93 research outputs found

    Influence of demographic variables on attitudes towards persons with visual impairments

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li određene demografske karakteristike utiču na ispoljene stavove prema osobama sa oštećenjem vida. Utvrđeno je da pol, nivo obrzovanja kao i predhodni kontakt sa osobom sa ometenošću utiču na valencu stava prema osobama sa ometenošću. Primenjena je revidirana Multidimenzionalna skala za procenu stavova prema osobama sa ometenošću na uzorku od 2544 ispitanika koja se sastoji od tri subskale: afektivne, kognitivne i bihejvioralne. Faktorskom analizom su izdvojeni faktori unutar subskalа, a potom je primenjena trofaktorska analiza varijanse. Ispitanici koji su predhodno imali kontakt sa osobama sa ometenošću su imali viši skor na faktorima pozitivne kognicije i ponašanje približavanja, a niži skor na faktoru ponašanje izbegavanja i negativne emocije 2. Žene su imale niži skor na faktoru opreznost. Ispitanici sa nižom stručnom spremom imaju viši skor na faktoru zbunjujuće kognicije nego osobe koje imaju postdiplomske studije i niži skor na faktoru ponašanje izbegavanja. Kada se posmatraju ukupni skorovi na subskalama uočava se da osobe koje su imale predhodan kontakt sa osobama sa ometenošću imaju pozitivniji stav na afektivnoj i kognitivnoj subskali, dok ispitanici sa nižom stručnom spremom imaju pozitivniji stav na bihejvioralnoj komponenti nego ispitanici sa postdiplomskim studijama. Rezultati ukazuju da je predhodni kontakt sa osobom sa ometenošću najviše doprineo pozitivnim stavovima, tako da je važno da se osobe sa ometenošću uključuju u društvo kao bi se smanjila stigma prema njima.The aim of this study was to explore the potential influence of demographic variables on attitudes towards persons with visual impairments. Researchers have established that gender, level of education, and prior contact with persons with disabilities have an influence on valence of attitudes toward persons with disabilities. The Multidimensional Attitudes Scale toward Persons with Disabilities was applied to a sample of 2,544 participants, which consist of three subscales: affects, cognition, and behavior. Factor analysis revealed factors within subscales and then a three-way ANOVA was conducted. Participants who had previous contact with persons with disabilities expressed higher scores on factors positive cognition and approaching behavior and lower scores on factors avoiding behavior and negative emotion 2. Women revealed lower scores on factor caution. Respondents with a lower educational level held higher scores on factor perplexing cognition than participants with a higher educational level and lower scores on factor avoiding behavior. Overall, participants who had previous contact with persons with disabilities displayed more positive attitudes on affects and cognition subscales. Participants with a lower educational level expressed more positive attitudes on the behavioral component than participants with a higher educational level. The data shows that previous contact with persons with disabilities had a higher contribution to positive attitudes; this leads to the conclusion of the importance of inclusion in society of people with disabilities in order to decrease stigma toward this population

    Influence of demographic variables on attitudes towards persons with visual impairments

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li određene demografske karakteristike utiču na ispoljene stavove prema osobama sa oštećenjem vida. Utvrđeno je da pol, nivo obrzovanja kao i predhodni kontakt sa osobom sa ometenošću utiču na valencu stava prema osobama sa ometenošću. Primenjena je revidirana Multidimenzionalna skala za procenu stavova prema osobama sa ometenošću na uzorku od 2544 ispitanika koja se sastoji od tri subskale: afektivne, kognitivne i bihejvioralne. Faktorskom analizom su izdvojeni faktori unutar subskalа, a potom je primenjena trofaktorska analiza varijanse. Ispitanici koji su predhodno imali kontakt sa osobama sa ometenošću su imali viši skor na faktorima pozitivne kognicije i ponašanje približavanja, a niži skor na faktoru ponašanje izbegavanja i negativne emocije 2. Žene su imale niži skor na faktoru opreznost. Ispitanici sa nižom stručnom spremom imaju viši skor na faktoru zbunjujuće kognicije nego osobe koje imaju postdiplomske studije i niži skor na faktoru ponašanje izbegavanja. Kada se posmatraju ukupni skorovi na subskalama uočava se da osobe koje su imale predhodan kontakt sa osobama sa ometenošću imaju pozitivniji stav na afektivnoj i kognitivnoj subskali, dok ispitanici sa nižom stručnom spremom imaju pozitivniji stav na bihejvioralnoj komponenti nego ispitanici sa postdiplomskim studijama. Rezultati ukazuju da je predhodni kontakt sa osobom sa ometenošću najviše doprineo pozitivnim stavovima, tako da je važno da se osobe sa ometenošću uključuju u društvo kao bi se smanjila stigma prema njima.The aim of this study was to explore the potential influence of demographic variables on attitudes towards persons with visual impairments. Researchers have established that gender, level of education, and prior contact with persons with disabilities have an influence on valence of attitudes toward persons with disabilities. The Multidimensional Attitudes Scale toward Persons with Disabilities was applied to a sample of 2,544 participants, which consist of three subscales: affects, cognition, and behavior. Factor analysis revealed factors within subscales and then a three-way ANOVA was conducted. Participants who had previous contact with persons with disabilities expressed higher scores on factors positive cognition and approaching behavior and lower scores on factors avoiding behavior and negative emotion 2. Women revealed lower scores on factor caution. Respondents with a lower educational level held higher scores on factor perplexing cognition than participants with a higher educational level and lower scores on factor avoiding behavior. Overall, participants who had previous contact with persons with disabilities displayed more positive attitudes on affects and cognition subscales. Participants with a lower educational level expressed more positive attitudes on the behavioral component than participants with a higher educational level. The data shows that previous contact with persons with disabilities had a higher contribution to positive attitudes; this leads to the conclusion of the importance of inclusion in society of people with disabilities in order to decrease stigma toward this population

    Potentially toxic elements in the riparian soils of the Sava River

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    Purpose Riparian zone contamination is a growing problem for several European catchments due to high anthropogenic pressures. This study investigates As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the Sava River riparian zone, characterized by wide agricultural areas, various geological substrates, and different types of industrial pollution. The accumulation and mobility of these elements were studied because they are listed as priority substances in the Water Framework Directive and environmental objectives for surface waters. Materials and methods Sampling was performed during the sampling campaign of the EU 7th FW-funded GLOBAQUA project in September 2015 during a low-water event. Soil samples were collected along the Sava River at 12 selected sampling sites, from a depth of 0–30 cm, at a distance of 10–15 m from the river bank. The extent of pollution was estimated by determining total and readily soluble element concentrations in the soils. Potential ecological risk and the source of the selected elements in the soils was determined using the enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk index (RI), and statistical methods such as the principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). Results and discussion This study showed that concentrations of the selected elements increase along the Sava. In terms of origin, PCA and MLRA indicated that Cr and Ni in soils are predominantly lithogenic, while As, Cd, Pb, and Zn are both lithogenic and anthropogenic (ore deposits, industry, and agriculture). PCA singled out Cu since its origin in soil is most probably from specific point-source pollution. EF was generally minor to moderate for most of the examined elements, apart from Cu, for which the EF was significant at one sampling site. Overall ecological risk (RI) fell within the low-risk category for most sites, apart from Belgrade sampling site (BEO), where high total Cd content affected individual and overall ecological risk indicators, indicating Cd could represent a considerable ecological risk for the downstream riparian zone. Conclusions Purpose: Riparian zone contamination is a growing problem for several European catchments due to high anthropogenic pressures. This study investigates As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the Sava River riparian zone, characterized by wide agricultural areas, various geological substrates, and different types of industrial pollution. The accumulation and mobility of these elements were studied because they are listed as priority substances in the Water Framework Directive and environmental objectives for surface waters. Materials and methods: Sampling was performed during the sampling campaign of the EU 7th FW-funded GLOBAQUA project in September 2015 during a low-water event. Soil samples were collected along the Sava River at 12 selected sampling sites, from a depth of 0–30 cm, at a distance of 10–15 m from the river bank. The extent of pollution was estimated by determining total and readily soluble element concentrations in the soils. Potential ecological risk and the source of the selected elements in the soils was determined using the enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk index (RI), and statistical methods such as the principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA). Results and discussion: This study showed that concentrations of the selected elements increase along the Sava. In terms of origin, PCA and MLRA indicated that Cr and Ni in soils are predominantly lithogenic, while As, Cd, Pb, and Zn are both lithogenic and anthropogenic (ore deposits, industry, and agriculture). PCA singled out Cu since its origin in soil is most probably from specific point-source pollution. EF was generally minor to moderate for most of the examined elements, apart from Cu, for which the EF was significant at one sampling site. Overall ecological risk (RI) fell within the low-risk category for most sites, apart from Belgrade sampling site (BEO), where high total Cd content affected individual and overall ecological risk indicators, indicating Cd could represent a considerable ecological risk for the downstream riparian zone. Conclusions: At downstream sites, there was a noticeable increase in PTE content, with Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn exceeding the proposed threshold values for European soils, indicating rising contamination in riparian soils. In terms of the ecological risk, only Cd could pose a potential ecological threat for the downstream riparian zone

    Advances in Understanding Environmental Risks of Red Mud After the Ajka Spill, Hungary

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    In the 5 years since the 2010 Ajka red mud spill (Hungary), there have been 46 scientific studies assessing the key risks and impacts associated with the largest single release of bauxite-processing residue (red mud) to the environment. These studies have provided insight into the main environmental concerns, as well as the effectiveness of remedial efforts that can inform future management of red mud elsewhere. The key immediate risks after the spill were associated with the highly caustic nature of the red mud slurry and fine particle size, which once desiccated, could generate fugitive dust. Studies on affected populations showed no major hazards identified beyond caustic exposure, while red mud dust risks were considered equal to or lesser than those provided by urban dusts of similar particle size distribution. The longer-term environmental risks were related to the saline nature of the spill material (salinization of inundated soils) and the release and the potential cycling of oxyanion-forming metals and metalloids (e.g., Al, As, Cr, Mo, and V) in the soil–water environment. Of these, those that are soluble at high pH, inefficiently removed from solution during dilution and likely to be exchangeable at ambient pH are of chief concern (e.g., Mo and V). Various ecotoxicological studies have identified negative impacts of red mud-amended soils and sediments at high volumes (typically [5 %) on different test organisms, with some evidence of molecularlevel impacts at high dose (e.g., genotoxic effects on plants and mice). These data provide a valuable database to inform future toxicological studies for red mud. However, extensive management efforts in the aftermath of the spill greatly limited these exposure risks through leachate neutralization and red mud recovery from the affected land. Monitoring of affected soils, stream sediments, waters and aquatic biota (fungi, invertebrates and fish) have all shown a very rapid recovery toward prespill conditions. The accident also prompted research that has also highlighted potential benefits of red mud use for critical raw material recovery (e.g., Ga, Co, V, rare earths, inform), carbon sequestration, biofuel crop production, and use as a soil ameliorant

    Particle bound pollutants in rivers: Results from suspended sediment sampling in Globaqua River Basins

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    Transport of hydrophobic pollutants in rivers such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals is often facilitated by suspended sediment particles, which are typically mobilized during high discharge events. Suspended sediments thus represent a means of transport for particle related pollutants within river reaches and may represent a suitable proxy for average pollutant concentrations estimation in a river reach or catchment. In this study, multiple high discharge/turbidity events were sampled at high temporal resolution in the Globaqua River Basins Sava (Slovenia, Serbia), Adige (Italy), and Evrotas (Greece) and analysed for persistent organic pollutants such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) or PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and heavy metals. For comparison, river bed sediment samples were analysed as well. Further, results are compared to previous studies in contrasting catchments in Germany, Iran, Spain, and beyond. Overall results show that loadings of suspended sediments with pollutants are catchment-specific and relatively stable over time at a given location. For PAHs, loadings on suspended particles mainly correlate to urban pressures (potentially diluted by sediment mass fluxes) in the rivers, whereas metal concentrations mainly display a geogenic origin. By cross-comparison with known urban pressure/sediment yield relationships (e.g. for PAHs) or soil background values (for metals) anthropogenic impact – e.g. caused by industrial activities – may be identified. Sampling of suspended sediments gives much more reliable results compared to sediment grab samples which typically show a more heterogeneous contaminant distribution. Based on mean annual suspended sediment concentrations and distribution coefficients of pollutants the fraction of particle facilitated transport versus dissolved fluxes can be calculated

    Speciation of elements in biological, environmental and toxicological sciences

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    Remediation of contaminated soil by red mud and paper ash

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    Remediation of contaminated soil can be performed by using various techniques, which must be adequately tailored for each specific case. The aim of this research is to critically evaluate the potential use of red mud and paper ash and a combination of the two as immobilization additives for the remediation of contaminated soil from one of the most polluted sites in Slovenia. The proposed procedure involves the preparation of geotechnical composites made from contaminated soil and mixed with 25 wt% of immobilization additives and an optimal quantity of water to achieve consistency, at which maximum compaction according to the Proctor Compaction Test procedure can be achieved. The results reveal a positive, time-dependent trend for the immobilization of potentially toxic elements in the composite with paper ash, because of the formation of the new hydration products with potentially toxic elements. In a composite containing only red mud, potentially toxic elements were immobilized by sorption mechanisms with no general time-dependent trends. The composite with a combination of additives demonstrates the remediation characteristics of both red mud and paper ash. Using this approach excavated contaminated soil, red mud and paper ash can be successfully recycled in the proposed composites, which can be beneficially used in situ for rehabilitation of contaminated sites. Nevertheless, mobilization of some potentially toxic elements at high pHs may represent a limiting factor and has to be taken into the consideration when a combination of red mud and paper ash is used as immobilization additive

    Occurrence of halogenated and organophosphate flame retardants in sediment and fish samples from three European river basins

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    Classic (polybromodiphenyl ethers, PBDEs) and emerging halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) such as decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE) and halogenated norbornenes, as well as organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) were analysed in 52 sediments and 27 fish samples from three European river basins, namely the Evrotas (Greece), the Adige (Italy) and the Sava (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia). This is the first time that FR levels have been reported in these three European river basins. The highest contamination was found in the Adige and Sava rivers, whereas lower values were obtained for the Evrotas. The levels in sediment samples ranged between 0.25 and 34.0 ng/g dw, and between 0.31 and 549 ng/g dw, for HFRs and OPFRs respectively. As regards levels in fish, concentrations ranged between 9.32 and 461 ng/g lw and between 14.4 and 650 ng/g lw, for HFRs and OPFRs, respectively. Thus, whereas OPFR values were higher in sediments, similar concentrations (in the Evrotas) and even lower concentrations than HFRs (Sava) were found for OPFRs in the fish samples, indicating the lower bioaccumulation potential of OPFRs. Biota to sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) were calculated and higher values were obtained for HFRs compared to those assessed for OPFRs. © 2017 The Author(s)This work was funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the Globaqua project (No. 603629), and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidated Research Groups 2014 SGR 418 -Water and Soil Quality Unit). The authorswould like to thanks Nicoleta A. Suciu (Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza) for her contribution in statistical analysis.Peer reviewe