12 research outputs found

    The Cataloging in Digital Age

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    The paper presents the author’s view about the future of programme of Uni-versal Bibliographic Control. On the background of different initiatives, developed and maintained by IFLA, are presented the main ways which Bulgarian librarians should take to accept the need and finally to develop the national cataloging prac-tice

    Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web

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    Bibliographic data produced by different cultural organizations are essential part of the web. Many of these data aren’t available for indexing and retrieval by searching engines. The new approach of Link Data on the web is a possibility to change this state. Haw this is possible and what are the ways to put the bibliographic data on the semantic web are the main questions which answer try to find this paper. Bulgarian libraries must be part of the new processes in world of chancing data on the web

    Българската каталогизация в глобалното информационно пространство на ХХІ век. Анализи, стратегии, перспективи

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    Електронните ресурси от всякакъв тип, тяхното каталогизиране и осигуряването на надежден и бърз достъп до съдържанието им са от особена важност за съвременното общество на знанието. Преодоляването на времевите и пространствени разстояния чрез използването на световната мрежа създават условия за все по-активното създаване и използване на електронните ресурси. В световен мащаб непрекъснато се разработват и осъществяват проекти за дигитализация на световното културно наследство. На дневен ред е осъществяването на свободен достъп до научно-изследователска информация. Все по-често библиотеките и информационните центрове създават наред с традиционните си фондове и виртуални колекции от ресуси, които също изискват да бъдат каталогизирани, да са достъпни и да бъдат съвместими по между си. В такива условия и в търсенето на решение за бързия достъп до информация се създава концепцията за мета-данните, която се стреми да преодолее проблема за обхвата и каталогизирането на електронните ресурси. Появата и лавинообразното развиване на множество схеми с мета-данни, установяването на тяхната неспособност да гарантират надежден достъп до информация довеждат до сближаването на методите за анализ и описание на документите, развити от традиционната каталогизация и схемите с мета-данни. Търсят се пътища и се развиват нови подходи за осигуряване на съвместимост между отделните схеми. В тази, на пръв поглед, хаотична среда постепенно влиза и българската каталогизация. У нас е поставено началото на изграждането на виртуални колекции от пълнотекстови документи, свързани с българската култура и история. Дискутират се промени в закона за задължителния екземпляр по отношение депозирането на електронните документи с динамичен характер, създавани от български производители. Тяхното включване като обект за депозиране в закона за задължителния екземпляр ще изправи каталогизаторите пред проблемите на подбора и регистрацията им. Като следствие от тази тенденция е необходимо да изследваме и проучим характера им, техните отличителни черти, да изработим критериите за оценка и подбор и да вземем решение относно стандарта, който най-добре ще отговори на нашите нужди. Така очертаната проблематика и посочените глобални тенденции в развитието на каталогизацията показват необходимостта от анализ и развитие на стратегии за бъдещето на българската каталогизация и определят актуалността на темата на предлагания дисертационен труд. Цел на изследването е да анализира и установи съвременното състояние на каталогизацията в България в контекста на процесите, протичащи в световен мащаб и да създаде предпоставки за изработването на обосновани стратегии за бъдещото развитие на каталогизационните процеси в страната, съобразени както с националните традиции, така и с глобалните тенденции. Обект на изследването е българската каталогизация. Встрани от полезрението ми остават въпросите, свързани с организационната проблематика на каталогизацията. Това ограничение се налага поради важността на тази проблематика, която изисква своето всестранно и задълбочено изследване и би трябвало да е обект на отделен, самостоятелен анализ. Нейното засягане в хода на изложението е доколкото тя е в тясна връзка с теоретичната и нормативна основа на каталогизацията или е свързана с определени национални специфики. Предмет на изследването са стандартите за библиографско описание, комуникативните формати, схемите с мета-данни, оценка на българските софтуерни библиотечни продукти.Дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен „Доктор”по научната специалност „Книгознание, библиотекознание, библиография” шифър 05.08.35 Рецензенти: проф.дфн Мария Младенова, ст.н.с Александра Дипчиков

    Prerequisites of Establishing Sustainable Digital Collections

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    At the last few years a lot of institutions in the field of preservations of written culture heritage developed projects for digitalization of traditional documents. To be build vital collections that are resistant of changing of any kind the international community has developed requirements for digital collections. The implementation of standards in creating, managing, developing, and supporting of collections is the main reason of maintaining good digital collections. For Bulgarian libraries, archives and museums are very important to be familiar to the basic requirements for developing good digital collections that are present in the paper

    Information culture in the process of creating library information re-sources.

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    The paper discusses the main problems of understanding the mission of library professionals related to the build of the information culture of patrons and users of library resources and services. There are many statements, rules, guides, standards that are important in the creation of vital and flexible library information resources. Are they known of the librarians? Do professionals pay attention of influence of those papers on the (ìm)possibility of finding the necessary information? How we under-stand the future of information management

    The International Students` Summer Schools (ISSS) – a Successful Model of a Longtime Partnership into the Exchange of knowledge and Teaching of the Future Library and Information Specialists

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    The article describes the idea of an international initiative which has a 17 year history of success – The International Students’ Summer Seminar (ISSS). The annual seminar which was held every year in one of the partners’ country (Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, The Netherlands, Lithuania), this year was took place in Poland from 13th to 26th of July 2010. The topic of the ISSS’2010 was “Public information / E-government in EU countries”. This event has two kinds of activities – educational part (lectures and workshops) and intercultural exchange (sightseeing tours and performance of national traditions of each country). In the first part, Bulgarian lecturers presented 3 lectures and presentations: „Basic issues of e-government within the EU”, “Public information education within the curriculum of Sofia University” and „Issues of Public information and e-government development in Bulgaria”. Within the second part, the Bulgarian participants – students and lecturers presented Bulgarian culture, history and tradition on the so called ’’national night”. In conclusion, we have to say that ISSS is a great opportunity for the students and for the lecturers too, and there are a lot of benefits for all participants

    Genetic correlation between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia

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    A. Palotie on työryhmän Schizophrenia Working Grp Psychiat jäsen.We have previously shown higher-than-expected rates of schizophrenia in relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), suggesting an aetiological relationship between the diseases. Here, we investigate the genetic relationship between ALS and schizophrenia using genome-wide association study data from over 100,000 unique individuals. Using linkage disequilibrium score regression, we estimate the genetic correlation between ALS and schizophrenia to be 14.3% (7.05-21.6; P = 1 x 10(-4)) with schizophrenia polygenic risk scores explaining up to 0.12% of the variance in ALS (P = 8.4 x 10(-7)). A modest increase in comorbidity of ALS and schizophrenia is expected given these findings (odds ratio 1.08-1.26) but this would require very large studies to observe epidemiologically. We identify five potential novel ALS-associated loci using conditional false discovery rate analysis. It is likely that shared neurobiological mechanisms between these two disorders will engender novel hypotheses in future preclinical and clinical studies.Peer reviewe

    Sleep-disordered breathing and acute ischemic stroke: diagnosis, risk factors, treatment, evolution, and long-term clinical outcome

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is frequent in stroke patients. Risk factors, treatment response, short-term and long-term outcome of SDB in stroke patients are poorly known. METHODS: We prospectively studied 152 patients (mean age 56+/-13 years) with acute ischemic stroke. Cardiovascular risk factors, Epworth sleepiness score (ESS), stroke severity/etiology, and time of stroke onset were assessed. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was determined 3+/-2 days after stroke onset and 6 months later (subacute phase). Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment was started acutely in patients with SDB (AHI > or =15 or AHI > or =10+ESS >10). CPAP compliance, incidence of vascular events, and stroke outcome were assessed 60+/-16 months later (chronic phase). RESULTS: Initial AHI was 18+/-16 (> or =10 in 58%, > or =30 in 17% of patients) and decreased in the subacute phase (P or =30, age, male gender, body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, ESS, and macroangiopathic etiology of stroke were significantly higher/more common than in patients with AHI <10. Long-term incidence of vascular events and stroke outcome were similar in both groups. CPAP was started in 51% and continued chronically in 15% of SDB pts. Long-term stroke mortality was associated with initial AHI, age, hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. CONCLUSIONS: SDB is common particularly in elderly stroke male patients with diabetes, nighttime stroke onset, and macroangiopathy as cause of stroke; it improves after the acute phase, is associated with an increased poststroke mortality, and can be treated with CPAP in a small percentage of patients

    “Core/Shell” Nanocomposites as Photocatalysts for the Degradation of the Water Pollutants Malachite Green and Rhodamine B

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    “Core/shell” composites are based on a ferrite core coated by two layers with different properties, one of them is an isolator, SiO2, and the other is a semiconductor, TiO2. These composites are attracting interest because of their structure, photocatalytic activity, and magnetic properties. Nanocomposites of the “core/shell” МFe2O4/SiO2/TiO2 (М = Zn(II), Co(II)) type are synthesized with a core of MFe2O4 produced by two different methods, namely the sol-gel method (SG) using propylene oxide as a gelling agent and the hydrothermal method (HT). SiO2 and TiO2 layer coating is performed by means of tetraethylorthosilicate, TEOS, Ti(IV) tetrabutoxide, and Ti(OBu)4, respectively. A combination of different experimental techniques is required to prove the structure and phase composition, such as XRD, UV-Vis, TEM with EDS, photoluminescence, and XPS. By Rietveld analysis of the XRD data unit cell parameters, the crystallite size and weight fraction of the polymorphs anatase and rutile of the shell TiO2 and of the ferrite core are determined. The magnetic properties of the samples, and their activity for the photodegradation of the synthetic industrial dyes Malachite Green and Rhodamine B are measured in model water solutions under UV light irradiation and simulated solar irradiation. The influence of the water matrix on the photocatalytic activity is determined using artificial seawater in addition to ultrapure water. The rate constants of the photocatalytic process are obtained along with the reaction mechanism, established using radical scavengers where the role of the radicals is elucidated

    Evolution of sleep and sleep EEG after hemispheric stroke

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    The evolution of subjective sleep and sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) after hemispheric stroke have been rarely studied and the relationship of sleep variables to stroke outcome is essentially unknown. We studied 27 patients with first hemispheric ischaemic stroke and no sleep apnoea in the acute (1-8 days), subacute (9-35 days), and chronic phase (5-24 months) after stroke. Clinical assessment included estimated sleep time per 24 h (EST) and Epworth sleepiness score (ESS) before stroke, as well as EST, ESS and clinical outcome after stroke. Sleep EEG data from stroke patients were compared with data from 11 hospitalized controls and published norms. Changes in EST (>2 h, 38% of patients) and ESS (>3 points, 26%) were frequent but correlated poorly with sleep EEG changes. In the chronic phase no significant differences in sleep EEG between controls and patients were found. High sleep efficiency and low wakefulness after sleep onset in the acute phase were associated with a good long-term outcome. These two sleep EEG variables improved significantly from the acute to the subacute and chronic phase. In conclusion, hemispheric strokes can cause insomnia, hypersomnia or changes in sleep needs but only rarely persisting sleep EEG abnormalities. High sleep EEG continuity in the acute phase of stroke heralds a good clinical outcome