46 research outputs found

    Towards the Adoption of e-Refereeing and e-Ticketing in Elite Soccer Championships: an Institutional Perspective

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    Although the role of IT is salient in sporting mega-events (e.g. instant replay, goal-line technology), IS research has not yet paid any attention to the processes by which technologies are selected for and implemented at these mega-events, the strategies used by actors, nor the consequences of such implementations on actors in related sectors and industries. To tackle this underdeveloped research topic, we focus on the last three UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) soccer championships (2000, 2004, 2008) and we describe how some technologies are adopted (e.g., e-ticketing) while others (e.g., e-refereeing) are not. With an overall goal of deepening our understanding of IT-related institutional work surrounding mega-events in general and sporting mega-events in particular, our objective is to better comprehend the role and actions of institutional entrepreneurs in the selection and implementation of IT for sporting mega-events

    Change Management Strategies in ERP Implementations: A Case Study

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    While considered as the backbone of organizations, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems tend to face resistance from potential users. Managing such resistance is imperative to the success of the implementation project. After surveying the literature landscape on change management strategies in ERP software system implementations, we employ Aladwani’s conceptual model to codify the activities followed by a public organization in the implementation of its SAP ERP system. We found that the change management activities the organization employed neatly fit the think-feel-do framework proposed by Aladwani’s model. We also present contextual factors that may explain this fit, thus adding to the scant empirical data on the application and potential robustness of this model

    The Utility of Using Social Media Networks for Data Collection in Survey Research

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    Social media networks (SMNs) such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter seem appealing tools for matters of reaching potential candidates for survey or case study research. Yet scholars remain cautious about leveraging these platforms. This research in progress paper compares and discusses the benefits of six generic strategies for reaching survey candidates on SMNs, and argues that while their use has potential pitfalls, the upside for explanatory type research may outweigh its risks. Furthermore, the paper outlines the empirical setting of a study that has been conducted to assess our propositions, and in which Linkedin was used to identify and solicit survey candidates

    SAP et l'Intégration Inter-Organisationnelle

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    SAP is renowned for its main product SAP R/3, an Enterprise Resource Planning system. Recently, SAP also started to offer a complete family of e-commerce solutions, designed to support inter organization collaborative processes. SAP's offering, labelled mySAP.com, is rich and complex. Solutions offered by SAP in terms of integration with SAP R/3 are often ill described. Therefore it can be difficult for a manager to come to a decision regarding inter-organizational integration. This report presents SAP, a world leading company, its products, strategy, integration technologies (Idocs, BAPIs, RFC, ALE, Business Connectors), and methodologies, along with real world applications currently implemented. La firme SAP, connue principalement pour son produit phare le progiciel de gestion intégré SAP R/3, a développé ces dernières années une offre complète de produits destinés au commerce électronique et au support des processus collaboratifs. Cette famille de produits porte aujourd'hui le nom de mySAP.com. L'offre de SAP est riche et complexe. Il est difficile pour un gestionnaire de faire un choix parmi les solutions proposées en termes d'intégration avec SAP R/3 car elles sont souvent définies de façon imprécise par SAP. Ce rapport de projet se centre sur la firme SAP, leader mondial, son offre et sa stratégie, les technologies d'intégration offertes (Idocs, BAPIs, RFC, ALE, Business Connectors), les méthodes de conception de processus proposées par SAP ainsi que des exemples concrets d'applications dans l'industrie.SAP, SAP R/3, Inter-organizational integration, collaborative commerce, process, SAP, SAP R/3, Intégration inter-organisationnelle, commerce collaboratif, processus

    Panorama des Systèmes d'Intégration Inter-Organisationnels

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    This document deals with business processes performed by two or more trade partners. Companies expect many benefits from the integration of such processes: cost reduction, better access to their customers and suppliers, and even more flexible types of interactions. However, the integration of inter-organizational processes is an expensive and risky process. If information technologies can support several integration types in an organisation, the implications (costs, risks) and potential benefits vary according to the level of integration targeted. Moreover, inter-organizational integration brings out the question of the identity of the firm, along with its frontier. Consequently, several questions arise. Among them: What are the effects of inter-organizational collaboration on the organizational structures? Which organizational structure will best support the development of this type of collaboration? Cet article s'intéresse aux processus d'affaires mettant en cause deux ou plusieurs partenaires commerciaux. Avec l'intégration de tels processus, les entreprises s'attendent à de nombreux bénéfices : réduction de coûts, meilleurs accès à leurs clients et fournisseurs, voire même de nouveaux types de transaction plus flexibles. Cependant, l'intégration des processus inter-organisationnels est un processus coûteux et risqué. Si les technologies de l'information peuvent supporter plusieurs types d'intégration dans l'organisation, l'on constate que les implications (coûts, risques) et bénéfices potentiels varient selon le niveau d'intégration visé. En outre, l'intégration inter-organisationnelle remet en question les frontières externes de l'entreprise, qui définissent son identité même. Dès lors, plusieurs questions sont posées : quels sont les effets de la collaboration inter-organisationnelle sur les structures organisationnelles ? Et, à l'inverse, quelle structure organisationnelle favorisera le développement de ce type de collaboration ?Inter-organizational integration, collaborative commerce, process, value chain, risk, specific investment, Intégration inter-organisationnelle, commerce collaboratif, processus, chaîne de valeur, risque, investissement spécifique

    Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R

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    Impulse excitation is commonly used to assess wood stiffness in both scientific and industrial settings. Modes of vibration are excited by a mechanical impulse and their resonant frequencies measured to calculate elastic moduli. It is also possible to assess damping, which is an important property for wood used in musical instruments. This paper covers finer details of the signal analysis necessary when making very accurate measurements. Provided code for Open Source statistical software R is illustrated with data from an experiment tracking small changes in Douglas-fir clear wood during thermal treatment. A frequency domain interpolation method is introduced that enhances the potential precision of the technique to a very high degree, with computational efficiency, even when using inexpensive audio equipment. With multiple measurements, resonant frequencies can be assessed to a precision of 0.1 Hz and better, allowing for tracking of very small changes due to wood treatments or moisture content

    A Literature Review on Cloud Computing Adoption Issues in Enterprises

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    Part 3: Creating Value through ApplicationsInternational audienceCloud computing has received increasing interest from enterprises since its inception. With its innovative information technology (IT) services delivery model, cloud computing could add technical and strategic business value to enterprises. However, cloud computing poses highly concerning internal (e.g., Top management and experience) and external issues (e.g., regulations and standards). This paper presents a systematic literature review to explore the current key issues related to cloud computing adoption. This is achieved by reviewing 51 articles published about cloud computing adoption. Using the grounded theory approach, articles are classified into eight main categories: internal, external, evaluation, proof of concept, adoption decision, implementation and integration, IT governance, and confirmation. Then, the eight categories are divided into two abstract categories: cloud computing adoption factors and processes, where the former affects the latter. The results of this review indicate that enterprises face serious issues before they decide to adopt cloud computing. Based on the findings, the paper provides a future information systems (IS) research agenda to explore the previously under-investigated areas regarding cloud computing adoption factors and processes. This paper calls for further theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions to the research area of cloud computing adoption by enterprises

    Understanding knowledge management software-organisation misalignments from an institutional perspective:A case study of a global IT-management consultancy firm

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    Inspired by the proposition that “Enterprise IS configurations chosen by the organisations will encodeinstitutionalised principles into these systems” (Gosain, 2004, p. 169), this study seeks to draw attentionto potential sources of misalignment between knowledge management (KM) software and the imple-menting organisation from an institutional theory perspective. Using a case of a global consultancy firm,the study elucidates such misalignments as the consequence of different institutional contexts wheretechnology developers and adopters operate. This study demonstrates how institutional forces affect theimplementation project and provides some lessons learned for organisations that are rich in high-valuetext-based knowledge for making decisions

    Understanding eParticipation services in indonesian local government

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    Published version of a chapter in the book: Information and Communication Technology. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-55032-4_32This study aims at understanding how local government from a developing country, in this case Indonesia, implement and manage eParticipation services. In doing so, we combine institutional theory and stakeholder theory to build a sharper analytical lens. From an interpretive case study in the city of Yogyakarta, we reveal the institutionalization process of the services since their inception and identify major stakeholders and their salience. Based on our findings, we propose implications for practice and suggest implications for further research. Future work, based on a multiple case strategy including several eParticipation cases from other parts of Indonesia, will further explore the findings reported here