581 research outputs found

    Centro de arte y creación Séneca, Barcelona.

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    La intervención trata de establecer un dialogo con el fuerte contexto urbano en el que se encuentra, respondiendo a los inputs más inmediatos del entorno. Se busca solucionar las necesidad de espacio de ensayo para la compañía de teatro joven “la Trepa” y al mismo tiempo disponer espacios para el desarrollo de actividades de danza, música y artes escénicas en general. A su vez se ofrece un espacio para la creación y la exposición de contenidos, manteniendo así una conexión con el consolidado eje artístico y cultural de la calle Séneca. Todo ello bajo el umbral de las Fábricas de Creación de Barcelona, equipamientos públicos en la ciudad que apoyan la creación y la producción cultural, reforzando las redes y tejidos con el fin de convertirse en referentes para la generación de nuevos contenidos basados en la excelencia y la calidad

    Psychosocial factors that influence HIV testing and condom use in men: A cross-cultural perspective

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    HIV infections continue to be a major public health issue worldwide. Two effective HIV prevention strategies are frequent HIV testing and consistent condom use. A growing body of literature has identified some psychosocial factors that influence the likelihood and consistency of HIV testing behavior and condom use in men, however little attention has been given to the role of cultural norms in shaping these associations. In an attempt to approach these findings from a cross-cultural perspective, we investigated the causal effects of three psychosocial factors previously associated with HIV testing and Condom Use in men across two culturally distinct European countries and tested whether these effects became more prominent in the country with the highest endorsement of traditional masculinity norms. More specifically, we examined whether Homonegativity, HIV Stigma, and HIV Knowledge were predictive of HIV testing and Condom Use among men in Portugal and Turkey, and whether these effects became more pronounced in the country with higher traditional masculinity norms or vice versa. As expected, Turkish participants displayed the highest endorsement of masculinity norms, however we only found that Homonegativity and HIV Stigma inversely predicted HIV testing. No significant effects were found between HIV Knowledge and HIV Testing., nor between either one of our independent variables and Condom Use. Although we found a significant interaction between HIV Stigma and country effect on HIV Testing, no other moderations were supported. Overall, these findings add to a growing literature on how psychosocial factors influence pro-health seeking behavior in European men. Future studies should aim to replicate these finding with a larger sample size.As infecções por VIH continuam a ser uma questão de saúde pública importante a nível mundial. Duas estratégias eficazes de prevenção do VIH são o teste frequente do VIH e o uso consistente do preservativo. Um conjunto crescente de literatura identificou alguns factores psicossociais que influenciam a probabilidade e consistência do comportamento de testagem do HIV e do uso do preservativo em homens, embora tenha sido dada pouca atenção ao papel das normas culturais na formação destas associações. Numa tentativa de abordar estas associações numa perspectiva transcultural, investigámos os efeitos de três factores psicossociais anteriormente associados ao teste do HIV e ao uso do preservativo em homens, em dois países europeus culturalmente distintos, e testámos se estes efeitos se revelaram mais proeminentes no país com os valores mais altos de normas tradicionais de masculinidade. Mais especificamente, examinámos se a Homonegatividade, o Estigma asociado ao VIH, e o Conhecimento sobre VIH eram preditivos da testagem do VIH e do Uso do Preservativo entre homens em Portugal e na Turquia, e se estes efeitos se tornaram mais pronunciados no país com normas de masculinidade tradicionais mais elevadas. Como era de esperar, os participantes turcos demonstraram o maior apoio às normas de masculinidade; no entanto, apenas constatámos que a homonegatividade e o estigma associado ao VIH tiveram um valor preditivo negativo da testagem do VIH. Embora os nossos modelos de interacção demonstrassem uma interacção significativa entre o estigma e o efeito do país, a moderação não foi apoiada. Globalmente, estes resultados acrescentam a uma literatura crescente sobre como os factores psicossociais influenciam o comportamento pró-saúde em homens europeus. Estudos futuros devem ter como objectivo replicar estes resultados com uma amostra maior

    Divergence with gene flow and fine-scale phylogeographical structure in the wedge-billed woodcreeper, Glyphorynchus spirurus, a Neotropical rainforest bird.

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    Determining the relative roles of vicariance and selection in restricting gene flow between populations is of central importance to the evolutionary process of population divergence and speciation. Here we use molecular and morphological data to contrast the effect of isolation (by mountains and geographical distance) with that of ecological factors (altitudinal gradients) in promoting differentiation in the wedge-billed woodcreeper, Glyphorynchus spirurus, a tropical forest bird, in Ecuador. Tarsus length and beak size increased relative to body size with altitude on both sides of the Andes, and were correlated with the amount of moss on tree trunks, suggesting the role of selection in driving adaptive divergence. In contrast, molecular data revealed a considerable degree of admixture along these altitudinal gradients, suggesting that adaptive divergence in morphological traits has occurred in the presence of gene flow. As suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data, the Andes act as a barrier to gene flow between ancient subspecific lineages. Genome-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism markers reflected more recent patterns of gene flow and revealed fine-scale patterns of population differentiation that were not detectable with mitochondrial DNA, including the differentiation of isolated coastal populations west of the Andes. Our results support the predominant role of geographical isolation in driving genetic differentiation in G. spirurus, yet suggest the role of selection in driving parallel morphological divergence along ecological gradients

    Effect of mesoporous carrier on the properties of hydrophilic matrix based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

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    Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of: Pharmaceutical Technology Mentor: doc. PharmDr. Barbora Vraníková, Ph.D. Consultant: Mgr. Chiazor Ugo Ogadah Student: Jana Milá Title of Thesis: Effect of mesoporous carrier on the properties of hydrophilic matrix based on hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Colon targeted drug delivery has an essential role in treating local colon diseases. Various specific drug delivery systems resistant to the acidic environment of the upper gastrointestinal tract are used in the controlled drug release. In addition, higher efficacy, especially of poorly soluble drugs, can also be achieved by using mucoadhesive matrix systems in combination with liquisolid systems. Within these systems, the drug is usually dissolved and, therefore, it does not need to dissolve during release from the dosage form. The aim of the presented work was to study the effect of the mesoporous carrier Neusilin® US2 on the mucoadhesive properties and swelling rate of tablets based on hypromellose. Formulations containing the model drug theophylline, Neusilin® US2, hypromellose K15M (HPMC K15M) or their mixtures were subjected to determination of swelling and mucoadhesion strength in the environment of three biorelevant media simulating the fasted state of the stomach...Univerzita Karlova, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra: Farmaceutickej technológie Školiteľ: doc. PharmDr. Barbora Vraníková, Ph.D. Konzultant: Mgr. Chiazor Ugo Ogadah Poslucháč: Jana Milá Názov diplomovej práce: Vplyv mezoporézneho nosiča na vlastnosti hydrofilných matríc na báze hypromelózy Cielený prívod liečiv do kolonu má dôležité postavenie v liečbe lokálnych ochorení hrubého čreva. V rámci riadeného uvoľňovania liečivej látky sa využívajú rôzne špecifické liekové systémy odolné voči kyslému prostrediu hornej časti gastrointestinálneho traktu. Okrem toho vyššiu účinnosť predovšetkým zlé rozpustných liečiv je možné dosiahnuť tiež pomocou mukoadhezívnych matricových systémov v kombinácii so systémami kvapalina v pevnej fáze (liquisolid systémy), kedy je liečivá látka väčšinou rozpustená a nemusí sa už rozpúšťať počas uvoľňovania z liekovej formy. Cieľom predkladanej práce tak bolo štúdium vplyvu mezoporézneho nosiča Neusilinu® US2 na mukoadhezívne vlastnosti a rýchlosť napučiavania tabliet na báze hypromelózy. Formulácie pripravené z modelového liečiva teofylínu, Neusilinu® US2, hypromelózy K15M (HPMC K15M) alebo ich zmesi sa podrobili testu napučiavania a stanoveniu mukoadhézie v prostredí troch biorelevantných médií simulujúcich prostredie žalúdka (FaSSGF), tenkého čreva (FaSSIF)...Department of Pharmaceutical TechnologyKatedra farmaceutické technologieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    The geographic scale of diversification on islands: genetic and morphological divergence at a very small spatial scale in the Mascarene grey white-eye (Aves: Zosterops borbonicus)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oceanic islands provide unique scenarios for studying the roles of geography and ecology in driving population divergence and speciation. Assessing the relative importance of selective and neutral factors in driving population divergence is central to understanding how such divergence may lead to speciation in small oceanic islands, where opportunities for gene flow and population mixing are potentially high. Here we report a case of genetic and morphological structure in the Mascarene grey white-eye (<it>Zosterops borbonicus</it>) a species that shows a striking, geographically structured plumage polymorphism on the topographically and ecologically complex island of Réunion, yet is monotypic on the relatively uniform neighbouring island of Mauritius.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of 276 AFLP loci in 197 individuals revealed prolonged independent evolution of Réunion and Mauritius populations, which is congruent with previous mtDNA assessments. Furthermore, populations on Réunion showed significant differentiation into three main genetic groups separating lowland from highland areas despite the small geographic distances involved. Genetic differentiation along the altitudinal gradient is consistent with morphometric analysis of fitness-related traits. Birds in the highlands were larger, yet had relatively smaller beaks than in the lowlands, suggesting the role of selection in shaping morphology and restricting gene flow along the gradient. No genetic differentiation between plumage morphs was detected in neutral markers, suggesting that plumage differences are of recent origin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest a dual role of vicariance and natural selection in differentiating populations of a passerine bird in an oceanic island at very small spatial scales. We propose a combination of past microallopatry driven by volcanic activity and selection-constrained dispersal along steep ecological gradients to explain the striking levels of population structure found within the island, although the possibility that genetic differences evolved <it>in situ </it>along the gradient cannot be ruled out at present. The lack of congruence between genetic groups and plumage morphs suggests that the latter are of recent origin and likely due to social or sexual selection acting on few loci. The presence of sharp and stable contact zones between plumage morphs suggests that they could be on independent evolutionary trajectories, yet whether or not they represent incipient species will require further research to directly assess the degree of reproductive isolation among them.</p

    El guardabosques

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    Con este TFG pretendo demostrar, a través del guion de un cortometraje, que un personaje puede evolucionar, cambiar y desarrollarse a partir de hechos, problemas o personas externas y conseguir que el espectador empatice con dicho personaje y su evolución. Para conseguir dicho planteamiento, se realizará un trabajo de investigación para recopilar precedentes y referencias que nos ayuden a construir la historia y los personajes que la componen. Esta investigación es crucial para a elaboración de un guion de estas características debido a la importancia del personaje principal y su relación con el espectadorWith this TFG I intend to demonstrate, through the script of a short film, that a character can evolve, change and develop based on external events, problems or people, and to make the viewer empathise with the character and his or her evolution. In order to achieve this approach, research work will be carried out to compile precedents and references that will help us to construct the story and the characters that make it up. This research is crucial for the development of a script of these characteristics due to the importance of the main character and his or her relationship with the spectato

    Estrategia pedagógica para la Orientación Profesional de los adolescentes en Secundaria Básica (Original).

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    The work that is presented responds to a problem that one manifests in the educational educational process in the Basic Secondary, given by the necessity that the students are motivated by the study toward the specialties Technique and Professional when concluding the ninth grade made responsible with the technological-scientific and labor-productive development of the country, to reach the economic development that assures the well-being of the whole society. The harmonic formation of the personality embraces diverse areas, one of them corresponds to the vocational formation and the professional orientation, what must facilitate in the future a conscious and stable professional self-determination of the adolescents and young of agreement with the social demands.El trabajo que se presenta responde a una problemática que se manifiesta en el proceso docente educativo en la Secundaria Básica, dada por la necesidad de que los adolescentes se motiven por el estudio hacia las especialidades Técnica y Profesional al concluir el noveno grado responsabilizados con el desarrollo tecnológico-científico y laboral-productivo del país, para alcanzar el desarrollo económico que asegure el bienestar de toda la sociedad. La formación armónica de la personalidad abarca diversas áreas, una de ellas corresponde a la formación vocacional y la orientación profesional, lo que ha de facilitar en el futuro una autodeterminación profesional consciente y estable de los adolescentes y jóvenes de acuerdo con las exigencias sociales

    Feather growth rate and mass in nearctic passerines with variablemigratory behavior and molt pattern

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    Bird species vary greatly in the duration of their annual complete feather molt. However, such variation is not well documented in birds from many biogeographic areas, which restricts our understanding of the diversification of molt strategies. Recent research has revealed that molt duration can be estimated in passerines from ptilochronology-based measurements of the growth rate of their tail feathers. We used this approach to explore how molt duration varied in 98 Nearctic species that have different migratory strategies and molt patterns. As previously documented for Palearctic species, migration was associated with a shortening of molt duration among species that molted during summer on their breeding range. However, molts of winter-molting migratory species were as long as those of summer-molting sedentary species, which suggests that winter molt also allows Nearctic migrants to avoid the temporal constraints experienced during summer. Our results also suggest that migratory species that undergo a stopover molt within the Mexican monsoon region have the shortest molt duration among all Nearctic passerines. Interestingly, and contrary to expectations from a potential tradeoff between molt duration and feather quality, observed variation in feather growth rate was positively correlated with differences in tail feather mass, which may be caused by differences among groups in the availability of resources for molting. We encourage the use of similar approaches to study the variation in molt duration in other geographic areas where knowledge of the evolution of molt is limited.

    Diseño de una embarcación de recreo a motor de 37 pies

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es proyectar una embarcación a motor de 37 pies, de categoría de diseño B, para 8 tripulantes y una velocidad de 15 nudos. El resultado final no pretende ser un proyecto ejecutable porque no se trata de realizar un estudio al detalle, sino un estudio de las etapas más importantes, de forma general, para poder entender el proceso de proyectar una embarcación. Las etapas que se estudian en este proyecto son las siguientes: dimensionamiento inicial, diseño de las formas del casco, estudio de la resistencia al avance, diseño de la disposición general, estudio de la estructura, cálculo aproximado de los pesos y finalmente un estudio sobre la estabilidad. El proyecto se rige por las Normativas ISO y Normativas de Fomento para embarcaciones de recreo. Para la realización del proyecto se usan programas dedicados a la ingeniería y al diseño: Rhinoceros para el modelado de superficies, Maxsurf Modeler para el diseño de las formas del casco, Maxsurf Stability para los cálculos de estabilidad, Maxsurf Resistance para los cálculos de resistencia al avance, SCT R17 para los cálculos del escantillondo y KeyShot para renderizar los diseños. Finalmente, se extraen unas conclusiones del proyecto en general y detalladamente de los resultados más relevantes de algunas etapas. También se proponen aspectos a corregir en futuras líneas de trabajo