1,642 research outputs found

    Inferring origin–destination trip matrices from aggregate volumes on groups of links: a case study using volumes inferred from mobile phone data

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    The origin–destination matrix is an important source of information describing transport demand in a region. Most commonly used methods for matrix estimation use link volumes collected on a subset of links in order to update an existing matrix. Traditional volume data collection methods have significant shortcomings because of the high costs involved and the fact that detectors only provide status information at specified locations in the network. Better matrix estimates can be obtained when information is available about the overall distribution of traffic through time and space. Other existing technologies are not used in matrix estimation methods because they collect volume data aggregated on groups of links, rather than on single links. That is the case of mobile systems. Mobile phones sometimes cannot provide location accuracy for estimating flows on single links but do so on groups of links; in contrast, data can be acquired over a wider coverage without additional costs. This paper presents a methodology adapted to the concept of volume aggregated on groups of links in order to use any available volume data source in traditional matrix estimation methodologies. To calculate volume data, we have used a model that has had promising results in transforming phone call data into traffic movement data. The proposed methodology using vehicle volumes obtained by such a model is applied over a large real network as a case study. The experimental results reveal the efficiency and consistency of the solution proposed, making the alternative attractive for practical applications.Spanish Ministry of Science through R&D National Programmes (TRA2005-09138, ENE2008-05552)Vodafone Spain through the Minerva Project (1C-021

    Proyecto de creación de una sala de bolos en el sur de la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    The project consists on the construction of a new center of distraction in the South sector of the city of Guayaquil, this idea is born for the emergence of a potential market in this sector due to the great change that this having the City at the moment, this market not yet place setting possesses a great demand for what the acceptance for a center of this type would be really successful. The main objective is to mark the difference in this type of business, giving a great turn to it with respect to distraction, when offering a project full with strategies and details to offer them a novel place, with tip technology, with services that nobody but he/she will have them as billiards tables, bar, you scheme of video games, all this in a single place and not so far, because many of the inhabitants of the south that you/they like of this sport have to be transported until the north of Guayaquil to be able to enjoy this sport being exposed to the danger of the delinquency. The problem basically consists in that given the lack of local of entertainment of this type, the current youth doesn't have places where to enjoy healthy amusement where they can channel all her energy in an appropriate atmosphere, practicing activities that stimulate her mind and her body in the best in the ways like you/he/she is it to practice a sport. The purpose of the project is basically guided to cover the deficiencies that he/she has the current offer of this service in the city, the same ones that motivate the development of this study, fomenting to the tourism and development of the city and at the same time changing the perception that you/they had people of the South of the city

    Estimating of bootstrap confidence intervals for freight transport matrices

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    Freight transport studies require, as a preliminary step, a survey to be conducted on a sample of the universe of agents, vehicles and/or companies of the transportation system. The statistical reliability of the data determines the goodness of the outcomes and conclusions that can be inferred from the analyses and models generated. The methodology contained herein, based on bootstrapping techniques, allows us to generate the confidence intervals of origin-destination pairs defined by each cell of the matrix derived from a freight transport survey. To address this study a data set from a statistically reliable freight transport study conducted in Spain at the level of multi-province inter-regions has been used.Public Road Agency of the Andalusian Regional Government (AOP-JA, Spain Project G-GI3000/IDII)EU FEDE

    Estimating of bootstrap confidence intervals for freight transport matrices

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    Freight transport studies require, as a preliminary step, a survey to be conducted on a sample of the universe of agents, vehicles and/or companies of the transportation system. The statistical reliability of the data determines the goodness of the outcomes and conclusions that can be inferred from the analyses and models generated. The methodology contained herein, based on bootstrapping techniques, allows us to generate the confidence intervals of origin-destination pairs defined by each cell of the matrix derived from a freight transport survey. To address this study a data set from a statistically reliable freight transport study conducted in Spain at the level of multi-province inter-regions has been used.Public Road Agency of the Andalusian Regional Government (AOP-JA, Spain Project G-GI3000/IDII)EU FEDE

    Performance Analysis on Health and Safety Issues of Companies from the Slaughterhouse Industry

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    The objective of this article is to analyses the performance of companies of the slaughterhouse industry in health and safety issues. The research method is the quantitative modelling. The main research technique uses a mixed method based on multi-attribute utility method (MAUT) and artificial neural networks (ANN). The research object are 34 slaughterhouse companies located in Southern Brazil. Then, we ranked the companies and modeled their decision trees using the MAUT method. From these results, neural networks were used to benchmark and compare the methods. This resulted in a linear equation that represents the closest solution to the ideal and percentage error in the decision trees resolution. Thus, neural networks are most efficient, because they indicate which KPIs (key performance indicators) most influence the organizations performance. We numerically present the gain of information and the margin of error, concluding that some KPIs do not influence competitiveness without requiring controls. The academic and social contribution is that through the union of MAUT and neural networks we can measure the performance and select the main KPIs that need to be controlled for any type of industry


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    ResumenEn la actualidad existe una gran demanda de sistemas robóticos que presenten un alto grado de precisión y repetibilidad con el propósito de obtener productos de mejor calidad. Uno de los aspectos claves para desarrollar sistemas con un buen desempeño es el sistema de posicionamiento y control. Por tal motivo en el presente trabajo se expone la evaluación de rendimiento de un sistema de posicionamiento con base en odometría y el sistema de control de un robot móvil 3.0. La evaluación del sistema de control se obtiene con base en el cálculo de la repetibilidad, obtenido a través del sistema de odometría del robot móvil. Por otra parte, la exactitud del sistema de localización con base en odometría se compara con los resultados obtenidos de un sistema de localización de faros activos basado en cámaras. Bajo el estándar internacional ISO-9283 se observa que la repetibilidad y la exactitud del robot móvil son apropiadas.Palabras Claves: Exactitud, ISO-9283, repetibilidad, robot móvil 3.0, sistema de localización.MOBILE ROBOT (3,0) A PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONAbstractNowadays, robotic systems with a high accuracy and repeatability are highly used due to the requirement to obtain a superior quality in the final product. One of the main issue to carry out systems with “good” performance is the positioning and control system. For this reason, a positioning performance evaluation based on both odometry and control system of a 3.0 mobile robot, is presented in this work. The control performance evaluation is obtained by computing the repeatability using the obtained result from the odometry system of the mobile robot. On the other hand, the performance of the location system based on odometry is compared by the results obtained with a camera based active beacon location system in order to determine its accuracy. Using the International Standard ISO-9283, the repeatability and accuracy of the mobile robot is suitable.Keywords: Accuracy, ISO-9283, location system, mobile robot 3.0, repeatability

    Information and studies on education as an object of territorial cooperation (II): Cooperation in Europe through the Eurydice network as a model of cooperation between education administrations through the spanish network Redie

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    On the occasion of the European double ephemeris which JOSPOE is currently celebrating, the Eurydice Spanish Unit (Eurydice Spain-REDIE) has wished to accept their invitation to participate in this extraordinary issue alongside the European Unit, the information network coordinator on European Commission’s education. The reason is, none other than, because of the good model of cooperation it offers Spain when it comes to reporting on education management. The first article has been prepared by the heads of both units, describing the trajectory of the European and Spanish information networks on education, evolving into what they are today; the second article has been written by analysts from the European unit and technical and external experts from the Spanish unit, and presents the work they carry out in order to fulfil commitments undertaken through the annual work plansCon motivo de la doble efeméride europea que celebra JOSPOE, la Unidad española de Eurydice (Eurydice España-REDIE) ha querido responder a la invitación a participar en este número extraordinario de la mano de la Unidad europea, coordinadora de la Red de información sobre educación de la Comisión Europea. La razón no es otra que el buen modelo de cooperación que ofrece a España a la hora de informar sobre la gestión de la educación. El primer artículo está elaborado por los responsables de ambas Unidades y describe la trayectoria de las redes europea y española de información sobre educación hasta convertirse en lo que son hoy en día; este segundo está redactado por los analistas de la Unidad europea y los técnicos y expertos externos de la Unidad española, y presenta el trabajo que realizan con el fin de dar cumplimiento a los compromisos adquiridos a través de los planes de trabajo anuale

    El Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos como herramienta de vigilancia epidemiológica de la Incidencia Diabetes Mellitus 1: Experiencia en Extremadura.

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    The 'gold standard' of knowledge of the epidemiological evolution of the diseases that require hospitalization for diagnosis are the medical records, although the data collection is slow, difficult and time consuming, so if another faster, easier and cheaper source of data was validated, it would be very useful for epidemiological studies. Objectives. To verify The Minimum Basic Data (CMBD) validity as a source of epidemiological vigilance, comparing the CMBD data to the collected information in the medical record. Methodology. The CMBD data compared with the records of the medical records of incident cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM 1) in the population under 15 years of Extremadura during 2003-2007 in a retrospective observational study and descriptive with capture-recapture method. Results. The cases were selected from 208. In 2.40% of cases, the results do not coincide with diabetes coding. 6.73% of cases, the results in the CMBD are coded with other types of diabetes or other pathology. 20.75% of the coded cases as DM 1 in with ketoacidosis doesn´t have ketoacidosis in its history, and 69.71% the medical history matches with the CMBD. Discussion. Despite of its limitations, the CMBD has proved to be a valuable source of information. Conclusion. The CMBD serves as a source of information, but not as DM 1 in epidemiological surveillanceEl 'gold standard' del conocimiento de la evolución epidemiológica de las patologías que para su diagnóstico necesitan hospitalización, son las historias clínicas, aunque la recogida de datos de ella es lenta, dificultosa y costosa en tiempo, por lo que si validáramos otra fuente de datos que fuese más rápida, fácil y barata sería de gran utilidad para los estudios epidemiológicos. Objetivos. Verificar la validez del el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos (CMBD) como fuente de vigilancia epidemiológica, comparando los datos del CMBD y los recogidos en la historia clínica. Metodología. Comparamos los datos CMBD con los registros de las historias clínicas de los casos de incidencias de la DM 1 en la población menor de 15 años de Extremadura durante 2003-2007 en un estudio observacional retrospectivo y descriptivo, con método de captura-recaptura. Resultados. Los casos seleccionados fueron de 208. En el 2,40 % de los casos no coincide con la codificación de diabetes. En un 6,73 % de los casos en el CMBD están codificados con otros tipos de diabetes u otra patología. De los codificados como DM 1 con cetoacidosis, el 20,75 % no consta cetoacidosis en la historia, y en el 69,71 % coinciden historia y el CMBD. Discusión a pesar de sus limitaciones, el CMBD ha demostrado ser una fuente de información valiosa. Conclusión El CMBD sirve como fuente de información, pero no como vigilancia de la epidemiológica DM 1

    MOONA software for survey classification and evaluation of criteria to support decision-making for properties portfolio

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    The MOORA for Neural Networks Analysis (MONNA) software was created to classify variables and evaluate the degree of correlation between them, helping to choose a property portfolio and facilitating decision making involving multiple criteria. The MONNA software presents the classification of the alternatives calculated automatically by the MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis) and provides a Global Average Rate (GAR). Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) analysis provides the degree of correlation between variables and uses GAR as the output parameter. The degree of correlation between the variables allows us to assess whether these variables are dependent on each other and can capture customer preferences. For the application we used a survey that sought to know the preferences of customers, which will serve to make the decision of which properties should be part of the company’s portfolio. The contribution and originality of the MONNA software is that through the integration of the MOORA and ANN methods, the classification and criterion evaluation calculations are faster and standardized. The use of software by decision makers helps to have more accurately find and classify available options, preventing simulations from being done by iterative processes and providing validated numerical data for management evaluation

    Anatomía de las arterias coronarias y sus variaciones mediante estudio angiográfico en un grupo de personas caucanas.

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    Las variaciones y alteraciones anatómicas de las arterias coronarias se han relacionado con cardiopatía isquémica, arteriosclerosis y muerte súbita, por lo que se hace necesario un conocimiento detallado de la anatomía en el punto de origen, ramificaciones y aspectos endoluminales coronarios, especialmente para la población colombiana. Se analizaron 200 angiografías coronarias de 141 hombres y 59 mujeres usando el analizador de imágenes ACOM PC Lite 2.0 Siemens y a cada una de le determinó el punto de origen de las arterias coronarias derecha e izquierda, descendente anterior y circunfleja; además de determinar la dominancia, ramus intermedius y valorar la permeabilidad vascular en cada uno de los 29 segmentos. Los datos fueron introducidos en una hoja de cálculo en Excel, se calcularon las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión y se aplicaron pruebas no paramétricas de Chi cuadrado y de Fisher, con un nivel de confianza del 95%