51 research outputs found

    In search of the rational city

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    Lots of studies and projects about the city today are focused mainly on different types of transformations, leading to “new” urban configurations that will ultimately deal with “new” contemporary and future problems. They seem, however, to forget about the human being whose perception and comprehension of the city is mainly based on its past. There are still some attempts made to address the rational balance of old and new, of traditional and modern, of purely formal and purely functional, of beauty and progressive aspects of the city. The article explores the theme of rational attitude in architecture and urban planning. The author searched for traces of such themes in contemporary developments of the IJburg district of Amsterdam and of the Ypenburg Center near The Hague. These examples may help to discuss the role and critical potential of the traditional urban and building typology in the transformation process of cities and territories that lead to new urban configurations. Both the above-mentioned projects use “old” well known, readable, clearly defined and of human scale urban and architectural types (peripheral blocks, towers, main streets, public squares, semi-private courtyards) as design tools that can provide extraordinary creative and instrumental possibilities; types that represent not only an abstraction of urban and building configuration, but act as carriers of cultural meaning and identity. The author looks to address this question and explore possible solutions that will reinstate the rational city in the present day

    Identification of polymorphisms and balancing selection in the male infertility candidate gene, ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 3

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    Abstract Background The antizyme family is a group of small proteins that play a role in cell growth and division by regulating the biosynthesis of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine). Antizymes regulate polyamine levels primarily through binding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), an enzyme key to polyamine production, and targeting ODC for destruction by the 26S proteosome. Ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 3 (OAZ3) is a testis-specific antizyme paralog and the only antizyme expressed in the mid to late stages of spermatogenesis. Methods To see if mutations in the OAZ3 gene are responsible for some cases of male infertility, we sequenced and evaluated the genomic DNA of 192 infertile men, 48 men of known paternity, and 34 African aborigines from the Mbuti tribe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The coding sequence of OAZ3 was further screened for polymorphisms by SSCP analysis in the infertile group and an additional 250 general population controls. Identified polymorphisms in the OAZ3 gene were further subjected to a haplotype analysis using PHASE 2.02 and Arlequin 2.0 software programs. Results A total of 23 polymorphisms were identified in the promoter, exons or intronic regions of OAZ3. The majority of these fell within a region of less than two kilobases. Two of the polymorphisms, -239 A/G in the promoter and 4280 C/T, a missense polymorphism in exon 5, may show evidence of association with male infertility. Haplotype analysis identified 15 different haplotypes, which can be separated into two divergent clusters. Conclusion Mutations in the OAZ3 gene are not a common cause of male infertility. However, the presence of the two divergent haplotypes at high frequencies in all three of our subsamples (infertile, control, African) suggests that they have been maintained in the genome by balancing selection, which was supported by a test of Tajima's D statistic. Evidence for natural selection in this region implies that these haplotypes may be associated with a trait other than infertility. This trait may be related to another function of OAZ3 or a region in tight linkage disequilibrium to the gene.</p

    Uniparental Genetic Heritage of Belarusians: Encounter of Rare Middle Eastern Matrilineages with a Central European Mitochondrial DNA Pool

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    Ethnic Belarusians make up more than 80% of the nine and half million people inhabiting the Republic of Belarus. Belarusians together with Ukrainians and Russians represent the East Slavic linguistic group, largest both in numbers and territory, inhabiting East Europe alongside Baltic-, Finno-Permic- and Turkic-speaking people. Till date, only a limited number of low resolution genetic studies have been performed on this population. Therefore, with the phylogeographic analysis of 565 Y-chromosomes and 267 mitochondrial DNAs from six well covered geographic sub-regions of Belarus we strove to complement the existing genetic profile of eastern Europeans. Our results reveal that around 80% of the paternal Belarusian gene pool is composed of R1a, I2a and N1c Y-chromosome haplogroups – a profile which is very similar to the two other eastern European populations – Ukrainians and Russians. The maternal Belarusian gene pool encompasses a full range of West Eurasian haplogroups and agrees well with the genetic structure of central-east European populations. Our data attest that latitudinal gradients characterize the variation of the uniparentally transmitted gene pools of modern Belarusians. In particular, the Y-chromosome reflects movements of people in central-east Europe, starting probably as early as the beginning of the Holocene. Furthermore, the matrilineal legacy of Belarusians retains two rare mitochondrial DNA haplogroups, N1a3 and N3, whose phylogeographies were explored in detail after de novo sequencing of 20 and 13 complete mitogenomes, respectively, from all over Eurasia. Our phylogeographic analyses reveal that two mitochondrial DNA lineages, N3 and N1a3, both of Middle Eastern origin, might mark distinct events of matrilineal gene flow to Europe: during the mid-Holocene period and around the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, respectively

    Architektura Miasto Piękno tom 2

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    "Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej zawsze był miejscem pełnym osobowości, indywidualności, talentów. Gdy profesorowie i mistrzowie odchodzili z Wydziału, mieliśmy świadomość, że tu nigdy już nie będzie tak samo. Wydział jednak trwał i trwa jak piękno miasta, które jest przecież dziełem zbiorowym, o nakładających się warstwach, wzmacniających i tworzących jego tożsamość. Tak też kolejne pokolenia kontynuują i budują historię Wydziału. Wydział pełen jest wspomnień i anegdot. W fotografiach, księgach, obrazach, meblach kryją się opowieści."(...

    Beauty in rationalistic architecture

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    Motywacją do podjęcia tematu stała się sprzeczność, iż pomimo deestetyzacji sztuki współczesnej, w tym sztuki architektury i bezradności tradycyjnych kategorii estetycznych w jej dyskursie, emocjonalna potrzeba przeżycia piękna nadal pozostaje realna. W pracy podjęto próbę analizy kategorii estetycznej, jaką jest piękno współcześnie, na przykładzie nurtu racjonalistycznego, wspierając się przykładami najbardziej reprezentatywnych stanowisk w estetyce, szeroko pojętej kulturze oraz teorii architektury. Wyniki badań potwierdzają, że część twórców świadomie dba o to, by piękno nadal było przedmiotem twórczości, myśli i doświadczeń, by trwało, a nie stało się jedynie przypisem do historii architektury.The reason for taking up the topic has been the contradiction that, despite the de-aestheticisation of contemporary art, including architecture and the helplessness of traditional aesthetic categories in its discourse, the emotional urge to experience beauty still remains genuine. The paper focuses on an attempt at analysing the aesthetic category of beauty today, through the example of the rationalist trend, with the examples of some representative standpoints in aesthetics, broadly defined culture and the theory of architecture. The research findings confi rm that some creators consciously attach importance to beauty as the subject of creativity, thoughts and experiences. For beauty lasts, and does not become just a footnote to the history of architecture

    Residential architecture of Aldo Rossi – between rationality and poetic

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    Artykuł jest częścią badań autorki nad tendencjami racjonalistycznymi we współczesnej architekturze mieszkaniowej. Przedmiotem analizy są teorie urbanistyczno-architektoniczne Aldo Rossiego i ich wpływ na projektowaną przez niego architekturę mieszkaniową wielorodzinną różnych typów (kwartał zabudowy, budynek narożny, miejska willa, blok) w Berlinie i Mediolanie. Aldo Rossi, teoretyk i twórca, badał, a następnie stosował w projektowaniu metodologię, która czerpała informacje o mieście i jego architekturze z przeszłości, z historii i „zbiorowej pamięci”. Tam próbował określić uniwersalne, niezmienne formy i elementy architektoniczne. W swoich badaniach typologicznych szukał następnie połączenia abstrakcyjnego języka geometrii z funkcją (również zgłębianą historycznie), analizował teren, lokalne struktury, materiały, unikalne cechy miejsca. Autorkę interesuje, dlaczego dzieła Rossiego, charakteryzujące się niezwykłym formalizmem i bezkompromisowością, stanowiły w czasie swego powstania i nadal stanowią ważne przykłady, a nawet ikony miejskiej architektury mieszkaniowej. Tekst ma również pokazać, że „dziedzictwo teoretyczne i architektoniczne” Aldo Rossiego może być nadal źródłem inspiracji w rozwiązywaniu problemów stojących przed architekturą. Również dzisiaj twórcy, sięgając po ustalone w przeszłości formy, struktury, typy oraz materiały, mogą kontynuować poszukiwania wartości uniwersalnych w architekturze, biorąc pod uwagę współczesne warunki i potrzeby. Podjęcie tematu ma zwrócić uwagę na kwestię racjonalizmu jako ogólnej postawy w kształtowaniu miejskiej architektury mieszkaniowej, która może stanowić kompromis pomiędzy przeszłością a teraźniejszością, tradycją a nowością.This article is part of the author’s research on rationalist tendencies in contemporary residential architecture. The subject of this analysis are the urban architectural theories of Aldo Rossi and their influence on the design of various multi-family housing architecture (building quarter, corner building, urban villa, block) in Berlin and Milan. Aldo Rossi, a theoretician and creator, researched the history and collective memory to draw information - about the city and its architecture -, and then applied this methodology to his design. He tried to define universal, invariable forms and architectural elements. In his typological research, he was looking for a combination of: an abstract language of geometry with a function (also explored historically), analysis of the area, local structures, materials, and unique features of the environment. The author is interested in why Rossi’s works, characterized by unusual formalism and a unwillingness to compromise, during their formation and now, still constitute important examples, or even icons, of urban housing architecture. The text is also intended to show that Aldo Rossi’s “theoretical and architectural heritage” can still be a source of inspiration in solving the problems facing contemporary architecture. Even today, creators reaching for the forms, structures, types and materials established in the past, may continue to search for universal values in architecture, taking into account contemporary conditions and needs. The objective is to draw attention to the issue of rationalism as a general attitude in shaping urban housing architecture, which may constitute a compromise between the past and the present, tradition and novelty