12 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Treffingers’s learning model on the creative thinking ability of MAS PAB 1 Sampali students on environmental change material. The time of research was carried out in November. The research site is at Jalan Pasar Hitan Number 69 Sampali, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. This type of research is quasi-experimental research. The population of this study consisted of students of class X IPA MAS PAB 1 Sampali. The sample of this study consisted of 26 students for the experimental class and 26 for the control class. The data acquisition technique used is testing. The results showed that the creative thinking ability of the students in the experimental class that used the Treffinger learning model was higher than the control class that used traditional learning. This means that the creative thinking ability of the experimental class is 8.46. While the control is 7.77. These data are supported by statistical analysis where t cout = 2.155. Looking at the test criteria for 5% level we get t-table = 2.006 where the t-test criteria are more significant than t-table = 2.155 > 2.006 so H0 is rejected i.e. Ha is accepted

    Pengorganisasian Kelas Di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti berjudul ‘’Pengroganisasian Kelas Di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan’’ yang dilatarbelakangi oleh ditemukan data bahwa pada pengorganisasian pembelajaran kurangnya kedisiplinan guru seperti terlambat masuk mengajar disebabkan jarak dari rumah ke sekolah yang jauh sehingga sering digantikan terlebih dahulu kepada guru piket. Kemudian pada kegiatan pembelajaran guru kerap melupakan untuk memberikan evaluasi atau kesimpulan dari materi yang disampaikan. Selanjutnya pada pengorganisasian peserta didik, pada saat guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran, masih terdapat siswa yang ribut di kelas sehingga membuat suasana kelas menjadi kurang kondusif. Dan terakhir pada pengorganisasian sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran, ditemukan kurang memadainya media pembelajaran di kelas seperti alat peraga dan alat pelajaran lainnya untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Pengorganisasian Kelas Di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan. Partisipan yang berpartisipasi pada penelitian ini yaitu merupakan pendidik Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi terhadap Pengorganisasian Kelas Di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian mengatakan kemampuan guru dalam mengorganisasi kelas di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan pada kelas 8-1, 8-2 dan 8-3 sudah menjalankan kegiatan pengorganisasian kelas seperti pengorganisasian kegiatan pembelajaran, pengorganisasian peserta didik secara efekif. Akan tetapi belum dapat tercapai secara optimal dikarenakan ada beberapa hal yang belum terlaksana seperti pada pengorganisasian media dan alat pembelajaran. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan guru pada saat mengorganisasi kelas di MTs Persiapan Negeri 4 Medan pada kelas 8-1, 8-2 dan 8-3 sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan efektif seperti pada pengorganisasian kegiatan pembelajaran dan pengorganisasian peserta didik. Namun ada beberapa hal perbedaan cara yang dilakukan Wali kelas baik kelas 8-1, 8-2 dan 8-3 Seperti pada pengorganasasian kegiatan pembelajaran terdapat perbedaan cara mengenai penilaian terhadap tugas yang diberikan kepada murid


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    ABSTRACT The number of women of childbearing age in Indonesia is the highest number of WUS in Southeast Asia. However, Indonesia is the largest user of contraception. The COVID-19 outbreak has also affected the use of contraception. This outbreak was declared a global health emergency that required restrictions on activities and physical and social contact, up to quarantine on a large scale. This has led to major changes in the social order, which usually involves activities outside the home, turning into activities at home. In addition, the pandemic also increases sexual contact, thereby allowing an increase in the number of pregnancies. So it is necessary to strengthen knowledge on the use of contraception. Keywords: user of contraception, contraception, pandemic Covid-19, reproduction health   ABSTRAK Jumlah Wanita Usia Subur di Indonesia merupakan jumlah WUS terbanyak di Asia Tenggara. Namun Indonesia merupakan pengguna terbesar kontrasepsi. Wabah covid-19 juga berpengaruh pada peggunaan kontrasepsi. Wabah ini dinyatakan sebagai darurat Kesehatan global sehingga mengharuskan pembatasan aktifitas dan kontak fisik dan social, sampai karantina dalam sekala besar. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan besar pada tatanan masyarakat yang biasanya berkegiatan di luar rumah, berubah menjadi berkegiatan di rumah. Selain itu pandemic juga meningkatkan kontak seksual sehingga memungkinkan peningkatan jumlah kehamilan. Sehingga perlu penguatan pengetahuan pada penggunaan kontrasepsi. Kata Kunci: Aseptor KB, Kontrasepsi, Pandemi Covid-19, Kesehatan Reproduks


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    Telah dilakukan Implementasi sistem kontrol suhu dan waktu penahanan pada perangkat pengering ikan asin kembung portable. Pengeringan ikan asin dapat terhambat jika cuaca saat pengeringan tidak baik. Untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam pemakaian alat dengan suhu dan waktu yang baik. Ikan yang akan dikontrol adalah sampel ikan kembung dengan ukuran 15 – 20 cm dengan variasi suhu 65 dan 70 oC waktu yang digunakan yaitu 4, 5, dan 6 jam. Ikan yang dikeringkan menggunakan perangkat pengering telah di uji secara SNI. Alat yang digunakan berbahan pelat baja berukuran 75 cm x 65 cm x 75 cm. sensor yang digunakan untuk mengetahui suhu dalam pengering ikan kembung Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan suhu dapat mendeteksi suhu yang ada di dalam wadah alat pengring ikan asin. Ikan kembung yang di kotrol sudah memenuhi standar nasional Indonesia (SNI) 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering. Suhu yang set yaitu suhu 70 oC dengan waktu pengeringan selama 7 jam dimana massa awal 89 g menghasilkan massa akhir 36 g telah memenuhi standar nasional Indonesia (SNI) 39,56%.   Kata  kunci:  Ikan asin kembung, Perangkat Pengering, suhu, dan waktu penahanan   ABSTRACT   Drying of salted fish can be hampered if the weather during drying is not good. A salted fish dryer has been designed with the aim of facilitating the local community in drying mackerel without being hindered by the weather. To make it easier for people to use the tool because it is known that the temperature and time are good for the fish tongue. The fish to be controlled were mackerel samples with a size of 15 – 20 cm with a temperature variation of 65 and 70 oC, the time used was 4, 5 and 6 hours. The tool used is made of steel plate measuring 60 cm x 75 cm x 75 cm. The sensor used to determine the temperature in the tongue fish dryer is DHTT22. The research results obtained by the temperature sensor can detect the temperature in the container of the salted fish drying device. Controlled tongue fish has met the Indonesian national standard (SNI) 88273:2016 concerning dried salted fish. The set temperature is 70 oC with a drying time of 7 hours where the initial mass of 89 g produces a final mass of 36 g which meets the Indonesian national standard (SNI) 39.56%.   Keywords: Temperature, time, sensor DHT2


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    This paper aims to determine how skilled students are in speaking through the discussion method with a communicative approach. This study used qualitative research methods. Because in this research we need observation, visual analysis, literature study as well as conducting interviews with informants. In this research, the most important thing we do is carry out direct observations related to the problem we are studying. Because with observation, we can see directly what is happening in the field according to the facts. Based on the results of observations, the application of the discussion method through a communicative approach to elementary school students is effectively used to cultivate students' speaking skills, because it triggers students to ask questions, have opinions and of course know many things that were previously unknown.This paper aims to determine how skilled students are in speaking through the discussion method with a communicative approach. This study used qualitative research methods. Because in this research we need observation, visual analysis, literature study as well as conducting interviews with informants. In this research, the most important thing we do is carry out direct observations related to the problem we are studying. Because with observation, we can see directly what is happening in the field according to the facts. Based on the results of observations, the application of the discussion method through a communicative approach to elementary school students is effectively used to cultivate students' speaking skills, because it triggers students to ask questions, have opinions and of course know many things that were previously unknown


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    The purpose of the research is to be able to develop students' skills in reading the Qur'an in accordance with the practice of recitation science using the recitation wheel method. This type of research uses research and development or Research and Development (RD). Where this method conducts research and development which can also be interpreted as a scientific step that has the aim of researching, designing, producing or producing products and testing the validation of the products that researchers have presented. Research and development is also referred to as research, design, production, and testing. Based on the results obtained in the field, it shows that the use of the recitation wheel is able to make students better understand the science of recitation and can apply it when reading the Qur'an


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    Telah dilakukan Implementasi sistem kontrol suhu dan waktu penahanan pada perangkat pengering ikan asin kembung portable. Pengeringan ikan asin dapat terhambat jika cuaca saat pengeringan tidak baik. Untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam pemakaian alat dengan suhu dan waktu yang baik. Ikan yang akan dikontrol adalah sampel ikan kembung dengan ukuran 15 – 20 cm dengan variasi suhu 65 dan 70 oC waktu yang digunakan yaitu 4, 5, dan 6 jam. Ikan yang dikeringkan menggunakan perangkat pengering telah di uji secara SNI. Alat yang digunakan berbahan pelat baja berukuran 75 cm x 65 cm x 75 cm. sensor yang digunakan untuk mengetahui suhu dalam pengering ikan kembung Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan suhu dapat mendeteksi suhu yang ada di dalam wadah alat pengring ikan asin. Ikan kembung yang di kotrol sudah memenuhi standar nasional Indonesia (SNI) 8273:2016 tentang ikan asin kering. Suhu yang set yaitu suhu 70 oC dengan waktu pengeringan selama 7 jam dimana massa awal 89 g menghasilkan massa akhir 36 g telah memenuhi standar nasional Indonesia (SNI) 39,56%.   Kata  kunci:  Ikan asin kembung, Perangkat Pengering, suhu, dan waktu penahanan   ABSTRACT   Drying of salted fish can be hampered if the weather during drying is not good. A salted fish dryer has been designed with the aim of facilitating the local community in drying mackerel without being hindered by the weather. To make it easier for people to use the tool because it is known that the temperature and time are good for the fish tongue. The fish to be controlled were mackerel samples with a size of 15 – 20 cm with a temperature variation of 65 and 70 oC, the time used was 4, 5 and 6 hours. The tool used is made of steel plate measuring 60 cm x 75 cm x 75 cm. The sensor used to determine the temperature in the tongue fish dryer is DHTT22. The research results obtained by the temperature sensor can detect the temperature in the container of the salted fish drying device. Controlled tongue fish has met the Indonesian national standard (SNI) 88273:2016 concerning dried salted fish. The set temperature is 70 oC with a drying time of 7 hours where the initial mass of 89 g produces a final mass of 36 g which meets the Indonesian national standard (SNI) 39.56%.   Keywords: Temperature, time, sensor DHT2

    Pola Pengembangan Budaya Mutu Pendidikan Dan Dampak Dalam Peningkatan Satuan Mutu Pendidikan

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    Budaya sekolah merupakan faktor yang paling penting dalam membentuk siswa menjadi manusia yang penuh optimis, berani, tampil, berperilaku kooperatif, serta memiliki kecakapan personal dibidang akademik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola pengembangan budaya mutu pendidikan di MTS PAB 2 Sampali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara secara langsung kepada salah satu guru MTS PAB 2 Sampali. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari hasil Temuan penelitian ditemukan bahwa pola pengembangan budaya mutu yang diterapkan kepada siswa di MTs PAB 2 Sampali sangatlah bagus, dan memberikan kebiasaan baik terhadap siswa/i di madrasah.   &nbsp

    Pengembangan Strategi Pemasaran Potensi Gampong Lamme Melalui Media Digital

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    Media digital adalah jalan yang tepat membuka peluang dalam pengembangan produk. Gampong Lamme tepatnya di kecamatan Jaya merupakan salah satu daerah yang mempunyai produk-produk unggul diantara kerajinan Tudong, Jeruk Bali, Kurma Daya, Lamme Candy, dan Chingkuy. Memang produk-produk ini luar biasa apabila di promosikan keluar daerah, namun fasilitas Media digital kurang memadai. Padahal Media digital sudah mudah diaplikasikan untuk para penggunannya. Oleh karena itu, maksud dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan media digital bagi masyarakat Gampong Lamme melalui website market place. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian berbasis pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan sebagai rangkaian program kerja.  Teknik hasil assesment partisipatif terhadap potensi gampong, lalu di bangun rencana kerja sama untuk merealisasikan bersama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan pentingnya daerah memiliki media digital yang sudah ada, sehingga apabila sudah terealisasikan bahan, produk-produk yang bisa menambah ekonomi masyarakat, maka melalui strategi pemasaran melalui website market place semua akan menjadi mudah

    Investigating the Index of Sustainable Development and Reduction in Greenhouse Gases of Renewable Energies

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    Considering the limited resources of fossil energy and the problems caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, it is necessary to pay more attention to renewable energies, because in this way, the goals of sustainable development can be achieved. The importance of renewable energies in sustainable development, reducing greenhouse gases and increasing energy security on the one hand, and the need for financial resources and large investments for renewable energy projects on the other hand, doubles the role and importance of financial development in the development of renewable energies. Considering the importance of this issue, the present study examines the impact of the development of modern facilities and renewable energy technology. In this study, dynamic interactions in the Sustainable-Energy-Energy Development Pattern of carbon dioxide are investigated using the Bayesian Vector Auto Regression (BVAR) method. One of the most important indicators for evaluating sustainable development is the modified pure arrangement (GS). For this purpose, this index was used as a sustainable development index. The results indicate that the effect of positive impulse on renewable and renewable energy consumption on sustainable development in Uganda is positive. In addition, the positive shock of renewable and renewable energy consumption increases the emissions of carbon dioxide pollutants to a different extent. In addition, the effect of the growth of sustainable development index on renewable energy consumption and renewal energy consumption is (CO2) negative. The research results show that based on the RMSE criterion, the former SSVS-Full function was used to investigate the impact of renewable energy consumption on sustainable development and the independent Normal-Wish art function was used. Therefore, in this research, the dynamic relationships between sustainable development, energy consumption (separately from renewable and non-renewable energy) and CO2 emissions are investigated