53 research outputs found

    Spiders (Araneae) of the family Oonopidae in the Czech Republic

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    The oonopid spiders (Oonopidae) Tapinesthis inermis (Simon, 1882) and Triaeris stenapis Simon, 1891 are recorded for the Czech Republic for the first time. T. inermis was redetermined from misidentified material and T. stenaspis was discovered in a greenhouse

    Potravní specializace a diverzifikace pavouků roku Dysdera (Araneae: Dysderidae)

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    Potravní specla||zacea dlvcnlíkace povoulnl rodu Dysdera (Aratrnc: Dysderldae) Souhm disertačnípréco Hlarnrímoílempředloženéstudieje prezentaoonovýohpoznatkůo potavní spooializacia diver:ziítkacipavoulolroduDysdera' Disortaěnípróceje soubmempěti vědeokýohpra'oírozdělenýohdo dvouzákladnícbďdílů. 1. Potravrúspeda|izace l.l' ŘezáčM., Pekár S. & Lubin Y.: Morfotogické a behavtorá|níadaprce prc lov suchozerrrs}ýďr stcJnonožcůu pavou|cl todlu Dysdcrl (Ararrae: Dyrder|nae) lphjato doJ oun at of Zn logtl O predótorechspeciďizovanýoh ne lovstínokmóme dosud volice mÉloiďonnaoí. Za prodótory stínok jsou již dlouhou dobu považovóni pevouoi tod|J Dsdera (Dysderidae)' nicmóně důkazy o jejioh potavnl speoiďizaci dosud scházely. Tito pavouoi se vyznaěujíneobvyklou moďologickou variabi|itou ústnlchogónrl zejméara ohelioo. U pěti druhůreprezenfujícíchrůalétypy cholioerjsmo sbdovali vzbh mezi morfologií úsuníchorgrínů,p,refoencí kořisti o predočnímchovÁnIm. Dnrh s nemodifikovanými ohelice'rami lovil oohotně růalé ělenovco ale odmítal stínlcy' zatímoo druhy s modiťrkovanými ohelic,eramioohotrě přijímaly shnky, fusdera erythrlna a D, spinicrus lovily stínky stojně ěasto jako altematiwí ýpy kořisti' D. abdominalis a D. dubrovninzl' stÍnky před altomatr'nÍ kořistí sigtifikantně pfef€rov&ly. Ukázalo se,Žemodifikaco cholicerjsou...Dtet specia|isatlon and ďverslÍlcatlon oftlrc sf,der genrs Dysdara (Araneae: Dysdertdae) Summaryof PhD. thesis Tho main aim of my sfudy is to pr€s€nt now knowledge aboutthe diet specialisation antldiversiÍicationóf ttreipider genusDys&ra. This PhD. lhesis, ďvided in two parts' is tre summaryof Íivepapers. 1. Diet specialisatlon 1.1. Řezíě M., Pekór s. & I'bin Y.: Morphologlcal and behavlourď adapations for onlscophagr lnDysderassden (Araneae: Dysdertnne) [acoeptedby Journal of Zoologfl Very little is known about predators feeding on woodlioe. Spiders of the genus Dyidera (Dysderidae)were long suspeotedto be onisoophagous,but evidenoefor lheir díetspeoialisation hás beenrlaoking. These spidas are chareotorisedby an unusual morphological variability oftheir mouth-parts,partioularly tho ohelioaae, suggosting dietary sfrcialisation któróukazuje na potavní specializaci. Thus, we investigatedthe rebtiónsirip betweenmouthpertmorphology, prey pÍeferenoeand predatorybelraviour of ťrvespecies represerrtingdiffoent chelioenď types. Resulb obtained sugg€st that sfudiedĎysdera spidas diffo in prey specialisetion for woďlioo. The species with unmodified cheliceraereatlity oapturedvarious artkopďs but refused woodlice while speoieswith modified ohetóeraeoapfuredwoodlice' Particularly,Dysdera erythrina ind D....Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Use of conditional prey attack strategies in two generalist ground spider species

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    Generalist predators have evolved a variety of behavioural adaptations in prey capture to effectively subdue different prey types. Such predators use a conditional hunting strategy. Among spiders, representatives of Gnaphosidae are known to use either venom attack (subduing prey with venom) or silk attack (subduing prey with silk). In this study, we aimed to test the hypothesis of the conditional use of prey capture strategy (venom versus silk attack) in two species, Drassodes sp. and Zelotes sp. We also measured the size of their venom glands and the number of their piriform glands in order to reveal whether behavioural adaptations are paralleled with morphological ones. As prey, we used other spiders of variable sizes as these are considered dangerous prey. We found that Drassodes used mainly silk attack, while the majority of Zelotes used venom attack. The probability of using silk attack increased with predator/prey body length ratio in Drassodes, but not in Zelotes. Then, we disabled silk use in individuals of both species. All disabled Drassodes used venom attack, but about half of individuals attempted to use silk attack first. All Zelotes used venom attack, and none attempted to use silk attack first. We found significantly larger venom glands in Drassodes than in Zelotes, while the number of piriform silk glands was similar. The behavioural adaptations are, thus, not paralleled with morphological (i.e., venom and silk gland size) ones. Our results suggest that both Drassodes and Zelotes can use both attack strategies with similar efficacy

    Vertical distribution of spiders (Araneae) in Central European shallow subterranean habitats

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    Shallow subterranean habitats are among the last habitats in Central Europe to be arachnologically researched. Using stratified pipe traps, we studied the vertical distribution of spiders in soil and interspaces in bedrock (shallow subterranean habitats). Specifically, we sampled fauna in different substrates, including limestone, sandy marlstone, sandy marl, claystone, loess, and artificial gravel accumulation. Employing stratified pipe traps allowed us to identify the depth at which particular species occurred. Across multiple years and sampling sites, we collected 76 spider species, 21 of which showed an affinity for subterranean microhabitats. Some of these species occurred in interspaces in soil and bedrock, whereas others have been previously found in subterranean ant nests and animal burrows. We collected five species (Iberina microphthalma, Centromerus cf. piccolo, Porrhomma cambridgei, P. microcavense, and P. microps) almost exclusively at depths over half a meter, suggesting the strong affinity of these species for a subterranean lifestyle. We provide diagrams of these species’ vertical distribution and photo-document eye reduction. Our study demonstrates that poorly studied shallow subterranean habitats harbor diverse subterranean spider fauna, including several previously considered rare species in Central Europe

    Taxonomic revision and insights into the speciation mode of the spider Dysdera erythrina species-complex (Araneae : Dysderidae): sibling species with sympatric distributions

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    The genus Dysdera, a species-rich group of spiders that includes specialised predators of woodlice, contains several complexes of morphologically similar sibling species. Here we investigate species limits in the D. erythrina (Walckenaer, 1802) complex by integrating phenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular data, and use this information to gain further knowledge on its origin and evolution. We describe 16 new species and redescribe four poorly known species belonging to this clade. The distribution of most of the species in the complex is limited to southern France and the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The species studied do not show any obvious differences in habitat preference, and some of them even occur sympatrically at certain sites. They probably feed on the same type of prey as they readily capture woodlice. On the other hand, they differ in body size, mouthparts shape, sculpturing of carapace, morphology of the copulatory organs, karyotype and DNA sequences. Experimental interspecific mating showed a partial precopulatory behavioural barrier between D. erythrina and D. cechica, sp. nov. Our data suggest that karyotype evolution of the complex included chromosome fusions and fissions as well as translocations (between autosomes as well as autosomes and sex chromosomes). We hypothesise that chromosome rearrangements generating reproductive incompatibility played a primary role in speciation within Dysdera complexes. Dysdera spiders are poor dispersers, and their original distribution areas (forested areas in the Mediterranean) were repeatedly fragmented during Quarternary climatic oscillations, facilitating integration of chromosome rearrangements into karyotypes by genetic drift. Sympatric occurrence of closely related species may have been promoted by prey segregation as suggested by differentiation in body size in co-occurring species. The following new species are described: D. catalonica, sp. nov., D. cechica, D. dolanskyi, sp. nov., D. fabrorum, sp. nov., D. garrafensis, sp. nov., D. graia, sp. nov., D. kropfi, sp. nov., D. minairo, sp. nov., D. portsensis, sp. nov., D. pradesensis, sp. nov., D. pyrenaica, sp. nov., D. quindecima, sp. nov., D. septima, sp. nov., D. stahlavskyi, sp. nov., D. tredecima, sp. nov. and D. undecimal, sp. nov

    A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation:Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing

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    An alarming number of traffic-related deaths occur each year on European roads alone. Figures reveal that the vast majority of road-traffic accidents are caused by drivers themselves, and so further improvements in road safety require developments in driver training and rehabilitation. This study evaluated a novel approach to driver rehabilitation-specifically, empathy induction as a means of changing attitudes towards risky driving. To assess the effectiveness of this method, the present study employed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare brain function before and after a short program of empathy induction in 27 drivers whose licenses had been revoked after serious traffic offences (rehabilitated drivers [RDs]). In an extension of our previous research, we first assessed whether neural responses to empathy-eliciting social stimuli changed in these RDs. In order to isolate the neurophysiological effects of empathy induction from any other potential influences, we compared these RDs to a sample of 27 age-, handedness- and driving experience-matched control drivers (CDs) who had no exposure to the program. We then performed dual-fMRI "hyperscanning" to evaluate whether empathy induction changed brain responses during real-world social interactions among drivers; namely, during co-operative and/or competitive exchanges. Our data reveal that RDs exhibited weaker brain responses to socio-emotional stimuli compared with CDs prior to the program, but this difference was reversed after empathy induction. Moreover, we observed differences between pre- and post-program assessments in patterns of brain responses in RDs elicited during competitive social exchanges, which we interpret to reflect a change in their proclivity to react to the perceived wrong-doing of other road users. Together, these findings suggest that empathy induction is an effective form of driver rehabilitation, and the utility of neuroscientific techniques for evaluating and improving rehabilitation programs

    Spider conservation in Europe : a review

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    Despite their ecological importance and diversity, spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) are underrepresented in conservation policies in comparison to other groups. We review all extant conservation tools focusing on spiders in Europe, highlighting general patterns, limitations, gaps, and future directions. We assembled a comprehensive online database reporting all available information concerning the legal protection and conservation status of 4,154 spider species. Existing international legislation has limited coverage, with only one species listed in the Bern Convention and EU Habitats Directive. At the national and subnational levels, 178 species are formally mentioned in the legislation of 19 European countries. Moreover, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) includes assessments for 301 species worldwide, 164 of these threatened and eight native to Europe. In addition, spiders are mentioned in Regional Red Lists and Red Books in 28 out of 42 European countries considered in this review. Northern and Central European countries have the highest percentage of species assessed at the regional level in Red Lists and Red Books. The Mediterranean basin has the highest spider diversities in Europe but conservation efforts are lacking, both in terms of assessments and national or subnational legislation. Among European species, Dolomedes plantarius, Argyroneta aquatica and Eresus kollari are the most frequently mentioned in European conservation measures, possibly due to their ecological traits and their strict association with declining habitats. Considering the current threats to spiders in Europe, the protection of large areas of suitable habitat should be considered as the most effective approach to spider conservation.Peer reviewe

    Kázání k 50. výročí svatby manželů Kittelových (1777)

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    Studující podle pokynů a pod vedením vedoucího semináře a řešitele grantu IGS, M. Svobody, připravili transliteraci německého svátečního kázání a jeho překlad, dále transliteraci a transkripci českého svátečního kázání z r. 1777. K nim připojili ediční a historické komentáře. Pro připravovanou publikaci pořídili fotodokumentaci lokality, kde se v uvedeném roce konala vzpomínková slavnost, tj. v Šumburku-Krásné. Fotografie budou součástí CD s textovými a obrazovými přílohami. Výsledkem projektu je nově a prvně uceleně editované a textově kritickým i historickým komentářem opatřené texty barokní homiletické produkce připravené pro tisk do publikace s přiloženým CD-Romem