi possível observar no estudo que há uma maior vulnerabilidade na faixa etária de 25 a 35 anos, grupo identificado como aquele que menos busca os serviços de saúde para prevenção das doenças e promoção da saúde; predominou a busca dos serviços apenas para tratamento de agravos agudos. Conclusão: Conclui que varias são as causas que retardam o homem na busca do socorro medico; ação que é determinada pelos sintomas ou agravos, quando ocorrem ou se manifestam. Os profissionais que assistem este grupo devem ter a responsabilidade de organizar as informações e promover educação a este segmento; com vistas a redução do intervalo na tomada de decisão da busca por socorro antes ou imediatamente após o inicio dos sintomas patológicos

    Color Trails Test: a Brazilian normative sample

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    The present study aims to evaluate psychometric data on the population of Brazil using of the Color Trails Test (CTT). The instrument was applied to 1,942 subjects who came from the north (1.4%), northeast (10.4%), midwest (7.7%), southeast (65.9%), and south (13.9%) regions of Brazil. Ages varied from 18 to 86 years (M = 40.03 years; DP = 16.02), with 386 males (19.9%) and 1,556 females (80.1%). Regarding schooling, 57 (3%) of participants were illiterate, 1.240 (64%) had primary education and 645 (33%) had a high school and/or superior diploma. The length of schooling ranged from 0 to 14 (M = 7.81, SD = 3.51) years. Good accuracy ratings were obtained using Spearman's coefficient on the main measures of the CTT, including time of execution form 1 (0.76) and form 2 (0.82). Regional variations showed that the northeast region had the worst results on the instrument. Males had better performance on the proposed task, with significant differences between age groups and the worst results for ages greater than 60 years. For both sexes, an increase in score was noticed with increasing age, and better performance was found with increasing levels of education. The present results suggest that the CTT can identify attentional disturbances with significant variations in the time of execution


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer uma relação entre a situação da nascente da Muritiba, localizada na cidade de Lençóis, Bahia e as intervenções humanas por ela sofrida ao longo dos anos. A pesquisa buscou demonstrar como as intervenções se estabeleceram e foram determinantes para a ocorrência das alterações ecológicas. Após uma visita de campo e observações do local, foram levantadas diversas hipóteses, sob olhares de profissionais de diversas áreas, sobre as possíveis causas da nascente, antes permanente, ter se tornado temporária. Historicamente, a facilidade de acesso e a qualidade da água, fez com que a população buscasse a nascente, principalmente nos períodos de seca. Entretanto, a captação de águas subterrâneas no entorno da nascente, inviabilizou a disponibilidade de água, gerando questões socioambientais relevantes. Dessa forma, o estudo apontou a necessidade de atividades do Poder Público local e de Educação Ambiental com vista a proteção ambiental da área