1,663 research outputs found

    Reason--do managers need it?

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    Kasside (Felis catus) juveniilne hüperplastiline gingiviit: juhtude seeria uuring

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    Final thesis Curriculum in Veterinary MedicineFeline juvenile hyperplastic gingivitis is a distinct type of gingivitis affecting the domestic cat during puberty. The condition is dissimilar to typical gingivitis by having excessive erythematous gingival tissue creating deep pseudopockets. The aetiology is unknown, and there is a scarcity of scientific literature describing the condition. The disease can be frustrating as it often requires veterinary dental intervention more than once. 23 patient cases seen at the Small Animal Clinic of Estonian University of Life Sciences during November 2015 to March 2021 were analysed and a clinical characterization of the disease was assembled. The aim of this thesis is to bring awareness of the disease to veterinarians.Kasside juveniilne hüperplastiline gingiviit on kodukassidel murdeeas esinev spetsiifiline gingiviidi e. igemepõletiku vorm. Seisund erineb tavalisest gingiviidist ulatuslike erüteemsete igemevohandite esinemise näol, mille tõttu moodustuvad igemetel sügavad igemevao pseudotaskud. Seisundi etioloogia on teadmata ja seda käsitlevat teaduskirjandust on väga napilt. Tegemist on frustreeriva haigusseisundiga, kuna sageli esineb vajadus korduva veterinaarstomatoloogilise ravisekkumise järele. Uuring koondab 23 Eesti Maaülikooli Väikeloomakliinikus 2015. a. novembrist kuni 2021. aasta märtsini diagnoositud ja/või ravitud patsiendi juhtumite kirjelduse ja analüüsi ning haigussündroomi kliinilise iseloomustuse. Töö eesmärgiks on loomaarstide teadlikkuse tõstmine selle haigusseisundi osas

    Prefigurative Politics: Perils and Promise

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    Many recent social movements have been characterised by their commitment to direct democratic decision-making procedures and leaderless, non-hierarchic organizational structures. This political tendency also implies the search for autonomy from existing political institutions and practises. Movements seek instead to embody in the political action itself the social relations, ways of collective decision-making and values that are ultimately desired for the whole society. This prefigurative approach to social change is often criticized for being naiive or marginal. This thesis argues first that this is not the case, but that prefigurative politics is misunderstood due to its differing view on questions of strategy, organisation and ultimately the possibility of fundamental societal change. The dissertation first outlines the often implicit strategy or vision of change underpinning prefigurative politics. It then identifies as the key challenge for prefigurative movements their ability to avoid reproducing oppressive forms of power, ‘power-over.’ This understudied aspect is investigated through extensive ethnographic field research with the unemployed workers movement, MTD Lanús in Buenos Aires, and the Zapatista movement in Mexico. The thesis concludes that it seems impossible to completely avoid reproducing old forms of power. Often key individuals in the movements end up in a paradoxical position whereby, in an effort to ensure the group’s prefigurative nature, these individuals enjoy non-prefigurative influence. The findings imply that the state and corresponding political forms and practise are not the only source of hierarchic pressures. As such, it would be more useful to view prefigurative political action as desirable, yet impossible

    Chronic Non-Bacterial Osteitis/Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis

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    Arkiliikunnan lisääminen perheissä varhaiskasvatuksen tuella

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Niina Miettunen ja Pia Rothberg. “Kaikkihan sen tietävät miten pitää liikkua, mutta.” Arkiliikunnan lisääminen perheissä varhaiskasvatuksen tuella. Pieksämäki, kevät 2017. 59 sivua, 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Pieksämäki, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma. Sosionomi (AMK). + lastentarhanopettajan kelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda keinoja arkiliikunnan lisäämiseksi perheissä varhaiskasvatuksen tuella järjestämällä toiminnallisia vanhempainiltoja, joissa perheet saivat vinkkejä liikunnan lisäämiseksi. Tavoitteena oli myös tehdä houkutteleva ja hauska liikuntaopas perheille, jossa oli faktoja liikunnan hyödyistä lapsille ja liikuntavinkkejä perheille. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhdessä Varkauden kaupungin Repokankaan päiväkodin Reppulit-ryhmän henkilökunnan, lasten ja perheiden kanssa. Toiminnallisten vanhempainiltoja avulla näytettiin perheille, kuinka pienillä asioilla voidaan vaikuttaa perheen yhteiseen tekemiseen, ja että se ei vaadi hienoja välineitä eikä taloudellista panostusta. Vanhempainillat onnistuivat hienosti, 9 perheestä parhaimmillaan paikalla oli 7 perhettä. Yhteistyötä päiväkodin ja perheiden välillä tuettiin toiminnallisten vanhempainiltojen myötä, ja vanhempien toive on, että päiväkodilla pidetään toiminnallisia vanhempainiltoja perinteisten vanhempainiltojen sijaan. Liikuntaoppaasta tehtiin helppolukuinen, lyhyt, selkeä, lapsenmielisesti toteutettu, kiinnostava ja persoonallinen tietopaketti. Oppaasta voi lukea hyviä vinkkejä yhteiseen liikuntaan ja tekemiseen sekä siitä saa tietoa lasten liikunnasta. Avainsanat: varhaiskasvatus, liikuntakasvatus, kasvatuskumppanuus, perheliikunta Säilytyspaikka: Diakonia Ammattikorkeakoulu, Pieksämäen yksikön kirjasto.ABSTRACT Niina Miettunen & Pia Rothberg “Everyone knows how to exercise, but.” Increasing daily physical activity in families with the support of early childhood education. Pieksämäki, spring 2017, 59 pages, 2 appendices. Language Finnish. Diaconia university of Applied Sciences Diak Pieksämäki. Degree Programme in Social Services.. Bachelor of Social Services + qualification for an early childhood education teacher. This thesis aims at increasing daily physical activity in families with the support of early childhood education by organizing active and operational parents’ evenings where families were given tempting instructions to increase physical activity. The aim was also to make an attractive and fun exercise guide for families with events of the benefits of exercise for children and exercise points for families.The study was conducted together with the staff, children and families of Reppulit group from the Repokangas daycare centre of the city of Varkaus. By organizing active and operational parents’ evenings the families were shown how the things families do together can be affected by little issues, which do not require fancy equipment nor economic investment. The parents’ evenings succeeded with 7 out of 9 families present at its best. The cooperation between the daycare centre and the families was supported by means of the active and operational parents’ evenings, and the parents wish that the daycare centre arranges active and operational parents’ evenings instead of the traditional parents’ evenings. The exercise guide composed was easy to read, short, clear, childlike, interesting and individual information package. It provides good tips for things families can do and exercise together, together with information on children’s physical activity. Keywords: early childhood education, physical education, educational partnership, family exercise Storage location: Diaconia University of Applied Sciense, Unit Pieksämäki library

    “The most respected teachers in the world”? Media Representations of the Finnish Teacher in Treacherous Times

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    This study investigates how different types of teachers are represented and constructed in television fiction. Previous research indicates that fiction is as powerful as non-fiction in shaping and changing peoples’ attitudes, beliefs and opinions. In Finland, the context of this study, there have been many teacher characters in literature, TV and movies and, despite their esteemed status in society, their representation has been mainly negative. Motivated by the current ‘treacherous’ changes in Finnish education (introduction of a new core curriculum, problems of discipline, increasing number of dropouts and marginalized youth), we examine how a recent and popular Finnish TV-series centered on a school, display these societal issues and, at the same time, portray different facets of teacherhood. The main concept used as a tool for analysing the TV-series is representation while content and discourse analyses serve as analytical frameworks. The results of this study show that two main subsets of teachers are present in the TV series: art teachers vs. teachers in general. Compared to the traditional representation of teachers the art teacher is constructed as more positive and as some sort of independent warrior teacher. Yet her representations tend to be not only one-sided but also caricatures, which puts into question the respect and appreciation of teachers in Finnish society.Peer reviewe

    On the optimal novelty requirement in patent protection

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    Using Games, Mobile and Wireless Environments to Construct Meaningful and Motivating LearningTwo Cases: Adventure in the Castle of Oulu (1651) and Virtual Snellman (1822)

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    The traditional notion of a learning environment has expanded to cover virtual spaces. Today, these virtual learning environments are often network-based and readily wireless accessible to a certain group of students. Virtual meeting places are extremely popular among young people. Their very popularity can occasionally even present problems in everyday schoolwork. Thus, attempts to harness these new tools and environments for learning purposes are worth undertaking. These considerations have inspired the present project that has produced a 3D virtual learning environment with the aim of providing a space for learning activities. The space itself and its virtual inhabitants in these cases are based on historical data. The players who enter this environment learn by interacting with the characters and each other. The game offers challenges the players try to solve as a team. It emphasizes group work skills, group interaction, and cooperation in various conflict situations that have to be negotiated inside the virtual world. Historical information plays a key role in game play and thus the learning experience is integrated to the events of the game, making learning fun. The environment utilizes both verbal and non-verbal communication and it does not contain violent or destructive elements and therefore it is suitable for children of all ages and both sexes. One of the important goals of realizing the Snellman game is to make sure the application can be transported to other networks and is able to utilize different learning environments through, for instance, mobile devices. The use of mobile technology raises a number of questions in terms of production. How central a role should mobile devices assume in game play? In what way should information acquired via mobile devices mesh with the virtual environment

    Bimatrix Games in General Equilibrium

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