860 research outputs found

    What are Automated Paraphrasing Tools and how do we address them? A review of a growing threat to academic integrity

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    This article reviews the literature surrounding the growing use of Automated Paraphrasing Tools (APTs) as a threat to educational integrity. In academia there is a technological arms-race occurring between the development of tools and techniques which facilitate violations of the principles of educational integrity, including text-based plagiarism, and methods for identifying such behaviors. APTs are part of this race, as they are a rapidly developing technology which can help writers transform words, phrases, and entire sentences and paragraphs at the click of a button. This article seeks to review the literature surrounding the history of APT use and the current understanding of APTs placed in the broader context of the educational integrity-technology arms race

    Learner Autonomy in the Vietnamese EAP Context: A Literature Review

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    This literature review explores the current body of research pertaining to learner autonomy in the Vietnamese English for Academic Purposes (EAP) context, investigating themes and research methodologies, conclusions drawn, limitations and possible avenues for further study and new research directions in the future. We demonstrate that although there are many studies exploring the concept of learner autonomy, the definitions as to how this term is described is not clear throughout the literature, and this is a limitation in the current research field. In addition to this, there is significant evidence suggesting that Vietnamese EAP learners are keen to engage in autonomous learning practices and can demonstrate the self-regulation required to do so, which disagrees with traditional conceptions of Confucian heritage culture learning approaches

    Game of Tones: Faculty detection of GPT-4 generated content in university assessments

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    This study explores the robustness of university assessments against the use of Open AI's Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) generated content and evaluates the ability of academic staff to detect its use when supported by the Turnitin Artificial Intelligence (AI) detection tool. The research involved twenty-two GPT-4 generated submissions being created and included in the assessment process to be marked by fifteen different faculty members. The study reveals that although the detection tool identified 91% of the experimental submissions as containing some AI-generated content, the total detected content was only 54.8%. This suggests that the use of adversarial techniques regarding prompt engineering is an effective method in evading AI detection tools and highlights that improvements to AI detection software are needed. Using the Turnitin AI detect tool, faculty reported 54.5% of the experimental submissions to the academic misconduct process, suggesting the need for increased awareness and training into these tools. Genuine submissions received a mean score of 54.4, whereas AI-generated content scored 52.3, indicating the comparable performance of GPT-4 in real-life situations. Recommendations include adjusting assessment strategies to make them more resistant to the use of AI tools, using AI-inclusive assessment where possible, and providing comprehensive training programs for faculty and students. This research contributes to understanding the relationship between AI-generated content and academic assessment, urging further investigation to preserve academic integrity

    Social recovery therapy: a treatment manual

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    Social Recovery Therapy is an individual psychosocial therapy developed for people with psychosis. The therapy aims to improve social recovery through increasing the amount of time individuals spend in meaningful structured activity. Social Recovery Therapy draws on our model of social disability arising as functional patterns of withdrawal in response to early socio-emotional difficulties and compounded by low hopefulness, self-agency and motivation. The core components of Social Recovery Therapy include using an assertive outreach approach to promote a positive therapeutic relationship, with the focus of the intervention on using active behavioural work conducted outside the clinical room and promoting hope, values, meaning, and positive schema. The therapy draws on traditional Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques but differs with respect to the increased use of behavioural and multi-systemic work, the focus on the development of hopefulness and positive self, and the inclusion of elements of case management and supported employment. Our treatment trials provide evidence for the therapy leading to clinically meaningful increases in structured activity for individuals experiencing first episode and longer-term psychosis. In this paper, we present the core intervention components with examples in order to facilitate evaluation and implementation of the approach

    Visual Data Exploration for Balance Quantification in Real-Time During Exergaming

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    Unintentional injuries are among the ten leading causes of death in older adults; falls cause 60% of these deaths. Despite their effectiveness to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls, balance training programs have several drawbacks in practice, such as lack of engaging elements, boring exercises, and the effort and cost of travelling, ultimately resulting in low adherence. Exergames, that is, digital games controlled by body movements, have been proposed as an alternative to improve balance. One of the main challenges for exergames is to automatically quantify balance during game-play in order to adapt the game difficulty according to the skills of the player. Here we perform a multidimensional exploratory data analysis, using visualization techniques, to find useful measures for quantifying balance in real-time. First, we visualize exergaming data, derived from 400 force plate recordings of 40 participants from 20 to 79 years and 10 trials per participant, as heat maps and violin plots to get quick insight into the nature of the data. Second, we extract known and new features from the data, such as instantaneous speed, measures of dispersion, turbulence measures derived from speed, and curvature values. Finally, we analyze and visualize these features using several visualizations such as a heat map, overlapping violin plots, a parallel coordinate plot, a projection of the two first principal components, and a scatter plot matrix. Our visualizations and findings suggest that heat maps and violin plots can provide quick insight and directions for further data exploration. The most promising measures to quantify balance in real-time are speed, curvature and a turbulence measure, because these measures show age-related changes in balance performance. The next step is to apply the present techniques to data of whole body movements as recorded by devices such as Kinect

    Expanding modes of reflection in design futuring

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    Design futuring approaches, such as speculative design, design fiction and others, seek to (re)envision futures and explore alternatives. As design futuring becomes established in HCI design research, there is an opportunity to expand and develop these approaches. To that end, by reflecting on our own research and examining related work, we contribute five modes of reflection. These modes concern formgiving, temporality, researcher positionality, real-world engagement, and knowledge production. We illustrate the value of each mode through careful analysis of selected design exemplars and provide questions to interrogate the practice of design futuring. Each reflective mode offers productive resources for design practitioners and researchers to articulate their work, generate new directions for their work, and analyze their own and others’ work.
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