51 research outputs found

    Distribution, ecology and centres of bat diversity (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in Serbia

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    U poslednjih šezdeset godina slepi miševi u Srbiji su veoma često bili objekti kraćih i/ili dugotrajnijih istraživanja, a rezultati su do sada samo sporadično objedinjavani i objavljivani. Cilj ove disertacije je objedinjavanje podataka o fauni slepih miševa na području Srbije, analiza i vrednovanje dominantnih ekoloških faktora koji generišu distribuciju faune, karakterizacija preferiranih tipova staništa i skloništa, analiza aktuelnog rasprostranjenja vrsta, analiza strukture faune i identifikacija centara diverziteta, procena statusa ugroženosti i predlog mera zaštite vrsta u Srbiji. Slepi miševi su po nizu ekološko-zoogeografskih pokazatelja među najugroženijim i najmanje poznatim sisarima, te je sumiranje saznanja, analiza i interpretacija podataka o rasprostranjenju preduslov za utvrđivanje ekoloških i zoogeografskih determinanti njihove raznovrsnosti kao osnova za izradu strategije očuvanja i zaštite vrsta, staništa i skloništa slepih miševa u Srbiji. U radu je izvršeno i definisanje areala svake pojedinačne vrste u Srbiji, utvrđivanje obrazaca vertikalne i horizontalne distribucije vrsta u odnosu na dominantne ekološke gradijente, definisanje karakterističnih bionomskih pokazatelja za svaku vrstu, utvrđivanje preferencije staništa i skloništa vrsta po fenološkim fazama tokom životnog ciklusa, procena brojnosti i populacionih trendova vrsta u Srbiji, analiza diverziteta slepih miševa Srbije po prostornim jedinicama, definisanje ekološkog statusa vrsta u Srbiji i nova procena statusa ugroženosti prema IUCN standardima i predlaganje mera očuvanja i zaštite vrsta, staništa i skloništa. Rasprostranjenje trideset vrsta slepih miševa, za koje je utvrđeno da žive u Srbiji, je mapirano u kvadratnim poljima osnove 10 km u okviru UTM projekcione mreže, i to: Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rh. ferrumequinum, Rh. euryale, Rh. mehelyi, Rh. blasii, Myotis daubentonii, M. dasycneme, M. capaccinii, M. brandtii, M. mystacinus, M. alcathoe, M. nattereri, M. emarginatus, M. bechsteinii, M. myotis, M. oxygnathus, Nyctalus noctula, N. leisleri, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus, P. nathusii, P. kuhlii, Hypsugo savii, Vespertilio murinus, Eptesicus serotinus, Barbastella barbastellus, Plecotus auritus, P. macrobullaris, P. austriacus i Miniopterus schreibersii. Liste nalaza su date za svaku vrstu u okviru kojih i svi prikupljeni podaci o jedinkama, kolonijama, datumu, nalazištu, staništu, skloništu, nadmorskoj visini, UTM kvadratnom polju, kolektorskom/inventarskom broju, ustanovi gde se dokazni primerak ili podatak o nalazu čuva, nalazaču, identifikatoru i eventualnoj litaraturnoj jedinici koja opisuje nalaz. Broj nalaza varira u okviru vrsta, i to od jednog (Plecotus macrobullaris) do 325 (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). Za svaku vrstu posebno su dati opšti bionomski podaci, populacioni status, faktori ugrožavanja, zakonska zaštita, nacionalni i međunarodni status zaštite, te mere očuvanja. Tako prikazani podaci su sintetizovani, analizirani i vrednovani. Analiza rasprostranjenja nalazišta vrsta slepih miševa u Srbiji vršena je najpre po UTM kvadratnim poljima, po administrativnim celinama i po širim hipsometrijskim oblastima. Ukupno je registrovano 605 nalazišta. U UTM kvadratnim poljima je beleženo od jednog do osmadeset nalazišta. Od ukupno 2168 nalaza, među kojima dominiraju skloništa (70 %) i mesta preleta/koridori (20 %), 62 % je zabeleženo nakon 1990. godine. Na 126 nalazišta su registrovane porodiljske kolonije, na 273 zimske, a na 34 kopulatorne...During the last sixty years bats have often been a subject of short- and long-term research but so far the results have been synthesised and even published only sporadically. The aim of this study is to integrate data on bat fauna of Serbia, to analyse and evaluate prevailing ecological parameters determining distribution of bat fauna, to determine preferred types of habitats and roost sites, to analyse present distribution of species, to analyse the composition of bat fauna and to identify centres of diversity, to asses conservation status and to propose measures for species protection in Serbia. According to number of ecological-zoogeographic indicators, bats are among the most vulnerable and least known mammals; therefore, summation of knowledge, analysis and interpretation of data on distribution, is prerequisite for identification of the ecological and zoogeographic determinants of bat diversity as a basis for development of the strategy for conservation and protection of bat species, habitats and roosts in Serbia. This study also: defines range of each species in Serbia, identifies patterns of vertical and horizontal distribution of species in relation to the dominant ecological gradients, defines characteristic bionomic indicators for each species, identifies species’ habitat and roost preference per phenophases, assesses abundance and population trends of species in Serbia, analyses bat diversity of Serbia by spatial units, defines ecological status of species in Serbia, presents new assessment of species’ conservation status according to IUCN system, proposes measures for conservation and protection of species, habitats and roosts. Distribution of thirty bat species which have been found in Serbia is mapped by 10x10 km squares of the UTM projection grid, namely: Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rh. ferrumequinum, Rh. euryale, Rh. mehelyi, Rh. blasii, Myotis daubentonii, M. dasycneme, M. capaccinii, M. brandtii, M. mystacinus, M. alcathoe, M. nattereri, M. emarginatus, M. bechsteinii, M. myotis, M. oxygnathus, Nyctalus noctula, N. leisleri, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus, P. nathusii, P. kuhlii, Hypsugo savii, Vespertilio murinus, Eptesicus serotinus, Barbastella barbastellus, Plecotus auritus, P. macrobullaris, P. austriacus and Miniopterus schreibersii. Findings are listed for each species, containing all the data on individuals, colonies, date, locality, habitat, roost site, altitude, UTM grid square, the collector / inventory number, institution keeping a voucher specimen or information on finding, collector name, identifier name and possible literature unit describing the finding. Number of sites varies between species – from single one (Plecotus macrobullaris) to 325 (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). General bionomical data, population status, threats, legal protection, national and international status of protection as well as conservation measures are also given for each species. All those presented data are synthesised, analysed and evaluated. Distribution of bat findings in Serbia is analysed by UTM grid squares, first of all, and then by administrative units and by broader hypsometrical areas. A total of 605 sites are registered. One to eighty sites are recorded per single UTM grid squares. 62 % of the total 2,168 findings, mostly roosts (70 %) and flight paths / commuting routes (20 %), were recorded after 1990. At 126 sites nursery colonies are registered, at 273 winter colonies while at 34 sites mating colonies are found. The width of the species distribution range is analysed and it was found that only 4 out of 30 species have a narrow distribution..


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    Birds, as mobile organisms, do not know about political borders. Moving from north to south and vice versa, each year birds undertake exhausting seasonal migrations, that are worthy of admiration. During migration, birds are using energy reserves stored in the form of fat deposits that are used as fuel. For many species continuous flying is impossible, so they need to renew their energy before continuing their journey. There are several methods used in the study of bird migration their migratory routes, but the mostly used is ringing, a basic scientific method. The ringing is based on individual bird marking, with an aluminium leg ring. Recoveries of ringed birds provide numerous data such as the beginning and ending of migration, migration routes, length of migration, productivity, survival or mortality rate. Birds are also good indicators for monitoring changes in the environment induced by human activities and they give us insight into the speed of species adaptation in response to new climate change. Tracking of marked bird individuals, through space and time, help us to understand the ways of spread and transmission of various diseases.In this sense Ringing schemes are an important tool for studying the characteristics and monitoring of zoonotic epidemics

    Atlas migratornih ptica i slepih miševa Srbije

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    A Matlab/Simulink 3D Model of Metal Rings and Discs for Ultrasonic Sandwich Transducer Design

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    Metal-endings are integral part of different ultrasonic sandwich transducers. In this paper a new Matlab/Simulink 3D model of of the finite metal rings and discs of various dimensions is realized. With this model, which describes both the thickness and the radial resonant modes, and the coupling between them, mechanical impedance of the sample can be easily computed. Resonance frequency-length curves for rings and disks with various materials and for different selected dimensions are given. Also, comparisons of the different approaches in determining of their resonant frequencies are shown. The proposed Matlab/Simulink model requires simpler implementation than other analytical models. That enabled modifying of 1D theory and simplified modelling and projecting of the ultrasonic sandwich transducers with short-endings. Finally, the computed and experimental results are compared

    Fractals and ceramics materials characterization

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    Large part of powder based materials; especially ceramics are porous in more or less percentage. For such materials, two separated spaces are present. The “positive” space is made by grains or particles, while the “negative” space is “reserved” for pores. Formally speaking, the bulk of material space, V can be written as an union of “positive” and “negative” space which otherwise have no common points. Pores and grains share same surfaces, and since grains have fractal nature, with fractal interior and fractal boundary surfaces, the pores also have fractal “walls”. This implies two conclusions: the pores should be treated as the fractal objects, i.e., the objects having non-fractal interior, and fractal surface with dimension equal to grain’s fractal dimension. Suppose that the morphology of materials changes through time for the consideration process. By box counting methods fractal dimension definition, it follows that three sintering phase formulae based on the union described above, the sintering initial phase, the Frenkel formula takes corrected form including fractal dimension value. In this paper we applied four methods: Cube counting, Triangulation, Variance and Power spectrum method. All of these are very important and quite a different then the other, Ceramic Characterization Classic methods, what is opening new frontiers in material science characterization

    Prvi nalaz sredozemnog repaša Tadarida teniotis (Rafinesque, 1814) u Srbiji

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    Sredozemni repaš, Tadarida teniotis (Rafinesque, 1814) je vrsta slepog miša iz porodice Molossidae, rasprostranjena uglavnom na području Mediterana. Pripadnici ove vrste koriste skloništa u pukotinama teško dostupnih litica i stena, lete brzo i visoko iznad tla, i sposobni su za duge letove. Budući da je T. teniotis zabeležena u susednim državama i da u Srbiji postoje za nju pogodna staništa, prisustvo ove vrste na teritoriji Srbije je bilo očekivano. Na području zaštićenog prirodnog dobra Predeo izuzetnih odlika 'Vlasina' vršena je inventarizacija faune slepih miševa u periodu 2015-2017. godine. U veče 18. oktobra 2017. godine na lokalitetu Vlasina Stojkovićeva (42.691016o severne geografske širine, 22.373792o istočne geografske dužine, 1356 m n.v.) primenom metode ultrazvučne audiodetekcije definitivno je potvrđeno prisustvo vrste T. teniotis, što predstavlja njen prvi nalaz u Srbiji. Ovim je ukupan broj vrsta faune slepih miševa Srbije povećan na 31. Dalja istraživanja su neophodna kako bi se utvrdilo da li postoje skloništa ove vrste, da li se reprodukuje i/ili hibernira na teritoriji Srbije

    Application of industrial by-products as mineral admixtures for self-compacting concrete

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    Upotreba otpadnih materijala kao mineralnih dodataka samozbijajućem betonu može pridonijeti rješavanju problema njihovog odlaganja, ali je potrebno utvrditi njihovu djelotvornost. Ispitan utjecaj elektrofiltarskog pepela, mljevenih otpadnih opekarskih elemenata – crjepova, flotacijske jalovine i silicijske prašine na konzistenciju betona i njihove tlačne čvrstoće, vlačnu čvrstoću pri savijanju i vlačnu čvrstoću pri cijepanju. Dobiveni rezultati ispitivanja mješavina samozbijajućeg betona su uspoređeni s mješavinom konvencionalnog betona.Although the use of waste materials as mineral admixtures for self-compacting concrete can contribute to solving the problem of their disposal, the effect of such use should be further explored. The influence of fly ash, powdered waste brick elements - roof tiles, flotation tailing and silica fume, on the consistency, compressive strength, bending tensile strength, and tensile splitting strength of concrete, is studied. Self-compacting concrete mixtures test results are compared to a common concrete mixture


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    Basketball is a sports game which consists of rapid changes in direction of movement, sudden stopping and starting for driving and dribbling and a great number of jumps. The various positions on a basketball team precisely determine the requirements for specific forms of movement, even though contemporary basketball strives for all players in all positions to possess the aforementioned abilities. A sample of 15 male basketball players, divided into three groups of five players each, based on their positions on the team, including the guard, forward and center position, was used to determine differences in agility (Agility T Test, Hexagon Agility Тest, Illinois Agility Test и Lane Agility Drill) and explosive power (the Squat jump, Countermovement Jump, Drop Jump and One-legged Counter Movement Jump). To determine the differences between the basketball players in relation to their positions on the team, the ANOVA analysis for independent samples was used as was a post-hoc analysis. The research results have indicated that there is a difference between the guard position compared to the forward and center position

    Insight into diversity of bacteria belonging to the order Rickettsiales in 9 arthropods species collected in Serbia.

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    Rickettsiales bacteria in arthropods play a significant role in both public health and arthropod ecology. However, the extensive genetic diversity of Rickettsiales endosymbionts of arthropods is still to be discovered. In 2016, 515 arthropods belonging to 9 species of four classes (Insecta, Chilopoda, Diplopoda and Arachnida) were collected in Serbia. The presence and genetic diversity of Rickettsiales bacteria were evaluated by characterizing the 16S rRNA (rrs), citrate synthase (gltA) and heat shock protein (groEL) genes. The presence of various Rickettsiales bacteria was identified in the majority of tested arthropod species. The results revealed co-circulation of five recognized Rickettsiales species including Rickettsia, Ehrlichia and Wolbachia, as well as four tentative novel species, including one tentative novel genus named Neowolbachia. These results suggest the remarkable genetic diversity of Rickettsiales bacteria in certain arthropod species in this region. Furthermore, the high prevalence of spotted fever group Rickettsia in Ixodes ricinus ticks highlights the potential public health risk of human Rickettsia infection

    Population genetic structure of the Mediterranean horseshoe bat Rhinolophus euryale in the central Balkans.

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    Migratory behaviour, sociality and roost selection have a great impact on the population structure of one species. Many bat species live in groups, and movements between summer and hibernation sites are common in temperate bats. The Mediterranean horseshoe bat Rhinolophus euryale is a cave-dwelling species that exhibits roost philopatry and undertakes seasonal movements which are usually shorter than 50 km. Its distribution in Serbia is restricted to karstic areas in western and eastern parts of the country, with a lack of known roosts between them. In this study, microsatellite markers were used to evaluate genetic variation in this species in the Central Balkans. Specifically, spatial genetic structuring between geographic regions and relatedness within different colony types were assessed. All analysed loci were polymorphic, and there was no significant inbreeding coefficient recorded. A moderate degree of genetic differentiation among the sampled colonies was found, and significant isolation by distance was recorded. Our results revealed that populations show a tendency to segregate into three clusters. Unexpectedly, populations from Montenegro and Eastern Serbia tended to group into one cluster, while populations from Western Serbia and Slovenia represented second and third cluster, respectively. The majority of variance was partitioned within colonies, and only a small but significant portion among clusters. Average relatedness within colony members was close to zero, did not differ significantly between the different colony types, and kinship is unlikely to be a major grouping mechanism in this species