57 research outputs found

    Lease or easement for a forest plot for linear objects: An economic aspect

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    In this article, we will consider the interesting, in our opinion, presented data of practitioners and scientists in terms of the study of more cost-effective disposal of forest plots provided for linear objects on the lands of the forest fund of Russia. In our opinion, today it is quite relevant to resolve issues around the payment for the use of forest plots for linear objects for our country: granting the right to lease or establish an easement for the considered plots, as well as conducting forecast financial calculations of these options for the provision of land for 2020. In this article, we only showed forward-looking calculations on the example of the Ural Federal District, which has almost 10% of the country's forest land (almost 60% of the district's area), for conclusions about the damage to the budget due to lost revenue due to the choice of the form of granting forest plots, a more complete study of the economic mechanism of land management of the country is necessary, such a task the authors have not yet set themselves. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021

    Recombinant Pseudomonas Vaccine: Technological Aspects of Obtaining and Evaluating Quality Indicators

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    For an aim to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a candidate recombinant vaccine has been developed. This vaccine – (RPV) was based on two protective proteins of P. aeruginosa: the outer membrane protein F (OprF) and the recombinant truncated form of the Exotoxin A (toxoid) that were adsorbed on the aluminum hydroxide. The optimal immunization schedule for mice included two intraperitoneal administrations with a two-week interval. RPV promoted to increase survival rates in challenged immunized mice and stimulated humoral and innate immune responses. During preclinical studies, we confirmed the immunogenicity of the vaccine that had not pyrogenicity, acute and chronic toxicity, allergenicity and immunotoxicity. Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, outer membrane protein F (OprF), toxoid, Pseudomonas Recombinant Vaccine (PRV

    Urban Soils: The Results Of The Study Of The Territory Of The City Of Ekaterinburg

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    In this article, we will consider the interesting, in our opinion, presented data of practitioners and scientists in terms of studying the formation and composition of urban soils, which is the most objective and stable indicator of man-made pollution, it clearly reflects the spread of pollutants and their actual distribution in the components of the urban environment. In this article, we have only shown the results of the analysis of the soils of g.For the period of the last 10 years, it is possible that for conclusions about the impact of the existing situation of the city territory on the entire environment, a more complete study of not only the chemical composition of soils, but also the impact of the economic mechanism of land management on the state of the city is necessary, the authors have not yet set themselves such a task. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The report contains an analysis of the effectiveness of the protection from gamma-radiation steel canisters and protected by lead and placed in a container of NZK-I. the course work has been applied to the calculation of Monte Carlo. The results of calculations made recommendations aimed at enhancing the protection and reducing its material consumption.В докладе содержится анализ эффективности защиты от гамма-излучения стальных пеналов с РАО, окруженных свинцовой защитой и помещенных в контейнер НЗК-I. В ходе работы был применен расчет по методу Монте-Карло. По результатам расчетов вынесены рекомендации, направленные на повышение эффективности защиты и уменьшение ее материалоемкости

    Characterization of chilean copper slag smelting nineteenth century

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar 4 escorias de fundiciones de cobre del siglo XIX, procedentes de vertederos abandonados en la Región de Atacama - Chile, utilizando las técnicas de fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX), difracción de rayos X (DRX), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), análisis de partículas por difracción láser (ADL), espectrometría infrarroja por transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) y análisis termogravimétrico (ATG). Las escorias de cobre estudiadas fueron clasificadas químicamente como escorias ácidas, con mayor contenido de SiO2 (38 - 49%) que de Fe2O3 (18 - 37%), y con una importante cantidad de CaO (8-26%) y Al2O3 (5-8%). Su mineralogía y estructura es variada, presentando una de ellas una estructura amorfa y las tres restantes, una estructura cristalina con cierto carácter amorfo. Las fases inerales mayoritarias presentes en las escorias de cobre son diópsido, fayalita, magnetita, cristobalita y clinoferrosilita. Los niveles de calcio indicarían que las escorias poseen propiedades cementantes para ser utilizadas en materiales de construcción. Además, la importante cantidad de escoria disponible y el contenido de CuO (0,6 - 1,2%) muestran que puede ser de interés como materia prima en la recuperación del metal.Nazer, A.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Monzó Balbuena, JM. (2016). Caracterizacion de escorias de cobre de fundiciones chilenas del siglo XIX. Revista de Metalurgia. 52(4). doi:10.3989/revmetalm.083S52

    Экспериментальная модель неинфекционного гранулематоза легких

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    Experimental model of noninfectional granulomatosis in lungs was elaborated by the authors. The lung granulomatosis was induced by Sefadex A-25 aerosol inspiration in Wistar rats. It was characterised by the mature macrophagal granulomas appearance in couple with acute bronchitis and alveolitis. Granulomatous reaction in lungs was accompanied by extreme hyperplasia of lymphoid bronchial folliculi. The bronchial alveolai lavage cell count, especially neutrophil, lymphocyte, and polynuclear macrophage counts, increased during the experiment. Maximally manifestated changes of the mentioned parameters were noted after 7 days since Sefadex A-25 aerosol inhalation. Using the elaboreted model of noninfectional pulmonary granulomatosis, it was demonstrated that the model can be used to estimate the efficiency of antiinflammatory and immunomodulating pharmacological products, as well Budesonide, which are used in pulmonology.Разработана экспериментальная модель неинфекционного гранулематоза легких. При аэрозольном в ведении сефадекса А-25 у крыс Вистар развивается гранулематоз легких, морфологически характеризующийся образованием зрелых макрофагальных гранулем в сочетании с острым бронхитом и альвеолитом. Гранулематозная реакция легких сопровождается выраженной гиперплазией лимфоидных фолликулов бронхов. В бронхоальвеолярном смыве увеличивается количество клеточных элементов, и среди них повышается процентное содержание нейтрофилов, лимфоцитов и многоядерных макрофагов. Максимально выраженные изменения указанных показателей отмечаются на 7-е сутки после аэрозольного введения сефадекса А-25. На разработанной модели неинфекционного гранулематоза легких продемонстрирована, на примере будесонида, возможность использования ее для оценки эффективности противовоспалительных и иммуномодулирующих фармакологических препаратов, используемых в пульмонологии

    Investigation of the Role of Mitochondrial DNA in Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that mitochondrial genetic factors may influence susceptibility to multiple sclerosis. To explore this hypothesis further, we re-sequenced the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) from 159 patients with multiple sclerosis and completed a haplogroup analysis including a further 835 patients and 1,506 controls. A trend towards over-representation of super-haplogroup U was the only evidence for association with mtDNA that we identified in these samples. In a parallel analysis of nuclear encoded mitochondrial genes, we also found a trend towards association with the complex I gene, NDUFS2. These results add to the evidence suggesting that variation in mtDNA and nuclear encoded mitochondrial genes may contribute to disease susceptibility in multiple sclerosis

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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