49 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Resilience of the global trade-investment multiplex network

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    Este artículo examina como una red de múltiples capas es creada por el funcionamiento de las inversiones globales y el impacto que los paraísos fiscales pueden crear con su alta contribución. A día de hoy, podemos encontrar que más de una tercera parte del total de la contribución en inversión es debido a compañías de paraísos fiscales que incluso solamente existen en papel. Incorporando datos de organizaciones públicas que limpiaremos y añadiremos a nuestra base de datos, creamos un modelo que representará todas las economías presentes en esta compleja red y su contribución en las inversiones globales. El estudio muestra que estructuras de datos y métodos utilizamos y encajan mejor con nuestro modelo y que tan buenas son nuestras decisiones evaluando su rendimiento y su tiempo computacional. Tomaremos extrema atención a los paraísos fiscales, países que incluso si son pequeños o muestran un bajo valor PIB, contribuyen más que muchas otras economías desarrolladas. Nuestro análisis enseña cómo esta red de múltiples capas crece sobre el tiempo y como una crisis puede afectar en su comportamiento con una reducción del valor total de inversiones o incluso una reducción de participantes. Además, presentamos evidencias de que los paraísos fiscales están contribuyendo más de un tercio del valor total y como está relacionado a sus bajos impuestos y como ocultan información a las organizaciones públicas.This paper examines how a multi-layer network is created by how global investment works and the impact that tax havens create with their high value contribution. At this time, we can find that more than one third of the whole value contribution in global investment is through companies from tax havens even if they just exist on paper. Incorporating data from public organizations that we will have to clean and add to our database, we create a model that will represent all the economies present in this network and their contribution in global investment. The study shows what data structures and methods fit most to our model and how good are these decisions via evaluating their performance and complexity time. We will pay attention to tax havens, countries that even if they are small or present a low GDP value, they contribute vastly more than other developed economies. Our analysis shows how this multi-layer network grows over time and how a crisis can affect its behavior with a reduction of the total investment value or even participants. Furthermore, we present evidence that tax havens are contributing more than one third of the total global investment value and how this is related to their reduced taxes and how they hide information to public organizations

    Efectos del deshojado precoz sobre la composición aromática del vino Albariño en el valle del Salnés (D.O. Rías Baixas)

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    Este trabajo pretende estudiar los efectos del deshojado precoz sobre la composición aromática del vino Albariño. Para ello se llevó a cabo el deshojado en dos estados fenológicos de la planta, floración y cuajado y a dos intensidades distintas, 4 y 8 hojas basales. Los resultados se compararon con un control en el que no se realizó ningún deshojado. Los análisis químicos clásicos no mostraron diferencias significativas para ningún parámetro estudiado entre los vinos elaborados con los distintos tratamientos. La identificación y cuantificación de los compuestos volátiles se realizó mediante cromatografía de Gases (GC-FID). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas para 14 compuestos de los 36 analizados. Se podría concluir, en este primer año de estudio, que el deshojado precoz es capaz de aumentar la composición volátil del vino Albariño

    Caracterización de un vidrio rojo medieval procedente de las vidrieras del Monasterio de las Huelgas de Burgos

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    En el año 2007 se culminó el proceso de restauración integral de las vidrieras que cierran los ventanales de la Sala Capitular del Claustro de S. Fernando del Real Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas de Burgos. Un vidrio rojo, de características peculiares, extraído durante el proceso de conservación-restauración de una de las vidrieras, se ha caracterizado mediante las técnicas de Microscopía óptica de luz reflejada (MOLR), Microscopía electrónica de emisión de campo (MEEC), Fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX), Emisión de rayos X inducidos por partículas (PIXE) y Microscopía electrónica de transmisión (MET) para conocer su composición química y su estructura. Los análisis realizados por las técnicas de FRX y PIXE permiten comprobar la buena concordancia que existe entre los resultados. El vidrio analizado presenta una sección transversal muy original, formada por un vidrio soporte ligeramente verdoso y múltiples capas de color rojo, característico de los siglos XIII y XIV. El análisis mediante micro-PIXE en cámara de vacío ha permitido obtener información sobre la distribución en profundidad de los elementos que lo componen.In the year 2007 the process of conservation-restoration of the windows of the apostles that close the windows of the Chapter Hall of Cloister of S. Fernando del Real Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas de Burgos was completed the process. A red glass obtained from the process of conservation and restoration has been characterized by Optical microscopy by light reflected (OMLR), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X ray fluorescence espectrpmetry (XRF), Particle induced X ray emission (PIXE), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to identify the chemical composition and structure. Chemical analys by XRF and PIXE are in the good agreement. The studied glass has a very original cross section, consisting of a lightly greenish glass holder and multilayers of red glass, characteristic of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. A elemental mapping of the cross-section showing the distribution of elements in the glass has been obtained by micro PIXE analysis in a vacuum chamber

    Effect of vertical shoot-positioned, Scott-Henry, Geneva Double-Curtain, Arch-cane, and Parral Training Systems on the volatile composition of Albariño Wines

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    Viticultural practices influence both grape and wine quality. The influence of training systems on volatile composition was investigated for Albariño wine from Rías Baixas AOC in Northwest Spain. The odoriferous contribution of the compounds to the wine aroma was also studied. Volatile compounds belonging to ten groups (alcohols, C6-compounds, ethyl esters, acetates, terpenols, C13-norisoprenoids, volatile phenols, volatile fatty acids, lactones and carbonyl compounds) were determined in Albariño wines from different training systems, Vertical Shoot-Positioned (VSP), Scott-Henry (SH), Geneva Double-Curtain (GDC), Arch-Cane (AC), and Parral (P) during 2010 and 2011 vintages. Wines from GDC showed the highest total volatile composition with the highest concentrations of alcohols, ethyl esters, fatty acids, and lactones families. However, the highest levels of terpenes and C13-norisoprenoids were quantified in the SH system. A fruitier aroma was observed in Albariño wines from GDC when odor activity values were calculated.The authors thank to Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT06RAG018E) for the financial support and Sara Buceta, Viticulture technician in Martín Códax Winery, for technical assistance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition.

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    About half of all cancers have somatic integrations of retrotransposons. Here, to characterize their role in oncogenesis, we analyzed the patterns and mechanisms of somatic retrotransposition in 2,954 cancer genomes from 38 histological cancer subtypes within the framework of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) project. We identified 19,166 somatically acquired retrotransposition events, which affected 35% of samples and spanned a range of event types. Long interspersed nuclear element (LINE-1; L1 hereafter) insertions emerged as the first most frequent type of somatic structural variation in esophageal adenocarcinoma, and the second most frequent in head-and-neck and colorectal cancers. Aberrant L1 integrations can delete megabase-scale regions of a chromosome, which sometimes leads to the removal of tumor-suppressor genes, and can induce complex translocations and large-scale duplications. Somatic retrotranspositions can also initiate breakage-fusion-bridge cycles, leading to high-level amplification of oncogenes. These observations illuminate a relevant role of L1 retrotransposition in remodeling the cancer genome, with potential implications for the development of human tumors

    Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition

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    About half of all cancers have somatic integrations of retrotransposons. Here, to characterize their role in oncogenesis, we analyzed the patterns and mechanisms of somatic retrotransposition in 2,954 cancer genomes from 38 histological cancer subtypes within the framework of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) project. We identified 19,166 somatically acquired retrotransposition events, which affected 35% of samples and spanned a range of event types. Long interspersed nuclear element (LINE-1; L1 hereafter) insertions emerged as the first most frequent type of somatic structural variation in esophageal adenocarcinoma, and the second most frequent in head-and-neck and colorectal cancers. Aberrant L1 integrations can delete megabase-scale regions of a chromosome, which sometimes leads to the removal of tumor-suppressor genes, and can induce complex translocations and large-scale duplications. Somatic retrotranspositions can also initiate breakage–fusion–bridge cycles, leading to high-level amplification of oncogenes. These observations illuminate a relevant role of L1 retrotransposition in remodeling the cancer genome, with potential implications for the development of human tumors

    Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020

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    [EN] Following its emergence in late 2019, the spread of SARS-CoV-21,2 has been tracked by phylogenetic analysis of viral genome sequences in unprecedented detail3,4,5. Although the virus spread globally in early 2020 before borders closed, intercontinental travel has since been greatly reduced. However, travel within Europe resumed in the summer of 2020. Here we report on a SARS-CoV-2 variant, 20E (EU1), that was identified in Spain in early summer 2020 and subsequently spread across Europe. We find no evidence that this variant has increased transmissibility, but instead demonstrate how rising incidence in Spain, resumption of travel, and lack of effective screening and containment may explain the variant’s success. Despite travel restrictions, we estimate that 20E (EU1) was introduced hundreds of times to European countries by summertime travellers, which is likely to have undermined local efforts to minimize infection with SARS-CoV-2. Our results illustrate how a variant can rapidly become dominant even in the absence of a substantial transmission advantage in favourable epidemiological settings. Genomic surveillance is critical for understanding how travel can affect transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and thus for informing future containment strategies as travel resumes.S