50 research outputs found

    Student independent education activities that develop their leadership qualities

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    Today’s world and society is changing. Young generation is becoming more independent, creative and initiative. The aim of education is to provide students with all the skills necessary to become a successful personality. That’s why developing students’ leadership skills and abilities is a very important issue of today

    Construction waste recycling in the circular economy model

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The disposal of construction waste, the amount of which is constantly growing due to hostilities in Ukraine and outdated housing stock that has lost its consumer properties is an acute problem. The study proposes adopting the circular economy and the principles of improving the security and environmental situation in Ukraine to restore the country's potential. The article analyzes the main stages and processes of construction waste disposal, taking into account their fractional recycling and reuse in the reconstruction of settlements, which is based on the rational use of resources and innovations and will reduce the cost of restoring destroyed settlement areas. Efficient construction is possible only if environmental and economic indicators are improved, the level of safety and manufacturability are improved. A methodology for assessing the effectiveness of future construction has been developed and recommendations for its improvement have been given.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Assessment of physicians’ and medical majors’ knowledge of asthma basics: current results of the ASSA-II study

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    The analysis of an anonymous survey of physicians and senior medical students was used in the research The study revealed both an average level of basic knowledge in asthma etiology and pathogenesis among the physicians and senior medical students and the significant differences in their knowledge regarding clinical picture and treatment of asthm

    Environmental Aspects of Treatment with Lactose-containing Biological Preparations in Organic Agriculture

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    The paper presents data from developing a technology for production of protectingstimulating lactose-containing biological preparations to be applied in growing small grain crops. The process diagram of the biological preparation production includes 7 stages: raw feed acceptance, quality evaluation; separation of fat and casein dust; production of plant extracts; fermentation of the plant extracts with whey; sterilization; bottling and packaging; storage and sales Studies of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the biological preparation have been completed and its photometric indicators have been studied to standardize the preparation. Influence of the biological preparation onto growth-stimulating activity of winter wheat seeds variety DON-85 was studied in the laboratory. Application of the protecting-stimulating biological preparation to wheat cultivation (var. DON-95) and agricultural applicability were studied in field studies conducted on the test plots of instructional and experimental farm of Stavropol State Agricultural University. Practical recommendations for use have been developed

    Individual-active form of training of surgeons in their postgraduate education.

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    Training physicians at the courses not only should increase their general level of education in the specialty, but also provide opportunities for self-improvement through in-depth analysis of their practical activities and introduction of modern techniques and technologies into their own surgical practice. To implement this approach, we have improved the well-known methodology for conducting seminar sessions - the "round table". The main actors in individual seminars were the most experienced doctors. Each of them, if desired, chose the topic of the lesson, which best suited his specialization and work experience. The material was presented in the form of a presentation and consisted of the following main parts: introduction, theoretical and practical parts and conclusions. The most valuable was the practical part, in which the speaker presented his own results of diagnosis and treatment of the pathology that was being considered. Obligatory in this part of the presentation was the section "complications and mortality." The speaker analyzes the new methods of treatment he introduced personally, gives examples from his own practice and demonstrates data of laboratory, radiation, endoscopic diagnostics, photos and video materials. All doctors take part in the discussion. The teacher places the main accents and outlines the ways of further development of science in one or another direction. All 144 listeners who took part in this positively evaluated the innovation. At the same time, 106 (75%) of listeners defined positively the role of the teacher as a moderator of the educational process, and 119 (82,6%) indicated an increase in the motivational component. The fact of obtaining new knowledge and its practical importance was noted by 84 (58,3%) of the listeners. Comparative analysis of the traditional and proposed methods showed the advantage of the latter: 87,4% of positive responses to test assignments based on the proposed method of teaching, versus 71,3% for traditional ones. Thus, the improved “round table” method used has allowed to significantly improve the level of professional training of doctors and to increase the motivational component of lifelong learning

    Individual-active form of training of surgeons in their postgraduate education.

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    Training physicians at the courses not only should increase their general level of education in the specialty, but also provide opportunities for self-improvement through in-depth analysis of their practical activities and introduction of modern techniques and technologies into their own surgical practice. To implement this approach, we have improved the well-known methodology for conducting seminar sessions - the "round table". The main actors in individual seminars were the most experienced doctors. Each of them, if desired, chose the topic of the lesson, which best suited his specialization and work experience. The material was presented in the form of a presentation and consisted of the following main parts: introduction, theoretical and practical parts and conclusions. The most valuable was the practical part, in which the speaker presented his own results of diagnosis and treatment of the pathology that was being considered. Obligatory in this part of the presentation was the section "complications and mortality." The speaker analyzes the new methods of treatment he introduced personally, gives examples from his own practice and demonstrates data of laboratory, radiation, endoscopic diagnostics, photos and video materials. All doctors take part in the discussion. The teacher places the main accents and outlines the ways of further development of science in one or another direction. All 144 listeners who took part in this positively evaluated the innovation. At the same time, 106 (75%) of listeners defined positively the role of the teacher as a moderator of the educational process, and 119 (82,6%) indicated an increase in the motivational component. The fact of obtaining new knowledge and its practical importance was noted by 84 (58,3%) of the listeners. Comparative analysis of the traditional and proposed methods showed the advantage of the latter: 87,4% of positive responses to test assignments based on the proposed method of teaching, versus 71,3% for traditional ones. Thus, the improved “round table” method used has allowed to significantly improve the level of professional training of doctors and to increase the motivational component of lifelong learning

    Динамика концентрации перекисей и супероксиддисмутазы у женщин с гестозом в периоперационном периоде

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    Objective: to study the level of peroxides and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in females with gestosis in the perioperative period.Materials and methods: 85 females in whom delivery had been performed under spinal anesthesia using conventional perioperative intensive care were examined. A control group comprised 30 females with uncomplicated pregnancy; Group 1 included 26 females with moderate gestosis; Group 2 consisted of 29 females with severe gestosis. The severity of gestosis was determined by means of the Goecke scale that had been modified by G. M. Savelyeva. The groups of the examinees were matched by height, weight, age, and gender.Results: there is intensification of free radical processes and a standard adaptive response of the antioxidative system forms in the pregnant females exposed to surgical delivery under spinal anesthesia. In dynamics, this reaction is characterized by a certain pattern: the maximum activation on the first postoperative day, some depletion on day 3, and recovery of compensatory capacities on day 5. The antioxidative system of the females with uncomplicated pregnancy generally shows a balanced response to activated free radical processes during surgical delivery and in the postoperative period. There is stress in moderate gestosis-complicated pregnancy and depletion of the antiox-idative system in severely progressive gestosis, which diminishes the body’s adaptive capacities and leads to the formation of chronic oxidative stress as a leading factor of the pathogenesis of the disease. Imbalance between free radical oxidation processes and the antioxidative system increases when surgical delivery is performed. In the females with moderate gestosis, oxidative stress may be characterized as subcompensated with a moderate increase in the concentration of peroxides in the intra- and postoperative period, as compared with those with physiological pregnancy.Conclusion. Severe gestosis is characterized by a decompensated stress with a pronounced increase in the level of peroxides before and during surgical delivery and within 5 postoperative days. Цель исследования . Изучить уровень перекисей и активность супероксиддисмутазы (СОД) у женщин с гестозом в периоперационном периоде.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 85 женщин, оперативное родораз-решение которым проводилось на фоне спинномозговой анестезии с применением общепринятой интенсивной терапии периоперационного периода. Группу контроля составили 30 женщин с неосложненной беременностью; группу I — 26 женщин с гестозом средней степени тяжести; группу II — 29 женщины с тяжелым гестозом. Тяжесть гестоза определяли согласно шкале Goecke в модификации Г. М. Савельевой. Группы обследованных женщин были сопоставимы по росто-весовым показателям, возрасту, паритету родов.Результаты. У беременных при проведении оперативного родоразрешения на фоне спинномозговой анестезии происходит интенсификация свободнорадикальных процессов и формируется стандартная адаптационная реакция антиоксидантной системы. В динамике данная реакция характеризуется определенной закономерностью: максимальной активацией в первые послеоперационные сутки, некоторым истощением на третьи сутки и восстановлением компенсаторных возможностей на пятые сутки. У женщин с неосложненной беременностью в целом определяется сбалансированная реакция антиоксидантной системы на активацию свободнорадикальных процессов во время оперативного родоразрешения и в послеоперационном периоде. При беременности, осложненной гестозом средней степени тяжести, развивается напряжение, а при про-грессировании гестоза до тяжелой степени — истощение антиоксидантной системы, что снижает адаптационные возможности организма и ведет к формированию хронического оксидативного стресса, как одного из ведущих звеньев патогенеза заболевания. При проведении оперативного родоразрешения дисбаланс между процессами свободнорадикального окисления и антиоксидантной системой усиливается. При гестозе средней степени тяжести окислительный стресс можно характеризовать как субкомпенсированный, с умеренным повышением концентрации перекисей в интра- и послеоперационном периоде по сравнению с женщинами с физиологической беременностью.Заключение. Тяжелый гестоз характеризуется декомпенсированным окислительным стрессом с выраженным повышением уровня перекисей до и во время оперативного родоразрешения и в течение пяти суток послеоперационного периода.

    Хірургічні проблеми вторинного і третинного гіперпаратиреозу в діалізних пацієнтів із хронічною нирковою недостатністю

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    The aim of the work: to improve the results of surgical treatment of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal failure in treatment of chronic hemodialysis. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of examination of medical records and 89 patients treated at the Department of Nephrology, City Clinical Hospital No. 2, Kryvyi Rih for 2014–2018. All patients were treated CKI using dialysis methods. Among the patients of group 1 66 (74.2 %) patients were on hemodialysis (HD), the group 2 – 23 (25.8 %) on peritonal dialysis (PD). In both groups, men predominated by sex: 49 (55.1 %) and 40 (44.9 %), respectively. The mean age of patients in group 1 with PD was (35±6.4) years, group 2 – with PD – (43±12.4). The mean dialysis period in group 1 was (9.6±2.3) years, in group 2 – (5.4±3.7). Results and Discussion. Among the main criteria for the surgical treatment of hypeparathyroidism in dialysis patients, clinical, laboratory, and instrumental indicators were identified.Цель работы: определение распространенности гиперпаратиреоза у пациентов с хронической почечной недостаточностью (ХПН), проходивших лечение с использованием диализных технологий и анализ результатов его хирургического лечения. Материалы и методы.  Исследование проведено на основе изучения медицинской документациии 89 пациентов, которые лечились в отделение нефрологии городской клинической больницы № 2 города Кривого Рога за 2014–2018 гг. Все пациенты проходили лечение ХПН с применением диализных методов. Среди пациентов первой группы 66 (74,2 %) больных были на гемодиализе (ГД), второй – 23 (25,8 %) на перитонеальном диализе (ПД). В обеих группах преобладали мужчины: соответственно 49 (55,1 %) и 40 (44,9 %) – женщины.  Средний возраст пациентов первой группы по ГД составлял (35 ± 6,4) года, второй с ПД – 43 ± 12,4. Средний срок диализа в первой группе составлял (9,6 ± 2,3) года, во второй – 5,4 ± 3,7. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Среди основных критериев для хирургического лечения гиперпаратиреоза диализных пациентов определены клинические, лабораторные и инструментальные показатели.Мета роботи: визначення поширенності гіперпаратиреозу у пацієнтів з хронічною нирковою недостатністю (ХНН), які проходили лікування з використанням діалізних технологій та аналіз результатів його хірургічного лікування. Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проведено на основі вивчення медичної документаціїї 89 пацієнтів, які лікувалися у відділенні нефрології міської клінічної лікарні № 2 міста Кривого Рогу за 2014–2018 рр. Всі пацієнти проходили лікування ХНН із застосуванням діалізних методів. Серед пацієнтів першої групи 66 (74,2%) хворих були на гемодіалізі (ГД), другої – 23 (25,8 %) на перитоніальному діалізі (ПД). За статтю в обох групах переважали чоловіки: відповідно 49 (55,1 %) та 40 (44,9 %) – жінки. Середній вік пацієнтів першої групи з ГД складав (35±6,4) року, другої з ПД – 43±12,4. Середній термін діалізу у першій групі складав (9,6±2,3) року, у другій – 5,4±3,7. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Серед основних критеріїв до хірургічного лікування гіперпаратиреозу у діалізних пацієнтів визначено клінічні, лабораторні та інструментальні показники