634 research outputs found

    Automated validation of a computer operating system

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    Programs apply selected input/output loads to complex computer operating system and measure performance of that system under such loads. Technique lends itself to checkout of computer software designed to monitor automated complex industrial systems

    Credit Cards: Weapons for Domestic Violence

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    The objectives of this study were to describe the intra-specific variation in herbicide response of weed populations when subjected to new vs. well-established herbicides, and to assess distributions of logLD(50)- and logGR(50)-estimates as a potential indicator for early resistance detection. Seeds of two grass weeds (Alopecurus myosuroides, Apera spica-venti) were collected in southern Sweden, mainly in 2002. In line with the objectives of the study, the collections sites were not chosen for noted herbicide failures nor for detected herbicide resistance, but solely for the presence of the target species. For each species, seedlings were subjected to two herbicides in dose-response experiments in a greenhouse. One herbicide per species was recently introduced and the other had been on the market for control of the species for a decade, with several reports of resistance in the literature. Fresh weight of plants and a visual vigour score were used to estimate GR(50) and LD50, respectively. Resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl in A. myosuroides was indicated by the LD50-estimates to be present in frequencies sufficient to affect the population-level response in 9 of 29 samples, and was correlated to response to flupyrsulfuron, while low susceptibility to isoproturon in A. spica-venti populations was not linked to the response to sulfosulfuron. In the study as a whole, the magnitude of the estimated herbicide susceptibility ranges differed irrespective of previous exposure. No consistent differences were found in the distribution of LD50-estimates for new and "old" herbicides, and normality in the distribution of estimates could not be assumed for a non-exposed sample, even in the absence of an indication of cross-resistance.Original Publication:Liv A Espeby, Hakan Fogelfors and Per Milberg, Susceptibility variation to new and established herbicides: Examples of inter-population sensitivity of grass weeds, 2011, CROP PROTECTION, (30), 4, 429-435.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2010.12.022Copyright: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.http://www.elsevier.com

    Fractal nature in fat crystal networks

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    The determination of the mechanical and rheological characteristics of several plastic fats requires a detailed understanding of the microstructure of the fat crystal network aggregates. The fractal approach is useful for the characterization of this microstructure. This review begins with information on fractality and statistical self-similar structure. Estimations for fractal dimension by means of equations relating the volume fraction of solid fat to shear elastic modulus G’ in linear region are described. The influence of interesterification on fractal dimension decrease (from 2,46 to 2,15) for butterfat-canola oil blends is notable. This influence is not significant for fat blends without butterfat. The need for an increase in research concerning the relationship between fractality and rheology in plastic fats is emphasized.La determinación de las características mecánicas y reológicas de ciertas grasas plásticas requiere conocimientos detallados sobre las microestructuras de los agregados que forman la red de cristales grasos. El estudio de la naturaleza fractal de estas microestructuras resulta útil para su carac­terización. Este artículo de información se inicia con descripciones de la dimensión fractal y de la "autosimilitud estadística". A continuación se describe el cálculo de la dimensión fractal mediante ecuaciones que relacionan la fracción en volumen de grasa sólida con el módulo de recuperación (G') dentro de un comportamiento viscoelástico lineal. Se destaca la influencia que la interesterificación ejerce sobre la dimensión fractal de una mezcla de grasa láctea y aceite de canola (que pasa de 2,64 a 2,15). Esta influencia no se presenta en mezclas sin grasa láctea. Se insiste sobre la necesidad de incrementar las investi­gaciones sobre la relación entre reología y estructura fractal en grasas plásticas.Peer reviewe

    Keeping ubiquitous computing to yourself: a practical model for user control of privacy

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    As with all the major advances in information and communication technology, ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) introduces new risks to individual privacy. Our analysis of privacy protection in ubicomp has identified four layers through which users must navigate: the regulatory regime they are currently in, the type of ubicomp service required, the type of data being disclosed, and their personal privacy policy. We illustrate and compare the protection afforded by regulation and by some major models for user control of privacy. We identify the shortcomings of each and propose a model which allows user control of privacy levels in a ubicomp environment. Our model balances the user's privacy preferences against the applicable privacy regulations and incorporates five types of user controlled 'noise' to protect location privacy by introducing ambiguities. We also incorporate an economics-based approach to assist users in balancing the trade-offs between giving up privacy and receiving ubicomp services. We conclude with a scenario and heuristic evaluation which suggests that regulation can have both positive and negative influences on privacy interfaces in ubicomp and that social translucence is an important heuristic for ubicomp privacy interface functionality

    Caregivers' active role in palliative home care – to encourage or to dissuade? A qualitative descriptive study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spouses' involvement in palliative care is often a prerequisite for home death, but it is unclear whether active involvement of the spouse, e.g. administering and being in charge of oral or subcutaneous medication or taking care of the patient's personal hygiene, could be harmful or have negative effects on the spouse's experience of the palliative course of disease. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of bereaved spouses' active involvement in medical and physical care on their experience of the palliative course of disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was a qualitative, descriptive study based on semi-structured individual interviews with seven bereaved spouses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four main categories were found: Degree of involvement, Positive and Negative impact and Prerequisites. The prerequisites found for a positive outcome were Safety (24-hour back-up), Confidence (Professionals' confidence in the spouses' abilities) and Dialog (Spouses' influence on decision-making and being asked).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results from this study identified important issues whenever spouses take an active part in medical treatment and physical care of critically ill patients in palliative care. The results question the previous research that active involvement of family care givers could be harmful and add preconditions to a positive outcome. More research into these preconditions is needed.</p

    PITX2 Modulates Atrial Membrane Potential and the Antiarrhythmic Effects of Sodium-Channel Blockers.

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    BACKGROUND: Antiarrhythmic drugs are widely used to treat patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), but the mechanisms conveying their variable effectiveness are not known. Recent data suggested that paired like homeodomain-2 transcription factor (PITX2) might play an important role in regulating gene expression and electrical function of the adult left atrium (LA). OBJECTIVES: After determining LA PITX2 expression in AF patients requiring rhythm control therapy, the authors assessed the effects of Pitx2c on LA electrophysiology and the effect of antiarrhythmic drugs. METHODS: LA PITX2 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels were measured in 95 patients undergoing thoracoscopic AF ablation. The effects of flecainide, a sodium (Na(+))-channel blocker, and d,l-sotalol, a potassium channel blocker, were studied in littermate mice with normal and reduced Pitx2c mRNA by electrophysiological study, optical mapping, and patch clamp studies. PITX2-dependent mechanisms of antiarrhythmic drug action were studied in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells expressing human Na channels and by modeling human action potentials. RESULTS: Flecainide 1 μmol/l was more effective in suppressing atrial arrhythmias in atria with reduced Pitx2c mRNA levels (Pitx2c(+/-)). Resting membrane potential was more depolarized in Pitx2c(+/-) atria, and TWIK-related acid-sensitive K(+) channel 2 (TASK-2) gene and protein expression were decreased. This resulted in enhanced post-repolarization refractoriness and more effective Na-channel inhibition. Defined holding potentials eliminated differences in flecainide's effects between wild-type and Pitx2c(+/-) atrial cardiomyocytes. More positive holding potentials replicated the increased effectiveness of flecainide in blocking human Nav1.5 channels in HEK293 cells. Computer modeling reproduced an enhanced effectiveness of Na-channel block when resting membrane potential was slightly depolarized. CONCLUSIONS: PITX2 mRNA modulates atrial resting membrane potential and thereby alters the effectiveness of Na-channel blockers. PITX2 and ion channels regulating the resting membrane potential may provide novel targets for antiarrhythmic drug development and companion therapeutics in AF

    When Is a Principal Charged With an Agent’s Knowledge?

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    Question: Detecting species presence in vegetation and making visual assessment of abundances involve a certain amount of skill, and therefore subjectivity. We evaluated the magnitude of the error in data, and its consequences for evaluating temporal trends. Location: Swedish forest vegetation. Methods: Vegetation data were collected independently by two observers in 342 permanent 100-m2 plots in mature boreal forests. Each plot was visited by one observer from a group of 36 and one of two quality assessment observers. The cover class of 29 taxa was recorded, and presence/absence for an additional 50. Results: Overall, one third of each occurrence was missed by one of the two observers, but with large differences among species. There were more missed occurrences at low abundances. Species occurring at low abundance when present tended to be frequently overlooked. Variance component analyses indicated that cover data on 5 of 17 species had a significant observer bias. Observer-explained variance was &lt; 10% in 15 of 17 species. Conclusion: The substantial number of missed occurrences suggests poor power in detecting changes based on presence/absence data. The magnitude of observer bias in cover estimates was relatively small, compared with random error, and therefore potentially analytically tractable. Data in this monitoring system could be improved by a more structured working model during field work.Original publication: Milberg, P., Bergstedt, J., Fridman, J., Odell, G & Westerberg, L., Systematic and random variation in vegetation monitoring data, 2008, Journal of Vegetation Science, (19), 633-644. http://dx.doi.org/10.3170/2008-8-18423. Copyright: Opulus Press, http://www.opuluspress.se/index.ph