214 research outputs found

    Periodismo de moda: una comparativa entre las revistas Vogue y Telva

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    La presente investigación parte del objetivo de comprender cómo las revistas de moda también desarrollan una labor periodística, a través de su género especializado, y de conocer como las dos revistas de moda más importantes de España, Vogue y Telva, se han convertido en referentes por sus métodos de ofrecer la información. El fenómeno de la moda se considera parte de la comunicación y por lo tanto está ligada a la sociedad. La comunicación no siempre es verbal y podemos considerar la moda como un método de expresión. La cabecera más importante del mundo del periodismo especializado en moda es la revista estadounidense Vogue. A nivel nacional, la creación de Telva significó el despegue de la prensa de moda en España y la desvinculación con las revistas femeninas tradicionales. En este contexto es necesario el estudio de la prensa de moda y el tratamiento periodístico que realiza cada una de las cabeceras y su nivel de influencia en la sociedad. A nivel internacional con Vogue y a nivel nacional con Telva. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis conceptual y llevar a cabo una aproximación al sector. El análisis contextualiza el tema a través de un recorrido histórico y teórico; y después realiza una medición cualitativa y cuantitativa de las características de estos dos medios de comunicación. La muestra escogida es el número de marzo y el número de septiembre de las dos publicaciones, que resultan ser los dos más significativos del año por su extensión y la importancia de sus contenidos ya que en estos dos meses se produce los cambios de temporadas. La comparativa se ejecutará con una ficha de análisis con tablas. La investigación concluye con la certeza de que la prensa de moda se ha consolidado como un género de periodismo estable, que las revistas de moda siguen un mismo formato y que Vogue y Telva están enfocadas a la temática de moda y belleza.Based on the objective of this research, the aim is to understand how fashion magazines also carry out a journalistic work through their specialised genre and to find out how the two most important fashion magazines in Spain, Vogue and Telva, have become benchmarks in terms of their methods of providing information. The phenomenon of fashion is considered part of communication and, therefore, is linked to society. Communication is not always verbal and fashion can be treated as a method of expression. The world's most important fashion journalism title is the American magazine Vogue. On a national level, the foundation of Telva meant the takeoff of the Spanish fashion press and the disassociation with the traditional women's magazines. In this context, it is necessary to study the fashion press, the journalistic treatment of each of the titles and their level of influence on society. On an international level with Vogue and on a national level with Telva. The objective of this research is to carry out a conceptual analysis and an approach to the sector. The analysis contextualizes the subject through a historical and theoretical review, and then performs a qualitative and quantitative measurement of the characteristics of these two media. The sample chosen is the March and September issues of the two publications, which happen to be the two most significant issues of the year due to their length and the importance of their contents, since the change of seasons takes place in these two months. The comparison will be carried out with an analysis sheet with tables. The research concludes with the certainty that the fashion press has consolidated as a stable journalism genre, that fashion magazines follow the same format and that Vogue and Telva are focused on fashion and beauty.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Red Eléctrica de España uses integer programming for annual salary revisions

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    In this paper, we present a mixed-integer linear programming model for determining salary-revision matrices for an organization based on that organization?s general strategies. The solution obtained from this model consists of salary increases for each employee; these increases consider the employee?s professional performance, salary level relative to peers within the organization, and professional group. In addition to budget constraints, we modeled other elements typical of compensation systems, such as equity and justice. Red Eléctrica de España (REE), the transmission agent and operator of the Spanish electricity system, used the model to revise its 2010 and 2011 salary policies, and achieved results that were aligned with the company strategy. REE incorporated the model into the salary management module within its information system, and plans to continue to use the model in revisions of the module

    Psychosocial and psychopathological characteristics of Spanish adolescents sample throw Youth Self-Report/11-18

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    En este estudio se analizan las competencias psicosociales y características psicopatológicas evaluadas por el YSR/11-18 (Achenbach y Rescorla, 2000, 2001) en una muestra de 961 adolescentes españoles de 13-18 años de edad. Los resultados encontrados indicaron que los varones puntúan de forma elevada en distintas actividades sociales y psicopatología externalizante, mientras que las mujeres presentan mayores puntuaciones en rendimiento en diferentes tareas y sintomatología internalizante. Los adolescentes de menor edad presentan puntuaciones más altas que los mayores en la participación en grupos y organizaciones, así como en la mayoría de las escalas sindrómicas del YSR/11-18, mientras que los se-gundos prefieren realizar actividades no deportivas y trabajos o tareas. Los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato presentan más actividad en todas las com-petencias psicosociales que los de Ciclos Formativos, aunque éstos últimos superan a los primeros en la mayoría de las escalas sindrómicas. Los ado-lescentes sin relación de pareja puntuaron más alto en las competencias psicosociales que los que disfrutan de la misma, aunque éstos muestran más psicopatología que los primeros. Por último, realizar una actividad laboral (además de estudiar) no parece ser relevante a la hora de establecer diferencias respecto a las competencias psicosociales y a las escalas sin-drómicas.In this study we analyzed the psychosocial competences and psychopathological characteristics assessed by the YSR/11-18 in a sample of 961 Spanish adolescents from 13-18 years. The results indicated that men scored high in various social activities and externalized psychopa-thologies, while women have high scores for performance in different tasks and internalized symptoms. Younger adolescents showed higher scores than older ones in participation in groups and organizations, as well as in most of the YSR/11-18 syndromic scales, while older adolescent’s preferred no sports activities and works or tasks. Students at Compulsory Secondary Education and Non-Compulsory Secondary Education showed more activity than those in Vocational Training Cycles in all psychosocial competencies, but the latter overcame the first in most of the syndromic scales. Adolescents without romantic relation scored higher in the psycho-social competencies than those who enjoyed romantic relation, although the second ones showed more psychopathology than the first ones. Fi-nally, working (in addition to studying) did not seem to be relevant in determining differences regarding the psychosocial competencies and syndromic scales

    Do Classes in Cooperative Classrooms Have a Positive Influence on Creativity and Teamwork Skills for Engineering Students?

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    Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjects taught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Some professors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the new methodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’ perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. For this project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The featuresof thesubjectsinvolved intheproject arewidely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, and we conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has the added value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity and teamwork skills

    6-Week Supplementation with Tribulus terrestris L. to Trained Male CrossFit® Athletes on Muscle, Inflammation, and Antioxidant Biomarkers: A Randomized, Single-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    [EN] Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, but their effects on exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) in trained athletes are uncertain. The purpose of this single-blind placebo-controlled trial, in accordance with CONSORT guidelines, was to examine the effect of 6 weeks of TT supplementation on muscle metabolism, inflammation biomarkers, and oxidant status. Thirty trained male CrossFit® athletes were randomly assigned to be supplemented with 770 mg/day of TT (intervention group (IG)) or receive a placebo daily (control group (CG)) for 6 weeks. Muscle damage enzymes, inflammation biomarkers, and Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) were assessed at baseline (T1), 21 days after baseline (T2), and after 42 days (T3). Grace, a Workout of the Day, was measured in T1 and T3. Statistical significance (p 0.05) decreases in muscle damage or inflammation biomarkers were observed, although a slight downward trend was observed after 6 weeks for supplemented athletes. TT supplementation could attenuate the CrossFit® training program-induced oxidative stress, muscle damage, and inflammation which could be due to the natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of TT.S

    Evidence of a planktonic food web response to changes in nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, Spain

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    Nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon has recently changed as a consequence of changes in agricultural practises. An interannual comparison of the environmental variables and the planktonic biomass size-spectra was performed between 1988 and 1997. While nitrate concentration was low in 1988, the values in 1997 increased considerably. Since 1995, two alloctonous jellyfish species (Rhyzostoma pulmo and Cotylorhiza tuberculata) occurred in large numbers in summer time and reached peak abundance in summer of 1997. The size-spectra analysis comparison revealed that, in spite of changes in nutrient input that stimulated the growth of larger phytoplankton cells, there were no significant differences in the spectra slope which followed a similar seasonal trend in both years. However, the plankton biovolume considered under the size range compared (between 2 and 1000 µm diameter) was, paradoxically, always lower in 1997. Given that there were higher nutrient levels in 1997, this finding suggest a strong top-down control mechanism of size structure. Gut contents of jellyfishes showed their preference for large diatoms, tintinnids, veliger larvae and copepods, corroborating that size structure in these assemblages can be subject to top-down control. The implication of these results is that the feeding activities of large gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfishes) may play an important role controlling the consequences of eutrophication within the Mar Menor coastal lagoon

    Long-term influence of chitin concentration on the resistance of cement pastes determined by atomic force microscopy

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    The presence of sulfates potentialize damage on cementbased materials, leading to structural failures. Therefore, structures must be designed to compensate for this effect. The mechanical properties of cement–chitin mixtures are investigated with different percentages of chitin (0.5, 1.3, and 2.1 wt.%) and aging of composite in a joint nanoscopic- and macroscopic-scale by experimental study. The objective is to increase the durability of concrete elements at coastal aquifers where concrete structures are in constant exposure to sulfate ions, chloride ions among others. Tapping mode AFM was used to characterize the surface structure and roughness of the cement pastes. To verify the chitin addition and the formation of sulfate-based aggregates Raman and IR spectra were recorded and are presented in this work. Then, force spectroscopy was used to obtain the nanomechanical properties at three different exposure times (1 day, 6 months, and 1 year) into water or a SO4 2 environment. Macroscopic parameters (e.g., compression strength of cylindrical probes) were assessed for comparison following standard guidelines. The results show a decrease of its mechanical properties as a function of the polymer concentration but more importantly, they correlate the elasticity and adhesion at the nanoscale with the behavior of the bulk material

    Predation impact on threatened spur-thighed tortoises by golden eagles when main prey is scarce

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    A reduction in adult survival in long-living species may compromise population growth rates. The spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) is a long-lived reptile that is threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), whose breeding habitats overlap that of tortoises, may predate them by dropping them onto rocks and breaking their carapaces. In SE Spain, the number of golden eagles has increased in the last decades and the abundance of their main prey (i.e., rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus) has decreased. Our aims were to 1) describe the role of tortoises in golden eagles’ diet, and 2) estimate the predation impact of golden eagles on tortoises in eagles’ territories and in the regional tortoise population. We collected regurgitated pellets and prey remains under eagle nests and roosts, and obtained information on tortoise abundance and population structure and rabbit abundance. We found that tortoises were an alternative prey to rabbits, so that eagles shifted to the former where the latter were scarce. The average predation rate on tortoises was very low at the two studied scales. However, eagles showed a marked selection for adult female tortoises, which led the tortoise sex ratio to be biased towards males in those eagle territories with higher tortoise predation. Whether this may compromise the spur-thighed tortoise long-term population viability locally deserves further attention.Much information on the spur-thighed tortoise populations and the regional abundance model was obtained with Projects CGL2012-33536 and CGL2015-64144 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and the European Regional Development Fund, Grant PID2019-105682RA-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and AICO/2021/145 funded by the Regional Valencian Government. MM was supported by a Ramón y Cajal research contract from MINECO (RYC-2015-19231), MCM by a pre-doctoral grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science (FPU1700633), and RCRC by a postdoctoral grant funded by the Regional Valencian Government (APOSTD/2020/090) and by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Program (ZAMBRANO 21-26). The Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural of Andalusian Government (SGB/FOA/AFR) and the Dirección General de Medio Natural of the Murcia Region authorised and facilitated the sampling of golden eagle territories (AUF20140061) and the spur-thighed tortoise populations (SGYB/AF/DBP, SGYB/AFR/DBP, AUF20160056, AUF20140057)

    Niveles plasmáticos de oxitocina bajo condiciones de estrés y prosociabilidad en el trastorno bipolar: un estudio longitudinal

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    La oxitocina es un neuropéptido sintetizado en los núcleos paraventricular y supraóptico del hipotálamo que regula diferentes aspectos de la cognición social, la generación de confianza y la conducta de apego. Existe un funcionamiento deficiente en la depresión, asociado a aislamiento social. La manía bipolar se caracteriza por una marcada pro-sociabilidad, facilidad para generar comunicación y conductas de apego, promiscuidad sexual y aumento del discurso verbal. Objetivos: 1. comparar los niveles plasmáticos de OXT bajo condiciones de estrés en pacientes diagnosticados de trastorno bipolar en las fases de manía, eutimia y depresión; 2. Analizar la asociación entre los niveles de OXT bajo condiciones de estrés y la prosociabilidad (medida a través de la cognición social y la valencia positiva a estímulos sociales) en el trastorno bipolar, así como entre niveles de OXT e intensidad sintomática; 3. Comparar los niveles de OXT y vasopresina (AVP) bajo condiciones de estrés en pacientes con trastorno bipolar en fase de manía, eutimia y depresión.Instituto de Salud Carlos III2022-2