504 research outputs found

    Author meets critic: a critical and timely exploration of Yucatán’s predatory and sticky tourism

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    Book review of Stuck with Tourism: Space, Power and Labor in Contemporary Yucatán, by Matilde Córdoba Azcárate, Oakland, University of California Press, 2020, 278 pp., ISBN: 978-0- 520-34449-

    Role of the hepatoprotective citoquine cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) in macrophages polarization

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    Motivation: Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) is a member of the interleukine-6 (IL-6) family, which signals through gp130/leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR). Signal transduction via gp130 involves three major downstream pathways: the STAT-3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription-3), the ERK and the AKT pathways, all of them described as antiapoptotics. CT-1 has been described as hepatoprotective.However, the role of cardiotrophine in inflammation is a non-well studied process. Whenever an inflammation occurs, macrophages are the first cells of the inmune system to respond. These, in respond to various enviromental cues or under different pathophysiologic conditions, can aquire distinct functional phenotypes via by undergoing different phenotypic polarization. Macrophages M1 (proinflammatory) and M2 (antiinflammatory) are two well- separated groups, which describe opposing activities of killing and repairing, respectively. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of CT-1 in macrophages polarization.Methods: To analyze the macrophages polarization into M1 or M2, different proinflammatories and antiinflammatories genes expression were measured, as well as the pathways involved, using molecular biology techniques, such as quantitative PCR (qPCR) and Western Blots.Results: 1. In vivo model: a septic shock was induced to mice through a LPS injection. By analysis of the expression of proinflammatories genes in hepatic samples, we observed that pretreated mice with CT-1, showed a decrease on the levels of genes expression involved in proinflammation or M1, such as TNFα, IL1β and IL12p40.2. In vitro model: macrophages polarization into M1 or M2 was induced by using LPS or IL4 respectively. The analysis of pro and antiinflammatories genes expression, showed us that pretreated macrophages with CT-1 had some modifications in the level of genes expression when compared with those non-treated. M1 genes expression diminished in relation to non-treated. On the other hand, M2 genes expression augmented with respect to non-treated. Interestingly, CT-1 can't modify these expression genes by itself.Conclusions:1. CT-1 modulates inflammatory response against LPS, by reducing proinflammatories cytokines within an in vivo model.2. CT-1 modifies macrophage polarization into M1 or M2 induced by LPS or IL4, reducing proinflammatories cytokines and promoting antiinflammatories, but, interestingly, is not able to polarize macrophages by itself

    El corredor en las casas asturianas

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    En número dedicado a: El Principado de de Asturia

    The power of Dionysus—Effects of red wine on consciousness in a naturalistic setting

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    There is lack of research on effects of red wine on consciousness when drank in wine bars designed to enhance the pleasurableness of the wine drinking experience. Effects of a moderate dose of red wine (� 40.98 g of ethanol) on consciousness were examined in a naturalistic study taking place in a wine bar located in one of the most touristic areas of Lisbon, Portugal. One hundred two participants drank in one of three conditions: alone, in dyad, or in groups up to six people. Red wine increased pleasure and arousal, decreased the awareness of time, slowed the subjective passage of time, increased the attentional focus on the present moment, decreased body awareness, slowed thought speed, turned imagination more vivid, and made the environment become more fascinating. Red wine increased insightfulness and originality of thoughts, increased sensations of oneness with the environment, spiritual feelings, all-encompassing love, and profound peace. All changes in consciousness occurred regardless of volunteers drinking alone, in dyad or in group. Men and women did not report different changes in consciousness. Older age correlated with greater increases in pleasure. Younger age correlated with greater increases in fascination with the environment of the wine bar. Drinking wine in a contemporaneous Western environment designed to enhance the pleasurableness of the wine drinking experience may trigger changes in consciousness commonly associated with mystical-type statesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    uma proposta de anotação em XML no âmbito do texto

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020 PD/BD/142789/2018Neste trabalho, propomos uma metodologia para a anotação dos deíticos e da deixis em XML. A utilização da linguagem XML para a anotação de corpora tem conhecido um desenvolvimento nos últimos anos, com a publicação de diversas metodologias ou refinamento de outras já existentes. Mas a anotação da deixis tem colocado problemas uma vez que esta opera a vários níveis. De facto, a análise da deixis depende de um conjunto de elementos linguísticos, mais ou menos expressos que não podem ser analisados individualmente, mas sim na relação que estabelecem entre eles e o contexto de produção e de circulação dos textos. Esta contingência conduz a problemas de sobreposição de níveis de análise. A metodologia, aqui apresentada, não só é sensível às relações com o contexto de produção e circulação dos textos, como também permite analisar essas mesmas relações sob diversas perspectivas. // In this work, we propose a methodology for annotating deictics and deixis in XML. The use of XML for corpora annotation has increased in recent years with the publication of several methodologies or the refinement of existing ones. However, noting deixis has posed problems since it operates on several levels. In fact, the analysis of deixis depends on a set of linguistic elements, more or less expressed, that cannot be analysed individually, but only within the relationship they establish between them and the context of production and circulation of texts. This contingency leads to problems with overlapping layers of analysis. This methodology is not only sensitive to these relationships with the context of production and circulation of texts, but also allows us to analyse these relationships from different perspectives.publishersversionpublishe

    Influence of the 60 Hz Magnetic Field on the Airborne Microbial Distribution of Indoor Environments

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    The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of the magnetic field generated by the household appliances on the airborne microbial surrounding these equipment located on indoor environments with particular interest in the environmental fungi. A simultaneous environmental study was carried out in locals of three different geographical places of Havana, Cuba, which have televisions, computers and an electric generator. The air samples were made by a sedimentation method using Malt Extract Agar. The concentration of total aerobic mesophilic as well as fungi and yeasts were determined in rainy and little rainy seasons by applying as factors: exposure time of dishes (5 to 60 min) and distance to the wall (0 and 1 m) at a height of 1 m above the floor. The predominant fungal genera were Cladosporium, Penicillium and Aspergillus. In the dishes that were placed at 0 and 0.5 m from the emitting sources were observed that some bacteria colonies formed inhibition halos, a great diversity of filamentous fungi and an increase in the mycelium pigmentation as well as the pigments excretion. In the rainy season, the highest amounts of fungi were obtained in all samples. In the little rain season the count of the Gram-negative bacilli increased three times the Gram-positive cocci

    Corpus e géneros textuais nas práticas de divulgação de ciência ou as novas hierarquias na construção do conhecimento

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    UID/LIN/03213/2019 PD/BD/142789/2018This paper, as result from the research project Scientific Literacy Promotion, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, shows, in a first moment, the heterogeneity of the textual formats that participate in the dissemination of science, widespread by the media in Portugal, starting from the analysis of the relations between corpus, genres and texts. In a second moment, the textual support, in particular the evolution from print to digital, led to a discussion of the linguistic and textual implications of this development, as well as the implications of the new hierarchies of knowledge construction.publishersversionpublishe

    The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Primary Care and the Role of Depression Severity and Treatment Attendance

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICEvidence suggests the efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to prevent depression relapse and decrease depressive symptoms during the acute phase. However, the effectiveness of MBCT in real-world heterogeneous samples treated in clinical health settings, including primary care, has received little attention. This study had two aims: (1) to evaluate the effectiveness of MBCT delivered in primary care considering pre-treatment depression scores and (2) to explore the role of participants' characteristics on symptom improvement. Data were obtained from 433 individuals who received MBCT. Participants completed the Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (PiCD) pretreatment and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) pre- and post-treatment. Sixty percent presented moderate-to-severe depression according to scores on the BDI-II, 18.1% presented mild depression, and 21.7% were in the non-depressed range. The severity of pre-treatment depressive symptoms was associated with outcomes. Most individuals who lacked depressive symptoms at baseline remained in the non-clinical range after the treatment. Those in the severe group benefited the most from the intervention, since 35.6% were considered recovered. Rates of deterioration ranged from 2.1 to 2.7%, depending on the depression-baseline scores. Depression severity at the entrance, attendance, and age, but not personality traits, appear to be related to symptom improvement. According to our results, MBCT can be effectively and safely delivered in primary care

    Primera aproximación al modelado y control de tráfico

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    [Resumen] España posee 17.021 km de vías de alta capacidad, autovías y autopistas, y en torno al 95% del transporte por mercancías se realiza por carretera, gran parte por este tipo de vías. Estos vehículos pesados son a menudo más lentos y menos dinámicos que los turismos, y su presencia puede modificar el discurrir del flujo del tráfico, sobre todo ante escenarios con intensidades altas y en situaciones en las que dichos vehículos se desplacen lateralmente. Esto puede producir que se resienta el nivel de servicio de la vía. La motivación del presente trabajo es estudiar la formación de colas causadas por interferencias en el tráfico en vías de alta capacidad causadas por un cambio en la sección transversal de la vía y/o por vehículos pesados y lentos, para después poder aplicar acciones de control, mitigación y prevención para evitarlas o minimizarlas. Para ello, se modelará un tramo de autopista con un ramal de incorporación y una reducción del número de carriles y se estudiará comparativamente la efectividad de dos sistemas de control del tráfico.[Abstract] Spain has 17,021 km of high-capacity roads, dual carriageways and highways, and around 95% of freight transport is carried out by road, much of it on this type of road. These heavy goods vehicles are often slower and less dynamic than passenger cars, and their presence can modify the flow of traffic, especially in scenarios with high intensity and in situations in which these vehicles move laterally. This can cause the service level of the road to suffer. The motivation of this work is to study the formation of queues caused by traffic interference on high-capacity roads, caused by a change in the cross section of the road and/or by heavy and slow vehicles, to apply control actions, mitigation, and prevention to avoid or minimize them. To do this, a highway section will be modelled with an incorporation branch and a reduction in the number of lanes and the effectiveness of two traffic control systems will be studied comparatively

    Padrões linguísticos do femícidio na imprensa escrita portuguesa

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020With this work we intend to analyze the news in the Portuguese media that report femicide and determine the presence of linguistic patterns with an impact on the creation and support of stereotypes and ideological systems. Preliminary data show that there are distinct linguistic patterns (some referring to sexist stereotypes) in the modalization of those involved and the event in news about femicide and show the need for a linguistic approach to fill the studies already developed.publishersversionpublishe