172 research outputs found

    Sarcopenia, exercise and quality of life

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    Producción CientíficaThe loss of strength, power, and muscle mass caused by the progressive deterioration from aging is known as “sarcopenia.” This age-related disease is closely related to the progressive loss of physical and cognitive abilities. The etiology of sarcopenia is multifactorial: hormonal, neurological, muscular, immunological, nutritional, or related to a sedentary lifestyle. These factors cause pathophysiological changes at the neuromuscular and tendon level, increased risk of chronic diseases (diabetes and osteoporosis), suppression of ketogenesis and changes in body temperature. Muscle mass gradually decreases by 3% to 8% every decade from the age of 30 onwards, and is particularly accentuated from 60 ahead. This results in a progressive decline in strength that contributes significantly to disability and loss of independence in the elderly. Therefore, to treat and delay sarcopenia, decisions regarding lifestyle habits must be taken into account. In addition, with the physiological and systemic changes in the body as age advances and accelerates the progression of this syndrome, lifestyle factors are much more controllable, and the inclusion of exercise (both endurance and strength) in a healthy lifestyle is of paramount importance. Therefore, in this Special Issue, “Sarcopenia, Exercise and Quality of Life” we focus on the current state of knowledge on the links between sarcopenia, exercise, and quality of life. [Texto extraído del artículo de Diego Fernández Lázaro]

    Análisis nutricional y su relación con el estrés psico-físico y el daño muscular en jugadoras profesionales de voleibol a lo largo de una temporada

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    261 p.Introducción: El daño muscular, el estrés y la fatiga generan modificaciones en los niveles plasmáticos de las hormonas del estrés y de distintas enzimas y proteínas musculares que sirven para conocer el grado de adaptación del deportista al ejercicio. Así, el control del balance entre las hormonas catabólicas y anabólicas es fundamental para controlar el grado de asimilación del entrenamiento, mientras que los marcadores bioquímicos de daño muscular nos indican el grado de adaptación metabólica del musculo esquelético al entrenamiento físico, observándose una recuperación más rápida de los valores basales cuando el musculo está adaptado. Por otro lado, el efecto de la nutrición sobre el daño muscular, el estrés y la fatiga ha sido ampliamente discutido en un gran número de investigaciones mostrando que durante la recuperación post-ejercicio una ingesta nutricional adecuada es importante para reponer las reservas endógenas de energía, el reacondicionamiento del musculo esquelético la reparación del daño muscular y por tanto evitar la fatiga. Otros autores han observado una correlación entre la ingesta de energía y carbohidratos previa al ejercicio con el grado de daño muscular post-ejercicio. Objetivos: 1. Valorar el estrés psico-físico originado por la actividad física deportiva profesional, en jugadoras profesionales de voleibol (JVF) provocado a lo largo de la temporada de competición. 2. Valorar el daño muscular provocado a lo largo de la temporada de competición. 3. Determinar la composición nutricional y alimentaria de la ingesta realizada por las JVF a lo largo de la temporada y valorar la adecuación de la ingesta a las recomendaciones dietéticas y nutricionales de referencia. 4. Determinar los cambios en el perfil antropométrico de las JVF a lo largo de la temporada. Material y métodos: Se estudió a un equipo de voleibol femenino profesional (n=10) durante una temporada deportiva. Para ello se recogieron tanto las muestras sanguíneas, datos psicológicos, antropométricos como dietéticos en 4 momentos durante la temporada: Octubre (T1): Previo al comienzo de la pretemporada. Diciembre (T2): Correspondiente a 11 semanas de entrenamiento (6 de pretemporada y 5 de específico). Marzo (T3): Previo a jugar la copa de S.M la Reina. Correspondiente a 10 semanas de entrenamiento competitivo. Abril (T4): Previo a jugar el play-off final. Correspondiente a 8 semanas de entrenamiento competitivo. Resultados: Los niveles de la hormona adenocorticotropa (ACTH) aumentaron significativamente (p < 0,05) respecto de los niveles basales durante todas las fases de la temporada. Además, el cortisol (C) cambió durante la temporada, con niveles más altos en diciembre y abril. Sin embargo, los niveles séricos de Testosterona Total (TT) disminuyeron durante la temporada hasta un mínimo en diciembre y un posterior aumento significativo (p < 0,05) en marzo y abril. La Testosterona Libre (TL) presentó niveles significativamente más altos (p < 0,05) en abril respecto a marzo. El ratio TT/C disminuyó significativamente (p < 0,05) en diciembre, seguido por un aumento significativo (p < 0,05) en abril. El ratio TL/C disminuyó durante la temporada (siendo el nivel más bajo en marzo) y aumentó significativamente durante la última parte de la temporada en abril. Los valores de ansiedad y desmotivación aumentaron en T2 para posteriormente bajar en T3 y T4, mientras que los valores del trastorno del sueño aumentaron y el control del estrés en T3y T4. Así mismo, se mostró una acumulación de daño muscular observado especialmente en la creatin-Kinasa, mioglobina y Lactado Deshidrogenasa en T3 y T4 por el acumulo de altas cargas de ejercicio (entrenamiento y partidos). Por otro lado, solo se observaron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) en el de las proteínas de origen vegetal, el consumo de P, Zn, tiamina y Ca. También se observó que el consumo de kcal/kg peso/ día y el consumo de carbohidratos, tanto en g/kg peso/día como en porcentaje fue inferior a las recomendaciones. Por el contrario las JVF mostraron un mayor consumo de proteínas (g/kg peso/día y porcentaje) y de lípidos (porcentaje de energía, porcentaje de energía que aportan los AGS y monoinsaturados y colesterol) que las recomendaciones para dichos nutrientes. En cuanto a la composición corporal Se observó que las JVF disminuyeron de una forma significativa (p < 0,05) los valores de los sumatorios de 4, 6 y 8 pliegues (Σ4P, Σ6P, Σ8P) a lo largo de la temporada. Conclusiones: Los resultado de las hormonas del estrés, test psicológicos y de los marcadores de daño muscular nos informó que el estrés psico-físico y el daño muscular se fue acumulando a lo largo de la temporada. Además, su comportamiento nos sugiere un overreaching tras la pretemporada, mostrando sin embargo una correcta adaptación en los dos momentos más importantes de la temporada (Copa de S.M la Reina y el play-off final por el título). Así mismo, se observó un aumento de la masa muscular y disminución de la masa grasa, especialmente en las primeras fases de la temporada, además de que las dietas de las JVF no cumplieron con los criterios de cantidad y calidad para un correcto rendimiento deportivo y de la salud

    Nutrition and muscle recovery

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    Producción CientíficaExercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is characterized by histopathological muscle tissue changes that originate skeletal muscle damage. The destruction of skeletal muscle fibers causes an inflammatory response that decreases the athlete’s physical work capacity and sports performance. Thus, muscle recovery becomes essential and has become a priority for elite athletes in different sports modalities. To achieve optimal muscle recovery, athletes often combine additional recovery strategies (biological, pharmacological, mechanical, and nutritional) in the hope of improving physiological responses and competitive performance. This extra preparation could contribute sensibly and legally to athletes to adequately complement their training to obtain better performance or try “shortcuts” to reach the sport’s elite in less time, with treatments and/or prohibited artificial methods that improve their ability to achieve more extraordinary physical performance. Among the strategies employed, the nutritional plan has a decisive influence on the stimulation of muscle recovery. However, it is necessary to optimize the consumption of adequate amounts of energy, nutrients, and liquids, establishing the correct frequency and associated with the temporality of training and competition. [Texto extraído del artículo de Diego Fernández Lázaro]

    Nutrition-Related considerations for health and performance in female Volleyball: A narrative review

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    Although Volleyball is one of the most widely played sports in the World, there is little scientific information on how the ergo nutritional practice of female players should be designed. Therefore, the main aim of this narrative review is to resolute concise nutritional recommendations for volleyball women who players. Research databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Scopus, Medline or Academic Search Complete summarize and synthesize the recent evidence on the role of nutrition and its relationship with health and performance in this sporting discipline. Based on a literature review, we highlight that the individual adjustment of the energy value of the diet is one of the key factors for the physical performance of female volleyball players. An adequate intake of macronutrients allows for the achievement of correct energy values. To improve training adaptation, between 1.6 and 2.2 g·(kg·day)-1 of protein should be consumed. For optimal pre-competition muscle glycogen storage, 6-10 g·(kg·day)-1 of carbohydrates should be consumed, and 7- 10 g·(kg·day)-1 of carbohydrates should be consumed for adequate recovery. Micronutrients should be consumed in amounts corresponding to the recommended dietary allowances. Women volleyball players should take particular attention to the most adequate intake of these micronutrients, as well as vitamins such as iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Proper fluid intake, according to the player's needs, is crucial to maximize exercise performance. The diet of a female athlete is often characterized by low energy values, which increases the risk of various health consequences related to low energy availability. This diet of volleyball players must therefore be controlled carefully

    Comparison of Sports Performance and Kinanthropometric Profiles of Elite Female Basketball and Volleyball Players over the Course of a Competitive Season

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    In order to maximize sports performance of team sportswomen, knowledge of the player’s characteristics in terms of different aspects and at different times of the season is needed. While the anthropometric and physical characteristics of men’s sports teams have been extensively studied, research on women’s basketball and volleyball is scarce. (1) Purpose: This study aims to contribute data about the anthropometric and physical characteristics of female basketball and volleyball players from elite women’s teams (age: 24.3 ± 2.7 years; playing experience: 14.825 ± 2.8 years) (n = 23) with a two-fold objective: (1) to describe and compare the anthropometric characteristics of these two disciplines; and (2) to identify possible differences in various parameters of sports performance depending on the discipline. (2) Methods: The anthropometric profile includes the measurements recommended by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry; the performance tests described aerobic and anaerobic power exercises. (3) Results: The overall somatotype of the players was moderate mesomorphic and low endomorphic (5.107–3.046–1.883). Statistical differences were found between the improvement of the physical performance level of female basketball players (77%) and female volleyball players (10%) from the first to the last measurement, with better results in most of the performance tests (p 0.05). The percentage of fat-free mass correlated with improvements in lower body strength. (4) Conclusion: Lean body mass is an important predictor of exercise performance intensity. Excess fat mass is detrimental to the development of strength and endurance

    Perfil antropométrico, composición corporal y somatotipo de remeros tradicionales de élite: Estudio transversal

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    Introduction: Given the importance of body composition in sports performance, it is vital to have references of elite athletes which serve as a guide when it comes to overseeing diet and training.The aim of this study was to describe the anthropometric values of an elite team of traditional rowers in order to build an anthropometric profile in this sport. Material and methods: A cross-sectional design with twenty elite, male traditional rowers aged at 29.3 (3.6) years reported to the laboratory on a single day at the start of the competitive season. Height, wingspan, body mass, 8 skinfolds, 2 bone diameters and 6 perimeters were measured by the same internationally certified anthropometrist. Anthropometric measurements were taken following the International Society of Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) protocol. Fat mass was calculated using different equations for athletes and muscle mass using the Lee equation. For the somatotype components, the Carter and Heath equation was applied.Results: elite traditional rowers had a wingspan of 189 (5.8) cm, body fat percentage of 8.0 (1.2)% (Carter), 8.0 (1.8) (Withers), 7.0 (1.2)% (Yuhasz), and 10.9 (1.1)% (Faulkner). Muscle mass was 43.3 (2.4)% (Lee). The somatotype was endo-mesomorphic with endomorphy values of 3.5 (0.4), mesomorphy 4.7 (0.6) and ectomorphy 2.4 (3.5).Conclusion: These results suggest that wingspan seems to be of great importance for elite traditional rowers; while average height may not be as important for performance as wingspan. Meanwhile, reducing body fat percentage is likely to be beneficial in order to achieve elite rowing status.Introducción: Debido a la importancia que la composición corporal tiene en el rendimiento deportivo es necesario disponer de referencias de deportistas élite que sirvan de guía a la hora de orientar la dieta y el entrenamiento. Material y métodos: El estudio fue diseñado como un estudio transversal que incluyó a veinte remeros tradicionales de élite de 29,3(3,6) años de edad que acudieron al laboratorio un sólo día al comienzo del período competitivo. La altura, envergadura, masa corporal, 8 pliegues cutáneos, 2 diámetros óseos y 6 perímetros fueron determinados por el mismo antropometrista internacionalmente certificado. Las medidas fueron recogidas siguiendo el protocolo de la Sociedad Internacional para el avance de la Cineantropometría (ISAK). La masa grasa se calculó utilizando diferentes ecuaciones para deportistas, y la masa muscular mediante la ecuación de Lee. Los componentes del somatotipo fueron estimados mediante la ecuación Carter y Heath.Resultados: Se observó que los remeros de elite tenían una envergadura de 189 (5,8) cm, un porcentaje de grasa corporal de 8,0 (1,2)% según las ecuaciones de Carter, 8,0 (1,8) de Withers; 7,0 (1,2)% de Yuhasz, y 10,9 (1,1)% de Faulkner. La masa muscular fue de 43,3 (2,4)% según la ecuación de Lee. El somatotipo fue endo-mesomorfo con valores de endomorfia de 3,5(0,4), mesomorfia de 4,7(0,6) y ectomorfia de 2,4 (3,5). Conclusiones: Estos resultados sugieren que la envergadura parece ser de gran importancia para los remeros de élite, mientras que la altura promedio puede no ser tan importante para el rendimiento. Por su parte, reducir el porcentaje de grasa corporal es probablemente beneficioso para lograr un buen rendimiento en este deporte

    Ergo-Nutritional Intervention in Basketball: A Systematic Review

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    Using nutritional supplements is a widespread strategy among basketball players to ensure the appropriate provision of energy and nutrients to avoid certain complaints. Particularly in basketball, there is no consensus on the type, quantity or form of use in which these supplements should be administered. Therefore, the main aim of this systematic review is to highlight the ergo-nutritional aids that may be effective in basketball. A structured search was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA®) guidelines in the Medline/PubMed and Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases until 31 December 2021; no year restriction was applied to the search strategy. There were no filters applied to the basketball players’ level, gender, race, or age to increase the power of the analysis. The results of this systematic review have shown that the effective dose of caffeine to enhance anaerobic performance and the feeling of vigorousness and energy ranges from 3 to 6 mg·kg−1, showing more positive effects when is supplemented 60–75 min before exercise in the morning and in test-based task. On the other hand, vitamin E (ranging from 200 to 268 mg), vitamin D (10,000 IU) and EPA (2 g) may have a potential role in recovery and wellness. The primary limitation of this study is the scarcity of studies related to nutritional supplementation in basketball players. However, a major strength is that this is the first systematic review describing what ergo-nutritional aids may be specifically helpful for basketball. Despite the need for future studies, certain nutritional supplements may have promising advantages for basketball (long-term supplementation of nitrates for recovery), whereas others (β-alanine, sodium bicarbonate, and acute nitrate supplementation) might theoretically be regarded as not interesting for basketball, or even not recommended by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as bovine colostrum

    A Glimpse of the Sports Nutrition Awareness in Spanish Basketball Players

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    Basketball is a team sport, with many fans and practitioners worldwide from all ages and levels. In all cases, players accumulate high levels of fatigue, and there is also limited time to recover between games or practices. In particular, nutrition plays a key role in optimizing performance and recovery. However, it is typical to observe erroneous nutritional behaviors among basketball players. It has been theorized that these behaviors are influenced by habits acquired based on the individual’s knowledge. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to conduct a descriptive research of the sports nutrition knowledge and practices in a sample of Spanish basketball players, from athletes under 18 years old (n = 69) to nonprofessional (n = 14) and professional adult players (n = 21). The sample was comprised of 49 men and 55 women. This was a transversal, cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study. All participants (n = 104) completed an anonymous online survey in order to analyze their sports nutrition knowledge and practices. In view of the obtained results, we can conclude that the knowledge of sport-specific nutrition in players under 18 years old, as well as non-professional and professional adult basketball players, is insufficient through all the categories and levels. The lack of professional support and time management difficulties were identified as some of the main barriers

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D Serum Levels Linked to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2228570, rs2282679, rs10741657) in Skeletal Muscle Aging in Institutionalized Elderly Men Not Supplemented with Vitamin D

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    Sarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging that results in an involution of muscle function and strength. Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem worldwide, especially among the elderly, and hypovitaminosis D leads to musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and presence of a possible linkage between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs2228570), serum 25-OH/D concentrations and the link with the degree of sarcopenia in 19 institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D. Levels of 25-OH vitamin D were quantified with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and 3 SNPs were genotyped with KASPar assays. Significant differences in 25-OH/D concentration were determined between the bi-allelic combinations of rs228679 and rs228570. We detected statistically significant weak positive correlations between the AA (rs10741657 and rs228570) and TT (rs228679) and alleles and 25-OH/D and the probability of having higher 25-OH/D concentrations was 2- to 3-fold higher. However, the GG alleles of the 3 SNPs showed that the probability of having optimal 25-0H/D concentrations decreases by 32% for rs10741657, 38% for rs228679, and 74% for rs228570, showing a strong negative correlation between the degree of sarcopenia and 25-OH/D levels. Allelic variations in CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs10741657) affect vitamin D levels and decisively influence the degree of sarcopenia in institutionalized elderly people.This research has been funded by the Chair of Knowledge and Innovation “Caja Rural de Soria” University of Valladolid Campus de Soria, Soria (Spain) in the call for funding research projects with project number SO-1-2020. D.F.-L. and J.M.-A. were members of the research team

    Iron and physical activity: Bioavailability enhancers, properties of black pepper (Bioperine®) and potential applications

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    Producción CientíficaBlack pepper (Piper nigrum L.) has been employed in medicine (epilepsy, headaches, and diabetes), where its effects are mainly attributed to a nitrogen alkaloid called piperidine (1-(1-[1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl]-1-oxo-2,4 pentenyl) piperidine). Piperine co-administered with vitamins and minerals has improved its absorption. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the impact of the joint administration of iron (Fe) plus black pepper in physically active healthy individuals. Fe is a micronutrient that aids athletic performance by influencing the physiological functions involved in endurance sports by improving the transport, storage, and utilization of oxygen. Consequently, athletes have risk factors for Fe depletion, Fe deficiency, and eventually, anemia, mainly from mechanical hemolysis, gastrointestinal disturbances, and loss of Fe through excessive sweating. Declines in Fe stores have been reported to negatively alter physical capacities such as aerobic capacity, strength, and skeletal muscle recovery in elite athletes. Thus, there is a need to maintain Fe storage, even if Fe intake meets the recommended daily allowance (RDA), and Fe supplementation may be justified in physically active individuals, in states of Fe deficiency, with or without anemia. Females, in particular, should monitor their Fe hematological profile. The recommended oral Fe supplements are ferrous or ferric salts, sulfate, fumarate, and gluconate. These preparations constitute the first line of treatment; however, the high doses administered have gastrointestinal side effects that reduce tolerance and adherence to treatment. Thus, a strategy to counteract these adverse effects is to improve the bioavailability of Fe. Therefore, piperine may benefit the absorption of Fe through its bioavailability enhancement properties. Three research studies of Fe associated with black pepper have reported improvements in parameters related to the metabolism of Fe, without adverse effects. Although more research is needed, this could represent an advance in oral Fe supplementation for physically active individuals