41 research outputs found

    Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Concepts Regarding the Professional Competencies Involved in the Teaching of Statistics

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    In this study, we designed an instrument with a series of competences that had to be evaluated by student teachers enrolled in a course in Statistics Education at a public university in Chile (N=81). The questionnaire was administered at the beginning and end of the program in order to assess and compare the students’ a) reflection on practice in a collaborative learning environment, b) the competencies relating to the design of learning tasks, and c) the use of educational technology. The results show that the assessment initially made by students is determined by what they already know about statistics (intuitive knowledge. However, their concepts of professional skills related to the nature of statistics (mathematical competency), and their pedagogical knowledge needed for teaching and learning of statistics in secondary education (professional competency), undergo positive modification as the course goes on.</span

    Beliefs of secondary students’ of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas about mathematics and problem solving

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the beliefs of secondary students from Domingo Ortiz de Rozas High School of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas regarding the subject of mathematics and problem solving due to the teaching and learning process. The research was developed under a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental descriptive design survey type (n=156). As a basis was used the closed survey of Barrantes (2008), adapted based on the feedback provided by expert judgment. The results show statistically significant differences related to origin and academic performance in their beliefs about mathematics and problem solving when considering the usefulness of the contents in the learning process and how this subject allows the development of skills. According to gender, it was observed differences in their beliefs about mathematics, however related to problem solving, no statistically significant differences were found. It was concluded that the learning experiences about mathematics and problem solving from rural sector students are related to the development of adverse attitudes towards the subject, since they do not find use and purpose of its applications in their everyday life

    Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs about Problem-Solving in Culturally Diverse Classrooms

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    Background: The beliefs from the area of mathematics teacher training allow us to understand the function that future education professionals assign to mathematical activities, including problem solving, and how in this type of activities it is possible to incorporate the cultural knowledge of the students, when the teaching process takes place in culturally diverse classrooms. Objective: To analyze the beliefs of mathematics undergraduate students from a university in the department of Nariño about problem solving and cultural knowledge in culturally diverse classrooms. Design: A descriptive methodological complementarity research design was used, since this gives the possibility of understanding and contrasting the quantitative and qualitative information. Scenario and participants: The sample consisted of 60 undergraduate students in mathematics. Data collection and analysis: The information was collected through a Likert-type questionnaire with 35 statements and 3 open questions, which were analyzed in the SPPS 25.0 and Atlas TI 9.0 software. Results: Favorable beliefs are evidenced in the participants to work on solving problems in culturally diverse classrooms and during the development of this activity to integrate the cultural knowledge of students. Conclusions: The need to improve mathematics teacher training curricula to develop the teaching process in culturally diverse classrooms is exposed

    Solução de problemas: um portal para a avaliação da diversidade cultural dos estudantes migrantes

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    This essay exposes how migration to Chile impacts the enrollment of foreign students in educational establishments in the country. This event poses a challenge for teachers: to teach from an intercultural perspective that allows integrating the culture of migrant students during school learning. In this new and intercultural setting, the subject of mathematics through problem solving proposes an alternative to include characteristics of these students, such as their origin, history and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to work from a new approach the initial training of teachers of this specialty, which allows to have tools and knowledge that incorporate culture to the learning objectives of this subject, and to understand how from these activities it is possible to promote the inclusion and appreciation of cultural diversity in the classroom.El presente ensayo expone cómo la migración hacia Chile impacta en la matrícula de estudiantes extranjeros en establecimientos educacionales del país. Este acontecimiento plantea un desafío al profesorado: enseñar desde una mirada intercultural e integrar la cultura de los estudiantes migrantes durante el aprendizaje escolar. En este nuevo e intercultural escenario, la asignatura de matemática a través de la resolución de problemas propone una alternativa para incluir características de estos estudiantes, como su procedencia, historia y cultura. Por consiguiente, es necesario trabajar desde un nuevo enfoque la formación inicial de profesores de esta especialidad, el cual posibilite las herramientas y conocimientos que incorporen la cultura a los objetivos de aprendizaje de esta asignatura, y comprender cómo a partir de estas actividades es factible fomentar la inclusión y valoración de la diversidad cultural en las aulas.&nbsp;Este ensaio expõe como a migração para o Chile impacta a matrícula de estudantes estrangeiros em estabelecimentos de ensino no país. Este evento representa um desafio para os professores: ensinar a partir de uma perspectiva intercultural que permita integrar a cultura dos alunos migrantes durante a aprendizagem escolar. Nesse cenário novo e intercultural, a disciplina de matemática por meio da resolução de problemas propõe uma alternativa para incluir características desses alunos, como sua origem, história e cultura. Para tanto, é necessário trabalhar com uma nova abordagem a formação inicial de professores desta especialidade, que permita ter ferramentas e saberes que incorporem a cultura aos objetivos de aprendizagem desta disciplina, e compreender como a partir dessas atividades é possível promover a inclusão e valorização da diversidade cultural na sala de aula

    Competencia comunicativa intercultural en futuros profesores que se desempeñan en contextos educativos culturalmente diversos

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    La ponencia se enmarca en un trabajo mayor de tesis doctoral en educación. El cual busca desarrollar la competencia comunicativa intercultural de aquí en adelante (CCI) con estudiantes de Pedagogía General Básica de la Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. Se adscribe a un enfoque mixto de diseño secuencial. Los participantes del estudios son futuros profesores que se desempeñan en contextos educativos culturalmente diversos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Beliefs of Secondary students’ of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas about mathematics and problem solving

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the beliefs of secondary students from Domingo Ortiz de Rozas High School of Coelemu, Chile and its rural areas regarding the subject of mathematics and problem solving due to the teaching and learning process. The research was developed under a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental descriptive design survey type (n=156). As a basis was used the closed survey of Barrantes (2008), adapted based on the feedback provided by expert judgment. The results show statistically significant differences related to origin and academic performance in their beliefs about mathematics and problem solving when considering the usefulness of the contents in the learning process and how this subject allows the development of skills. According to gender, it was observed differences in their beliefs about mathematics, however related to problem solving, no statistically significant differences were found. It was concluded that the learning experiences about mathematics and problem solving from rural sector students are related to the development of adverse attitudes towards the subject, since they do not find use and purpose of its applications in their everyday life

    Sensibilidad intercultural de profesores chilenos que atienden a población escolar inmigrante

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    The objective of this article is to evaluate the intercultural sensitivity of teachers working in culturally diverse classrooms, and to analyse differences in intercultural sensitivity based on the gender, age, training (advanced training courses), and intercultural experience of the teachers. A quantitative approach with a comparative descriptive design was chosen. The Intercultural Sensitivity Scale was used, composed of 24 statements, which were responded to by 50 teachers. The results show that teachers possess moderate intercultural sensitivity and that the highest rated competencies are trust and attention to communication.El artículo tiene por objetivo evaluar la sensibilidad intercultural que posee el profesorado que trabaja en aulas culturalmente diversas y analizar diferencias en sensibilidad intercultural a partir del género, edad, formación (cursos de perfeccionamiento) y experiencia intercultural del profesorado. Se adscribe a un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño descriptivo comparativo empleando la Escala de Sensibilidad Intercultural con 24 ítems que fue respondida por 50 profesores. Los resultados muestran que los profesores poseen una sensibilidad intercultural moderada siendo las competencias mejor logradas la confianza y la atención en la comunicación.Funded by: Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica de Chile. Funder Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002847. Award: FONDECYT N° 1140864; ANILLOS SOC 1401

    Intercultural sensitivity of students and its relationship with the attitude and teaching style of teachers vis a vis cultural diversity

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    El propósito del estudio, llevado a cabo en la provincia de Alicante, España, fue conocer el grado de sensibilidad intercultural del alumnado de educación primaria y secundaria (españoles e hijos de inmigrados) y del profesorado, en situaciones de convivencia en aulas culturalmente diversas. Se adoptó un diseño descriptivo correlacional de tipo encuesta donde el alumnado participante (N=1163) respondió a dos cuestionarios: 1) Escala de Sensibilidad Intercultural y 2) Escala de Actitud y Estilo Docente del Profesorado ante la Diversidad Cultural. Los resultados demuestran que el alumnado de educación primaria y secundaria escolarizado en la provincia de Alicante presenta una sensibilidad moderada, siendo mayor en educación primaria y más intensa en el alumnado inmigrante que en el autóctono. Aquellos alumnos que percibían a su profesor como muy comprometido con la diversidad tenían una sensibilidad hacia la relación cultural más alta que aquellos que observaban en sus profesores un estilo docente menos comprometido o neutro.The purpose of the study, carried out in the Province of Alicante, Spain, was to know the degree of intercultural sensitivity of primary and secondary school students (Spaniards and children of immigrants) and teachers in situations of coexistence in culturally diverse classrooms. A descriptive correlation survey type design was adopted, in which the participating students (N= 1163) responded to two questionnaires: 1) Scale of Intercultural Sensitivity and 2) Scale of Attitude and Teaching Style of Faculty to Cultural Diversity. The results show that the students of elementary and secondary education in the province of Alicante have a moderate sensitivity, being higher in primary education and more intense in immigrant students than in the native ones. Those students who perceived their teacher as very committed to diversity had a higher cultural sensitivity than those who observed in their teachers a less committed or neutral teaching style.Los autores agradecen a FONDECYT regular Nº 1191045 (2019-2023) “Respuesta educativa de la escuela ante la inmersión lingüística de estudiantes inmigrantes: Estudios desde un enfoque educativo intercultural” y FONDECYT regular Nº 1180993 “Estudio sobre las configuraciones del conocimiento matemático que desarrollan profesores en comunidades educativas interculturales situadas en contextos de ruralidad, migración y comunidades mapuche”

    La sensibilidad intercultural en el alumnado de educación primaria y secundaria de la provincia de Alicante

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    El estudio evalúa la sensibilidad intercultural en alumnos de educación primaria y secundaria (N = 389) de la provincia de Alicante, y examina diferencias étnicas, de edad y de género. Se adaptó la escala original de Chen y Starosta (2000) y se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas, cuyo análisis factorial exploratorio agrupó a los 22 ítems resultantes en dos factores, permitiendo distinguir entre una respuesta emocional positiva y una negativa hacia la relación intercultural. Los resultados revelan que los participantes poseen una buena sensibilidad intercultural y que las principales dificultades que se presentan para un encuentro comunicativo efectivo están asociadas a diferencias lingüísticas y actitudes de inseguridad frente a la comunicación. Las diferencias observadas entre grupos (género, procedencia y etapa educativa) hacen aconsejable promover programas de intervención para el desarrollo de habilidades específicas de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la educación formal.This study offers an evaluation of the intercultural sensitivity of primary and secondary education pupils (namely 389) who live in the Spanish province of Alicante and analyzes thoroughly ethnic, age, and gender differences. The authors adapted the original Chen and Starosta scale (2000) and analyzed their psychometric properties; thanks to this factorial analysis they could group the 22 resulting items into two factors, and this made possible to distinguish a positive emotional answer towards intercultural relations from a negative one. The results show that the participating pupils use to have a good intercultural sensitivity and that the main difficulties that show up when trying to achieve a true communicative encounter are to be associated with linguistic differences and attitudes of insecurity towards communication. The differences that can be observed amongst groups (gender, origin, and educational degree) seem to suggest the promotion of intervention programs in order to achieve the development of specific abilities for intercultural communicative competence within the regular curriculum